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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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@Ahpheng you from neighboring country?! maybe whenJCW comes to town for fanmeet, we can meet for a drink. In the meantime, I will return your favour with more gray fic. But gimme some time, my imagination has been wrung dry for the time being. :D

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Cute clay figurine, cr HD via DC HYebYjZ.jpg @tehlimau , haha, you wouldn't believe how close we are , we are living in the same country. Imagine us having a JCW grey talk party together, :)) . Take your time with the FF, I am a fan be it clear or grey ones.

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Okay, I'm fed (I mean food that is)... now I have the energy to respond to taggings, though I'm getting sleepy after lunch. :))
@sunshine15 @tehlimau @ReemKanabta @Lissabonni @namyo - are you guys sure the conversation is funny? Maja and I don't find it funny at all! Are you guys being nice by telling us it's funny. Do tell, ok?

And very unfortunately, @ReemKanabta, I don't think I'm that innocent. I probably am just incapable of going too gray without asking for confirmation, LOL!

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Guest Leylalinn

This morning got shocked news about jcw. I am looking comic ahpheng and gif from sunshine15 its makes me sad if the rumor is not right. Our healer couple will be tank into the ocean(sia3). Little bit glad both agencies denied it the rumor. Aaiish

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@sia3 @Maja your conversation wow and then I am the bunny mcpervert . Ha I was not mistaken when I named you both psycho twins.

@mywebfoot I can't wait to be able to read your FF,work and school are keeping me away from my Soompi life,but once school is out . I will read it,these psycho twins peeked my interest

JH doing .... Oh my :\"> :\">

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Guest mywebfoot

Ok, that was a much more enthusiastic reaction to that 1000 word fluff than I ever expected. :DThank you. To answer the questions, in spoilers, since it's not directly Healer related.

Yes, I did edit it a bit more, and usually that happens with most of the other stuff I put online too. A few words, sometimes whole scenes...

Which means I spent too much time on it, and relatively little on TNOM - so no FF update this week, AGAIN. *sadface* Then I am off to Seoul for work, and TNOM research. I think TNOM might get a boost after that, and I will rush into the final chapters....Follow up to Inside, Outside? That will depend very much on inspiration.... :D

Something Healer related - thanks to @liddi's encouragement, I started watching Story of A Man, which is writer SJN's other Dramabeans-endorsed drama. Released in 2009, it looks a little dated, but the story is as layered, perhaps more so than Healer. I'm at ep 18, I haven't been spoiled, so I don't know how it ends, but what I've seen so far is great, and with DB endorsing the whole drama, I doubt it will end badly. 
Healer, IMO has more feels, but SOAM has more brain. For those interested to watch too, here's my quick take on what might be interesting for Healerites -
1. Similar hero type and trajectory - both Kim Shin and Jung Hoo start out as 'blank slates'. They are neither good nor bad, but somewhat amoral and aimless. By the end of the show they both become upstanding men, with important people to care for. @azzurri of the Faithlings tells me that this pattern is in Faith/The Great Doctor too.
2. Kim Mi Kyung. OMG, the character she plays here is a hard-nosed detective. Sound familiar? It's almost as if I am watching Ahjumma in her early days before she quit policing and became a hacker. And, gah, she has a completely frank appreciation for Philip Lee which is fantastic to watch. I half ship them already - older woman and cynical play boy. Unfortunately she only appears in ep 13, but from then on she's integral to the story.
3. There is a hacker. Except it's a he. And he's autistic. But it's Park Ki Woong, making a strange character quite adorable.
3. Other similarities with Healer pervade the story - heist hijinks, rag-tag non-family forming, cute kids, bromantic moments, overall themes of the small, ordinary man versus the big, bad corporate/political system.
What Healerites shouldn't expect:1. a strong romantic story. As long as you don't expect a lot of the focus to be on romance, it's a great watch, because the focus is on relationships, just not always of the romantic variety.
2. cool fighting. The fight/action scenes here are raw, real and ugly. It fits the tone of the show, so it's not bad or better, just different.
3. a flat boring bad-guy. In many ways the Elder and Moon Shik were quite stereotypical bad guys. In SOAM, the bad guy is almost the main protagonist!

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@mywebfootThank you for beautifully detailing all the similarities and differences between Healer and SOAM. You've certainly hit the nail on the head ^:)^Definitely, the antagonist in SOAM is far far more compelling and interesting than Kim Moon Shik and Elder, and in particular, I truly love the intricacies and complexity of the relationships between the characters, good and bad. 

Another similarity I can think of.Strong female characters. Thanks to the incredible SJN, they certainly do not fit the typical stereotypes... rather, each bring their unique flavour that, while may not necessarily endear themselves to you, will definitely never leave the viewer indifferent. YS certainly breaks the mold of what a kdrama heroine is like, and SOAM's women are just as memorable.
However, after all that's been said, there can only be one OCD Secretary Oh with his creepy smile complete with hand to his mouth. SOAM's Kang Ji Yong, however vicious, is no Secretary Oh, for sure. :P

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My cursed brain is not giving me a rest! Many things in RL I need to attend to! I fear this is the beginnings of another gray fic titled "I Choose West" - tell me ladies, should I continue?

"Youngshin felt emotionally drained as she let herself into the bedroom after Jongsoo and “That Person” left Coffee Bay when they had finally finished up their investigative work for Someday News at the ungodly hour of 3am. After that intense double-speak-filled chit-chat with Bongsoo/”That Person” at the bar top counter, where she basically indicated to him that SHE KNEW, and from the pained look in his dark eyes when he realised the game was up, but still could not bring himself to say the words. It took all of her self-control to 1) not launch herself into his arms and cry her eyes out, or 2) kick his shins until HE cried out. To get back to work after that moment, and pretend nothing out of the ordinary had happened in front of a blissfully ignorant Jongsoo, was just so difficult.

Throwing her sweater to the floor, and kicking her jeans away, Youngshin slumped down onto her bed, too tired to even wash up, too miserable to even care. “Why would you still not come to me?” she whispered, as her eyelids fluttered shut and she drifted off to sleep.

“I choose West.” Bongsoo told her.

Youngshin’s heart started beating faster. Should she tell the truth, or lie?

Truth. “A 10-second hug.” His eyes turned darker, in shock as he searched her face.......


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@tehlimau please please continue. Of course you should what kind of question is that, you should predict our answer by now ;)

@Ahpheng Lol but I'm still not sure what to make of that "attending musicals together" thing, the rumour was couple accessories and beach pics at the same time, hmmmmm :-?

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The dating rumor was startling, but let's not dwell on it. Good thing that's all cleared up now. :))

@mywebfoot and @tehlimau Omo. Omo. :x As always, your fanfics complete my day. :)) :x And do you srsly need to ask if we want more or if you should continue? Of course we want moooooooore! Hehehe.

@ruizaio Thanks for the DVD/B-ray updates! May, come faster! Palli, palli!

Funny how we (temporarily) ended up getting gray after all. Suits most of the Healerites' state of mind in here, huh? =))

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Thanks @Ahpheng for the link, but I didn't know that they were also rumoured to attend musical together and I didn't like GE response about being close friends. Anyway hope he will be happy with someone worthy of him.

I'm a shy fan like you but I would try to attend fan meetings, I remember a few years ago I was a fan of some local drama here I likes one of the actors but not as much as I like JCW, anyway I went with my brother to this drama gathering at my home town and after they finished talking about the show. All the fans went to greet them I was with them but kept my distance. And suddenly the actor I liked was making his way out and came face to face with me and he just grabbed my hand in greeting though I wasn't the to initiate that and I had this big grin on me for the rest of the day and kept teasing my sisters with it. If it would be JCW I'll probably hug him coz he give me this maternal instinct to pamper him

Anyway I finished BVS and still can't move to other dramas I'm back watching Healer coz I need my SJH and CYS fix. The facial expressions CYS did in ep 8 when she was talking to Song Joo? is priceless :)) she's really the cutest female character I have ever seen same as what JCW said.

EDIT f*** spoilers are still not working with me X(

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