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Sung Hyuk 성혁


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nice/happy pix of the cast









Moon Ji sang is a great dad & too bad min jyung let him slipped away, it's a blessing though coz he deserves a better woman than min jyung!



he's got a gorgeous smile



he doesnt seem to have an imperfect profile! ahhh he's so handsome!






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cr: naver

cr: naver (i think from one of his early dramas)



[최미선 기자] 성혁, 두 글자보다 확실한 얼굴도장으로 대중들에게 친숙한 배우가 있다. 길거리 캐스팅이라는 우연한 기회로 연예계를 접했고 아이돌 연습생을 거쳐 배우의 길을 걷고 있는 성혁은 꽤 진솔했다.

30 대에 들어서서 배우에 대해 새로운 시각을 지니게 되었다는 성혁은 본인의 인생에 대한 이야기를 시작했다. ‘스타’로의 막연한 동경을 지녔던 10대를 지나 연기를 본격 시작하게 되었던 20대 그리고 성숙된 배우로 자리잡고 있는 30대까지.

그의 30대는 견고한 철학으로 가득했다. 음악에 대한 재미를 느껴 공연을 다니고 싶다는 작은 꿈과 영화에 대한 기획, 제작까지. 또 다시 40대를 준비하는 배우 성혁의 담백하면서도 솔직한 인생 스토리를 들어본다.
아이돌 연습생이었다니 놀랍다. 그럼 배우로 전향하게 된 계기가 있나.
사실 8살 때쯤 드라마 ‘모래시계’를 통해 배우에 대한 막연한 꿈을 키웠다. 연습생을 그만두면서 선택을 기로에 놓이게 되었다. 그리고 배우의 길에 들어서게 되었다.

특별히 애착이 남는 작품이 있다면.
연 기에 대한 인식이 바뀌게 된 ‘좋은 친구들’ 작품이 기억에 남는다. 그 때 처음으로 ‘연기라는 것이 참으로 어렵구나’와 ‘이렇게 연기를 해야 되겠다’라는 생각이 들었다. 그 때 연기에 대한 인식을 전환하게 되었다. 또 최근 이전과는 다른 악역 캐릭터를 맡아 연기하고 있는데 연기에 표현방식에 대한 생각을 달리 하게 되었다.

배우로서 지향하는 ‘연기’란 무엇인가.
연 기라는 메카니즘은 똑같지만 영화와 드라마는 깊이와 심도의 차이가 있다고 생각한다. 좀 더 깊고 설득력 있게 그리고 짜임새 있게 연기를 할 수 있는 영화 작품을 하고 싶다. 또 서로간의 치열한 호흡이 필요한 뮤지컬 공연을 하고 싶다. 나이를 먹으면서 노래에 대한 재미를 느끼게 되었는데 세상에서 가장 완벽한 연기는 바로 노래라고 생각한다. 이 둘을 동시에 할 수 있는 뮤지컬은 매력적인 장르라고 생각한다.
(looking so preppy)


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[크리스패션] 어패럴뉴스 / 한지혜 / 성혁 / 팬텀 / 팬텀골프&스포츠 / 골프웨어 / 필드패션 ​

[출처] [크리스패션] 어패럴뉴스 / 한지혜 / 성혁 / 팬텀 / 팬텀골프&스포츠 / 골프웨어 / 필드패션|작성자 크리스패션

(above with Han ji hye, they both look gorgeous & very young)


his rival in Jang bo ri :)

[TV리포트 = 조성진 기자] 배우 성혁과 오창석이 6일 오후 서울 영등포구 여의도동 한 음식점에서 열린 MBC 드라마 '왔다! 장보리'(백호민 연출, 김순옥 극본)종방연에 참석하고 있다.

오연서, 이유리, 오창석, 김지훈 등이 열연을 펼친 '왔다! 장보리'는 친딸과 양딸이라는 신분의 뒤바뀜으로 극도의 갈등 상황에 놓이게 되는 두 딸과 두 어머니의 이야기로 오는 12일 종영한다.



another scene from JBR as Moon ji sang

‘왔다 장보리’ 배우 성혁이 ‘문실장’ 캐릭터를 잘 살린 수트 패션으로 눈길을 끈다.

성혁은 MBC 주말드라마 ‘왔다 장보리’(극본 김순옥, 연출 백호민)에서 냉미남의 수트룩을 선보이며, 복수의 화신 문지상 역을 완벽하게 표현하고 있다. 184cm의 훤칠한 키에 뚜렷한 이목구비의 성혁은 깔끔한 수트핏으로 극 중 스타일 변신에 성공, 차갑게 변신한 ‘문실장’ 캐릭터를 잘 살리고 있다는 호평을 받고 있다.

극 초반 편안한 캐주얼룩을 즐겨 입던 성혁의 스타일이 변하게 된 이유는 그가 이유리에게 배신당한 후 오창석(이재희 역)의 최측근이자 신임 받는 비서로 일하게 되었기 때문. 성혁은 스타일 변신뿐 아니라 이유리를 향한 반격을 치밀하게 준비, 그녀의 거짓말과 악행을 밀도 있게 파고들며 이유리의 숨통을 조여가고 있다. ‘왔다 장보리’ 최강 악녀 이유리를 잡을 유일한 해결사로 활약 중인 성혁의 긴장감 넘치는 연기에 안방 시청자들의 호평이 쏟아지고 있다.


must be one of his recordings as he sings as well! (cr: naver)

배우 성혁이 MBC ‘다큐 프라임’으로 첫 내레이션에 도전한다.

성혁은 23일 방송되는 ‘다큐 프라임-청년, 세계를 품다!’에서 특유의 진중한 보이스로 취업 대란에서 살아남기 위해 끊임없이 노력하고 꿈과 일자리를 찾아 해외로 나가 글로벌 경쟁을 펼치고 있는 대한민국 청년들의 이야기를 전달한다.


this must be in one of his reality shows in SK


this photos must be from his Kiz on the block game


nice pix with his Jang Bo ri buddies :)


another posing with his JBR costars


with Jang Bori & Min jyung's mean mother :)


photo from Kiz on the Block game (i guess)


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i remember this scene from Jang Bo ri where min jung was checking on his condition & little did she know he's awaken big time :)

is it only me or he does look like my other favorite K actor Kim ji hoon (of Jang Bo ri) ?




우리동네 예체능 정형돈 성혁 왔다 장보리 패러디
LOLs I remember the group match was teasing him to reenactment on how he attempted to strangle Min jung in Jan Bo ri :))

FNC_성혁 (1)




Looks like they became buddies during Jan Bo Ri drama
왔다장보리 마지막회 비단이
scene from JBR

‘우리동네 예체능’ 성혁
i luvd their scenes in JBR, he would've been a great dad to Bi dan for sure! glad that Bi dan didn't inherit her mother's evil deeds, but she got the kindness from her father Moon ji sang!

:) his buddies from new drama You Are The Only One (2014-2015)



티브이데일리 포토
Press Con in his new drama YATOO (You're the only one)

MBC interview regarding his Tennis match

ummhhh looks like this is the love of his life?
scene from JBR

arghhh this scene made me teary, how cld Bi dan wait 20 yrs to call him appa or dad? i also wished he heard her utter while she was standing there!
i wished there's a sequel with just their part of the story Bi dan & her dad Moon Ji sang, that'll be great!

one of those touching scenes in JBR

왔다 장보리 47회
if i wld have to rewatch this drama JBR I'd really wanna see their scenes again



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(video interview when he received an award above link)

another scene from his new drama You're the Only One

(with gaeul of JBR drama)

(presscon of You're The Only One drama)

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Below are just some of the nice comments about SH in AsianWiki:


JJ Jan 23 2015 1:08 pm I am a huge (new) fan of Sung Hyuk after seeing him in Jang Bori & now watching him You are..he's awesome also in Bride of the Century drama, some of you compared him to Hyun Bin & i agree they cld pass as brothers! I like his acting, his voice & i sure hope/pray he gets a lot of recognition coz he should really shine among the other K actors i've watched/seen! I'm not usually for lengthy dramas but with him in it it's all worth my while! fighting & keep up the good work! You're the most for me! :) <3<3<3 You were awesome as Moon Ji sang, Jigeun & Yu hun & can't wait to see more of your other (old) projects! fighting & when i visit SK, i hope/pray to meet you! Take care! Annyeong ha sae yo

sangjhoon Jan 20 2015 1:54 pm i really like you in all the dramas i've seen of you & happy that you'll be seen again in the new drama only you my love! you were great too in jang bo ri drama! all da best to you in all your endeavors! you have a load of potential & glad you're being recognized for it! your fan in America! fighting!

hibiscus Jan 15 2015 1:06 pm first time seeing you in only you my love or you are the only one & i like you v much already! i hope to see more of you & pray that you'll be successful in your endeavors! aside from your good looks, you are great in your roles & very natural, even as Moon Ji sang! sarang hae yo

jiji Jan 06 2015 9:32 am first time seeing you in a drama YATOO & i'm liking you already! fighting

i love kbsworld Jan 02 2015 1:34 pm Sung Hyuk Oppa Jang Bori Is Here in You Are The Only One with Han Chae Ah Unni Bridal Mask....Lee Jigeon and Song Dowon

aaaa Dec 16 2014 9:20 am Oh My Gawd...I love his character, he's so manly, I just died when he took Dowon's phone and changed his name to "Boyfriend". Wish I had a guy like that. One who has the guts to take the lead in a relationship. Most male leads in kdramas these days are like puppies on a leash dragged by their parents specially their moms, but Jigeon knows what he wants and who he wants to be with.

minjung Dec 10 2014 10:15 pm You are verry handsome Oppa!

Ei Thinzar Han Oct 18 2014 4:04 am I Love You Oppa. May I know your facebook account or something that I can contact with you. Please.

Yessy Sep 14 2014 9:16 am I love Sung Hyuk! Such an amazing actor that is always set aside as a secondary role. He really deserves to be the lead in a great drama. He's an amazing actor plus he's soo handsome. He knows how to melt your heart when he cries and makes you smile with his beautiful smile. I love him in Jang Bori is here and Bride of the Century... Please give him a lead role. Love you Oppa!!!

norma Aug 19 2014 5:11 am Such a natural talent. I like him to have a lead role in the near future. Good luck!

norma Aug 19 2014 5:08 am I like him. He should have a lead role next time. Acting seems natural to him. Good luck on your future roles!


sangjhoon Jan 20 2015 1:54 pm i really like you in all the dramas i've seen of you & happy that you'll be seen again in the new drama only you my love! you were great too in jang bo ri drama! all da best to you in all your endeavors! you have a load of potential & glad you're being recognized for it! your fan in America! fighting!

hibiscus Jan 15 2015 1:06 pm first time seeing you in only you my love or you are the only one & i like you v much already! i hope to see more of you & pray that you'll be successful in your endeavors! aside from your good looks, you are great in your roles & very natural, even as Moon Ji sang! sarang hae yo

jiji Jan 06 2015 9:32 am first time seeing you in a drama YATOO & i'm liking you already! fighting

i love kbsworld Jan 02 2015 1:34 pm Sung Hyuk Oppa Jang Bori Is Here in You Are The Only One with Han Chae Ah Unni Bridal Mask....Lee Jigeon and Song Dowon

aaaa Dec 16 2014 9:20 am Oh My Gawd...I love his character, he's so manly, I just died when he took Dowon's phone and changed his name to "Boyfriend". Wish I had a guy like that. One who has the guts to take the lead in a relationship. Most male leads in kdramas these days are like puppies on a leash dragged by their parents specially their moms, but Jigeon knows what he wants and who he wants to be with.

minjung Dec 10 2014 10:15 pm You are verry handsome Oppa!

Ei Thinzar Han Oct 18 2014 4:04 am I Love You Oppa. May I know your facebook account or something that I can contact with you. Please.

Yessy Sep 14 2014 9:16 am I love Sung Hyuk! Such an amazing actor that is always set aside as a secondary role. He really deserves to be the lead in a great drama. He's an amazing actor plus he's soo handsome. He knows how to melt your heart when he cries and makes you smile with his beautiful smile. I love him in Jang Bori is here and Bride of the Century... Please give him a lead role. Love you Oppa!!!

norma Aug 19 2014 5:11 am Such a natural talent. I like him to have a lead role in the near future. Good luck!

norma Aug 19 2014 5:08 am I like him. He should have a lead role next time. Acting seems natural to him. Good luck on your future roles!

Mune Jul 14 2014 11:29 pm I adore this guy. He has so much talent... I'm watching Jang Bo Ri because of him. I hope he gets a good romcom lead in the future.

Khele Jun 23 2014 9:24 am He's so handsome at "Bride of the Century" I like his cute and innocent smile. :) Hope to see him as a MAIN CAST in the next KDrama! Lets give him a BIG hug(^^,) FIGHTING!!!

panda EXO Jun 06 2014 3:59 am OMO !! is he looks like hyun bin ?? even if hyun bin had a son ?? would be that match ??

Ozmo Jun 04 2014 11:10 pm This guy, Sung Hyuk, is definitely leading man material. His look is perfect in every way, and he is an excellent actor. He must be given the chance to shine and show what he can do.

Ozmo Jun 04 2014 10:51 pm Sung Hyuk is my pick in Bride of the Century. He is perfect in every way! So gorgeous!

doo rim May 20 2014 1:36 am And also they have the same height. They are tall guys. Handsome men hehe.. but Lee Hong Ki is the best for me.. 2nd is Hyun Bin-oppa.:)

love May 07 2014 4:19 pm He looks more like Hyun Bin and Kim Hyun Joong.. Specialy his voice.. it sounds the same for me.

Clara Apr 18 2014 3:37 pm He looks like Hyun bin . I think it's his long lost brother

YaniahSahm Apr 18 2014 1:44 pm I found him so look alike to Hyun Bin :)

nana Apr 08 2014 10:30 pm I want to know him more about life style,hobbie,work,love bla bla bla~

Patty Boonharn Apr 07 2014 10:03 pm Sung Hyuk is such a lovely personality ... I agreed that he is very charming and got a very beautiful smile. I hope to see him in more drama... Keep fighting my Brother... We will support you forever.

Elizabeeth Mar 31 2014 12:37 pm Sung Hyuk is absolutely perfect, beautiful smile, so cute, beautiful teeth, perfect personality. I hope he is in more dramas, would make a wonderful leading man. He is just absolutely gorgeous. Loving him in Bride of the Century. He is so kind and pure. I hope this drama has a happy ending and I hope Sung Hyuk is happy, he deserves it, what a perfect character.

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Actor Sung Hyuk has an intense look and he debuted in 2005 through the drama "Let's Go to the Beach". Since then, he built his acting skills through various drama productions and he is kick-starting his acting career once again. The drama "Bride of the Century" was his comeback production after his military discharge. And now, he's back on the small screens through the drama "Jang Bo-ri is Here". He's starring in productions non-stop and is his is prime as an actor. Our enjoyable story about actor Sung Hyuk will unfold soon!

From this arirang interview i'm happy to learn he already did his milit service then he  returned to the screen to do the drama Bride of the Century!
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