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♥Quack Couple♥Park Hoon(Lee Jong Suk) & Oh Soo Hyun(Kang So Ra)♥(Sora mentions LeeJong Suk-p385)


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I dunno why but when I look at sukkie's pictorials, it kinda seems like he's speaking to me saying 'I KNOW YOU WANT TO UNDRESS ME, IT'S OKAY JUST DO IT, JUST UNDRESS ME!' =)) =)) =)) =P~

I know ahjumma rania will kill me, so I better make a run for it first since it's way past midnight here. Night night sweet dreams to myself, hope I dream of sukkie tonight Hahahaha =)) =))

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pandalover1 said: I dunno why but when I look at sukkie's pictorials, it kinda seems like he's speaking to me saying 'I KNOW YOU WANT TO UNDRESS ME, IT'S OKAY JUST DO IT, JUST UNDRESS ME!' =)) =)) =)) =P~ I know ahjumma rania will kill me, so I better make a run for it first since it's way past midnight here. Night night sweet dreams to myself, hope I dream of sukkie tonight Hahahaha =)) =))

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Guest kiyasnow

For @angels_natdylax05 T^T it didn't turn out well at all LOL! as you asked, mafia family and jong suk xD
Becoming the Mafia’s Son-in-Law -Quack Style-tumblr_nc6vgxX5x81taut28o1_500.jpgtumblr_nc6vgxX5x81taut28o2_500.jpg
storyline: Jong Suk falls in love with a mature, beautiful yet mysterious woman, Kang Sora, after trying again and again, Sora finally agree to go out with him. Soon Sukkie realize that she's the one and wants to spend the rest of his life with her, however Sora has a secret. Even if she turn him down, Sukkie doesn't take no for an answer and so the only thing to do now is introduce him to the secret-- her mafia family!

 @angels_natdylax05 my muse!! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO ME!! making me think of storyline when i suck at it, LOL! 179.gifdelululu 

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kiyasnow said: For @angels_natdylax05 T^T it didn't turn out well at all LOL! as you asked, mafia family and jong suk xD
Becoming the Mafia’s Son-in-Law -Quack Style-storyline: Jong Suk falls in love with a mature, beautiful yet mysterious woman, Kang Sora, after trying again and again, Sora finally agree to go out with him. Soon Sukkie realize that she's the one and wants to spend the rest of his life with her, however Sora has a secret. Even if she turn him down, Sukkie doesn't take no for an answer and so the only thing to do now is introduce him to the secret-- her mafia family!

 @angels_natdylax05 my muse!! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO ME!! making me think of storyline when i suck at it, LOL! 179.gifdelululu 

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angels_natdylax05 said: kiyasnow said: For @angels_natdylax05 T^T it didn't turn out well at all LOL! as you asked, mafia family and jong suk xD
Becoming the Mafia’s Son-in-Law -Quack Style-storyline: Jong Suk falls in love with a mature, beautiful yet mysterious woman, Kang Sora, after trying again and again, Sora finally agree to go out with him. Soon Sukkie realize that she's the one and wants to spend the rest of his life with her, however Sora has a secret. Even if she turn him down, Sukkie doesn't take no for an answer and so the only thing to do now is introduce him to the secret-- her mafia family!

 @angels_natdylax05 my muse!! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO ME!! making me think of storyline when i suck at it, LOL! 179.gifdelululu 

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Guest wizengamot

i'm rewatching doctor stranger, putting aside my sanity's sake. trying to jump scenes of soohyun and hoon. and basically saving youtube fanvids of them on my phone. didn't know that a thread like this exist until @sleepykid told me to come here because i'm asking what 0206 means in his ig. and man, was this thread so crazy (in a good way) XD

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i'm rewatching doctor stranger, putting aside my sanity's sake. trying to jump scenes of soohyun and hoon. and basically saving youtube fanvids of them on my phone. didn't know that a thread like this exist until @sleepykid told me to come here because i'm asking what 0206 means in his ig. and man, was this thread so crazy (in a good way) XD

Welcome to this thread where you can be crazy delulu about Quacks all you want..it's never too late for anything...and please go and read page 301..u won't regret it.. ;)

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i'm rewatching doctor stranger, putting aside my sanity's sake. trying to jump scenes of soohyun and hoon. and basically saving youtube fanvids of them on my phone. didn't know that a thread like this exist until @sleepykid told me to come here because i'm asking what 0206 means in his ig. and man, was this thread so crazy (in a good way) XD

@wizengamot I welcome you here because I thought you needed an insight about the mysterious 0206, I hope you choose the right answer but feel free to share your insight also lol. And like what unni @angel_natdylax05 recommends page 301 you really need to read it. YOU MUST READ IT LOL.

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Lee Jong Suk Nylon interview - part 2 (Oct 2014)

Chinese translation: xina5959@weibo
English translation: Rienne
Pic credits: as tagged

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Nylon: Often, one likes an actor due to attraction to the gaze in his eyes. We're curious whether you have ever liked an actor by looking at the screen and feeling as if you're drawn into his gaze?
JongSuk: Before my debut, I was a fan of sunbae Kang Dong Won. The word "elegant" is not often used to describe a man, but towards sunbae Kang Dong Won this word is most appropriate, and in "Duelist" his nickname is Sad Eyes. I have watched all of his works.

Nylon: Then how do you see your face as that of an actor?
JongSuk: Just looking at appearance alone, my face is not the type that suits a broad range of acting roles. I'm still in my 20s, so I often hear words such as "he's pretty" or "handsome", but when I reach my 30s, will I be restricted due to my image?

Nylon: If we talk about actor Lee Jong Suk in his 30s, what kind of image surfaces in your mind?
JongSuk: There's one period of time in which I was restricted by a compulsive mindset that I must become very manly. If one thinks of it straightforward
ly, a very manly image means very wild, with black coarse skin and heavy beard, but now I think it's not like that. For example, it can be a man who stays quietly by his girlfriend's side to support her when she's sad. The feeling of me as a youth is very strong. What I'll be like in future will only be known in future, so I don't intend to be troubled over this.

Nylon: You admit that you are now growing well, right?
JongSuk: In "School 2013", there's a poem 흔들리며피는꽃 (Swaying Blooming Flower) by Do Jong-hwan. One line says "where is the flower that blooms without being shaken"; that line went straight into my heart. Even if people become adults whose body stops growing, if the heart can still feel, that means growth. Because I often use this line, the letters that fans write to me also often mention the sentence "you are growing well".

Nylon: You must have had a lull period. Is there any video you'd want to delete?
JongSuk: Too many. I made my debut in Prosecutor Princess. At that time, my performance was lacking but it was still ok; after all it was the process of my hard work. But the hardest part was standing in front of the camera as my own self, not as the character in the drama but as what Lee Jong Suk has done as the contents, which would make me feel strange. Aren't there many videos where one has to record a congratulatory message to others? Saying that kind of rehearsed words makes me feel awkward.

Nylon: Outside of TV, what is Lee Jong Suk like as a person, such that this will make you feel awkward?
JongSuk: To say it in one word, I'm a very lethargic person, haha. If there is no schedule, I almost always stay at home. At home, I only shuttle between three places - bathroom, kitchen, bed. Because I like TV, I bought a super big television to place in the living room but have no chance to switch it on, because I only stay in bed to watch TV and eat.

Nylon: Because of Doctor Stranger, you got a motorbike driving licence. Do you often drive motorbike?
JongSuk: I got a new car end of last year, but it's still new now. I've bought it for nearly a year, but the smell (of a new car) is still lingering. This incident happened before I changed my car. Even if I didn't drive the car often, I still had to revve the engine occasionally. My friend and I got into the car and then discovered a spiderweb, and almost had an accident while driving. There was a very big spider in the web, hahahaha.

Nylon: This incident can go on the variety show "Instant capture, this actually happens in the world", but is it really true that besides your home, you only go to the filming set?
JongSuk: I see that other actors will go out to have fun on their rest days when there's no filming, but to me, that is a very difficult thing. Of course, the time that I spend at home seems to be fruitless. Often, after I had my meal, I'd just do nothing and then discover that 2 hours had gone by. I was also like this after my last drama filming ended. Just like being in a Time room, I'm always doing nothing.

Nylon: Is it because your energy is exhausted due to a role in which you have invested too many feelings?
JongSuk: Yes, there will be aftermath every time a drama ends. Now is my 5th year as an actor, but in just last year alone, I acted in 5 works, and this year I acted in Doctor Stranger. Experience can be accumulated from high productivity, but at the same time, I worry about what to do if feelings age rapidly and the public loses curiosity in me. So I invest more battle strength in each work.

Nylon: Don't you want to act, for once, a bright and happy character?
JongSuk: Basically, my face is covered with a veil of melancholy. You know that feeling when the back of your neck is chilled by the cold wind? That feeling when even your hair rises. Emotions at that time are at a climax. It's very easy to invest one's feelings when acting at that time. Mm just like being very sentimental at 2 am.

Nylon: In review, loneliness started from "School 2013", right. Even in the drama special "When I was the prettiest", you were loving someone with difficulty.
JongSuk: I'm a slave of love in every work (laughs). When filming the drama special, the character itself is difficult, and at that time, I was very tired mentally, so it was more tough. At that time, I had finished filming a sitcom and went on to be emcee at Inkigayo. At that time when I suffered many criticisms due to my immature emcee skill, I was really longing to act, but no one acknowledged me as an actor. As my desire for acting became too strong, I took on acting seriously in "When I was the prettiest". Because of this opportunity, I met the scriptwriter of "School 2013". So based on results, it was a time when I gained a lot.

Nylon: Do you continue to monitor after your drama ends?
JongSuk: Ah, besides Prosecutor Princess (laughs). A few days ago, I re-watched episode 5 and 6 of "School 2013". As I watch again and again, I always feel a sense of regret. Because of the tight time frame when filming "I hear your voice" and "No Breathing" at the same time, I was not able to distinguish both characters clearly. Actually, no matter how tight the time frame is, I should be responsible for my own decision. I feel that my acting skill is not enough, and blame myself.

Nylon: Does that kind of regret influence your work?
JongSuk: Indeed, it was through Doctor Stranger that my thinking underwent a big change. In the past, I thought that in a work, actor Lee Jong Suk should be responsible mainly for his character, but that kind of thinking is off. In a work, there is not only the character but its connections with the main plot; I overlooked that. I think, if only I had understood that, would it have become a better work.

Nylon: The conclusion is, the topic comes back again to Doctor Stranger.
JongSuk: Before I came for the shoot today, I received a text message from director Jin Hyeok. He said, because Doctor Stranger was the most popular drama in the first half of this year for SBS, it got an award. He was the person who made my debut; our collaboration this time (Doctor Stranger) also had much significance, and it was a work that gave me new insights, so I can't help but mention it.

Nylon: Will you meet us soon in another drama?
JongSuk: Of course. Previously, I missed the "I hear your voice" filming team. This time through the new drama, I can once again work with the scriptwriter and director. If I work with them, I feel I can overcome my feeling of insecurity now.

Nylon: After ending this today, are you going straight home?
JongSuk: Because I'm too tired, initially I wanted to just lie down and sleep, but because of the body painting, I still have to take a shower. I will think about whether I want to watch the last episode of Sherlock before I sleep (laughs).

*Again...!!!!!! Sherlock's name come out :)) .... Aigoo Cumberbitch** I need you to give me more hints!!!!!

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