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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Guest shinomorisagara

aprilslily said:

Of the many things that I love about Healer is the relationship between YS and her father. I have been watching Korean dramas regularly for about two years now, and there are very few truly wonderful relationships between the parents and the heroine (or hero). It was not something that I related to, and it took away from my enjoyment of many dramas because that became the focal point to so many stories.

The first real interaction that broke the familial cliché was of the dancing scene. You right away notice that there is an understanding of each other's moods, and how he respects her emotions (she is upset because of the theft, so he puts on a song that he knows will bring her out of her funk) and they dance. And you know they have done many times, after a hard day at school, or when she didn't get into the school she wanted to. You can see the depth of their relationship in the face of Ahjusshi face "Oh they are at it again". 

The second scene that really was a departure from the usual cliché is how he reacted to seeing YS and JH sleeping together. He was about to crush JH with the piano stool, but stopped when he saw that YS was asleep. And nothing was ever brought up about it again. He didn't wake them up asking for an explanation, he didn't corner JH asking him what he thought he was doing or what his intentions were, he just let it go, and trusted his daughter enough to deal with that on her own. This does not negate that he will do all that he can to protect YS, but he doesn't protect her by taking away her independence. He talked to JH (BS) about her tenancies and habits, but he also states that YS shouldn't know that the discussion happened, so she wouldn’t feel regulated.

Another huge departure from the norm was how he seems to react to the news that YS was going to stay over and take care of JH (BS). I know that this is a bit of stretch, as we didn’t really hear his reaction…but at the same time she called him and told him where she was going to be and why, and after she revived JH back from the brink of death, she called him for help in cooking. In other shows even if the hero was horribly wounded, the parent would have thrown a fit of indecency or would have said ”what that would that look like to others?”.

And last of course is how they both reacted to her telling him that she had found her birth mom, and that her birth father was dead. I am coming from not understanding any Korean, so this is all based on body language and facial expressions, but his face was full of sorrow for her loss, and that she felt that some how she was betraying him for looking into her birth parents. He didn’t show that he was threatened by the news, only concern because it hurt her, and it made his baby-girl cry.

This is truly a wonderful relationship that makes me love every moment when they are on the screen together.

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@namyo, is this the official MV? wow after watching this MV the lyrics really has so much feel!! :xI can feel SJH love for CYS soo much that I having goosebumps!This OTP is really jjang!! I can't fault either one of them for anything in their lovely relationship till now. Ottoke, in future I can't find any OTP like them I will faced drama crisis!! I am already very picky with dramas!!
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Guest keroppikero

- my schedule -

monday :

22.00 : watch (read) live recaps

tuesday :

06.00 : watch RAW version

07.00 : read soompi forum

08.00 : real life

17.00 : download the subtitle

21.00 : watch subtitle version (ep 17)

22.00 : watch (read) live recaps (ep 18)

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Another DAEBAK review from @briseis. I knew that picture with 5 friends would be the anchor that will bring the entire story of 1992 together. With the help of the next generation (SJH and CYS) and ahjumma's technical expertise, KMH slowly reveals the truth with concrete evidence to back it up. It's like peeling a layer off each time he delivers the tragic story of each of the friends and through this he also gets the much needed closure and long delayed justice. My gut tells me that in the end after all the layers have been peeled off, he exposes the core and the root of all the atrocities that have taken a toll on JH and YS and their families. it is still not certain whether or not the core ends with KMS. It could also be that KMS is also a victim himself and would be the last layer that would expose a highly organized organization behind this cover-up. Just my two cents ...

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Guest keroppikero

I truly love this bit! Moon Ho was clearly teasing Yeong Sin! Both Moon Ho and Ajumma, even if she barely shows it, are happy for these two, they also get the feels! =))

And yeah, that stare was awesome! :x

what did JH says to YS? the ahjumma seems disgust.. :D

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@larienssiI haven't seen the episode with subtitles, but during LIVE, I thought those two said something goosebump-inducing. But then I read that it's nothing at all, so I don't know why Ahjumma overreacted. I will have to see what the whole conversation is about later when watch with sub. But I just LOVEEEEE Moon Ho's "These two... aiyayaya" laugh/smile. It was a sweeeet moment!
And then we get to that HD stare + smirk/smile gif. OH EM GEE... Once in awhile (being busy at work), I sneak to my profile page & just stare at it for a minute. Watching the gif repeatedly on loop - the LOVE gaze + the LOVE smirk. 

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Guest labyrinth


Though I wonder why she doesn't use voice mod/alteration, got to love Ahjumma's high pitched voice when she calls the cop.

Ahjumma for the world!

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Guest uctqepe

Just Seo Jung Hoo and Oh Ji Ahn, ladies and gentlemen, being true to their old habit.....
5 years old, fave activity: playing under the blanket ;;) tumblr_nj6dh1ZH351txqz2wo2_540.png

23 years later, fave activity: STILL, playing under the blanket [-( tumblr_nj6dh1ZH351txqz2wo1_540.png

:)) :)) :))
(:| So, the rating is out yet? I-) ~O)

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I dont get y its the only system to get readings on audience ..hw do you compare the percentage of people with that thing on their tv’s that does all the counting with those who watch Healer online ? or the number of people who has (even downloaded) watched it countless times, shouldnt these matter too? Perhaps all three are equally good shows but the accuracy in ratings seems dubious, Healer's popularity online being on most peoples search bar and jcw rapidly growing fanbase is proof of that..

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@larienssiYes! Yes! I concur. Okay, I wasn't giggling but I was definitely grinning to the PC monitor. LOLLLL. Last I did that was a year ago, checking soompi and my colleague came in and told me, "You're definitely NOT doing work-related stuff." - Oops, busted! :))
Lesson we learnt from Healer Ep17 : Never dirty your own dwellingsec43ec96jw1eovdsf5bxhg20b40b4b29.gif

ec43ec96jw1eovdszfm66g20b407f1l0.gif via weibo

=)) =)) =))Great to know he does clean though (Just not sure how often). :)) It's a change to see his house so clean. ;))

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