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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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chickpea said:


from the "sandcastle" comment SY made to SH that she is "playing games" and I have to watch that scene again because I seem to remember she said it in response to something SH made to her about her lack of friends as a child, i.e. her loneliness.  I think it may have been one of her snarky defensive retorts.  How is she playing games with their lives if all she did was save HJ from committing suicide and employ SH for three days thereby saving him from jail and saving his father-in-law's house and his relationship with his wife since HJ was already guilting him about possibly losing it.  If SY was after SH, all she had to do was let him lose his father-in-law's house and it would have been all over between SH and HJ.  That didn't happen gratis of SY.  HJ owes her life, and SH owes his freedom to SY.  That's another reason to dislike HJ--she's an ingrate.  And I guess it also helps to remember that HJ obviously isn't the only person jealous of CJW.
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Wouldn't it be great if there is a shower scene for him and KSW every episode

I'll be 8-> to the tv lol

=P~ the whole time

Omg omg I can just visualize those 6 PAC, oh why @Lmangla‌, now I can't get their bodies out of my mind. :D

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@hazelzerone - Wait...wut? When did you threaten me? eekout.gif  I think so far, our discussions have been fairly civil so I think we're doing good! There is very obviously a huge divide in opinions but that's what makes this particular drama so compelling to me. Everyone hears or sees or thinks differently - it certainly does not mean one person is wrong and the other person is right. There are too many factors to consider, upbringing, morals, personal experiences...I know I've been very strong in my thoughts but it's certainly not directed at anyone here - it's directed at the fictional characters in this drama. I'll also admit I'm having a really hard time recapping this drama, it takes me days to write out what I'm thinking! 

HJ/MW bed scene? No, I'm actually not expecting that at all and I'll be very surprised if it happens. I do think MW will try to kiss HJ at some point but I figure she'll slap him. (LOL) I AM hoping both MW and SH take broody showers. hapydancsmil.gif   I will also admit during the ending of episode 6 when SH grabbed her hand, my heart started racing - the chemistry between these two is off-the-charts. 
I did want to point out that the clinic or hospital scene? It was SY who took the first shot. When HJ walked up, SY turned to look directly at SH and said "I got excited for nothing. I thought you came to see me." right in front of HJ. That was the first thing said, before HJ said a word. 
Oh, I also wanted to ask since it's been brought up again. What exactly did you guys first think when SY said she wanted to "test" how weak the love, trust and understanding between them was? My question is: does she have the right to do that and if yes, why? 

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@tessieroo‌ its not the matter of who test the trust. SY or anyone else could do that. Even ur family members (if you hv family members that do not like ur relationship/wedding). Then, both husband and wife must hv faith and trust between each other. This problem can be avoided lol. :D

So, I still believe SY is not the problem maker here..

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tessieroo said: ..............
Oh, I also wanted to ask since it's been brought up again. What exactly did you guys first think when SY said she wanted to "test" how weak the love, trust and understanding between them was? My question is: does she have the right to do that and if yes, why? 

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Since there is so much extrapolating that SY made an indecent proposal from the offer she made to SH, I watched that scene again.  She clearly makes it known to him that she is buying his time.  The exact quote is, "I said I would buy your three days for 1,000,000,000 SKW ($966,000 US)".  She did not say she would buy his body, his heart, his soul.  She said she would buy his time, three days.  She also clarifies why she is doing it, exact quotes are, "You are about to be locked up for embezzlement,..  That amount of money could solve all your problems now... your wife tried to commit suicide because of that money, right?...  Last night I saved someone from drowning.  Since I did that anyway, I may be offering extra help."  It sounds to me like she's taking responsibility for saving the couple since she already saved HJ's life, not like she's making an indecent proposal.  And, isn't there something in Asian cultures that when you save a life you are responsible for that person from that point on?  I seem to remember this from other dramas...

SH is the one who gets the wrong idea.  Not, apparently, because he thinks she wants an affair but because he thinks she's throwing her money around, flaunting her wealth in the face of his immediate destitution.  The exact quotes are "...are you kidding me... what do you want from me... you shouldn't treat someone like this just because you have money... its not good manners..."  And that ticks off SY who responds that "manners and pride are good but you (SH) should be more worried about reality now..."  This statement is obviously a reference to his inability to separate idealism from reality, the same trait that made her reject SH as an employee for her company ten years earlier.  The exact quotes are, "I take care of my own problems...  Let's stop talking about this nonsense...  I will go to the bank now and transfer your money..."  But he doesn't.  Instead, he stands outside her room looking pathetic because he knows SY is right and it hurts his pride and HJ sees him from the elevator.  He then compounds the problem by lying to HJ when she asks him where he was and he says he went for a walk. 

I see a problem here but its not SY.  SH gets it wrong because in his idealistic world, people don't run around giving millions of dollars to strangers... his best friend and business partner just left his company bankrupt, SH broke and facing arrest for embezzlement upon his arrival back in Korea.  Note also that should SH be charged and serve time for embezzlement, he will never be able to work again in Korea.  This highest scoring intern at SY's company will never be able to work again because no company will hire him and no bank will lend to him because of the embezzlement charge. 

It's catching SH in a lie and his response to being caught and, even worse, his misstatement of SY's offer that sends HJ into a panic.  He says, (exact quote):  "she offered me 1000,000,000 won for staying with her for three days.  Then she'd give me (the money)."  Now that's a different spin on SY's offer.  Just that amount of information and any wife would go nuts.  But HJ's response isn't that I'm furious this witch is after my husband, it's (exact quotes):  "who is she to look down on us... who does she think she is..."  So there is also a pride thing, or corrupted idealism thing, going on here.  When SH points out to her that SY is the woman who saved her life, who knows that he is in debt and acknowledges that this really is the fastest way to solve his problems, HJ becomes more frantic (exact quotes):  "this isn't about money... she's trying to buy a person... a person with a wife... and she's treading on (your/our) pride..."  He responds that that prideful husband's wife tried to commit suicide for that same money and that HJ had no idea what he went through after he read her will and while he was looking for her...  HJ admits she was wrong and gets all defensive again, then, rather than give SH time to sort out his thoughts, she orders him to get up and gives him an ultimatum... join me downstairs in ten minutes or I leave alone. 

So this is the origin of the "indecent proposal".  SY clearly stated she wanted to buy SH's time.  SH, with hurt pride at having to acknowledge that SY is right, paraphrases what SY offered as "she wants me to stay with her, then she'll pay me" which is highly suggestive, then in typical HJ fashion, she gets all hysterical and then, as is also typical of HJ, since she knows better, she plays Mom and tells SH its her way or the highway. 

Now, the "sandcastles comment".   For two days SY has been giving SH executive management training, telling him he hasn't changed in ten years, advising him not to throw away 600 million won for self-pride, and telling him to develop a poker face so the competition can't read him.   At dinner the last night, SY tells SH that the money she's giving him is money she earned from President Jong whom SY and HJ saved a few mornings earlier, i.e., another way to read this is, she's the conduit through which President Jong is paying SY for saving his life.  A melancholy SH responds that they have an ill fate.  SY says she sees them as being useful to each other, not ill fated with each other.  When SY asks about HJ, SH replies that HJ will understand him because she trusts him.  For SY, that's throwing down a gauntlet and that's when she makes the sandcastle's comment.  She says she wanted (note, past tense) to be the wave that tested their love and advises SH to call HJ because no woman in her situation would understand to which he replies that she disgusts him and to which she responds that some people feel that way about her.  The next day she declares the contract terms met and sends SH home a day early.  I guess I can see where some people would literally take the comment to mean SY wanted to break SH and HJ up but I can also see where SY is teaching SH another lesson.  He idealistically believes HJ will understand him because she trusts him, she realistically tells him no woman would understand under the current circumstances.  I think she's trying to make a point about trust.  SH trusted his business partner and look where that landed him.  SH believes HJ trusts him and, in Episode 6 she tells him she doesn't trust him and (I think) that she hasn't for a while (she calls it confidence).  It has something to do with trust and idealism.  Trust based on idealism will always fail like a castle built of sand.  Trust based on reality, however, will never fail since there is a strong foundation.  A lesson SH needs to learn if he is ever to succeed in business.

Meanwhile back in Korea...  HJ is cutting her hair, a sure sign that she wants a change in her life.

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Wow @chickpea‌‌ your insight about the situation is so amazing!

I love reading all the comments here for each and every characters involved...

I hope the staff and pd of the drama reads all of this conversations from you guys....its so deabak!!!

Hoping also that the rating will increase because it is a great drama (for me)...

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to the Hj reminds her of her mother thing.

@k0de I did say "what if"....nothing in the first 6 episode hinted at HJ being a resemblance to SY's mother.....it's just a thought that crossed my mind because of the way SY reacted when she saw and saved HJ. SY's anger after saving HJ seemed like a reminder of a situation that happened to her personally; because normally anger is not how one reacts when saving a Person. Typically it's confusion, empathy, or pity but not anger....unless that person is a family member or a friend then that's when anger becomes part of the emotional reactions.

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Trust based on idealism will always fail like a castle built of sand.  Trust based on reality, however, will never fail since there is a strong foundation.

I guess you can say this is why the drama is called Temptation.  SH is the wave that tests the foundation of SH's marriage--whether, after ten years, its based on idealism or reality.  If their marriage is based on idealism, then SH and SY are sinners and HJ is a woman wronged.  Idealistically a good woman would never have made such an offer, a good husband never would have accepted, etc.  If their marriage is based on reality, then SY is the savior of HJ's life and also SH's life, at least she keeps him from going to jail thereby preserving his future and his pride.  SH is actually getting a good life lesson about his marriage, learning first-hand the difference between idealism and reality--he knows nothing happened (reality) but he's up against HJ's idealistic rants that, on some level, he agrees with since he too is idealistic.  This may also be why he calls himself a "bad man".

It also explains the differences in interpretations of the situations in the drama expressed by the people in this blog.  If you approach the drama idealistically, you're in SY is a sinner camp.  If you approach the drama realistically, you're in the SY saved this couple camp.

From this point my speculation is this... is it a little wave, a series of waves or a tidal wave?  A little wave can't harm even a sandcastle.  Repeated wave action slowly erodes the sandcastle.  A tidal wave violently wipes it out in one fell swoop.  I think SY put into action a little wave, right now SH and HJ are experiencing a series of waves mostly caused by HJ's psychic temper tantrums.  Will it slowly erode the sandcastle or will a tidal wave come (MW) and destroy the sandcastle (my guess, a metaphor for conjugal happiness) in one fell swoop.

The more I think about this drama, the more it gives.  Its quite amazing.  Not only well acted, but well written.

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@chickpea .... i love your explanation, totally agree 100000% :) 
some people said, is hard to be a "single", specially a single person like SY (beautiful and rich).... she just want to help, but all people (especially a wife like HJ and minwoo's wife) just misunderstand ... 
if im be HJ, i know my husband handsome and im afraid he will fall in love with SY... i will never leave him alone, and stay in hongkong, and never want to live separate for every single days..... kekeke.... 

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i just finish temptation till ep 6. its really good drama and all the character are well written.
its interesting that none of them is villain and all of them do some good and some bad thing and none of them is perfect.
cant wait for nest episode and i hope we can see more of ksw and cjw together!

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@hazelzerone....sy has a right to test hj/hj? I am sorry but i strongly disagree with that. No one has that right to test another couple period. Just because sy saved hj and sh don't give her the right to test anyones emotional bond nor marriage.

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SY has the right to "test" how weak the love, trust and understanding between SH-HJ...because she noticed the default in the marriage.
Don't get me wrong, look at a better perspective. Only by testing you'll know the true value...and in marriage (especially in trouble marriage) there is no way the couple themselves try to test themselves. It has to be done by an outsider. Test by an outsider is usually the most effective. Since SY is already involved by the 'useful' ill fate hence I say she is a better candidate. I believe SY can use the opportunity (after test) , to make things right if she wants. Through testing you can learn or improve. Repair is done after testing anyway.

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I missed the part of the that revealed SY as a trained therapist, especially specializing in marriage counselor. When I run in to folks with a toothache I don't test them for dental diseases. I am not convinced that the marriage partners can't self-test. I admit might stand to be corrected (please do not correct with an opinion); please advise fact or opinion.

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