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[Drama 2015] Falling For Innocence 순정에 반하다


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@selenette Don't be sad because of the book The little prince! First of all, the one who was reading the book was JH and not MH. Even if I compared the rose with MH, I somehow think that the rose can be also seen as SJ (due to the expression the lady) who is acting as strong but is vulnerable in reality, just like the rose and the little prince as JH who treated the rose very well but only came to realise too late that he loved the rose as she was just pretending to be strong and he had misunderstood her. JH /the prince thinks too highly of SJ /the rose that's why he is hurt all the time. There are strong parallels between the rose/the prince's relationship and SJ/JH's relationship.  It is too late for SJ to love JH. Besides, the book is also about friendship, the prince who was alone met the fox who taught him what friendship is.

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Sorry, if I am talking again about the book The little prince!! The book's message is not to forget the "child" in us meaning the innocence in us which is really related to MH. The adults described in the book are negatively portraited: they judge people by their appearances, value a house based on its price and believe they know the son because of the father's income. Saint-Exupery wanted to point out that adults are vain, greedy, intellectually lazzy and too materialistic. That's why the story is also connected to JH who seems to have no innocence at all because he acted like an adult as a child, whereas MH lost his innocence to the tragedies that occured in his life. The narrator in The little prince is an adult who realises the importance of keeping the innocence /child in him after meeting the little prince and I believe, we can see that it is MH's case too.  

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I've tried so hard looking at "The Little Prince" from Joon-hee's pov but I saw Min-ho and Soon-jung everywhere in it, that it made me a shipwreck (LOL yeah I'm so weepy and overdramatic).

EDIT: Sorry I removed the spoiler tags, after all there are already posts about the book by  @bebebisous 33 (Thanks for cheering me up, dear. Maybe I should just take some sugary stuff to cheer myself up or something. *hugsssss* )



In the book are a businessman who only cares for numbers. He wants to claims stars that aren't his. There are also mentions of adults with similar tendencies.

That's so Min-ho.

Stars ownership and claim = mergers and acquisitions of mega companies. 

Min-ho divides, seizes and claims the companies. Who will own those companies, anyway? Not him.  

Min-ho even said so in Eps 1,2 and 6: that numbers are all that matters to him. I wonder if the book is where the writer got that expression from.  That part of him still hasn't changed much, sadly.

I know Joon-hee's probably irredeemable but he never openly calls himself "caring for numbers". He only said he'd done "dirty things" (or something like that) in Ep 2. 



Joon-hee was never a prince to begin with, neither has he ever seen himself as one. Min-ho and Soon-jung were the little prince (a "young master", as Soon-jung addressed him in Ep 1)  and princess (a "lady" as she was introduced to Joon-hee and how she was called by Dong-wook) when they were children.



Joon-hee's friendship with Soon-jung has never been rocky, Maybe it will be, later, when the truth is out about everything, but Min-ho and Soon-jung's working relationship and romance are rocky

The prince and the rose (the author and his wife Consuelo) had a difficult relationship. 


The rose admitted that she loved the little prince, but she still had to let him go anyway. In the end, the little prince longed to go back to the rose

We'll never know if he ever did go back to her, although the narrator wished he could make sure of it. 

Sure, this could be Joon-hee's final fate, but I don't know, I'm afraid there will be separation between Min-ho and Soon-jung That there will be misunderstanding between the two of them, and maybe there will be a time jump...

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Like I said, I do not know much about technical names and stuff used in that scene, all I can comment is my take on the “vibe” I get from watching it. You can have 100 people watch on that same scene and you will get 100 different “reports” of what they see or feel when they are looking at it; so here are mine.

Like @selenette said booth MH and that little girl are dressed in (more or less) - just white, or if you want they are - deprived of color, and then that little pink ball comes rolling into the scene. MH instinctively uses his leg to stop the ball and only then look up to see where from did this “strange” object arrive; in comes that little girl that also literaly just - pop in, into the frame. She asks him for the ball back, and he uses his booth hands to pick up the ball, and then uses his left hand to reach out and hold the ball for her to take it herself, and she smiles brightly like the sun itself, and say; thank you!!! And you are asking yourself; am I mental? Why am I “writing” what is “on a screen”, none of you are blind, and you can see it for yourself. Ha ha… the point is this… just like MHs brain has/did have, only number and percentage in it, that way I am always looking for what is “behind” the most obvious “in your face” view that I am being served.

All of the above stands, but if you wish you can interpret that scene like this to;
If you want something in life you have to; first ask for it, and then reach out - and take it yourself. Expecting for someone to know what you want and just magically placed in your lap is not the way the world works. (this referring to the little girl) Same way you should be grateful for the things you get, no matter how big or small they are.

In life there will always be unexpected thing that will come “rolling” your way, there is nothing you can do to stop that from happening; the only thing you CAN choose is; how to react to it. (this referring to MH in this scene) Something in the line; When something in life goes wrong, just yell; PLOT TWIST, and move on. And ultimately not everything “odd” that rolls into your life, is necessary a bad thing.


As to cinematic aspect to the scene, like I said I know close to nothing so the only thing I can comment is referring to camera angle in this shot. Booth MH and the little girl are on the “same level”, he is sitting down while the girl is standing up and they are more or less at the same eye-level. The camera is shooting from the low angle all the time, making them booth appear bigger, or more important or more “powerful” then us, but they themselves start as equal. Now, if you fallow the ball, the “importance” btw MH and the little girl is changing; when MH is the one that has “that strange object” a.k.a. - the pink ball, he is shot standing/sitting “above” the girl. When little girl gets her ball back the camera is way from low angle - full focus on her, and she is now more “powerful” then MH, because; she has - the pink ball now. Ha ha … I will stop with this mumbo jumbo because I actually came here to say something in regard to the scene itself, not all this interpretation.


What I want to talk about in this scene; is MH. Everyone is pretty much from the get go convinced, that the person we are looking at here - is DW, and his famous “let me tap your nose” character trait, but then… there is weirdo like me, that always see things little differently than most people. Ha ha…If you look at that scene, it is MH that is pushed around by his secretary in that wheelchair. The entire time during this scene the light (the sun) is behind MH back. The only thing he see, is the shadow that it cast on the ground in front of him. Story of his life theme going on here, much?!? Yes, they are outside, and there is life all around him, the people passing by, the traffic noise, and nature sounds, even his secretary talking, but all this is irrelevant to MH, he is more or less absorbed in his own world and refuses to see, or be part of anything pass his own cold world in the shadows he is facing and is basking in, and ultimately – IS familiar with.

Then we have that girl popping out of nowhere and standing in front of him. Just like her pink ball, that is a first hint of color in MHs dark world - she is strange creature that has just invaded MH world. As if to point out to us; that little ball made a crack in otherwise perfectly strong glass walls MH had around himself to this day in time - to “protect his darkness and coldness” and never let anyone inside. The PINK ball got pass the walls, got inside, and is stopped by the ever so vigilante and ever so confused MH. But as it always is, as soon as there is a even a small crack in the wall - it will only get bigger, and que – in follows the little girl and her little barbie doll ( I would kill to have her hold Elsa doll, but o well ha ha )  and the hole in wall just got bigger and bigger.

But that is not all. If you look more closely; the little girl is facing toward the sun, this is why she is from the first frame bathing in light; even if she now is – “in MHs world” and is practically standing on/next to his dark shadow/world and is more or less invading his “personl space”. Especially after MH gives her back the ball, the camera moves us in MH POV and we like him, can see it to; she is practically “glowing” in the sunlight. For a person like him, that has, by chance or choice; lived in the dark for so long - she is practically blinding. Just like his new found life (he never had even 1% expectation to get) that was just given to him - this chance to live, just like that little girl - is blinding to him.

They are booth standing under the same sky and in the same place, but she is complete opposite of him. The reason he reaches his hand to tap her nose, is in my opinion not (just) because he was DW in that moment, but preciously because - he WAS MH, that he did that. For me, from the first time I saw this scene; he appear like a little kid - that has seen/realized something for the first time. The reason he touches her nose was because he could practically see and touch - THE SUN, reflected on the tip of her nose, and all over her face for that matter; and is fascinated by that. That was the reason he smiles like a little 8 year old kid, all innocent and amazed by his discovery. He could actually touch the sun for a moment there. Fascinating!!!

Laughter… it sparkles like a splash of water in sunlight

Just like @selenette mentioned in the beginning of her post; it is “the spark in his eye” before his mouth to - follow to smile. If you look at his face throughout the scene, he has this half serious half des-interested look all the time, only after he returns the ball to her, does he takes the second look at her, and kind of starts “scanning” her face, like he saw “something” there and is now following where it comes from and what it is. And then; we to, slowly see the light reflection in his eye and face as a direct connection to the light the little girl has broth into the scene, and into his life. This sunlight is now freely spilling all over the scene and onto MH to, and he can’t wait but must check for himself; is it real? Is it really as warm like the sun itself? And that’s why he proceed to move out of his comfort zone and reach out of his darkness/shadow - to touch her nose and smile in relief and amazement; I to can touch and be in the sun once again. I to - AM alive. It is like, all that talk doctor and his secretary said about him being lucky and alive did not quite sink into his brain yet, not until this little girl pops in and smile at him and put his thoughts into perspective – he really IS alive.

A smile is the shortest distance between two people.

The only reason we are from the start “convinced” it is 100% DW and not MH is because we know; MH just got DW heart, we read the drama synopsis, and we are force-fed this half creepy music plus instant follow by the picture of DW himself touching SJ nose in the exact same way, and are instantly “programmed” to make only one conclusion; it IS DW. But if you watch this scene from different angle; all you get is light, sun light and more sunlight, and MH looking like a little innocent kid that has returned to his childhood. Just like; all the surrounding noise seam to disappear the moment he takes notice of the sun on the little girl, and time itself seem like it has “stopped” or become “irrelevant” in that scene, it had exact opposite meaning for MH. Now that his walls have been breached by the sun, his dark frozen world is slowly dissolving in the sunlight and he himself is taking a step out of his shadow-like-world into the sunlight. His time has now finally for the first time – started to flow – full speed ahead, he can finally see some future in front of him. New sun, new day, new life, new future - new him. What can I say: all I see in that scene; is MH, like woken up from his year’s long dream/nightmare.

You can’t fight the dark.
You can WAIT for the light.

You can LOOK for the light.

You can SHARE light.

Or - YOU can SHINE.

If you want I can talk just about that pink ball. The ball is round, and is turning - just like the Earth itself, one moment is here, and the next there, in the light and in the dark; it is the same ball just depending on your point of view – just like life. The ball is “a little” flat on air I would say … ha ha  – which makes her very bendable and adjustable to the situation in hand, be it MH squeezing the life out of her with booth of his hands or little girl holding it gently. Just like in life – you need to adapt to the situation in hand. The more “bendable/adjustable” you are, the better are your chances of surviving/overcoming the situation.

So if you wish you could say MH himself for the first time in life – came to understand the “Earth rotation” first hand that day… ha ha… But not like DW; with falling in love with SJ (not jet anyway) ha ha. But with this little girl in front of him, he came to understand; that in life-  just the fact he IS alive, and breathing on this very Earth is what makes the world go round, his world anyway. Just like that little girl, she is all ecstatic – just to get her ball back. It is the little things in life that matter the most.

DW was more emotionally “advanced” when he died, then MH is now, but you must understand that MH was just “born” into this new world of emotion of his. For him, the fact that he now has “a life” is an overpowering notion he is jet to fully get. Love is not on his “to do” or “to have” list; not as of jet. Just like it was not in DWs life, not from the very first second he meets SJ as a kid did he get it; who she is to him. It was time he spends with her, and his constant need to be around her - that made DW gradually realize “Earth rotation” a.k.a. I AM in love with her. He did not magically had epiphany the second he saw her – and said in Kdrama style; that she is the girl of his dreams then and there. It was a process for him to, and it will be for MH to.

The sun itself is week when it first rises, and gather strength and courage as the day gets on.

It is like I said before; it not that everything MH does, that’s similar to DW, that makes him “DW operated zombie”. It is in fact MH; just taking baby steps. The direction MH is taking happens to be very similar to DW, but then again, it is similar to many other people as well, we just choose to see it as DW in him. It is because MH and DW ware in my opinion very similar as kids, but then life took a strange turn, and for whatever reason, time stopped - for bout of them. MH has frozen his childhood and decided to grow up from one day to the next leaving all that is innocent and child-like behind him. And at the same time, like I pointed out before; DW to has frozen his time to, but unlike MH, he decided to “never grow up”, and stay innocent and child like all his life.

Those two were very similar at the beginning, and then somehow become two ends of the same extreme. Their “time” has started to move once again from the night of the accident – moving them booth toward the center of the line. Starting from that night DW; that was always on the “white” end of the pole, had to face he is growing up; with all this gray world dilemma, as of what to do about JH. But as luck would have it, he died before he could ever finish his worry and fully become adult. And then we have MH on the other end of the pole as “black”; he has made his peace with the fact he WILL die, maybe not today; but by the end of the week/month - certainly. And then all of a sudden he wakes up, and his “unlimited” time miraculously starts flowing forward once again. Like he himself said; now that he was given this second chance, he may as well go and - LIVE. MH is now slowly moving from his former dark end of the pole - toward the gray center; allowing some of his former child like innocence and light into his life. I say it will be when he and DW “meat” at the very center of their personalities that they will booth let go of their past, and each other.

Your past is like a shadow. You can’t shake it off. You can’t disown it. So just - accept it; and MOVE ON.

I am not in any way denying any of this cellular memory aspect of the show. I fully accept that it is possible and highly probable that MH has dreams about last minutes of DW life. It is the emotion and memory that was the strongest and most present in him in the moment he died. I have no problem with that part of the plot (as long he does not start to dream about DW and SJ as kids playing  house or what not that is … ha ha).  It is like they say; ghost/spirit is nothing more then - unfinished business. So whatever lingering filings or memory there are present in DWs heart now, are there because he still needs to “complete” something before he can let go completely.

His desire to pick up; one last time – a call from “his lady” and his “need” to find and bring to justice whoever it was - that did, run him over that night is what kept him alive that night. For how ever short he was conscious it was due to his will power alone, the fact that his body refused to “die” even when his brain was apparently dead shows the “will power” factor that no doctor or medicine to this day could ever explain or define, but at the same time – could also never deny just the same. His anger, or if you wish, his need for “revenge” by caching his killer and his strong feeling of love toward SJ stayed “carved” into the very essence of him and his heart, that is now in MH. And this is why I say he will not leave MH alone before his “truth” about his killer is brought to the light of day. Only then is there any chance for MH to “take over” full control of his life.

But I must say; this is where I would like to leave all this “cellular memory thing” for this show. I give “DWs heart” his last memories and even some of his traits; lollipop for his bored/lonely mouth, his kung fu fighting “instincts”, and so on, but I more or less draw the line at all the “emotion” that are slowly awakening in MH now. Not all of them (or any of them) are present just because of DWs heart. MH interest in SJ did not start just from the time he got DWs heart. Those two had their share of interaction way before that. There was no romantic feelings involved what-so-ever I give you that, but MH did take interest in SJ as another human being, that is in a way similar to him, and at the same time, keep exceeding his expectation of her “traitors daughter” role.

So for this matter I say his emotions are his own. They are coming out 100 times more powerful and more clear than ever before, but that is because he is felling them for the first time in 25 years, so it is like being hit by that “truck of doom”, not once but; time and time again. Everything is new and shinny to him now, to shinny to be able to even see what IS in front of him, his eyes are still like his heart; way to much accustomed to the darkness to be able to live in this bright new world he has before him now.

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

Ok, this is all for now, no more time to play. And I just written how many pages and how many words about this half a minute long scene?!?! And the saddest part is; this is not the half of what I wanted to say about JUST that scene, but luckily I have no more time…


I love your posts and like other people said -  your English is just fine so just keep posting whenever you get the chance as much as you can… ha ha… ultimately, the only way you can learn and perfect new language or anything else in life, is by practice, practice and more practice. So use this opportunity for that if nothing else. And if any “weirdo” from the real world has something to say about the time you spend in here watching and commenting Kdrama; you can say with a sound mind and clear heart – I am not (just) watching and talking about “some” drama; I am in fact – learning English. It just so happen that the topic in hand is MH and SJ and not that ever so popular Jack and Jill from all those eng textbooks. ha ha… it is all in the attitude and the perspective 

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@Moon_Fars Omo, were you seriously asking me about a translation? Er... maybe in 1st line the "she's awesome" should've been "she's funny?"  But I'm not sure. You're much, much better than me in translating. :)


* * *

@ruzikie Thanks for the mv on p.81! I've fallen in love with the song. The mv maker has chosen her song really well...it's like Min-ho wrote that song! For everyone else who is interested, the song is AK-69 "Never Let Me Down"  ft A.I.

It suits Min-ho so much because of these reasons:

Basically the song is about the last moments of a cold-hearted, faithless, and greedy businessman. Similar to Min-ho, the song's narrator had almost died at least twice before this. 

He doesn't think that he deserves to be saved again, because his only 'virtues' are his greed, his profit-making, and his self-interest. I bet Min-ho used to think of himself that way.

In those times of dying,  there's this one girl who's always with him, she's even crying for him at that moment.

He doesn't think he deserves the girl's tears, when she's not even his lover. She's Soon-jung to Min-ho.

The narrator had a painful childhood, so he had to grow up so fast. He considers "nothing in a kid's dream has roots in this world" (which reminds me of @miriamdream2 's posts on Min-ho as a disillusioned child). 

He keeps alluding to "them" in this song, which IMHO are: the people who hurt him in the past and the people who are just as bad as he is. In Min-ho's case these are the betrayers (his uncle and all Hermians) and the schemers (Joon-hee, Ji-hyun, etc).

Translation of the song lyrics:




I want to escape... 

Someone, set me free to someplace 

At least, let me dream. 

There is no choice [for me] but to go on

And to believe that there is another side to this darkness I'm traveling into.

Baby, don't cry!

Thank you for your sympathy, but I'm not even worthy to be saved anyway 

There is no choice for me but to go on and leave them to their own devices. 


Who's the puppet, the manipulated?

Blood always spills through the brunt [force of the clash]

Heaven's dream bells are unheard

Kids hang out at a local Seven [Eleven?]

But I found that what [they] actually seek, has no roots in this world

I've forgotten my longings as a kid, as [soon as] my hope was broken

Frustration is a memorized melody that was swept away in a black wave 

As black rain is pouring hard,

The god-playing Government is smiling in its felony 

I'm destined to go anyway

My postcard to heaven has been stamped

Tell me the recipe for peace; in the way that the girl is crying for me

Set me free...


As time, heaven, and hell are approaching me, 

God and me, we talk about my greed, my profit-seeking, and my f*cking self-interest


[back to CHORUS]


What I love about death is the blurred peace on the other side

Like flowers I left on a cold lover

As talks of religious war, Freemason, Illuminati, ghetto, Ferrari,

And a betrayal of hidden uranium are raging,

in this angels and demons war,

I've decided to bear the care'm not Karma

I don't have time, I've become aware of it, and I've picked my own end date

My life has been rescheduled twice, anyway,

so my hoofs are taking off from this road

As I sit in the backseat and bet my life's price,

Because I can only accept that as there is light, there is shadow, too


Ha ha, I look picture-perfect, in the hard way,

in the next beat of wind and rain. return my reason,

my freedom of choice, as you mock my powerlessness.

[back to CHORUS]


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@selenette The little prince is called as such by the narrator, but he never used himself the expression that's why I believe, the little prince never saw himself as a prince! I think, the narrator decided to name him like that because of his importance to him. He gave him back something special: the child in him. He made him realise that important things in life can't be seen by the eyes: love, friendship are what matters in life.

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@bebebisous33 Yeah, I'm trying to see the book in a more positive perspective. Besides, this drama isn't melodrama...or is it? I think my anxiety for the genre also affected me in that moment. Thanks so much anyway!

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larus said: onnififi said:@bityxu Hello my dear and nice to meet you here. Thanks for sharing the MV, and I like it so much!  But chingu ar, after watching your MV, you are making me, wanted to watch Ep 1-6 all over again! :D:D And you spoiler, its MH hands right you are refering to? Good observation dear!  :-bd

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Prof_Talk said: Got a First Impression article Link for everyone!
Drama for Real says Yay!
Falling for Innocence has me falling for it pretty much immediately. 
Link: http://dramaforreal.com/2015/04/22/falling-for-innocence-first-impression/

How About you? class="site-title" style="box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; border-image-source: initial; border-image-slice: initial; border-image-width: initial; border-image-outset: initial; border-image-repeat: initial; margin: 6px 0px 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; clear: both;"

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selenette said: @Ohuihui I don't sympathize with Joon-hee in his pursuit of Soon-jung, but I do with his anger towards the money-grubbing relatives. It's too awful that I learned this by experience, but in short similar thing happened to me.

People like those relatives of Joon-hee's would dump you when they're rich, and come and beg when your circumstances are better.

So, although I don't like how Joon-hee treats his father, I do understand why he was angry and rude at the relatives. Not that I condone such behavior, I just understand his reasons.

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onnififi said: @larus my apology from my typo error its SY hand..... If Im not wrong with what @bityxu meant...when MH unconscious while he was with SY, he will be on the left and SY is on the right......she would grab his back head with the same way, I mean left hand.....sorry for my bad English let me repost the pics..btw I am also curious, is she a left handed?

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larus said:
onnififi said: @larus my apology from my typo error its SY hand..... If Im not wrong with what @bityxu meant...when MH unconscious while he was with SY, he will be on the left and SY is on the right......she would grab his back head with the same way, I mean left hand.....sorry for my bad English let me repost the pics..btw I am also curious, is she a left handed?

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bebebisous33 said: Sorry, if I am talking again about the book The little prince!! The book's message is not to forget the "child" in us meaning the innocence in us which is really related to MH. The adults described in the book are negatively portraited: they judge people by their appearances, value a house based on its price and believe they know the son because of the father's income. Saint-Exupery wanted to point out that adults are vain, greedy, intellectually lazzy and too materialistic. That's why the story is also connected to JH who seems to have no innocence at all because he acted like an adult as a child, whereas MH lost his innocence to the tragedies that occured in his life. The narrator in The little prince is an adult who realises the importance of keeping the innocence /child in him after meeting the little prince and I believe, we can see that it is MH's case too.  

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MH learned his lesson after the finger incident. He saw that JH had brought her to his doctor friend therefore MH decided to bring her to the hospital after she got slapped. However, SJ didn't pay attention to it. Interesting is that she is never expecting anything from him, but she is receiving a lot from him and she doesn't notice it. Moreover, she has been saved by him already three times.
I loved the scene where MH is so shaken after hearing from SJ she had worried for him... he ran hiding behind the door and was so upset. I am sure, it was the first time he heard such a comment from someone. Neither the uncle nor the aunt took care of his wellbeing which shows how self-centered and greedy they were.

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bebebisous33 said: MH learned his lesson after the finger incident. He saw that JH had brought her to his doctor friend therefore MH decided to bring her to the hospital after she got slapped. However, SJ didn't pay attention to it. Interesting is that she is never expecting anything from him, but she is receiving a lot from him and she doesn't notice it. Moreover, she has been saved by him already three times.
I loved the scene where MH is so shaken after hearing from SJ she had worried for him... he ran hiding behind the door and was so upset. I am sure, it was the first time he heard such a comment from someone. Neither the uncle nor the aunt took care of his wellbeing which shows how self-centered and greedy they were.

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larus said: bebebisous33 said: MH learned his lesson after the finger incident. He saw that JH had brought her to his doctor friend therefore MH decided to bring her to the hospital after she got slapped. However, SJ didn't pay attention to it. Interesting is that she is never expecting anything from him, but she is receiving a lot from him and she doesn't notice it. Moreover, she has been saved by him already three times.
I loved the scene where MH is so shaken after hearing from SJ she had worried for him... he ran hiding behind the door and was so upset. I am sure, it was the first time he heard such a comment from someone. Neither the uncle nor the aunt took care of his wellbeing which shows how self-centered and greedy they were.

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larus said: bebebisous33 said: Sorry, if I am talking again about the book The little prince!! The book's message is not to forget the "child" in us meaning the innocence in us which is really related to MH. The adults described in the book are negatively portraited: they judge people by their appearances, value a house based on its price and believe they know the son because of the father's income. Saint-Exupery wanted to point out that adults are vain, greedy, intellectually lazzy and too materialistic. That's why the story is also connected to JH who seems to have no innocence at all because he acted like an adult as a child, whereas MH lost his innocence to the tragedies that occured in his life. The narrator in The little prince is an adult who realises the importance of keeping the innocence /child in him after meeting the little prince and I believe, we can see that it is MH's case too.  

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