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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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tumblr_nhys7dCw7c1r1hcodo1_500.jpgOops. Got in trouble posting unrelated drama gifs. Ah well @Ahpheng - at least you got my message :)
I think if her brother only got that sort of treatment from Healer, he'll still think that's too feminine - so maybe he needs something more violent or hard core to prove that uri Healer is not what he thinks he is, LOL!

I tried to look at that scene again, but it flashes by so quickly that it is impossible to tell. It also looks like he's covering his mouth, just so he wouldn't LOL (for perhaps what was on the screen), so that Young Shin wouldn't know he's there. Technically, I get 2 days brain-rest if I cease thinking now. I avoid live streaming.

There are 2 major things I won't forget that you love most - MG (F4) and SW. :))

There's too much angst / crying in Empress Ki to fully convince myself to sit down & watch it through without FF-ing, but glad I get to find out how good he can do crying scenes, and 51 episodes through - he still has skinny face, so I'm happy that we'll less likely to get Fat Seo by the end of Healer. LOLLLLL *Wink* Is he just a cameo in Secret Girl, or he comes out very often in each episode? I'm less inclinced to check it out if he's only appearing like <5-10 mins in each 1-hour show. :(

Hello @tomoyo1010.
Thank you for reading my random incoherent ramblings, and lovely to meet another SoGonger. I've yet to remember all your screen names. :) Did uri @azzurri manage to persuade you all to check out Faith? ;))

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uctqepe said: @jeenee yaaay.. You're catching up w/ us.. :x oh dear dear.. I have several moments where i paused to see his arm and said to myself "hmm. This absolutely gettin bigger n bigger" :-B :-B you have to pay attention whenever he wore wool coat, esp light color ones.. Kakakakakakka.. @drbigapple ottoke doc.. The cray cray bloody paeha is still the sexiest for me ;;) join my bromance ship, Doc! We can troll here as well! LOOOOL

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I am rewatching ep 7. And I find it really weird/strange that MH did look into PBS eyes but didnt recognize JH. Whereas in the preview of ep 11 he recognizes him as JH. Why now? Because of his attire and his fierce gaze?

@marie67 we are supposing MH recognised PBS! But how could he recognise him, if so?? For sure bcs the cameras for his bro office! But did healer entered in Hyung office? I don't think! If I remember well he only entered/broke in in their bedroom

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Yay! @NRGchick is on board for the Fan Project! That already brings it to the level of AWESOME!  <:-P <:-P <:-P As for @liddi and @mywebfoot, they have yet to reply... but if not now, a few more episodes in, and some ideas thrown at them, they probably wouldn't be able to resist. LOL 
@sia3, what say you? We did some fun stuff in our Faith thread before, but it was only for our own personal enjoyment. In TMS we took all those funstuff, put it into a book and sent it off to Korea for the PD, staff, actors to keep. And the PD actually posted a picture of him reading it in his FB so we all went nuts. Can you imagine us doing something, and SJN reading it? Wow. I think @jerboa83 should join too. :)
Anyway I'm sorry you got into trouble for posting that Faith gif... I loved it a lot. Hehehe. And yeah, about that scene again - I was staring and staring at the HD version that @briseis posted and now I'm not sure either. LOL Let's just wait for the real deal and quit frying our brains over it. I probably won't livestream either - there's too much dialogue so it gets frustrating when I don't understand. But I keep my hand on the refresh button the next day, waiting for Javabeans' recaps. She recaps Healer incredibly fast, and usually they're up even before lunch time here in Malaysia. 

Warning: Totally Off Topic except for Ji Chang Wook:And I am absolutely touched that you remember my two favorites, MG and SW. But who wouldn't? Since I post their pics and gifs so often before. Prof V says hi to me occasionally on PM and always sends me that F4 hug pic I always post. She's a sweetheart.

As for Empress Ki - it was too long and too angsty for me too. Never bothered to watch the whole thing. I watched certain episodes... but mainly I read recaps, and looked for scenes that involved TaHwan and TalTal. That was the extent of my EK watching. 
As for Secret Love - it's not a series. It's a one hour drama. They did 5 different dramas so 5 installments for the 5 idols from the girlgroup KARA, I think. And Secret Love was the 5th. JCW is the main guy, so you get to see LOTS of him in that hour. Just search Secret Love and Kara or Ji Chang Wook on YT and you'll find it. And here's the link for the review by Couch Kimchi. :)

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Sia3 said Oops. Got in trouble posting unrelated drama gifs. Ah well @Ahpheng - at least you got my message :)
I think if her brother only got that sort of treatment from Healer, he'll still think that's too feminine - so maybe he needs something more violent or hard core to prove that uri Healer is not what he thinks he is, LOL!

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I think if I am your daughter's age, I'd be amused with Ahjumma too, especially when she looks like this below :))

I was extremeeeely amused how she portrayed this scene with her eating sushi rolls.

I'm sure it's not in the script to such details that she is to leave pieces of rice or sea weed on her lips, face and hand :))

So, I'm thinking she must have ad-libs in these scenes, and it turns out really natural for her character.


Honesty, i'm in love with the way of eating of Ajjumma!!! Lol everytime I see her eating I'm laughing that everybody around me say I'm crazy!!!

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Guest uctqepe

You guys are all awesome w/ the idea of int'l fans project.. I want to join, but i don't really know how  :-S I can not even draw a straight line, dont know how to use photoshop :(( :((  pleaseee someone tell me what i can do.. Is a prayer counted? [-O< KAKAKAKKAKAKKA.. #kidding.. 
several chingus who have done it before might have better idea on how to start, so please organize us, all the Healerious people over here  ;;) 
btw, dear @AdelaM i think something is wrong w/ ur spoiler tag.. this page is a lil bit cray cray ;))

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I don't think JCW is gay! His way of walking it is with character and full of trust in himself!

I want to participate too on the Healer fans project!! What should I do?? I have never participated at one so please teach us/me /enlight me :) @namedx

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Guest akumi99

@azzurri I hunted down some pictures of what the fan project for Master's Sun looks like, and I would really like to be included as well if you all are planning another project like that one for Healer. It was done amazingly well! I don't have very much talent in the photoshop department, but it still looks like a lot of fun. You guys come up with great ideas! :D
Oh, and here's a link to the site I found with some examples for other people like me who didn't understand exactly what went into the book they sent for Master's Sun. :Dhttps://hangukbites.wordpress.com/2014/05/26/the-masters-sun-fan-project/

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Guest mywebfoot

Yay @liddi is on board! And @tomoyo1010 too!
@nrgchick re: name for Soompiers who are following Healer drama - Bandages.... Band Aids?.... *ROFL* because we are 'plastered' all over Healer? (or would like to be plastered.... onto Ji Chang Wook.... ooops I didn't say that.... yes, I did)
Re: Fan Project - will do what I can, although I am not sure what I can do.... everytime I watch the show I get all caught up in Lois-Superman fantasies and can't concentrate.... :D but seriously, I don't know if I can contribute, am so dreadfully bz nowadays....

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Can't get over ep10. Kept watching it to the nth time already. I so love how badass this episode was. From their undercover, to interrupting the candidacy presscon to the internet broadcast, to opening a rooftop door like a usual criminal does and ofcourse the training scenes. And could I forget mentioning how lovely was the rooftop confession/date! Ugh. So much to digest and so much to not love this drama. Oh, Healer just watcha doin' to me huh?! :-w =D>

Now, I srsly can't understand why Elder chose or trust KMS in the first place. Like they are not even related aren't they? Don't he have relatives to entrust his business? So maybe, I was thinking he's been observing KMS' group and saw that he among all of them has the potential to be his heir/right hand. Then plotted everything that happened to the rest of his friends and be convinced to be on Elder's side in exchange of the success he achieved... ugh. Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts... can't really process it properly and that's why I'm loving Healer even more.

Special mention to JH & YS classy look! Can there be more scenarios that needs them to undercover? I mean writer-nim, they look so gorgeous it's killing me!

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Guest mywebfoot

Blubblubblub....delurking for a bit, since it's Sat evening and the hubs is dead asleep :)
Thoughts about the Healer (multi)personality. Warning: I'm in the mood to ramble.
1. I love the idea that many of you have put forward that the Healer is a concept, a mission statement, and a person. I agree. As is stands, the mission statement was once the creation of 5 idealists. That group was destroyed and now it's a shell, a purpose without a soul, waiting to be filled by the right people again, perhaps a second generation of Healers, the children of those who once dreamt of an organization that would be the fearless voice of the oppressed. But, as with abandoned buildings, other residents take hold of the concept, some are unsavory night dwellers, and some are mere opportunists. That is a really cool idea, and I love that SJH, as the incumbent, is all of those things - an empty shell waiting for a purpose, an aimless opportunist, an unethical night dweller, who sits in an echoing chamber and hears faintly the thrumming purpose of those ghosts who came before him. Then one night, a call comes, and we have Ep 1 of this drama. 
2. What is the real personality? Seo Jung Hoo is passionate, child-like, willing to love, but unable to due to the restrictions of his Healer persona. The Healer is cold, purposive, uncaring. For him the world is a remote place, something to be dipped into occasionally, to extract a valuable gem, or some sparkly trinket. Money drives him, and it drives him to a place where he can ignore all humanity. Why? What is the purpose of that island? Is the lack of humanity a way to avoid having a point of comparison? For as much as he scorns relationships and family, being among other people must have made him at least a little curious. Or made him see his own lack of human warmth. Nothing like a mirror to see all your failings. Then there's Park Bong Soo. Is he fake? Is CYS speaking to a mere golem? He seems to be, because when he's not being deliberately cowardly, he's alternately ensouled by the Healer who analyzes people, and by SJH who is hungry for love. Or is Park Bong Soo cowardly side of the Healer, exposed to bright daylight: the one who shies away, runs away, hides away? And what if, the answer is as simple as 'All Three are Seo Jung Hoo'?  When the Healer doesn't need to hide, then Park Bong Soo doesn't need to exist. They will cancel each other out, and only Seo Jung Hoo, the undeveloped man will be left. As some have also pointed out - that's unsatisfactory.  The incomplete man cannot get the girl...So, does that mean we have that kdrama solution to all immaturity, the Separation To Find Self After a Minimum of One Year, in in our future? I hope not. Bleah. Rather, please, awesome drama, you have 10 episodes more to make Seo Jung Hoo grow up before he can discard the Healer shell and the PBS shell. Preferably with tutoring from the the lovely Young Shin. And dancing too. So, for that reason, a big reveal only in the finale would be kinda awesome. :))
Ok, I'm done. Sleepytime. *yawn* That wasn't as long as I thought it would be. :) 

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OK soompi has gone a bit wonky tonight... so I don't know who said what when. I've been tagged but I have no idea by whom.
 Please don't sign up for the project with me - the bigwigs are @namedx, @tomoyo1010 and @sunshine15. I'm a foot soldier here OK, and a terribly incompetent one at that. The TMS book project was great, and there were many of us who participated. I sent in one page, and that was it. All credits to the main editors and compilers who called themselves the Radar Masters. It was an amazing effort. I am extremely proud to get my name in that, but really others did most of the work and deserve all the credit. I guess right now, let's just think about what we might want to do for our Healer project, and submit it the three names above. And nothing beyond what you all can manage. We all have Real Lives no matter how tedious, and that of course always comes first. 
I think that's about all my fried brain can say right now. LOL
Other than that.. who is the one who posted the name Band-Aid? Sorry can't see who it is? @mywebfoot? I like it... but maybe there if you all like, please give your ideas on that for now. @namedx, hope you can fill us in on what you have in mind.
I just really want to post this link, because I think this write-up is so hilarious and cute. And I get it. Even if I never loved half of this OTP before. I get why this OTP works, and why I'm rooting for them all the way. No real-life shipping though.. just shipping SJH and CYS together. ;)

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azzurri said: @namedx... I'm game to contribute, I contributed on our Master's Sun project before.. it's just that I can't think of something creative right now... @sia3 and I fried our brains for no reason other than that we enjoy it, but it will take a day or two before I have anything constructive to offer you. And I would rope in my talented SoGongers, @mywebfoot, @NRGchick and @liddi... they're always chock full of brilliant ideas. If they are ready and willing that is. Sorry guys, I volunteered on your behalf. 

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@azzurri I hunted down some pictures of what the fan project for Master's Sun looks like, and I would really like to be included as well if you all are planning another project like that one for Healer. It was done amazingly well! I don't have very much talent in the


department, but it still looks like a lot of fun. You guys come up with great ideas! :D
Oh, and here's a link to the site I found with some examples for other people like me who didn't understand exactly what went into the book they sent for Master's Sun. :Dhttps://hangukbites.wordpress.com/2014/05/26/the-masters-sun-fan-project/
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Guest Cinderella1

i've noticed that the ring that Healer wears in his left hand and which is supposed to function as a remote control or whatsoever maybe it is Ji chang wook's persenal ring , i found out he wore it in an old

from october 2014
Take a look



i used alllll my visual abilities to confirm that it's the same ring , tah dah :D
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