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[Drama 2014-2015] Pinocchio, 피노키오

Go Seung Ji

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amidara said:


said: I'm not sure if they know each other but clearly Millet and Samsung are trolling Pinocchio fans haha

On Hunan side, we need to wait for their agencies' confirmation more than Hunan themselves. But the good thing is they didn't say it's not true and they didn't receive the invitation like last time, so... no news is still good news right? 

Edit: While it's expected Shinhye would have a hard time letting go of Pinocchio ( considered how much she loves it and she has always been down after her dramas ended) I don't think we should take her song's meaning seriously lol

Shinhye does recommend songs quite often. Most of the time, it's because she likes the song, artists or have some relationship with the artists lead to help/promote their works... And she also has good taste in music... 

Since she said she is recording today, so maybe her project has to do something with the singer of the song she recommended? We will wait and find out

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@Amidara BTW, I noticed that Yesasia has already updated on Pinocchio DVD/Bluray. The release date is May 19 (supposedly). That's mean we have to wait a few more months...Arghh... I hope SBS could release more BTS T_T
     ommmmyG_D whhhhyyy??!!I was hoping it will be release by March??!!


:-O =(( >


#-o :-? :-SS

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I just hope that Shin Hye can overcome any withdrawal from Pinocchio, the sooner the better and do another drama or movie before she goes back to school. I want to see her graduation picture next year :)


I`m so looking forward to the next project of these two ;)

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Wondering who'll be the first one to comeback on field ?!? Checking out the history....it seems Jongsuk will be the one...wonder---ing...what will be the feels and emotions !!Shinhye,... i dunno why, how...but i feel like her next show will be with Soohyun ?????. And i would obviously lurve it. For me everything had started with Soohyun, i met Shinhye in middle...and fell in love with her. So, it's kinda like Soohyun and Shinhye're my ultimate love. BUT....the thing here is i feel like...even if someday Shinhye will have a show with Soohyun, i will still remember her days with Jongsuk...how much i have loved them together. They were just the perfect two. He was the toast to her butter...he was the chocolate at the end of her cornetto. They were like one love, one heart and one destiny. First loves 're unforgettable. So, Darling couple will forever and almost always be closest to my heart.Sometimes, someones/ somethings comes into your life, so unexpectedly, takes your heart by surprise and change your life forever....
LoI i dunno why i'm writing all this...it's just that feel like writing it xD. But seems, talking about everything and nothing. :D

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Lee Jong Suk - Marie Claire March 2015 Interview (Part 1)

Pinocchio has ended successfully. As an actor, whether you are satisfied is anotherstory. The drama was successful,personally I am very happy for more than that. Last year around this time, a slumphas come. It was the first time I didn’t find acting interesting,and hard to do. Doctor Stranger was also successful, in fact. However after itended, I don’t know if it is because of the difficulty from the burden from being one-top, I was very tired. At that time if I hadrested, I thought it would be a really long rest. When I was trying to rest for a while, I Hear Your Voice team was going to do another work, and I thought “if I rest at this time, it’s not ok”,so I started.

I think no one knew about Lee Jong Suk was in a slump. Because you were doing well before. Your works keep coming quickly as if there was no break between them. When I looked at my filmography, it was an average of 2 works per year. I worked continuously without rest, at a certain point I felt exhausted. It was really hard. In the end, through Pinocchio, I think I got the healing. I think it was a good drama.

How was the character? In fact, when I first started, there was no special point about the character. Even though he had experienced really bad trauma and circumstances, there was no special point to portray the character. The writer has laid down basic settings, namely, lion hair, rubber shoes, when I followed the settings and then I found I have found the way to do it.

It was a really embarrassing situation. (Laugh) So. I also did this laughable thing. Actually, I thought about “what should I do if fans left”. (Laugh) That’s why I could not do monitoring up till the 4th episode. My look was really ugly. I just put everything down and shot it.

You are at this age when you should be concerned about managing your image when you are acting. In the movie Hot Young Bloods as well, compared with actors in your age, I felt like only you are not afraid of breaking it. When people do that, I think they are charming. For example, Bo Young noona was acting like that in IHYV, more people love her for that, when a really beautiful person do such a damaging thing to their appearance, we find it more charming. Actually I developed well more quickly than I thought I would. In developing the future I have planned, I will do it in this way to some extent, I will achieve my goal one by one. However IHYV did really well, it was a really good and thankful thing, but on the other hand I wish that the bubble could burst quickly. After IHYV ended, I had to do other works, it was really a burden. I just want to act. When I did Hot Young Blood, everyone objected. However, the character is interesting. The thing about acting is how one person act in different works, aren’t the characters played by Lee Jong Suk? It is the same for other people though. There is a background of an era, way of speech, dialect, so I thought people would be able to see me slightly differently. Till now, when I look back, I think I did well.

(Translation Note: Thanks to emma9296 leecheahwoon hitoritabi 07160914 for answering my questions to clarify what he said, I am so busy at work today I don’t have time to check the other parts I have done, I won’t start doing this ifhitoritabi wasn’t sick… hope she gets well soon, and translating Lee Jong Suk stuff is so difficult as always, I had to choose whether I should make the sentences smooth or whether I should preserve the original wordings… All the errors are mine.)

Eng Trans By: amyhsk  

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He is so passionate with his works, if he works hard like this always he might not get a girlfriend this year don"t you think so :(( :(( :((I like how he gives importance of his craft, he might get exhausted or not get lucky for his next project. I adore him much because of these. I just hope he takes care of his health, you've done good Jong Sukkie.

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Guest NicoleS1430293447

Shinhye and Jongsuk both're fine and healthy, and that's wat matters right ! :). As i have said before, this is my first real ship and i'm gonna go down until the very end, which i mean it. I will let go or move on from this boat, only after i will witness their interaction, the way of their skinships, comfyness with their next project co-star or partner. It's NOT necessary for me that they have to shout out loud that 'they're in love or dating'....LOLxDAnd if i realize that my ship sank, will never look back and most importantly....will NEVER.....EVER ship Shinhye with anyone again. :D
So, gonna stick to this boat. Shinhye and Jongsuk....Jongsuk and Shinhye. They're too adorable for words. Sometimes we need someone to simply be there...not to fix anything or do anything in particular but just to let us feel we are supported and cared about. And i hope and wish  that 'they'll be that of each other' which mostly is common in one relationship 'friendship'. :) :)
Anyhoo, love that 'he was toast to her butter' @AliceN :)

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Guest selena1993

So I have this Korean friend of mine that came here in the Phils to study English for a month . I asked her earnestly about shinhye and jongsuk and she said that even though she's not a fan of the two (she's in won bin era) , shinhye and jongsuk are really perfect match and u know when i heard this , my face was like this :D :D :D :D lols  hahaha and hearing this from a korean perspective made my heart skip a beat . .lols   :x :x :x :x :x 

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Dude is saying LJS will be performing magic along with another dude. He didn't mention anything about PSH..

But see that orange logo up there in the corner? That's HunanTV's logo. This is a show from their own station.

So the tables have turned now. LJS is pretty much coming but we're not sure about PSH

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Dude is saying LJS will be performing magic along with another dude. He didn't mention anything about PSH..

But see that orange logo up there in the corner? That's HunanTV's logo. This is a show from their own station.

So the tables have turned now. LJS is pretty much coming but we're not sure about PSH

Note: this is not an official confirmation coming from the production team though

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said: http://www.hunantv.com/v/1/100613/f/1107073.html Dude is saying LJS will be performing magic along with another dude. He didn't mention anything about PSH.. But see that orange logo up there in the corner? That's HunanTV's logo. This is a show from their own station. So the tables have turned now. LJS is pretty much coming but we're not sure about PSH

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