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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Can I ask >>

What is your most unforgettable moment in Healer  ??

:x :)>-

That blind date !!!!

8-> :\"> :x it was soooo far soooo good !!!! I was so damn excited about that hand holding ... Other kdrama fans were like ' don't you think you are overreacting ?? ... Its just a holding hand scene' but honestly for me it was more than a bed scene at that moment .....

Now when I look back .. It makes me smile :\">

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Can I ask >>

What is your most unforgettable moment in Healer  ??

:x :)>-

@nicesmile‌ they are sooo many!

From the moment Healer watched YS from the other side of the street dancing in bathroom and falling down (he even forgot he was talking to Ahjumma)

To the moment she "saved" PBS and that smile of his face. And telling her he was soo scared

To the the moment he treated his wound and his eyes were almost scared bcs she touched his hand;

To the moment on the roof, the first time on the roof, when she is eyeblind he holds her hand and than turns around

To the moment when she is dancing with her Appa and pbs is watching it

To the moment when Ahjumma asks him is she is sexy in reall life and even if his heels are burning not to do anything!

First kiss at fist snow again on the rooftop

Moment with Appa when she was young and appa sang for her to convince her to get out from her "hide"


To be continue! This is just part 1

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Woah. it ended... ahhhh i am so happy and sad Happy thar everything is happily ever after for our healer team. And sad cause i wont be seeing another episode next week... the ending was satisfying, but i want more.... i know it is just being hopeful on my part but i want season 2....

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(English is not my first language…)

I would like to congratulate all the Healer team and the writer for such a work of art in the making of this production. Not only Healer shows the everyday fight against social injustice, but also portraits people’s fight for justice. Some people loose their lives in the journey, and others suffer from the greedy of individuals that seek unlimited power and money, as if these where the most important in life.

The finale of Healer could not be other than LOVE winning over evil. That is why it had to have a happy ending. The message here is how love for family, love for the human being, love for friends, and love for the country could make people say no more! … And fight. Sometimes justice takes time, but we should never forget that the human spirit is powerful and can act in unimaginable ways.

This has been my first time watching a drama from the beginning to the end. It had helped me take my mind away from my work. The production of Healer has many layers, which were developed and unleashed with mastery.


I have enjoyed you all soompi family; your insights, information, energy, sadness, joy, art, funny comments and creativity. Cheers to the team that put together Healer’s International Fan Project. It will lift up the spirits of Healer’s writer, production team and actors, and will assure them that their work is important and their message was delivered. @selenette I am a journalist.

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Tbh , I kept searching on twitter ' I hate healer drama ' and such stuffs *crazyyy* =)) =)) but couldn't find any single negative feed back till now .... Facebook, YouTube comments everywhere ... All I can see is positive words, appreciations and love !!! Only the ratings were sucky and some particular fans of a particular drama which had kinda same plot as healer had been seen around chanting " bad ratings" and bla bla bla... That's it .. Nothing else ....

It feels great to be a part of this drama, this awesomeness ..... \m/

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Guest najmizah

Omo.......Knetizens are in a fanwar mode on, they're fighting about how popular Healer around the world. And G.....they haven't see Our International Fans Project. Let's show them that Healer is indeed loved in all continent

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Guest sweetyshasha19

Can I ask >>

What is your most unforgettable moment in Healer  ??

:x :)>-

to me of corse all the tight hugs and all otp kisses


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Guest najmizah

Pardon my typo, i'm posting from my hp, just can't hold the urge to comment seeing that knetizen seems doubting international love for Healer...

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Guest sputniksweetheart84

[Fan MV]  class="yt watch-title-container" style="margin: 0px 0px 13px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 24px; display: table-cell; vertical-align: top; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-weight: normal; line-height: normal; overflow: hidden; font-family: arial, sans-serif; background: rgb(255, 255, 255);"KISS SCENES - Healer - Ji Chang Wook ♥ Park Min Young

cre: DC
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Guest Canavalia

missling1 said: Honestly, I'm actually hoping that they will show SJH's mum again, as she does have some old pictures - memories of SJH's dad as well - which is what he was after. Maybe showing a short section of his mum telling old stories of how the 5 of them in the picture were once very good friends, how they grew up and even stories of how he and CYS grew up.  Also, I'm sure his dad would have told his mum of the truth but i think she ran away, hoping to protect him from any malicious rumours as well as from the Elders but somehow he got caught & entangled in this "battle".

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Final Episode


I still had a heart attack even after having watched it twice in RAW version and now with English sub

We all have dreams and sometimes those dreams are small,or just simply heartbreaking.Like JH wanting to live alone in an island, his work as Healer was for that until YS and like he said she made him lose his mind and now will try to live with his woman have children and live normally. Dreams can be big,small, awesome or even sad, but one thing is that simplicity is key and being able to achieve such dreams with the people you love is the best thing no matter how your dream is. JH found that with YS.

Once again there is never a dull moment in this drama not even for an episode
JH explaining to Apa Chae who he is and why had to while he is beating people is quite original and funny at the same time, so exemplary of who he is.

Then Apa Chae begins with 20 questions really ajusshi lol, first you complain he's a weakling and how YS could fall for a guy who is such a coward and now he is upset that he can put YS in danger since he is bad@ss. Make up your mind homie!!!

Ajusshi following JH orders like if JH is a general and he is the soldier LOL =)) =))
JH may be a bad@ss but he sure knows where to draw the line of his bad@ssery when it comes to kissing YS in front of Apa Chae.

"Don't miss your meals and listen to your father" - hahahah =)) =)), JH way of appealing to YS dad not kill him lol

Elder is the most sickest and despicable thing to even consider human! A disgrace to the human race!
Getting a young teen to lure MH so they can take pictures as to pose that MH has an affair with a minor to destroy his credibility. Then hires people to oppose as protesters. Sick just plain sick, I have said that so many times already but I am trying to be civil and not say something worse.
DY to the rescue,dang she can kiss some butt!! Thanks to ajumma, love that SJN simply writes great women of strength and intelligence.

JH singing really ( I know JCW can sing and quite well), it's so not him naturally speaking, the things love makes you do.He is learning from YS to sing when he is upset lol

YS , I just love her! , she is determined to get rid of the elder and his minions to have JH cleared of all crime and if doesn't work she will runaway with him. Leaving him is out of the question and JH is just as awesome not answering her proposal because yes what kind of a man would make the girl he loves into a fugitive. A real man will not cause hurt to his girl under any circumstances!

It's so unfortunate that we didn't get to see how MH told Myung Hee that YS is JA. All we get is a beautiful hand embrace among the both and with tears on both of their eyes, signaling that the truth is out, they are mother and daugther. MyungHee tears at seeing the pictures of YS as she grows up. The eyes of love from a mother are the most endearing and most transcending.

MS is done!! All he can resort to is liquor and talking to his ghosts. Personally I am glad this was his end. Although I sympathized with him,tried to find good in him, but to no avail. MS did wrong,lied and this vile things for so many years. He got what he deserved to lose the one person he loved for so long, who could never learn to love him, which is the cruelest of the costs of his evils. To be alone tormented with his ghosts.

Love is not measured by time but by the depth and sincerity. MS loved Myung Hee for many years,but was always a coward his cowardice led him to lie and deceive, to hurt,kill, steal, to do many vile things.Love is not selfish and he defined selfishness to a tee. He wished to have been Oh Gil Han,but if would've been himself instead and not fallen under the grip of the elder and lied to Myung Hee maybe when OGH died then he would've had a chance for Myung Hee to love him sincerely.

Only if he goes insane when he drinks, he is only a step away from being an alcoholic and really losing his mind.

Oh can I be one of the Elder's bodyguards so I can frisk JH  :\"> 8->

I love how JH grabs Sec Oh and then messes up his tie on purpose because he know that will drive sec Oh even more nuts than anything.
JH ultimate sacrifice for all is to hold "hands" with the elder , which is a trap for the elder.

We got some pretty good moments with the OTP and I enjoyed it alot. JH and YS hand porn, then both on the rooftop as JH embraces YS and put his face on hers as if he is kissing her face.Such a swoon worthy moment.

The things JH like describes YS and what he hates is being separated from her.
What he likes
high places: where as Healer he would stand guard of YS
first snow: his first kiss with YS as it snowed
small hands:YS herself, the hand porn!
white bedding: his first night with her sexy times
that hair: he has a hair fetish! YS hair fetish LOL, sex hair most likely hahaha

So the witness Kim Jae Yoon is a biochemist who worked making a certain bacteria for the elder.
Biochemical warfare!! This man is a terrorist!! Whoa! Elder not only does he launder money, makes corrupt political leaders and produces industrial faulty production such as the red lead but produces live bacteria, it's so obviously biochemical warfare. Since it's bacteria it can be anthrax,yersenia pestis ( the plague),cholera which can be introduced into the water system. Among many others. Then again it is research and it requires people. for a test run and given the situation, these people are guinea pigs. For research to be done on people to test let's say an anti-depressant, it undergoes a series of processes that at least here in the US must pass under the FDA, once it is given the green light, people are recruited at times paid,given full information of the study it's effects good and bad, and a contract. If sides effects which are undesirable occur then the person under study is given medical attention immediately, this happens very rarely now a days, because FDA is supervising such studies like a hawk. Back to the elder, with his power all process is "approved".

Sang Song indirectly slapping Yo-yo man has got to be the most epic thing I seen ever! LOL great team work JH!! hahaha

Ajumma trying to feed detective Yoon Ice cream pretty much means, shut up!! LOL

I would seriously love to See JH just give yoyo man a last beating, he is so asking for it.

JH called MH uncle!! My heart gave out!

How does the elder not know how KJY look like, she was the one who created the live bacteria he so wants, I am assuming he'd know how she looks like,unless he never met her. Not smart at all on his part.

Poison the water system cause a few people to get sick and die, to monopolize the management of water, for political means, more power, that is terrorism in my books my friends.

YS pouting at JH for what he is doing and JH smiles has got to be the cutest thing ever

JH getting shot and YS sees it. I am assuming this is what got rid of her trauma and is able to conquer her fear of driving. Pretty much fighting poison with poison.

I guess the purpose of YS flashbacks of the guy with the middle stick and her hiding in the closet, was pretty much to show the depth of her trauma and how that played a role on not only MS and the past, but also how JH would save her in so many ways and ultimately love her.

my only concern is the picture of the guy they used to be PBS, what if he really existed,unless he is dead, but he must have family, unless its a computer generated one.

YS using Healer tactics to do her reports awesome.

The things YS likes

the sound of the camera shutter he makes : JH himself
his big hands: when he kisses,her embraces her, skinship!
smiling eyes: his smile that reassures her that it will all be fine
his embrace: more skinship!

I loved the ending best I have scene in a long time.

The main theme Eternal Love by Michael learn to rock
the lyrics spell the theme of the entire drama
"do you believe in everlasting love?"
Love last forever!! even after death, Oh Gil Han and Myung Hee love lives on through YS, the great friendship of the Seo Yoon Seok, Oh Gil Han and teacher live on through MH and JH and ultimately YS and JH love for each other. and will continue through their children and so on.

"no matter if your near of far our bond will never break"
Even though YS and JH dad's passed away as well as teacher, the bond will not break ever because of JH and YS. When a loved one dies your memory of them and bringing them up in a mundane conversation keeps that love and bond alive.

'We can start at the end of time and do it all again"
end of time is when we die, those we love who are left alive continue that love. It is like starting all over again. New people same love.
YS and JH carry that love their parents had for one another.

I want to thank everyone for the great time I had disscussing on this thread all the insighful posts, the posts that made me laugh.
This drama was a true healer in my life, I lived one of the most tragic moments in my life last year (2014) and I can say this drama brought a lot of comfort to my heart that and all of you who shared your thoughts on Healer.

See you all soon !!

Great ending!!!

JH rehearsing how he is to "die" so cute and sexy with that smirk.

Great ending!!

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My favourite scene is in yesterday episode. When JH is taking YS picture and then they kiss. I mena their gaze towards each other is soooooooooooooo real :* :* :*

I hope that they really dating in real life :* But if they are really dating I hope they date secretly. Because I don't want Park Min Young to suffer again from her previous scandal with Lee Min Ho. She suffered a lot back then :(

Suddenly I remember in 2014 KBS Drama Awards Park Min Young said that she wanted a boyfriend in 2015, and the MC said to her "Your dreams will come true this year" and the camera was rolling into Ji Chang Wook :)) :)) :)) What is that supposed to mean? :)) :)) *forgive my delulu mind*

And if they aren't dating it means that their acting was so daebak that we too can feel their love for each other :*

I won't forget this drama and this beautiful couple :*

I'm just curious, but why was she suffering from the scandal? What happened?

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