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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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Guest SherryJ

tessieroo said: @vareena - You've just hit on the exact reason I can't get behind SY no matter how they try to soften her character with first love nonsense or illness. Doesn't matter - she's wants another woman's husband. Period. 
@maartjeheit - Yep, SH has already emotionally cheated in my mind. He likes SY, he thinks about her, he wants to see her...and all of his actions show that he's putting SY first and to heck with the consequences. I think HJ was aware of his feelings & attraction for SY even before he was. He truly expects HJ to sit quietly, trust him and wait for him to get over this. 8-|
@sogazelle - Exactly. 
@ymiss - *waves* Nice to see you here! I too wonder how SH would have reacted if the offer of 1 million bucks came from a man to HJ. (and then HJ goes to work for him) Would SH trust her and wait patiently for her to work it out?  Hmmm, lemme think....NO! 
@Triton823 - Agree and this might be the very thing hurting HJ the most - the fact that SH didn't immediately remove himself from the situation. Nope, he continued dallying with SY believing HJ would trust him and wait. I'm proud of her too and delighted she's the one initiating a divorce. WooHoo! hapydancsmil.gif (Another BTW, I think HJ is gorgeous too but I'm fairly certain we're the only ones who like anything about HJ) 
@natalian - There are a few of here who don't hate HJ and in fact, are pulling for her. 

@maddymapo - I thought you got disgusted and left! I LOL'd at SY's "feel sorry" for them line too. It's fascinating to me though that I can't stop watching this, I'm hooked. 
Wait...the SY/SH shippers aren't happy HJ asked for a divorce? I'm so confused.  :-/



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I'm glad HJ is asking for a divorce.....all the emotional drama could've been avoided lol.

I hope HJ fans are not shipping her with MW because that itself will be a contradiction to why you don't like SY....I think she's worse than SY, she offered to sleep with a married man with kids( per comments)..,SY didn't go that far

This is what I think will happen...,HJ is already pregnant with SH child .....SY will get pregnant by him also.....SH will be out of the picture by not being with either one :)

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actually @Nabuta2 we, HJ, fans first want a divorce therefore your statement about us contradiction is void. We want a clean break between HJ/SH because MW is going to get one with his wife.

SHSY happiness if there is any since we are 12 episodes to go I don't see happy bliss for SY/SH shippers because I do in fact think HJ will be prego. I see SH desperately trying to stop the divorce because in ep 8 today it showed he desperately is clinging onto something he himself has let get out of hand.

Also, to your statement on HJ offer to sleep with MW...you have to remember HJ at this point has absolutely no trust in SH once so ever so as far as she is concerned they did sleep together. Again, brought on by SH and SY (Most blame on SH). SY gets a little blame for offering just a broad offer and SH complete fault for going into the gutter.

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@anhay59,  You made my day, most of the post here kind of like her because SY and SH has good charisma ignoring the moral issue, Now SY has successful break them apart, it is no way they can reconcile after what happen so it is best that they divorce and find their own way. What I like to see if SY will find her happiness after what she did to the couple because she is not helping them by confess her love to SH and HJ (how you feel if someone told you she has fall for your husband) SY just can't hide her feeling because she is so honest. So I just remember her as home wrecker. HJ did her part also to wreck her own marriage due to insecurity. As for SH, he did some unhonourable thing that make HJ distrusted him even he is not cheating on her.

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40 odd years walking this earth, 22 of them sharing wedded sometimes bliss, sometimes not with the same namya gives me a distinctive perspective when watching this drama; and then when I read some of your points of view I find myself rather baffled.  I guess that many loved the Sangwoo Jiwoo pairing of a decade ago whilst both were furiously climbing the stairway...I didn't watch nor plan to do so either, so I can frankly support my perception  that Seyoung is quite the immoral;  Hongyoo is miffed that her husband of a decade even considered consent to such an offer and is incapable of stepping in Sukhoon's shoes:  The man  was given quite the scare with her suicidal ramblings. If what they've built along these 10 years is solid, the couple will get their bearings back...if not, well a goodbye in time is kind of healthy.  We shall see.
 I suspect the silver lining to Seyoung's proposal is her agravation upon realisation that her shoes had gone to someone else, well, because she is materialistic that way.  That and an early menopause playing havoc with her hormones drove her to such scheme. Being the high and mighty business woman of upper echelons, things like feelings just didn't fit into the equation...and they seem to be creeping up on her...I don't know how many twists and turns the plot is going to take, but I for one really want to see what path they're to travel.  If the show goes al confusian, well, we'll be saying  'Oh how hard has the mighty fallen'...Any way, I find it is a good show when you don't have a bias at all :)

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Guest ocpanda

Hello, i'm new here so please go easy on me.
I was reading some of the comments on this threads and found that lots of you guys are quite emotional. Here is my 2 cents. 
1) this is a drama not real life, so dont get all worked up2) this drama 's goal is to incite emotional reaction. After all what do we expect from the drama when its title said "Temptation"3) this drama is meant to be Scandaleous and full of twist and turn so that viewers can follow it until the end. If the drama is full of morally correct people or situations, then no one will be watching it. So there is really no right or wrong. Just enjoy it FOLK!!!

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@nabuta2 no he didn't yet...I'm not sure if he will though...I know his character is supposed to change and fall in love with HJ.

I'm spectulating on mw divorcing, but if he don't then there won't be a HJ/MW and I'll be just against MW as I am of SH.

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Guest cececece

@triton823 even if HJ already lost her trust in SH, offering her body to another married man is so degrading. I wish she would have had more self esteem than that, even if she thinks that SH might have slept with SY (in fact they didnt but HJ didnt bother to clarify).

It's not surprising at all that we as viewers have different views of each character and interpret situations differently. Our background and experience almost dictates and shapes our views of the characters. Whether you are single , married , divorced , been cheated, have cheated, marriage on the rocks, you will easily favor one character vs the other. If i have been cheated i would surely hate SY but if i were single i could identify myself with SY the dilemma of cant help but falling in love with a guy who happens to be married.

I for one believe that a married couple should stay married buy under certain few circumstances, divorce becomes inevitable. SH and HJ marriage can still be saved . They still care for one another and no one has cheated physically or emotionally, although it was close. SH didnt have emotional affair with SY. He's attracted to her , sure, but attraction isnt the same as affair. SH might have made unwise choices but By ep 8 SH had a wake up call and broke the connection with SY. It shows his desire to mend his marriage.

The one couple that i feel have a ground for a divorce id MW and his wife. Too bad that they have kids together as things become more complicated. They both have cheated perhaps multiple times and have stopped caring for one another unlike HJ and SH.

As far as SY, i am glad she experiences love though unfortunately with a married man. Everyone should experiece with being in love and infatuation. It's not wrong to like and love someone. What you do with your feelings is another story. I hope she can find happiness.

There are still 12 ep to go. Many turns and corners have yet to be revealed. Let 's save our judgement till the end. They all are human and possess natural feelings that sometimes cant be helped. May each one of them will find redemption in the story.

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@nabuta2 i am absolutely agree with you regarding hj and mw part. I mean mw is far worse than sh. There's a chance that mw will cheat on her also with another woman. And would hj want to ride that emotion train again. It's like u r escaping a danger just to found urself in hell. Please don't ever use the excuse ' mw will change. He is going to be a good husband' . Here sh is trying to change and hj doesn't even believe in him. Why would she give mw a chance. She should just stay single. I am surprised that hj is so quick in making decision just because she heard a woman's voice when she talk to sh. It can be anyone. I will be frustrated and thinking about bad things also. But at the same time i need clarification from my husband. If he really lied then after that i'll think the next step. Is it really sh's fault if hj can't trust him? He's trying while she is denying. So for me he has do his part. For hj to pay back for the pain that she had, it reminds me of mw's wife who paid mw's cheat by cheating on him. What's good from that?

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Guest choidi

#NightWatchman / #야경꾼일지 : 10.8%

#Temptation / #유혹 : 9.5%

#TrotLovers / #트로트의연인 : 9.2%

Kdrama tue ratings

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Guest SherryJ

Triton823 said: actually @Nabuta2 we, HJ, fans first want a divorce therefore your statement about us contradiction is void. We want a clean break between HJ/SH because MW is going to get one with his wife.

SHSY happiness if there is any since we are 12 episodes to go I don't see happy bliss for SY/SH shippers because I do in fact think HJ will be prego. I see SH desperately trying to stop the divorce because in ep 8 today it showed he desperately is clinging onto something he himself has let get out of hand.

Also, to your statement on HJ offer to sleep with MW...you have to remember HJ at this point has absolutely no trust in SH once so ever so as far as she is concerned they did sleep together. Again, brought on by SH and SY (Most blame on SH). SY gets a little blame for offering just a broad offer and SH complete fault for going into the gutter.

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I just want SH to have a clean break from HJ and after the divorce, I would like them to have no connection to each other like HJ getting to know that she is  pregnant with SH kid  for example after the paper are signed with the seal, when HJ gave SH the divorce papers all I was saying in my mind, just put your seal on the divorce paper and be done with this mess of a marriage.

I don't care for HJ but it would be funny if she ends up with MW, MW seemed to be preparing for divorce too as he set a trap for his wife when she gave her some allowance to go on vacation and it looked like he as going to get the decisive evidence for getting his divorce permitted while he sent his wife away, MW is a playboy with a permanent wandering eye who is the type of look and touch unlike SH who even when tempted had the self restraint to resist the temptation and if she couldn't tolerate SH for apparently cheating on her, it would make a mockery of her if she started with MW who is definitely going to end up cheating on his partner. 

I guess we can signal the green light for the SH and SY couple after SH has sealed his divorce and apart from the losers who are jealous who will talk behind SY and SH back and condemn SY for breaking up a marriage , it would be smooth sailing for this couple, at least we would have two people who have an understanding of their partners plus they have great chemistry and amazing communication skills, basically the building blocks for a great and lasting relationship. 

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Guest IguanaSoap


and the rating jump from 8.3% > 9.5% yeahhhhhh lets splash each other with lurrrrv and happiness here *cheers*


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Guest IguanaSoap

image   image

Journal of the Night Watchman: Seoul/ Nationwide 10.8%, 11.7%
Temptation: Seoul/ Nationwide 9.5%, 10.7%Trot Lovers: Seoul/ Nationwide 9.2%, 10.0%


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