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♥Quack Couple♥Park Hoon(Lee Jong Suk) & Oh Soo Hyun(Kang So Ra)♥(Sora mentions LeeJong Suk-p385)


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Aigoo Dispatchsshi..the way you work gives me goosebumps..You're practically following her everywhere! [-(
But compliments has to be given..Those are nice shots!..
wanjeon photoshoot cheoreom-idaaa!
Auntie Rania, guess who's wearing Asics?
:D (Check out the spoilers)


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Guest aya52893

Woah dispatch is really scary! When i was joking that they might be following Sora and Sukkie around.. OMG They really are watching their every move. But yes thank you for uploading those pretty pictures of Sora! Wanjeon Gorgeous! :x

So i see Dispatch is working hard, so i hope they can continue to work hard'if you know what i mean' =)) =))

Aigoo.. Dispatch has fallen inlove with her HOLY LEGS too. Hahahaha =)) =)) Good job Dispatch keep on following her.. I want to see a dinner date of my quacks. Don't stop on following her. Hahahaha. Or either can I replace you milgaru unni just for a while? I want to be with dulparii. Waaa. Hahahaha. The girl with Sora is Milgaru right? Hahahaha. Anyway dispatch thank you for the photos and keep up the good work. Hahahaha.. =)) =)) :)) waiting for a dating scandal soon... :D




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"I’m your 5959." <—5959 is a term of affection used by Jongsuk

- Lee Jong Suk-ssi has directly participated in the design of this product with the heart of being with his fans always.

- The product is made out of 925 silver and made in Korea.

- This product is created at the Korean company THE HERTBRIDGE COMPANY. (www.hertbridge.co.kr)

* with this card, you can enjoy exchange or repair service 3 months after purchase.  the bracelets is already sold out  

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Rania Zeid said:


"I’m your 5959." <—5959 is a term of affection used by Jongsuk

- Lee Jong Suk-ssi has directly participated in the design of this product with the heart of being with his fans always.

- The product is made out of 925 silver and made in Korea.

- This product is created at the Korean company THE HERTBRIDGE COMPANY. (www.hertbridge.co.kr)

* with this card, you can enjoy exchange or repair service 3 months after purchase.  the bracelets is already sold out  

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Jongsuk is going to be a spokesperson for The Shilla Duty Free stores! All the fans who went to the fanmeet today got a VIP Gold card from The Shilla and a whole stack of coupons.

The Shilla is one of the top luxurious brand department stores in Korea; looking forward to more promotional material soon!   by hitoritabi  

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Jong Suk Fan Meeting Fan accounts

(This is the non-related to Woobin ones, after hitoritabi’s Woobin related post, thanks to hitoritabi and 07160914 for helping me with some translation problems, group hug you two again.)

(Cr: 四姑娘_206-914)

1. In the opening song, Jong Suk forgot the lyrics once and sang out of tune once, and in the middle of the song after the first verse, the audience gave a round applause. Jong Suk thought there was a bridge in between, so he did not manage to catch up the first half of the second part. After he sang, he complained there was no lyrics written on prompting board, that is why he forgot. He was so cute.

(The song is Jo Gyu Mahn - I’ll Give You Everything, 조규만 - 다 줄 꺼야)

2. Today’s MC was the noona from the One Night’s TV Entertainment, she teased Jong Suk saying he was originally planned to debut as a singer. The MC knows how to create a good atmosphere, she led the whole audience to shout “Lee Jong Suk”, and then asked if everyone has been waiting for a long time, everyone said yes, and she asked if Jong Suk was ready, and he said not yet. JS is naughty.

3. MC asked what JS is doing recently. JS said he lay on bed and watched Sherlock, and that there were so many good TV dramas recently, so he can watch non-stop. MC asked what he did yesterday, he said he went to Karaoke to practise his singing. MC asked if he had really practise. JS said many many times, and he lowered the tune of the song, and said the owner of the karaoke must be wondering why he was singing one song only.

4. A section in the FM is on keywords about JS’ whole body, the first one is one brain structure. MC said JS’ brain is the most special among actors, and she asked if JS is immersed in anything recently. JS said he took up a new drama, but actually he hasn’t really left DS, so he was very worried. JS said he has a very good appetite, so he could not lose any weight.

5. The second keyword is “eyelash rich person”. MC sighed asking if JS got his eyelashes implanted. JS said his eyelashes were longer now than before, sometimes they are stuck into his eyes, so he burnt them with matches before. (Note: the one who wrote this said she could not hear this part clearly.) MC admired his tear mole, saying it is beautiful, JS said there was a mole above the corner of his mouth before, but he got it removed. And JS wiped his sweat many times today.

(Cr: xina5959)

Note: This part was originally translated from Korean fan account, not a first hand account.

1. When they were talking about relationships, JS said whoever has a relationship with me will regret it. And the audience all shouted, “It is okay, let me do it.”

2. JS said he doesn’t like biscuits, among snacks he just loves chocolate,  MC said if he is on diet, why isn’t he eating bitter chocolate. He said what, how can there be chocolates that are bitter, and he insisted that there are only sweet chocolates.

(Cr: Yoru_0914)

MC asked about his height and weight, then JS said 188cm, and then found he made a mistake and changed to 186cm.

by : amyhsk 



Many pictures going around already, but I decided to use this for my FA

I have to admit that I am not a good Jongsuk fan, I mean I am the lazy style because never tried hard to go to fansigns or other events (and I feel terrible bad now about that), and I choose to go see Joonyoung instead but this time I am glad I fought for a ticket…

Ok.. said that… now about the fanmeeting. 

1) He started singing this time, I am sorry but I don’t know the song tittle, so need to read other FAs to complete the information. He was terrible nervous and of course committed many mistakes during the song that were covered by his cuteness lol I was almost waiting for more mistakes so he can show us more agyeo kkk. He continuously said 도워 T^T or “it is hot” too lol. As anecdote he said that he was practicing the song yesterday in a karaoke room. Can u guys imagine him singing the song again and again during 1-2 hours? lol … he said the owner of the place recognized him, and probably will think he is very weird lol 

2) When the girl who was MCing the event asked him if he was ready to start (he was clearly tooooo nervous to do anything) he replied 아직 T^T ”not yet”.. asdada how cute! I wanted to give him a hug and pat his shoulders. Just relax boy! everyone in here literately loves you ^^!

3) There was a section showing his charm points, and there was an entire discussion about his perfect eyelashes lol … I was like: nice! I am not the only one obsessed with his eyelashes! xD (I am being too random, sorry T0T)

3) About what he looks in a woman, he said the back neck? lol … you know girls, need to show him so neck to grab his attention ^^!

4) There was a conversation about Pinocchio too and the MC asked if he lied recently. He admitted to have lied to his personal trainer in the health club about the things he ate if I am not mistaken lol 

5) About the drama he also explained he is recently worried about his pronunciation, because is a drama about the world of reporters he is concerned about that point (probably he is receiving classes and stuff)

6) Another “charm point” were his lips (duh, of course), and he totally agreed with that lol it was funny to listen direct from him, admitting it so freely and with so much confidence lol He also said depending on the condition of his lips he sometimes use some tint or not. Today his lips were in the best conditions, so he just used balm  … 

7) He admitted to be progressing in his anxiety problem in front of many people. He still worries a lot during press conferences or such were he has to speak in public and try to be eloquent but is getting better 

8) He kept saying he is eating too much these days and even going to gym is not much help lol … he said he normally doesn’t surpass the 70kg, but now he is 71 or 72 (you are totally fine tho ¬¬). He is obviously unhappy with his current figure and keep complaining about it. Then the pictures of his perfect abdomen for Ceci magazine was shown in the screen and he praised himself kkk he said that was the best or peak of his figure xD . He said he is training hard again~

9) When he was asked about what he likes about himself (physically) (매력이 있는) he replied his mole near the eye. He said it finds it sexy (야해 ㅋㅋㅋ). You are right… 

10) The official name of his fanclub was chosen during the FM. Three names were previously selected and fans voted for one. But initially he had to choose one and he selected "Kantapia" kkk that is a word (no meaning known) said by one character in Dooli (둘리), so related with his nickname Ddochi (또치). He explained that the people from his staff kinda rejected the name because it was kinda funny (not serious and kinda laughable) kkk so he decided to make the popular vote with fans. At the end "WithJS" won. 

10) Maybe everyone has enough about FA talking about WooBin appearance during the FM but still… T^T… how can I not mention it… 
Out of nothing the song ‘Appear (나타나)" from Secret Garden OST started playing and everyone, including myself, Jongsuk and the MC girl were like wtf.  I thought maybe Yoon Sang Hyun is here? lol But a few seconds passed and nobody appeared then I thought it was another staff mistake because during the FM there were actually many mistakes, specially in the background videos and camera in the big screens in the back. Apparently even the MC didn’t know what was happening because she insisted in ignoring and continue with the next section. … but suddenly no other but Kim Woo Bin’s voice came out of the nothing. He appeared and all the average screams were like wooouu thousand times increased. Their hug was so cute, so friendly and kinda desperate? like hugging someone you haven’t seen in years. I was utterly touched and started crying stupidly and then I realized that Jongsuk was crying too. He looked emotional, kinda sad and happy… can’t describe it correctly. Woobin looked kind of heartbroken too and lend some tissues to Jongsuk so he can dry his tears. My heart was aching so much ;A; … THEY ARE PERFECT.. the perfect friends. I love them and I love Woobin for being the friends who is always with him. The MC asked Woobin to say something be he said Jongsuk will keep crying if he does kk… he was right. It was like Jongsuk couldn’t believe Woobin was really there, and he kept keeping contact with him (bring all the skinship bb -nose blood-). Woobin said it was the 1st time he saw him cry aside from acting… I don’t know but somehow I loved those words. Sounded like a Jongbin fanfic for me~ … Woobin said what Jongsuk mentioned before during the FM, that they contact each other a lot and regularly, but bcs of schedule they can’t really meet. I am glad is like that… please be always friends with Jongsuk. I always knew it, but today I lively realized how important you are for Jongsuk. But what broke my heart was that probably part of Jongsuk’s tears were not just happy tears, he said he felt actually very apologetic towards Woobin, because he didn’t do the same for his birthday. He actually forgot the day of his birthday and just contacted him after the date. So he felt extremely sorry for not doing for Woobin the same he did today…. my second river of tears came when he explained that… 

11) Many questions from fans about DS were asked to him and he made his comments about it. Someone asked about “Tell me” dance, and he explained he learned it from a friend. He also put his shyness aside and actually showed the dance to us lol

12) Another question was about the word “Megaton” that he likes so much. He didn’t want to explain the real reason first because is too childish, but at the end he said the word came from a old game that he used to play, Poketmonster… pokemon kkk… 

13) Continuing about DS, someone asked if his trademark, the infamous wink kk the question was if it was scripted or it was his idea and he said it was basically his idea, although sometimes it was also in the script. He did the wink twice for us kkk 

14) He talked a lot about food, he enjoys spicy food and sweets. About the sweets he explained he really likes sweet chocolate but doesn’t enjoy that much the cookies. I know not what should I bring as a present for him next time 

Ok…. that is all it comes to my mind right now. Hope is not to boring and didn’t make some mistakes  … I am not korean so you know.. I always can epic fail in getting some conversation wrong  … my apologies in advance if that happens. 

by : handsomescorner 

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pandalover1 said: Rania Zeid said:


"I’m your 5959." <—5959 is a term of affection used by Jongsuk

- Lee Jong Suk-ssi has directly participated in the design of this product with the heart of being with his fans always.

- The product is made out of 925 silver and made in Korea.

- This product is created at the Korean company THE HERTBRIDGE COMPANY. (www.hertbridge.co.kr)

* with this card, you can enjoy exchange or repair service 3 months after purchase.  the bracelets is already sold out  

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5959 means 5 = O or Oh , 9 = Gu in hangul.. So when repeated it'll become OhGu OhGu

(in a cute aegyo way...so it's sounded like ohgoo~ ohgoo~ like you're teasing a baby or like I usually called aigooyaaa :P)

Sukkie is like so adorable, he's like a big baby! and finally I know whats the meaning of Megaton, wanjeon adorable.. I can see why Sora likes playing around with him,they both like these cartoon illustrated stuff..AWww.. :x

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