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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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Guest pat19

As the way things currently stands, HJ is a raging inferno intent on scorching everything and everyone whom she believed had betrayed and hurt her.  In her current state of mind she will not be able to see any truth, fact or reason as her mind is clouded with her need for vengeance.  This is why I fear for SH if he continues to try and win HJ back.  No matter how persistent or noble his attempt is it would only add fuel to HJ’s rage and she will in turn try to hurt him even more deeply.  Will HJ pummel SH into emotional oblivion which requires SY to come to his rescue?

I hope SH would come to the realization that he needs to take a step back gather his thoughts, compose himself and reassess all that has happened realistically and see what the future holds for him, HJ and SY and not to look at things from a best case scenario.  He should also come to the realization that whatever he want may no longer be achievable and that HJ and himself are no longer the same people they once were and perhaps too much has happened for things to go back the way they were.  His taking a step back would also allow HJ some breathing space and for her to cool down.   “a fire no matter how strong and bright, if left to its own accord, will eventually burn itself out”

As much as I don’t like HJ’s action over the last several episodes I also have a great deal of pity for her.  Here is a girl who is rushing head strong down a path of vengeance that will end up destroying and ruin her utterly.  Her brother already has misgivings about her interaction with MW as evident by his angry reaction to seeing them together.  Once her father also gets wind of all the nasty things she has done his pristine image of his noble and innocent daughter will be shattered to pieces.  What kind of negative outcome will result from this is still unknown but for sure they will not be able to look at her in the same way.  The further down the road of vengeance she travels the more her fabric of life which has protected and given her such happiness over the past 10 years will be torn asunder.  What will she do when she loses all of SH, her brother and father? 

I believe this drama’s title “Temptation” is a truer reflection of HJ’s descend into indecency, the temptation of innocence to become wicked, as oppose to the sexual nature of cheating and infidelity that is implied.  My rant for the day.





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Ep. 8 recap

No chemistry at all......lifeless and expressionless. I sympathize with SH.

On the other hand, I love all SH / SY scenes together.....the intensity, tension, the gentleness, even the anger lol......their chemistry is out of this world. I'm loving this reunion. I can't say it enough, I want them to end up together. Let them suffer, separate, be hospitalized or whatever...... But in the end; I WANT A HAPPY ENDING

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Guest bacom

I come to watch this drama, fully expect to support HJ because first I'm also a wife, married for 20 yrs, and second I love the actress PSH since her day in Dong Yi and I enjoy her so much in the most recent Three Days. Imagine my dismay when I can't find myself sympathize with the wife HJ in here right at the beginning.
First, I tried so hard to justify her suicide action. I just dismiss it as a moment stupidity of a desperate person and I let my bias mind took charge to forgive her act, assured myself that she already learnt her lesson and saw her mistake so she wouldn't choose the easy way out again.
But right after that, I face-palmed, jumped up and down, screamed out of frustration, pulled my hair out when I watched her left her husband at the hotel and went home by herself. As a wife, I think that action is unacceptable, it's coward, irresponsible and selfish. Here's why:
1. She wasn't kept in the dark about the indecent proposal.  In fact, SH told her straightforwardly that SY wanted him 3 days for $1 million. So, HJ was right to assume that her husband would be the sex slave for a rich woman for $1 million. So, come to the next point, how should a wife react to that?
2. HJ had a right reaction at first, wanted to come up to confront SY. However, after SH points out that they need the money desperately,  and begged for 10 min, she started to waiver. At that moment, she had two choices:   a. If she chose to be a wife, she would firmly tell SH, "You're right. $1million can solve our problem. But to me, our marriage is more important. Let go home right now, and my dad can lose the house, and you can go to jail, but I'll be strong. I'll share the burden and wait for the day you're out. But first let me go up and slap the hell out of that rich woman first."  She should clearly let SH know her firm decision: either go home and face hardship together or stay here and break out the marriage.
  b. If she chose money, she should explain to SH, "I can't stand the thought of you going to prison and my dad being homeless, so I'm willing to sacrifice my happy marriage to get that money. The fact that I can save you and I can save my dad's house is more important for me. I'm willing to let you go up there and wait for you to come back so we'll work on our marriage later." In this case, SH is also clear on her intention, that she chose money to save him and her family rather than let her love ones suffer.
3. Unfortunately, HJ couldn't choose at that time because she wanted both: she wants money and she wants a faithful husband too. Therefore, she took a coward and selfish solution that she wanted SH to choose by himself., so she could withdrawal from the hard decision making, go downstair and wait to play the blame card later.  It's exactly like what SY told her in their confrontation, "You desperately need that money, but at the same time you also want to be a wife. So you ran away and left him there." Therefore,  whatever decision SH made at that time still be the wrong decision for her. If he chose to go home with her, she would be devastated because her dad will loose the house and her husband will go to jail. If he chose to stay for the money, she accused him of betraying her. Whatever the decision SH made, it's his decision only, and she still came out as victim in the end.
That's the reason I lost my sympathy for HJ. I believe that it takes 2 to keep the marriage strong. With the hard decision like that, the wife has to state her stand clearly, so tne husband can make decision thus no blame game allows later. Cowardly running away then turning up at the end to play the victim card is very irresponsible for a wife who is faced an indecent proposal. 

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Hello, @bacom! I agree with some of your points up there! That's why I was so mad when she left! I still couldn't believe she left! Lol! And after she left, he accepted the proposal! If she would of stay, I have a feeling he wouldn't accept it! But then this drama would of ended right there! So of course he has to accept it! Haha!

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I think the title of this drama being temptation....fits both hj/sh.....sh temptation will be sy while hj temptation as @bacom pointed out was cake and ice cream...been pondering on the title of the drama since noon today. I do see that sy inadvertantly caused a chain of events that will force both sh/hj to realize that life ain't about the benjamins(money). At the beginning they were in chaos about money....they split because of money and a big misunderstanding.
So yeah sh already made clear his feelings for sy(to my obvious disappointment) but i see him going all out to prove to hj that he is still the same man she loved. Because right now hj is going on this misunderstanding so you guys know its not going to be sh or sy tell her its going to be someone whom she trusts....i figure it will be her father that will snap her back....

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Seriously! Seok Hoon misses Se Young!

Really! I couldn't believe my eyes! Se Young wore those pair of heels!

Why are all the characters in this drama so messed up! They all need help!

And I guess we all need help as well since we're all trying to understand their messed up ness!

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Guest SherryJ

xxxzxxx said: I don't think HJ is that smart to be honest from how she's been acting up until now. I don't think - as much as I don't like her - that she's really THAT heartless either and even if she was then it would probably backfire on her big time. I don't think she'd enjoy watching her former husband (unless she never loved him) enjoy a love with SY and even if she did it for revenge then I think SH would be more grateful than anything even if SY dies since he would at least be able to spend some time with her rather than her dying without him ever having been with the woman he loves...

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Guest SherryJ

pat19 said:

As the way things currently stands, HJ is a raging inferno intent on scorching everything and everyone whom she believed had betrayed and hurt her.  In her current state of mind she will not be able to see any truth, fact or reason as her mind is clouded with her need for vengeance.  This is why I fear for SH if he continues to try and win HJ back.  No matter how persistent or noble his attempt is it would only add fuel to HJ’s rage and she will in turn try to hurt him even more deeply.  Will HJ pummel SH into emotional oblivion which requires SY to come to his rescue?

I hope SH would come to the realization that he needs to take a step back gather his thoughts, compose himself and reassess all that has happened realistically and see what the future holds for him, HJ and SY and not to look at things from a best case scenario.  He should also come to the realization that whatever he want may no longer be achievable and that HJ and himself are no longer the same people they once were and perhaps too much has happened for things to go back the way they were.  His taking a step back would also allow HJ some breathing space and for her to cool down.   “a fire no matter how strong and bright, if left to its own accord, will eventually burn itself out”

As much as I don’t like HJ’s action over the last several episodes I also have a great deal of pity for her.  Here is a girl who is rushing head strong down a path of vengeance that will end up destroying and ruin her utterly.  Her brother already has misgivings about her interaction with MW as evident by his angry reaction to seeing them together.  Once her father also gets wind of all the nasty things she has done his pristine image of his noble and innocent daughter will be shattered to pieces.  What kind of negative outcome will result from this is still unknown but for sure they will not be able to look at her in the same way.  The further down the road of vengeance she travels the more her fabric of life which has protected and given her such happiness over the past 10 years will be torn asunder.  What will she do when she loses all of SH, her brother and father? 

I believe this drama’s title “Temptation” is a truer reflection of HJ’s descend into indecency, the temptation of innocence to become wicked, as oppose to the sexual nature of cheating and infidelity that is implied.  My rant for the day.





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9angels said:

SY declaired that SH was her first love :D

Cant wait to see SH jealous face when SY meet with peter park :))

I've always thought whether they are going to play the jealousy card to instigate a reaction from either side , would be interesting indeed :)

It would be daebakk!! :D

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@chickpea nah it's fine. Now it makes sense.


I just finished watching episode 8 with subs. I am quite torned. I pity SY but her honesty with HJ just makes me mad. Idk. If anyone would tell me those things SY told HJ at the hospital, I would really be crazy mad. Her honesty is not being honest. Sorry even though I like SY. I'd have to say that she's either insensitive or rude. :( :s

For me, that is because she do not have any experience on this kind of thing before..

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songtre said: Am I the only one who thinks HJ already "hated" or can't forgive her husband for whatever reason they lost their baby, or for how they handled that situation? 

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Guest ferlydee

Hi, newbie here.  Can't help but say, I'm just so glad Yoon Euh Hye did not accept this role of the the wife.  I don't like the story and this only focus on KSW and CJW.  I have sympathy with the wife and money made her to become what she is.  It's my story too, that is why I don't like it, but there is a saying, when you are pinned to the wall, you have no choice but to even hold a sharp sword and another one, money is the root of evil.  Bye and thanks for the space.  

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I hope for flashbacks to explain what happened to hj and the child myself....all we know is that she lost it and from that.....it went down here....i love the flashback moments....
Clarification its the love of money according to scripture.

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I don't think anyone here did or is encouraging adultery. The beauty of this drama is that it allows us to question the strength of a marriage, how strong a love story is, how trust is really not as solid as one thinks, how sensitive and insecure one can be even after being together for so many years...,and most importantly, if one can be as forgiving as they think they are

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Triton823 said: I hope for flashbacks to explain what happened to hj and the child myself....all we know is that she lost it and from that.....it went down here....i love the flashback moments....
Clarification its the love of money according to scripture.

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