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[Drama 2014] Temptation 유혹

Guest sunshine4ever

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chll51 said: Finished episode 5. Shut everything down. Hands down my favorite character is MW's wife whose name I can't remember. She hustled so well even Missy Elliott would be proud. She found out her husband got a secret love child in 4 episode, delivered an ultimatum in order to get security for her girls and herself and also, shut MW's mom down. I'm just like, "richard simmons yes, do you boo."
I realized I don't care for MW as a character. He's a douch through and through. Being kind to HJ doesn't elevate him from his assholery and wandering eyes. Somebody reminds him that he also has other children please. If he can't be a faithful husband, at least be a good dad to all his children. But alas, he seems to be like that. I don't appreciate the show trying to paint him as good and misunderstand. I almost cough a hairball when HJ says his 'extreme kindness', like okay, whatever.
Other than that, I am enjoying this show. HJ's dad and SY's dad remain flawless. Don't care for Roy either so it could go either way.

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Zuellene Casela said: .................

For episode 5, I'm really curious about one thing. Remember HJ waking up in her sleep because of having a dream of SY and his husband were kissing?? There was a scene in episode 5 which we can see her having a great time in the bathroom and she was having a flashback about her and SH, and one those is the part that SH kissed her. Which was HJ's nightmare. Did the kiss between SY and SH really happened?

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Guest bacom

I only watch the first 2 episodes and come here to read the last 5 pages (I love spoilers haha). I have to say I like this drama, but I LOVE all the discussions in here, very insightful, different strong opinions but still friendly with each other.
Based ONLY on the first 2 episodes I watched, it's so clear to me that by the end of ep 2, HJ is the one who opens the door for all the problem to flow in and SH is the most innocent who gets swept into the flow. Yes, SJ and MW are the start of the problem: SJ with her control personality and MW with his two-timer, but it's HJ who is so self-centered refuses to grab a tigh hold to her husband and take them away from the Temptation but only thinks about her feeling and lets the other two evils affect her life.
In episode 1, HJ looks like she loves SH so much but in my eyes, she loves herself more. Everything has to be exactly the way she wants it. When they're out of money, she lets SH know clearly that she can't stand the thought that her father has to loose the house and SH has to go to jail. She even emphasizes that by her suicide. With the $3000 that left to them, instead of go home and face the problem with that little money left, she wants to stays in luxury, shops expensive stuffs for herself then commits suicide with the letter that basically tells her husband to go home, faces the problem himself, takes care of her dadith her very little insurance money. I really doubt that those are the act of love of a wife who cares for her husband.In ep 2, when SH finds a way to save the family, and also save her dad's house, she refuses to acknowledge how tormented and desperated SH is to accept that kind of offer to save the family. All she knows is he didn't meet her and go home with her. If she's truly cares about her husband and her dad, she should even sacrifice her happiness,  accept that maybe dirty money just to save them. She should overjoy when knowing that nothing happens and trust her husband. Instead, she only thinks about herself, about how hurt she is, about her husband betrays her, everything is all about her. When her desperate husband needs her by his side, she chooses to walk away. By refusing to grant her husband the forgiveness when nothing really happensyet in his mind, she opens the door for the Temptation rushing in. Even if in the couple episodes later when she decides to make up with SH, she's already too late. After that long night ragging with guilt and anger, SH already gives in to the Temptation when HJ refused to be on his side.I wouldn't be surprised if HJ gives herself to MW. She's the kind who always has good reasons to justify her feelings and actions so I'm sure she finds a way to make it righteous for her to commit adulte
On the side note, I hate the two-timer MW's chatacter but omg, LJJ is soooooo handsome, manly handsome *phew, fanning myself*

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It's a hella long one folks. Ugh mah SH + SY feels. My heart.Episode 6 LB, spoiler sweetie. 

 SY meets with SH. He asks her to buy his time again. They sit and talk but lol I'm hella sure she agreed. I think she asked why and swear I hear I heard the word miss as in to miss someone but who knows. Then he leaves and her poker face falters. Awww she's having feels real bad. 

HJ goes home to an empty house. All of SH's clothes are gone.  MW's daughters are waiting to meet Roy  but they aren't happy. MW's mother is the only one who seems happy. Roy talks to MW over the phone then Roy hands the phone to his new step mother.  They talk for a few seconds and she hangs up. She then talks to Roy and leaves. (I think she's gonna be nice to him)
It's a montage of SH doing business related work. HG, HJ, and her father eat together and talk at home. SY is driving and has a flashback to a moment when SH is in her office, then gets a call from her father. She goes home and SY's sister is being punished for spending all that money. Lol it's a pretty funny scene. SY's sister gets upset about something revolving around marriage and she storms off. 
MW looks in on sleeping Roy then goes to his room where he talks with him wife. We see HJ alone. HG goes to a bar to get his keys back from SY's sister who is hella intoxicated, lol. He helps her out since she's drunk and tries to get her home safely. LOL he's giving her a piggy back ride to SY's. HG meets SY and puts the drunk one down. The talk for a few seconds then he leaves. Awww SY takes off her sister's shoes. 
HJ is in bed alone. SH gets a text from SY. Awww they're all smily while texting each other but oh ho ho SH gets a text from HJ and the playful mood is gone and I don't think he replied to SY after he got the text from HJ. 
MW's saying good bye to his kids in the morning. His oldest girl walks off. She is not happy. MW's mother goes off to another part of the house with Roy.  MW is in the car and gets a call from SH. SH goes to Ajin. MW and SH meet. LC awkwardly exits. MW and SH talk about M hotel. SH leaves. SY talks to her hungover sister while on the phone at work. SY's sister apologizes to her. 
SH goes to visit SY. I believe he told her he has the schedule cause she's smiling. MW ask LC about SH and then gets a hella evil smile on his face. For a while SY and SH sit and talk then he leaves. She's finding it hard to keep that poker face while he's around. 
HJ talks to someone on the phone. Then gets another call, it's MW. They meet at a restaurant and she gives MW a plant for Roy and they talk. MW's wife who is being tailed by that photographer guy, is leaving tennis with some guy who opening the car door her. MW and HJ are saying goodbye. He mentions SH working for SY's group and she gets upset and wants to leave. MW says something and then she slowly walks away like in a trance. She runs across the street and all most gets hit but then stands in the middle of the street with cars driving around her.
SY's sister comes home and is greeted by her stepmother who seems nice to me. They talk and then she walks off to her room. SY'S sister talks to HG over the phone. I think he metion SY being Ceo and then she immediately hangs up. HJ is in bed and he father looks in on her and they share small talk. 
SY sees SH at work late at night and lol she got caught starring. Lord she was clearly objectifying him with her eyes. He sees her and she leaves and runs in to YC on her way out, they talk for few seconds and she leaves. YC returns to SH and they dicuss business. HJ and her father goes out to eat and he asks about SH I think and they talk for a while. She cries and then he cheers her up. SY is at home on the treadmill think about SH. Good lord she is having fantasies of him kissing her, lol. Poor gurl done lone gone. There's a voice over and you see SH going home and HJ going home with her father and SY alone on the floor of her home. 
MW is talking to his wife as he goes to leave. The wife goes back inside and MW goes to Roy who's planting the plant HJ got him while his oldest girl watches from the balcony jealously. SH, YC, and some other business guy have a meeting with SY. I think she's starting to realize that SH affects her thoughts on business. HJ goes to Dung Sung Group and calls YC so she call meet SH but I guess he tells her that he's busy. HJ turns to leave but then sees SY. SY walks past her and says something, then goes to leave but HJ sees the shoes and SY turns back. HJ look you shouldn't be mad you told SH you didn't even want the shoes, lol. She so moody. 
SY and HJ talk at a small cafe. I could only assume about SH or those dam shoes, lol. SY is apparently taking shots cause HJ looking less confident by the second. HJ gets really upset but something SY saids and gets up abruptly and spills coffee all overself and SY leaves as she's about to cry. YC talks to SH outside and SY gets in the car. MW meets with the M hotel people. SY, SH, and YC wait in the lobby of some place. YC goes to the bathroom and then a guy walks out and bumps SY's clutch which is open so her cherished 3 dollars is seen by SH as the guy tries to pick everything up and apologize. When they guy is doing that SH notices a tattoo tells SY to follow him. 
SY is in shock sorta so. SH grabs SY's wrist and follows the guy who the M hotel Ceo I believe in a taxi. When he's not looking she touches her wrist softly the same place where he touched. Awwww.  The taxi stops in a dark alley and he guides her. SY gets scared by something and grabs onto him and they share a moment. She gets scared again and he holds her hand and they keep going. Suddenly a bright light shines on them and SY hides behind SH then it ends. No preview sigh. 
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@iloveporkandbeans.I don't know why SY's donsaeng is being punished by abuji. Got drunk at a bar then HG came. Piggy backed her at SY's house! <3-
It might be because she got drunk enough that she had to be piggybacked home?

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