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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Healer team and crew! Thank you! You made this show one of the most wonderful shows ever!! Thank you for this wonderful last episode! The scenes were soo soo intense that I was like "omg what's going on" is our Healer die! C'mon it can't be" but as usually our writer never failed and made us love this show more! Thank you for your dedication!

I hardly wait to follow your next project!

Big thank you and warm hugs Healers :D

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Did anyone else translated YS's words at the very end?

This is for the people who can't watch yet the subbed episode like @valsava
omo, the girl's a camera fetish like me ;)


Thank you, Viki time healer team!

I DIED. I'M DEAD, writing from heaven. I'm a complete mess, a puddle of melted me, I can't write coherent sentences after I watched the subbed episode!!!

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In my years of watching kdramas, never have I watched live broadcasts religiously. Never. I was always contented of the fact that I will get subs the next day, it is okay to wait the next day. So I just know that I love a drama when I watch it RAW, you know when you cannot get enough of it, you forget that you do not understand Korean, and that's okay, you will watch it anyway. I would follow a drama that I really, absolutely like, which is very rare, to the point that I would watch it RAW, however, that is as far as it goes, I never watch it live. But not in my experience in watching Healer. I started watching Healer, by accident, actually, as I just finished an episode of Pride and Prejudice, so I was kind of bored and just clicked on Healer. The first episode I enjoyed thoroughly because I liked Park Min Young's character and the prospect of a great OTP. So, I marathoned the first four episodes, because Healer was in its second week then.When I marathoned the first four episodes of Healer, the fourth episode being RAW, I knew I was a goner. In the next weeks, my routines and habits changed. I even calendared Healer on my Mondays and Tuesdays schedule, and de-lurked here on Soompi, which was actually the best thing I did because the experience of watching Healer with you guys here just made it all the more meaningful. I mean, we even made a project which almost everyone contributed to, and really cared about. That is really something. 

Now, that it is over, I can honestly say that this is my top drama, and I do not think that would change anytime soon. You see, Healer is one of the rare ones. It has everything I wanted in a drama and more. The cast, the OTP, the writing. They all made me care for the characters of this drama, to the point that I would nit pick on every little thing that happens to them. I really cared for these characters. But much of it really was because of this OTP. Because, YS and JH may be well written characters, but without the flawless and natural acting of JCW and PMY, this would fail. I have never seen such wonderful moments, the kind that you would constantly think about even when you are doing your most mundane tasks, and actually still get the feels, even after so many times of re-watching. That rarely happens to me. Plus, the supporting characters and cast are just too awesome - I mean, Ajumma! I have never came across a character like her in any kdrama ever, and Kim Mi Kyung was just brilliant! 

In the end, this drama taught me to endure and just fight on, whatever it is you are dealing with, much like YS and JH, they endured all the pain that they experienced, and fought hard and came out victors. 

Anyway, thank you all! See you at the wrap up party! :)

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I really don't know what to say. I'm still shock that Healer already end.

I love this drama. I become fan of SJN. She knows what fans want and surprise fans till made fans almost have heart attack =))


Have watch Healer ep 20 (raw).

Hahaha I can't believe we got trolled with SJN by made we think Healer will die. I almost scream. I bet all of you almost have heart attack. I told you. She knows how to surprise fans till made fans almost have heart attack. She the best writer I ever see! She know what fans want!

I burst of laughing at part KMH close SJH's eyes. It's so funny =))

Ok. Time to sleep :P

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I was too busy lamenting about the end that I forgot to comment about the actual episode itself.

Currently halfway through watching the finale with subs, I just had to stop and remark on these beautifuuuuul lines.

Around the 35 minute mark...

Young Shin: When I hold his hand, the feeling of "it's okay now" gradually spreads to my whole body from my hand. A marvelous, unique, one and only hand that can say, "it's okay now."

Jung Hoo: The things I like - high places, the first snow, small hands, white bedding, and that hair. The things I hate - anything and everything that keeps me away from the things I like.

I lost it. 8-> Gosh freaking damn that is so sweet and romantic. Kudos to SJN and credits to Viki team for the beautiful translation! That felt like straight out of a romance novel. *swooooon* These twoooooo. Drives me insane insane insane. I'm sorry it's 3:40 in the morning at our place right now and idk how I'm even functioning, so all my feels are heightened.

Okay, back to watching.

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Guest Leylalinn

This drama ending is epic. Sweet and lovely. Love the way u writen Sjn ssi. Love the way u act our OTP.

My heart so fast when watch on air. Too excited. Thank u for all. healer...bogoshipo ottoke

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Knowing what JH and YS said about what they like and dislikes makes it way MUSHIER than I expected! I got goosebumps listening to it! But of course, I can't get rid of this huge grin on my face right now!!! Gotta go re-watch and slow down everything!!!
Also, what exactly happened to the Elder???

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The Blu-ray has been sold out! As it is a limited edition, there will be no more. But we still have plenty of DVD's! If you want to enjoy watching Healer again with deleted scenes, more BTS than the official website, and other special features, place your pre-order now to secure yourself a copy!
YesAsia ships globally except to Canada and the US, while Innolife ships globally, but UK is listed as "Kingdom." Instructions on how to order from Innolife with screenshots can be found here. The DVD's are playable in regions 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 and the Blu-rays are playable everywhere. 

YesAsia DVD pre-order pageInnolife DVD pre-order page

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Aww.. it ends. This drama is daebak from ep 1 til end. 
I have the current viki softsub for the last episode. This is temporary before someone upload it to subscene and will delete it. Click on my profile and click on website link.
Thank you everyone for making this ride joyful and Healer Viki Sub Team for the fast and hardwork!

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all of you who have been here seen or unseen, known and unknown

for the drama happy ending

hai sa petrecem!!!Let's party !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Smiley drinking 14.gif

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ep 20 with sub finally done!! Oh God!! this drama really impressing me.. many kdrama that i've watch since 2000 until now.. but this drama just skyrocketing become my top best drama ever.. sorry Brilliant Legacy.. i think Healer already steal your Top position for me..

this show really amazing.. Casts, plot, Ost, OTP chemistry so awesome.. hahhh.. so sad Healer must end..

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GOODBYE HEALER i hate this withdrawal syndrome .. i just wanted to say few things about healersince i've started watching it almost since it started airing so it's been like 3 months and that's a long time filled with anticipation for the next episode , the OSTs , seeing Uri OTP together , with all this stress of waiting i enjoyed the past three months so much , i even had mid term exams and it lasted for a month and i still watched Healer during this month and it helped me destress and i felt happy the entire time , one of my favorite dramas is The Master's Sun (i just changed my profile picture from TMS to Healer OTP incase you didn't recognize me ) anyways incase of TMS i had a specific scene that i liked the most but in Healer let me mention my favorite scenes :-1-when they were talking on the phone and she was making that paper star (the phone booth scene)2-when they had their makeover and they saw each other 3-the kiss in the rooftop4-when CYS went on her first date with Healer , while watching the movie , when JH held her hand5-episode 15 (the entire episode hahah :D )6-when he introduced himself to her as Seo Jung Ho7-when she was hit in the early episodes and PBS put his hands behind her head and took the shock of the hit8-when PBS confessed on the rooftop while drinking beer
9-when CYS and PBS were talking on the phone and she told him that she feels like he's her sibling haha10-when they were in the elevator and she held PBS's hand and he tried to kiss her 11-when PBS suddenly came to Coffee bay and asked if she can help him and he hugged her12-when they were cooking and he couldn't peel a potatoe or an onion and when she help his arms to see if he's Healer13-after he was injured and she took him to the ER and she asked him if he was going to come to work the next day and he said yes14-when she asked him to pick east or west and the whole scene after that15-when they hugged each other and kissed infront of her dad and the ahjussi also the second time in the finale ,it was hilarious 16-when they were walking and she asked him if he killed anyone before 17-when he slept on her lap in the elder's house and when she slept on his lap in Someday office18-when he told he that he confessed in a video that he killed park dong chul in episode 19 19-when he met ahjumma for the first time (this scene was so epic)20-in episode 20 i liked only two scenes of uri OTP , the first one when he was talking to ahjumma and CYS heard them and she talked to him also the two kiss scenes at the end
i actually wrote my favorite scenes and when i finished they were exactly 20 , hahah so accurate anyways when i say these are my favorite scenes , i mean it , i can repeat each one 100 times and i really can't pick my favortite out of these 20 
i think this is a fun thing to do to heal our withdrawal syndrome , i had so much fun writing it and remembering those cute scenes so i forgot that Healer ended for a minute , so anyone who's interested should write about their favorite scenes
GoodBye Healer , Good Bye

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