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[Drama 2014] My Lovely Girl 내겐 너무 사랑스러운 그녀


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@sunset90 I really hope that's not on the cards ~ the one week happy, then separation, then reunion. I can see exactly that happening but I hope MLG pulls something different. Thing is, it wouldn't give us time to see HW's eventual path back to music. I wanted him to return to songwriting because it's so obvious he misses it. I don't want them to separate when Sena finds out. I want her to maybe doubt him, but stick by his side since he was so guilty and really tried his best to push her away for her sake. When she finds out that he's suffering from some syndrome because of her sister's death, I want her to be the reason for him to be cured. They can work together making music and it will also convince her that he's in love with her enough to return to something he's given up a long time ago.

I think because this drama has been great, my expectations have significantly increased. With 6 episodes left, I hope they can focus on the healing part in regards to music. But we'll see. I'm yet to be disappointed at anything in this drama besides that ridiculous love triangle with Hyunwook's dad. So I'm not too concerned. They should handle it just fine.

@kdramafanfan I don't think Hyunwook disregarded Minah whatsoever. He actually really loves his sister and looks at her with very tender eyes (as shown in episode 2-4). He wanted his dad to fix things because he didn't want Minah to get affected by their current spat. I think the reason he doesn't allow Minah to debut is because she isnt ready yet. It's never going to be a good thing for her to get success based on who's daughter she is. She needs to earn it, and when she does, I'm sure her brother will be supporting her through it all.

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@strawberries34 I was waiting for your comments! Great comments as usual!
SN is the only one who saw his suffering and accepted it. She also didn't wait for his recovering from the loss, but helped him to overcome his loss... SJ and HY both said, they were waiting... and for me, it is a sign that they never accepted HW's love for SE. SJ is like HY in a certain way, because he didn't grieve with his friend. Indeed, he must have told HY to wait... and I guess, that's why HW fell in love with her. She was patient, respected his privacy and even during the episode 7, she said to him, she would stay by his side no matter what. So she never put her desire first... who wouldn't love a girl like that?
There is a good example: at the park, when HW opened up and talked about the mother of DB, he started thinking about the past and he wasn't hurt as much as before, and SN looked at him tenderly, noticing that he must thinking about his dead girlfriend and the past. She had such a tender look, no jealousy's feelings.

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@bebebisous33 Lol, I actually had a midterm this morning so I didn't get a chance to procrastinate (like I usually do) and read everyone's views. As always, I agree with everything you said.

When Haeyoon was drunk, she actually said she 'tolerated' his love for Soeun and waited for him to come to her. I think that's downright disrespectful of their love. That she thought it was some random passing phase and that when he gets his senses back, he'll come back to her. So like you said, she never even acknowledged their feelings for each other.

Sungjin is more difficult to understand. He constantly pushes Hyunwook to believe he's wrong. He reprimands him for having feelings for a woman other than Haeyoon. I get that he understands her pain and longing. But he's never seen Hyunwook's at all. That the guy is about to have a mental break down having to deal with firing Sena and pushing her away, dealing with Shiwoo's career problems and his father's interruption. He doesn't need people to shove him down a path he's so clearly unwilling to take. But it's not even that, it's that Sungjin doesn't even see him hurting. When Hyunwook snapped, he was surprised ~ like it was the first time he realized what his friend was going through. Hyunwook isn't even pretending to hide his pain. How can Sungjin not see it?

I love your example of Sena. She's just someone who puts him above everything ~ even above her own feelings. When she called up Bear to say goodbye, she asked about Hyunwook and if he was doing okay. That wasn't just because she was missing him, it was also because she was concerned about how he was dealing with AnA issues. Sena is just a person worth falling in love with.

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@strawberries34 I hope, it went well this morning...
About the example at the end of your last comment: I love that scene because you can also see that HW is trying by any mean to hear something about her. The way he looked at Bear... I loved his gaze there, hoping he would catch some news about SN. He was also touched when he recognized that she was worrying for him. I must confess, I had to stop the video in order to catch his gaze and facial expression. IT really moved me...  :x

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@bebebisous33 Aww thanks! It went okay thankfully. I may have written Hyunwook or Sena in between my Accounts receivables, but my prof will understand :))

Oh I love that scene too! It was awesome on Hyunwook's part because he was totally fidgeting. It was hard on him finding out she's looking for a part time job. He wanted to be her daddy-long-legs and having to push her away like that hurts him as much as her. At the same time, like you said, it warmed him that she's still honking of his well-being. These two are amazing... And Rain really killed it this episode, he communicated so much with his [small] eyes lol.

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@strawberries I am glad for you... but he might understand if he is also watching MLG... who knows  well, I am a teacher and I am glad that I don't need to pass any tests... rather, I am the one who is conducting tests and it is less stressfull! :D
Even if the episode 8 was full with angst and tears, I did enjoy it because I loved HW's and SN's acting all along and at the end, HW acted on his feelings... I love the final scene, I mean from the moment HY appears at HW's home and until the end... SN's appearance, HY/HW's argument... from the start of the episode until the end, you could sense HW's struggles. You can compare him with a bottle who is getting filled over and over again with hot water until the bottle explodes... repressing his feelings until he couldn't take any longer!  :((

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I am watching again with eng sub the episode! And I have a question mark: at min 21:00 when HW's dad is talking to the other one (the supposing next ceo) they are talking about hw and es and say something that his dad wanted this way! So what is there that dad did or the otherone did to SE? There are kinda of more secrets that expected  

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I like Alex, but his character is a big no no for me. He needs to start standing in between HW & HY and stop pushing HW to HY, which annoys me the most. Just because HY has a loyal crush on HW for 12 years doesn't mean that she gets the privileged of sympathy and deserving of HW's love. If he was a true friend to HW, he should have realized that HW was also suffering and clearly doesn't want anything to do with HY. Plus, he should have urged HY to move on; like seriously, what kind of friend are you?... 

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AdelaM said: I am watching again with eng sub the episode! And I have a question mark: at min 21:00 when HW's dad is talking to the other one (the supposing next ceo) they are talking about hw and es and say something that his dad wanted this way! So what is there that dad did or the otherone did to SE? There are kinda of more secrets that expected  

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Guest ashkinzt.gcross_317b

At the last scene where SN visits HW's house, does anyone know if these particular lines are accurate translations?

"Ajusshi, what are you doing?"
"Did I seem that trivial to you?"
"Do I look that easy?"

Did the english translations use the correct words to display the 'feeling' the original language wanted to portray? For some reason, I find the chosen words weak and I yearn for something more haha. Any thoughts? If it was a 100% direct translation then my apologies. That just means, I'm so engrossed in this drama that maybe I, myself has been hurting more than SN lmao... :))

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bebebisous33 said: AdelaM said: I am watching again with eng sub the episode! And I have a question mark: at min 21:00 when HW's dad is talking to the other one (the supposing next ceo) they are talking about hw and es and say something that his dad wanted this way! So what is there that dad did or the otherone did to SE? There are kinda of more secrets that expected  

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class="content-title" [Highlights] “My Lovely Girl” Episodes 9 and 10   October 17, 2014


[Highlights] “My Lovely Girl” Episodes 9 and 10

A lot happened this week, with all four of our main characters struggling to be honest about their feelings, even if that honesty only leads to more broken hearts. Here are my top five scenes from episodes nine and ten of “My Lovely Girl”:

  1. Hae Yoon’s drunk rant to Hyun Wook—To be honest, I don’t really like Hae Yoon. She’s so jealous and petty about Hyun Wook that I just want to tell her to move on. But in this scene, where she drunkenly pours her heart out to Hyun Wook about her 12 years of one-sided love for him, I felt really bad for her. I still think she needs to move on, but seeing the depth of her pain was quite moving.mlg 9:10 hae yoon final
  2. Shi Woo’s horrifying solo debut—This was so hard to watch! I was making this same face as Shi Woo the entire time.mlg 9:10 l final
  3. DAL BONG IS OUT OF THE HOSPITAL—After staying in the hospital for several days, Dal Bong is allowed to come home. What a relief—for now. If this drama doesn’t end with someone discovering a cure for dog cancer, I’m going to lodge a complaint with SBS.mlg 9:10 dog final
  4. Shi Woo and Se Na, partners in music—I love this relationship so much. I love how he genuinely wants to help her, and I love the sweet way he expresses his feelings for her. (I appear to have a very strong case of Second Lead Syndrome!)mlg 9:10 krystal final
  5. Hyun Wook’s breakdown—As frustrating as I found most of Hyun Wook’s actions this week, his final breakdown, where he realizes that he can’t push Se Na away anymore, was wonderful. Rain’s performance was so raw and painful. That being said, I need him to start being honest with Se Na. He can’t keep hiding the truth forever.mlg 9:10 rain final

What do you think? What were your favorite scenes and moments from this week’s episodes? Let us know in the comments!

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Guest hanaf1430294020

ashkinzt.gcross_317b said: At the last scene where SN visits HW's house, does anyone know if these two particular lines are accurate translations?

"Ajusshi, what are you doing?"
"Did I seem that trivial to you?"
"Do I look that easy?"

Did the english translations use the correct words to display the 'feeling' the original language wanted to portray? For some reason, I find the chosen words weak and I yearn for something more haha. Any thoughts? If it was a 100% direct translation then my apologies. That just means, I'm so engrossed in this drama that maybe I, myself has been hurting more than SN lmao... :))

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@AdelaM I believe that JY will use his knowledge as weapon in order to destroy HW - by separating SN from HW -, but JY doesn't know SN's temper and personality and he might think that SN is the same as SE used to be. We saw that HY slapped SE and she didn't say anything and I am quite sure, HW still doesn't know about it. Through this scene, we saw that SE wasn't that strong-minded like SN and maybe had a lack of self-confidence therefore she quarelled a lot with HW due to all the misunderstandings created at the company by JY and HW's father. Anyway, SN is very different from HY, she has never been afraid of HY: she has always answered directly and frankly. Even in the last episode, she refused any help from HW, confronted HW for his behavior ... so I am rather confident that she won't change her mind. I don't know, I am still optimistic and I hope, the writer won't disappoint me in this matter. So far, I like SN for her strength, confidence and perseverence and her courage that she won't be scared easily. She was really brave, when she said: she will stop loving HW. She acted as the opposite of HY. She has her pride, dignity and self-respect. She doesn't want to rely... I guess that's why she is also different from SE. Her sister seems to have given up her career as singer and I guess, due to her relationship with HW. 

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Guest hanaf1430294020

i watched these scenes a thousand times , but the first time before HW start to run , i was like this : go go gooooo afther her hurry up hurry  . ( i was screaming , it feels like im cheering a football player  =)) )
oh man i had so much stress from those scenes :-S  X_X
remeber when they show alex face for few secs ? it feels like years for me till the scene changed too HW

i was going to explode ~X( only these tearfull but smiling eyes saved my life in the end (happppppppy happpppppy)


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[2 more Pics]14-10-17 Rain @ My Lovely Girl Set


cr. scorpiolaBi


My Lovely Girl #1 Tudou Ranking Chart for Korean and Jananese dramas.

credit.Scorpiolabi Bi



My Lovely Girl #1 Tudou Ranking Chart for all Region.

credit.Scorpiolabi Bi


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bebebisous33 said: Anyway, SN is very different from HY, she has never been afraid of HY: she has always answered directly and frankly. Even in the last episode, she refused any help from HW, confronted HW for his behavior ... so I am rather confident that she won't change her mind. I don't know, I am still optimistic and I hope, the writer won't disappoint me in this matter. So far, I like SN for her strength, confidence and perseverence and her courage that she won't be scared easily. She was really brave, when she said: she will stop loving HW. She acted as the opposite of HY. She has her pride, dignity and self-respect. She doesn't want to rely... I guess that's why she is also different from SE. Her sister seems to have given up her career as singer and I guess, due to her relationship with HW. 

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@strawberries34 really chingu!!! thats what i felt too....actually i'm  not understand hangul but the meaning expression that came to my heart was different.i told you before on my previous post...how about last scene for alex,HY and HW part?...do u understand hangul? :)>-
about see na character agree with u both too @bebebisous33 and @strawberries34...i think see na character similar with Krystal is self...i know her as Bona in Heirs...i follow her on twitter (if i'm not misktaken) on her latest post i think i know who she is...and after watch reality show with Jessica too.the PD has choosen the right actress for Yoon see na indeed :-*

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