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♥Quack Couple♥Park Hoon(Lee Jong Suk) & Oh Soo Hyun(Kang So Ra)♥(Sora mentions LeeJong Suk-p385)


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Guest JessicaD1430293883

[ARTICLE] 27/6/2014 "Doctor Stranger" PD nim and writer-nim gave compliments to Lee Jong Suk

Credit: BNT News China
Translated into English
by hayleee based on the Vietnamese translation of Lee Jong Suk FC in Vietnam
(If you take this news elsewhere, please credit to hayleee @ soompi. Thanks)

Writer-nim Park Jin Woo has decided to attend the interview with reporter. He said: "Lee Jong Suk's acting was incredible! Even my script hasn't mentioned some parts, Jong Suk still understood his character enough to express his feeling through acting. Especially his eye contact. Whenever he closes his eyes then opens them again, the feeling can easily be noticed. I didn't mention any of it in the script. It was his natural reaction."

After that, writer Park Jin Woo also said that he wanted to apologize to Lee Jong Suk. Even though, Doctor Stranger has always ranked first among other dramas which have been aired in the same time slot, Lee Jong Suk's previous dramas have usually received higher rating and they were always considered to be "hot topic". Due to an average rating of "Doctor Stranger", Park Jin Wo felt guilty towards Jong Suk: "His previous dramas, many of them have received a rating more than 20%. I feel like I have given him a setback in his career".

When talking about Park Hae Jin, Park writer-nim also gave him a compliment: "He is a handsome guy with good pronounciation. Thank you Park Hae Jin for using your precise and perfect voice to speak up in my drama movie".

In the interview night, Park writer-nim carefully shared his thought about the drama ending to reporter: "The drama is coming to an end. I have finished half of it. At this point of time, I only think about how to create an excited ending".

PD Jin Hyuk said: "The audience will find out when they see the ending. We have brought a big determination from all the actors and actresses when we started to make this drama. As a stranger in a big hospital, it is our target to let Park Hoon blend in, and try his best to become a good doctor. In fact, it is right to judge Doctor Stranger as a medical drama. To the end, we want to skip all the unwanted parts to show such a perfect side of a doctor. We will develop the ending as the one in the initial original script."

PD Jin Hyuk also stated that, Doctor Stranger was originally developed as a medical drama. However, at that time, the rating of a medical drama was not high so SBS has asked him and writer to make a script where medical theme will be blended with a love story. That is why "Doctor Stranger" has ended as a drama with various themes. He also said that, as their original plan (aimed to the medical-solo script), Oh Soo Hyun was aimed to be the female lead.

Apart from it, Doctor Stranger will be edited and turned into a movie which will come to theater in China only. It is expected to be a 120-minute movie. A representative also said that, after receiving feedbacks from Chinese viewers, there is a possibility that Doctor Stranger's script will be changed. Furthermore, Lee Jong Suk, Jin Se Yeon, Park Hae Jin, Kang Sora will appear and give extra-filming for the changes in the movie version.

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JessicaD said:

[ARTICLE] 27/6/2014 "Doctor Stranger" PD nim and writer-nim gave compliments to Lee Jong Suk

Credit: BNT News China
Translated into English
by hayleee based on the Vietnamese translation of Lee Jong Suk FC in Vietnam
(If you take this news elsewhere, please credit to hayleee @ soompi. Thanks)

Writer-nim Park Jin Woo has decided to attend the interview with reporter. He said: "Lee Jong Suk's acting was incredible! Even my script hasn't mentioned some parts, Jong Suk still understood his character enough to express his feeling through acting. Especially his eye contact. Whenever he closes his eyes then opens them again, the feeling can easily be noticed. I didn't mention any of it in the script. It was his natural reaction."

After that, writer Park Jin Woo also said that he wanted to apologize to Lee Jong Suk. Even though, Doctor Stranger has always ranked first among other dramas which have been aired in the same time slot, Lee Jong Suk's previous dramas have usually received higher rating and they were always considered to be "hot topic". Due to an average rating of "Doctor Stranger", Park Jin Wo felt guilty towards Jong Suk: "His previous dramas, many of them have received a rating more than 20%. I feel like I have given him a setback in his career".

When talking about Park Hae Jin, Park writer-nim also gave him a compliment: "He is a handsome guy with good pronounciation. Thank you Park Hae Jin for using your precise and perfect voice to speak up in my drama movie".

In the interview night, Park writer-nim carefully shared his thought about the drama ending to reporter: "The drama is coming to an end. I have finished half of it. At this point of time, I only think about how to create an excited ending".

PD Jin Hyuk said: "The audience will find out when they see the ending. We have brought a big determination from all the actors and actresses when we started to make this drama. As a stranger in a big hospital, it is our target to let Park Hoon blend in, and try his best to become a good doctor. In fact, it is right to judge Doctor Stranger as a medical drama. To the end, we want to skip all the unwanted parts to show such a perfect side of a doctor. We will develop the ending as the one in the initial original script."

PD Jin Hyuk also stated that, Doctor Stranger was originally developed as a medical drama. However, at that time, the rating of a medical drama was not high so SBS has asked him and writer to make a script where medical theme will be blended with a love story. That is why "Doctor Stranger" has ended as a drama with various themes. He also said that, as their original plan (aimed to the medical-solo script), Oh Soo Hyun was aimed to be the female lead.

Apart from it, Doctor Stranger will be edited and turned into a movie which will come to theater in China only. It is expected to be a 120-minute movie. A representative also said that, after receiving feedbacks from Chinese viewers, there is a possibility that Doctor Stranger's script will be changed. Furthermore, Lee Jong Suk, Jin Se Yeon, Park Hae Jin, Kang Sora will appear and give extra-filming for the changes in the movie version.

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Hello all aboard the awesome Quack Ship! :) 

I have been lurking in this thread for a while, having fun reading all the lovely quack posts. I usually remain a lurker and do not post, but my feels for this crazy kdrama have reached critical mass. I need to rant somewhere or I'll burst! :D

Since I'm a 1000% Quack Couple supporter, this seems like the best place to do it. This will be a super long post, sorry for that.

I have been watching kdrama's for quite a few years now, but never has a drama made me feel this anxious and emotionally involved. One part of it is surely the crazy script which twists and turns every which way, but a bigger part is Lee Jong Suk and Kang Sora. 

To be honest, when I saw the press conference pictures of LJS and all three actresses I though him and KS suited each other the least in terms of appearance, although, they're of course both very good looking people. 

However, when I saw these two together in a scene on screen - bam! Completely changed my mind within seconds! I thought, wow, these two actually suit each other really well. I guess talent and passion for acting wins every time. :) 

If our Quack Couple is not supposed to be the endgame, then I don't know what to think about the writing of the show. All the development and moments between Hoon and Hyun are just too much if it's meant to be only fanservice. If it was only that, they could have kept it at just nice little moments and developed them as cute friends/colleagues, while paying more attention to HoonHee and JoonHyun for the romance. 

However, most of the screen time and moments that one would typically associate with an endgame couple has gone to HoonHyun. HoonHee has been completely neglected and underwritten. JoonHyun has become completely one-sided by now and he is too obsessed with revenge. If I was supposed to root for them as a viewer, then the writing and direction has failed. 

Putting aside the question of whether Seung Hee is really Jae Hee or not, we have not been shown her side of the story, not even for a moment, no background information on who she is, what was her childhood and past like. She has been continuously portrayed as Hoon's weakness, as an obstacle to him becoming a good doctor. She is still largely shrouded in mystery which makes me suspect her every action, even her self-sacrifice. 

This is not how I want to feel about a character if I’m supposed to be rooting for her in a loveline. I don’t mind first love storylines in kdramas, but I want to see two fully developed characters involved. In this show it feels more like a character and a half. 

Contrast this to Hoon and Hyun both of whom have been given screen-time and development and we know their background stories. Their motivations are clear and their emotions are easy enough to grasp. 

Is it any wonder then that so many are rooting for the second love rather than the first in this show? 

So in conclusion, quack, quack all the way! Quack to the very end and beyond! :D
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Guest JessicaD1430293883

lolly84 said: It's a bit strange but my quack heart is full of happiness ATM! Even if they'll not end up together, i'm satisfied! Pdnim and writernim, i love you both!!

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OK .. I am happy that I was not wrong to think that SR is the main OTP .. at least up until 6. I was so sure of it ... and that SHee contempt, cold llook was 'real'. I mean it could be she's not the real JHee .... and they - SBS request to change after they shoot that first few episode??? ... so that the reason for all the skin ship in the first few episode? ... wahahahaha... what is the ORIGINAL plot here??? .... 
So we are not delusional after all .. I am not crazy ... OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ... this is so so so so relief .. I AM NOT CRAZY... I AM NOT HALLUCINATING .. I AM SANE .. So my 'experience watching kdrama has not failed me ... I have not failed me. So I interpret it correctly...  THANK GOD 

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Guest heylody

Am I the only one who think that JaeHee is a little like Jesus ? The number of times she survived a risk of death is incalculable. =)) =))

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Bambiina said: OK .. I am happy that I was not wrong to think that SR is the main OTP .. at least up until 6. I was so sure of it ... and that SHee contempt, cold llook was 'real'. I mean it could be she's not the real JHee .... and they - SBS request to change after they shoot that first few episode??? ... so that the reason for all the skin ship in the first few episode? ... wahahahaha... what is the ORIGINAL plot here??? .... 
So we are not delusional after all .. I am not crazy ... OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ... this is so so so so relief .. I AM NOT CRAZY... I AM NOT HALLUCINATING .. I AM SANE .. So my 'experience watching kdrama has not failed me ... I have not failed me. So I interpret it correctly...  THANK GOD 

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