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[Drama 2015] Falling For Innocence 순정에 반하다


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I couldn't watch properly but it seems JH took the CEO position? SJ left her office and MH chase after her, he tries to bring her back I think, but she leaves and cross the street with red light on, there's a car almost hitting her and then *CF*

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lovcom00 said: I couldn't watch properly but it seems JH took the CEO position? SJ left her office and MH chase after her, he tries to bring her back I think, but she leaves and cross the street with red light on, there's a car almost hitting her and then *CF*

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my connection resumes..
SJ and MH talking/arguing at the sidewalk, SJ walks, crosses the street, a speedy car approaching with loud horns,.commercial break...
MH saved her and scolded her, ...then goes the strange heartbeat again and KISS, the end  :\"> :x

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minoz_joyax said: my connection resumes..
SJ and MH talking/arguing at the sidewalk, SJ walks, crosses the street, a speedy car approaching with loud horns,.commercial break...
MH saved her and scolded her, ...then goes the strange heartbeat again and KISS, the end  :\"> :x

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i wish i understand what they said.... :)) :)) why minho u look like dont have power now to attack JH and the gang?? X( X( X( thankful the revenge between minho n her uncle will end..i want peaceful from them...

the preview make me confuse..waiting for sub...why soon jung look like nothing happen..so curious..
:-? :-?
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@ruzikie Kiss happened, he saves her embracing her, shouts at her, stares at her *major heart pounding* then proceed to kiss her *dies*

I couldn't understand a thing from the preview apart from SJ asking to JH something like "You didn't do this, right?" and SJ walking in front of MH's house "What you're doing here?" she is surprised and almost falls, but OF COURSE MH catches her in his arms *claps*

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i didn't see much in the preview due to my slow connection...
MH, JH and others were in a social gathering, not sure tho... the two are debating again.....lagged....SJ stalking outside MH's house, she has no idea MH is at her back, she accidentally bumped into him and BACKHUG, kyaaaaah ~~^^  8-> 8-> 8->

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I dont think MH fallen rock bottom just that since JH is now the new Chairman he is higher than MH despite MH still having most of the shares in the company. All the decisions made of the company will be from JH now

VIKI has it out on raw... geez thats quick. Might need to watch it again esp the :x :)) =)) =))

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minoz_joyax said: i didn't see much in the preview due to my slow connection...
MH, JH and others were in a social gathering, not sure tho... the two are debating again.....lagged....SJ stalking outside MH's house, she has no idea MH is at her back, she accidentally bumped into him and BACKHUG, kyaaaaah ~~^^  8-> 8-> 8->

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Hai @selenette maybe we meet in KMHM thread...
@minoz_joyax thank's for recap, my apologies can't joint to live recaping although i can watch it with no lag. Because I can't arranged the right word to describing some scene. I wonder how #minoz can typing while watching the series.
I'll try to completing Minoz's recap. Wish it helped
First minute of tonight is about JH's flashback about his friendship memory with SJ, he can't approaching SJ because he feel insecure cause SJ's parent has higher position than his parent. After DW is dead he think he can approach to SJ but he always have a wrong timing.

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