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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Guest uctqepe

@nploan am so happy that you got ur wish.. Maybe i should post comment on his IG to show me more "that" two parts of him that i like most.. But i dont want to be banned from here or blocked from hi IG.. I know you know what i mean @namyo kakakakakka..

But i agree, urri Puppy looked absolutely gorgeous after the makeover, i paused at the elevator scene where he tried kissing PMY's head.. Oh gawwwdd... PMY is already beautiful there but with Puppy looking at her like that, even more gaaaaahhhhh!!!

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Quote from Javabeans:

Teacher says there’s a stone in his gut that twists in pain whenever he sees Jung-hoo. Jung-hoo asks, “Where are there so many people who hurt at the sight of me?”

Ouch... Now I know why JH has no reason to live.... CYS please find out ur PBS is the guy in your heart and give him the reason to live!

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Darn it!!!!! @uctqepe‌ I'm about to go to sleep b-( but you called me from my bed.

[-X I will never as JCW in his IG the part that I want to see the most. Ghbggfffgf why because I've see it too many times >-) >:) I've memorized it @-) @-) I've lusted it =P~ but if I see it more times I'll probably lost it :-S oh my eyes can't take it. 8->

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briseis said: By the way, has anyone watched until the end of the final credits? Because at the very end there were included 3 seconds of a new footage of the kiss which weren't show in episode 8 nor in episode 9. We only glimpsed a screenshot of this angle during the end of episode 8 but not the actual footage. Check it out if you didn't watch until the end :-) .

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Guest thaoweo

Hello, I've been behind on my Healer's project, so sawrry that I can't finish the Rooftop Kiss Eggies of Healer and CSY and present them to you all just yet. I'll try to work on that like.. Right now hehe. At the mean time I want drop this off, my trio eggies for Healer-Jungho-ParkBongSoo

And I'm so happy that the rating went up! Yay~ Healer fighting!!



Thank you @ruzikie‌ for praising me <3 my work is nothing compared to my lovely recap team on Line chat @rcalma‌ @aidsincera‌. Thank you all..

Thanks @kanyaprasetyo‌ for informing with the great news.

Thanks @nploan‌ for the HD recap of JCW. Please keep it coming hehe

And thanks many others for your awesome insightful/ funny/ awesome posts. I can't remember all of your names but your post make this thread's quality better day by day with your humor and insightfulness.

My Gawd, why am I giving such a long thankful post? I must have eaten something poisonous at dinner haha I must go back and make some memes, talkin in long rant is not my style hehe. Nice day Ya all!

Visit my memes and artworks at: http://thaoweo.tumblr.com

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My Most favorite scene for episode 10 - It's hands down the -Grabbing-Hand-for-Dear-life- (in the elevator/lift) And JH face look like he just had an "or...sm" (hihihi :D .. *toot* ... *sensored* .. for the sake of *minor* in here) .. 
I swear ... I was so affected by that very innocent scene ... my heart start to palpitate ..I swear ... I can hear my own heartbeat .. Dugum Dugum ...
I wonder why it's no 3 on the rating chart?? .. Wei Rey??? How come such good drama is at no 3?? this is absurd .. we need to mobilize all our resources and start picketing ...
How can a drama that manage to make this ajumma go haywire not be on the no 1 ...
Where is Dramagod? I need to see him - We need to fix this A.S.A.P .. .. MUST!!

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I hope no one would give me off-topic :D

I just notice the similarities between JH's breakdown in front of his teacher with Ta Hwan's breakdown in EK

not exactly same scene, but same heartbreaking n breakdown for JCW characters...
His heartbreak is REAL!!! =(( =(( :((
It's when the characters think they can't trust anyone, added with anger, disappoinment, feeling lost and sense of helpless..

JCW's acting on that scenes are DAEBAK!! =D>

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I have actually given up on the ratings since last week, when Healer was at the bottom of the heap, when I thought the story was.Monday's ratings was also dismal, THEN today I see the GOOD news that we have risen and also NO longer at the bottom of the three!!!!
This is such a wonderful breakthrough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<:-P <:-P <:-P
Keep it up Healer, let the ratings climb up and up, we still got 5 weeks and 10eps to go.......Fighting!! :)>-

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Nice artwork @thaoweo .
@uctqepe, please ask him for what you wish for.  ;) :> ;;) 
I saw a comment on DramaFever, and OMG, please help that viewer know what is the real name of the lead actor in 'Healer', please....!!!  :-w :-t   @-) 

8-X 8-X 8-X 
@qwenli, are you still rooting for Healer when Shine or Go Crazy is on air ? ;)) :-B

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@kanyaprasetyo Can't agree more! I wonder how he could make us feel such genuine heartbreak? Goes to show how much of a great actor he is. :D I think Healer is actually the drama where he cried the least (so far). In Empress Ki, he had too many crying scenes, it was crazy.

@thaoweo Your eggies are TOO CUTE!

@nploan That DF comment. I died. Poor soul, does he/she really think it's Jaejoong? I hope he/she's not serious about that.

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After detour to JCW's acting performance and I'm sure I could write a thesis just to analyze them... Finally I find what exactly in the book...
Based on JB"s Healer recap ep 10:
There’s also a tattered booklet bearing the title “HEALER” and marked as a first issue, dated May 1981. The cover page bears the line: The media exists to diagnose and heal this society’s pains. Aha. So Healer was an underground vigilante publication.

Based on this timeline, means the Five has setup the publication on May 1981... Maybe underground/illegal booklet circulating around campus, titled "Healer"...
The tagline bears the idealism and maybe their own dream and vision about what reporters and journalism could do to society.
I wonder if they're already on the way to realize that vision or there are people (the Elder maybe?) that throws obstacles to them n ultimately create the "mysterious" accident. What they're actually do? Did they dig on politicians and corrupt officials? And what's actually happened to Moon Shik? I can't wait for the drama to unveil the mystery :-B

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Nice artwork @thaoweo .

@uctqepe, please ask him for what you wish for.  ;) :> ;;) 

I saw a comment on DramaFever, and OMG, please help that viewer know what is the real name of the lead actor in 'Healer', please....!!! 

:-w :-t   @-) 

8-X 8-X 8-X 

@qwenli, are you still rooting for Healer when Shine or Go Crazy is on air ? ;)) :-B

LOL If the lead actor in Healer is Kim Jae Joong, then who is the lead actor in Spy? Ji Chang Wook? =))

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@ELlovelyz , hahaha... =)) =)) =))  Both JCW and JaeJoong has some affinity with Baek Jin Hee (Triangle, Empress Ki ) and Park Min Young (Dr. Jin, Healer).  They're actually both spy in Healer and Spy. So confusing!!!  LOL
@qwenli, I think it's funny when people couldn't distinguish between them. Only real fans can tell who is who. I know an ahjuma who watched Triangle and thought the lead actor is PaeHa Ji Chang Wook from Empress Ki. 
My favorite BTS:
cred: southerngrl-attitude  :-* ;))

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Layali said: jerboa83 said: azzurri said: I'm finally up to speed with this awesome drama... probably the awesomest in my book in 2014, and so I have been lurking around the thread reading all your awesome comments.
Thought I'd stay persona non grata... but then I see too many old friends here, so I had to come out of the woodwork to say hello! My fellow Faithlings... @sia3, @mappyminho, @briseis, @ruzikie, @jerboa83... I'm typing at the top of my head here so I'm sure there are more... it's been a long while!! Uri Song Ji Na has done it again, hasn't she? The story is awesome - I just love all the layers we need to peel back - all the detailings in props and dialogue, she is as intricate and detailed as ever. And @sia3, I actually like PMY in this - LOL. Who would have thought? I will refrain from saying anything about JCW - everyone has said everything there is to say about him. He has impressed me since Warrior Baek Dong Soo, so I'm glad he's finally capturing the world's attention with Healer. And YJT is perhaps one of my most favorite ajusshi actors - his A Star's Lover is something I still watch on rainy days only because he was so awesome in it, despite the typical-typical storyline.
Also a shout out to some of my Sogong buddies - @NRGchick! I'm so loving this drama too! 
>:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< to all!!

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dearme85 said: Thank a bunch @sia3! So the book titled "Healer"? Hmm. Interesting. :-? Given that Moon Ho has the book. I wonder if Jung Hoo has one in his possession too. Oh, hello to you and other Faithlings.. @azzurri mentioned you guys long ago and now I have the honour to (virtually) meet you guys. :-h   Hi @azzuri.. :D
@Bambiina : Chingu, I initially have the same thought too! :D He sure heals our sickness. And leave us wanting for moreee.. ;) ;)
Hello there @NRGchick! :-h

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Now, you are confusing me with their relationship. one day, someone shd cast jcw n jae joong as twin brothers n bjh +pmy all in the same drama. then it will be the perfect confusion!


i wasnt crazy abt Faith, but was very entertained by it, i remember it starting out fine but towards the end i sort of giveup becos the story just keep going on in loops n i only like the leads plus the big villain. hopefully Healer stay good till the end!

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