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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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ANNOUNCEMENT: Healer has been spotted
He is currently taking KTX (high speed rail service) to Daegu for an undercover job, posing as Mu Yeong in a musical named The Days.


This bad baaad baaaaad person. :(( 7 days of disappearance is not a nice thing to do, don't ever do that again! Or else, it'll be:


Omo!! Thank you for giving me that BVS link!!! That jawline is so prominent, and I LOL-ed when I checked out other pictures. It's refreshing that he's the one having the bug-eyed when kissed. =))

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Ahpheng said: Is it possible that JCW is now on an remote island somewhere with no internet access ? MoruMoru, maybe ?? This lovely Pic cr as watermarked Lovely pic my dear. Thank you. :) Baby bear probably just wants some alone time before he starts a new project. Is he done with his musical? So finally he has cleared all his work and just wants to take a total break. Or have some quality time with his gf - if he has one. Or his mom. He's mommy's boy after all.

@azzurri , I watched Faith and hated the ending and wasn't active on Soompi at that time. Don't kill me here but I actually find Daejang's Adam's apple too big and distracting! But I love LMH's portrayal of Daejang. My fav characters were Prince GongMin and his Princess. *sorry, off topic Helaerites*
Oh you watched Faith! Hehe. OK no worries - I'm not going to kill you, everything is a matter of opinion after all. It could get distracting, I agree, but LMH's Choi Young was so awesome that I overlooked many things which would on a normal level, annoy me. Haha. The ending. Well, I have yet to meet anyone who loved it. Faithlings hated it too - or perhaps hate is too strong a word. We were terribly disappointed, devastated at that ending, but then so was SJN. She wrote a slightly different one, and we would have been happy with it but unfortunately it didn't make it into the actual drama, who knows why. Which is another reason why I LOVE Healer, and the director of Healer. Because he virtually followed her script to a T and didn't change anything. So her awesome imagination and story line got translated exactly as what she wanted into the drama. Barring budget and other production limitations, the Healer drama we saw was exactly what SJN wanted, so I'm happy about that. Although I wouldn't mind if she came up with a Healer novel like she did with Faith, provided there will be an English translation that is. :)

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zCuJbWc.jpg @azzurri

Terribly disappointed would be a milder word to describe Faith ending, I hated it =)) . Did SJN write the whole novel for Faith ? I read the English translations (only certain scenes were translated by the translator ) but only up To Volume 2.

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source: fyeahjichangwook @ tumblr
E12 had a LOT going on, which is why I'm glad the director/actors picked E12 to commentate on, although it's a pity E15 is passed. The only thing that suck now would be we wouldn't be able to understand a single word they commentate about. Tsk.

This scene is a scene of multiple FEELs on its own. Myung Hee's braving her condition to talk about the past. Myung Hee assuring Jung Hoo that his father is not a murderer; Myung Hee showering him with care and love (when she's such a stranger to him), telling him it was okay and that he didn't have to bring up the past. I also love how Jung Hoo didn't even bother to conceal his feelings for Young Shin, and readily admits he wanted to know about his past because he fell in love with her. I remember at the time I had thought it was silly of him to reveal it at enemy's lair - because Young Shin can become/is his weakness. Lastly, whenever Myung Hee gets into another fit, my heart breaks. =((

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@Ahpheng my hubby already complained of me spending more time on the web these days, no need for him to see why ;)) I didn't save it on my phone but that doesn't mean I can't save it on my work CP, hopefully no one catching all my naught galleries there :-SS

@OOO1230 Thank you for your translation, highly appreciated ^:)^

@tehlimau your FF are DAEBACK but I'm still on ep 2, thank you very much :-*

@sia3 those gifs of SJH & Mung-Hee are one of my best scenes in Healer, actually ep 12 is my favourit, I rewatched it many times while healer was still airing, it had most of my fav. scenes starting with SJH jazzing/dozing off showing us his nicely shaped legs :D while one of my fav instrumental was playing in the background. SJH meeting with Mung-Hee where she knows its a trick meeting and lied, while both SJH and her husband know that, SJH reaction when he hears her voice is great (he thought she will recognise him), her being emotional kills me every time with him being all uncomfy with all the love she's giving him, I loved this more than CYS scene with her mother. her telling him his father didn't kill anyone through her tears :(( and of course him realising who CYS really is. Him running to confront MH and then hitting him, this scene is :-bd though I felt bad for YJT when he hit his head to the door OUCH. P.S my two fav instrumental was being played in all these scenes

In this BVS kissing scene it was the girl who initiated it :-w hence his bulged eyes, it was a very K-Drama chaste kiss, but then JCW didn't allow it and submerged deeply in the act with mouth movement and all ;))

a little gift

sia3 the jawline was barely present in this gif (sorry for not having a brighter image)


plik5ur1o36g.gif cr: @AnsOlga

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Guest mywebfoot

I on the other hand, am completely ... GUILTY too. :PNo longer though.
I know I said Mondays, but if I can finish and update on Sunday, then I have an extra day to write the next week's chapter, right? As always, thank you for reading, and putting up with the mistakes. 
EDIT: @ReemKanatba I never, NEVER get tired of that reverse kiss GIF.  8->

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[傻眼] I just read that uri aegi gom had fell off the stage while performing that Lalala song. He nearly gave me a heart attack [悲伤] and then immediately sigh a breath of relief as I got to the part where fans said he quickly returned to stage, even changed his line to say, "I fell" and continue performing.

They all said he did not look like he's injured although judging by his expression, it did hurt. Now he's back on stage performing, and still has a night performance to carry on. Sighhhh~ this is worse than seeing him getting shot in E20, at least I know that one was FAKE! I'm sure he's bruised! :(

Additional Korean fan's account on the incident (Rough translation):
While singing "My Song", he was in the front of the stage and he suddenly fell off. It was really dangerous because he didn't fall off vertically; he fell to the ground horizontally for about 2 seconds. The stage is about 1.56m high, although it was easy for his long legs to hop back on stage. Everyone laughed and was also relief. When changing scenes, he held the score book as he said to the female lead, "I fell off because of writing his and nearly died." Everyone burst out in laughter. During curtain call, all other actors discreetly signal to ask if he's all right and he nodded indicating he's good.

Furthermore, when he fell he actually hit a fan's right hand because she was seated very close to the stage. She said she hasn't washed her hand, LOL! She has also confirmed with the bodyguard(s), and uri aegi gom is fine. :)

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ReemKanabta said: @sia3 those gifs of SJH & Mung-Hee are one of my best scenes in Healer, actually ep 12 is my favourit, I rewatched it many times while healer was still airing, it had most of my fav. scenes starting with SJH jazzing/dozing off showing us his nicely shaped legs :D while one of my fav instrumental was playing in the background. SJH meeting with Mung-Hee where she knows its a trick meeting and lied, while both SJH and her husband know that, SJH reaction when he hears her voice is great (he thought she will recognise him), her being emotional kills me every time with him being all uncomfy with all the love she's giving him, I loved this more than CYS scene with her mother. her telling him his father didn't kill anyone through her tears :(( and of course him realising who CYS really is. Him running to confront MH and then hitting him, this scene is :-bd though I felt bad for YJT when he hit his head to the door OUCH. P.S my two fav instrumental was being played in all these scenes.

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@sia3 I got a heart attack reading your post :(( good that he's ok!

I know about the second gif, I just put it to enjoy the scene, my bad I didn't clarify, that boy covered his jawline through the whole show [-X

I just love him screaming in frustration here and in ep 10 with his sabu, his voice and his expressions kills me :-S and the scene where he fight with Dae Young he's so hot angry and yelling give me the keys =P~, and I also enjoy all the OTP moments from ep 1 till the end of ep 20, but I love ep 12 because all of the other scenes,

ep 13 is my second fav, I love CYS realising who SJH is and him doubting that she knows and he doesn't want to lie (in the hospital) to her hence all his blabbering nonsense and both know it, and the scenes at MH apt. I just love their face off where he asks her what brings her to MHs, they just stand there staring at each others until she breaks it and enter, and I adore all his jealous cute faces, and MH knowing smile, both their actions there were like two people attracted and crushing on each others but didn't know what to do around the other person, the sexual tension in the cafe scene where she hinted that she knew who he was and wanted to hold hands, hug and kiss was amazing

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OMG @sia3, I too nearly had a heart attack reading the news! That's a VERY TALL stage. Even though he's alright for now (which is a huge relief), but I still do hope that the management will make sure he gets himself checked anyway. A friend's son fell off a stage while performing at a concert, and while he was OK at first, later he had a lot of issues with his back and spine that caused him a lot of pain. So, baby bear... please get yourself checked anyway OK. :-SS  :-SS
As for that scene you're talking about - I know exactly what you mean. I love all his quiet moments when he talks to ajumma. It's almost as if ajumma is his conscience, the way he talks to her so freely and honestly. He doesn't hold back, and he trusts her explicitly, so all those conversations they have become so meaningful. But especially that one. Where he finally admits to liking CYS. That scene is just lovely. For one thing I love the setting. Him being in her house, in the late hours when the cafe is dark, being retrospective and talking to ajumma like that. SJH's character is so unique, because he's had to grow up in such unusual circumstances, so I find it especially meaningful because SJN lets us witness the actual growth and maturation of the man SJH. Despite growing up that way, being abandoned and virtually unloved, he's a sensitive and thoughtful person who mulls through issues carefully and clues in into his own feelings without any fear. I love that. That he doesn't fear his own powerful feelings toward YS, but instead embraces them, embraces her, and admits it so freely to Ajumma. 
He's not even surprised that ajumma already knows and is so matter of fact about it. He knows that she knows him well, and cares for him. He has a sensitivity beyond his years - perhaps born of all that time alone, all that time to look into himself and see what there is to see. And all that time to observe others as well. 
Hmm 'the way' he says the line? I would say he said it matter of factly. He said it because he knew it was so, and there was no hiding the fact. And he knew he needn't hide it from ajumma anyway. ;)

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