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Does He Have Good Intentions or Am I Being Paranoid?


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First of all, I'd just like to say that I sometimes overthink things too much so I wanted to see what others thought. My BFF thinks I'm overanalyzing it :P.
On our first date, we grabbed some coffee and got to know each other better. He greeted me with a hug and everything was very casual. We're both the shy type so it was quiet at times but as we got to know each other more, we realized we had a lot in common and the conversation flowed after that. He wanted to see me again and asked if I was available next week. We added each other on Facebook during this time as well.
He has his own place but his parents actually live three streets away from me so he went to visit them during the Mother's Day weekend and met up with me at the same time. He needed to go to the mall so we met up there and again, we joked around and talked but it was still casual. 
I'm a huge baker and he loves cheesecake and he really wanted to know how to make it. We were originally supposed to do it the weekend he went to visit his parents but it would've been awkward trying to explain that to our parents so I went to his place the week after. His roommate was away for the weekend so it was just us. We baked the cheesecake, watched a few movies, hung out, etc. We sat very close to each other and he placed his hand right beside my leg on the sofa and I wondered if he wanted me to grab it or something. But eventually, he placed a hand on my leg to ask if I was alright. While he was in the kitchen, I lied down for a little bit on my side and he came back and I thought to myself "Just a little longer then I'll get back up because I'm really tired from last night." He rubbed my back and asked if I was going to fall asleep. I said no but I was a little tired. He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me back up but his arm stayed around my shoulder for pretty much the entire night. From then on, whenever he talked, I felt his face getting closer. He walked me to my car and as as I leaving he pulled on my sleeve and said "I can't let you go without a kiss." So I turned around and gave him a peck on the lips.
Next week, I'm going over again and he's cooking lunch/dinner. There's just one thing that I wasn't sure about. He has mentioned that we should go to Wonderland (an amusement park) when it gets warmer, see some movies when they come out and even mentioned going on a road trip together. Which sounds like it's going in the right direction. We talked about what our longest relationship was and he said his generally last a few months. I asked how come and he said he just hasn't found the right person he guesses. We're both 24 by the way. I don't know what I was expecting, maybe a year at least?
Also, we text a bit but sometimes he won't say anything for a day or two. I know for guys, that's pretty normal but I thought if they're interested, it would be a bit more frequent? I want to give him a chance because he seems like a great guy but I don't want to waste any of each other's time if we're not looking for the same things. He also hit his leg against mine when he told me to come over next week so the physical contact has definitely increased. What if he wants me to come over again after this date? Should I think something of it then?

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Guest jammer25

To me, it definitely seems like you're over-thinking it. From the info you give, I don't sense anything malicious about his intent either. Just seems like he wants to take things as they come, and not necessarily commit to something long-term yet. What he told you about his past relationships could very well be the case of just not finding people he clicked with.

The best thing in this case, in my opinion, is just to talk to him about where you both see your relationship going. Be direct and honest, don't beat around the bush or things will just get more complicated.

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sounds cute :) best of luck to you two!

if you really like him, then I don't think it's too much of a stretch to fudge a few things in case he's not exactly what you're looking for. you should try if you like him.

if love comes naturally to you, then you can be picky, but for someone like me, I'd take all the chances I can get.

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jammer25 said: To me, it definitely seems like you're over-thinking it. From the info you give, I don't sense anything malicious about his intent either. Just seems like he wants to take things as they come, and not necessarily commit to something long-term yet. What he told you about his past relationships could very well be the case of just not finding people he clicked with.

The best thing in this case, in my opinion, is just to talk to him about where you both see your relationship going. Be direct and honest, don't beat around the bush or things will just get more complicated.

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Guest alphaone

I can help you analyze this. But for more accuracy, I would like to clarify one thing with you. When you said "... but sometimes he won't say anything for a day or two", in what kind of situations does this happen? As in, did he not reply to your questions (in a middle of a conversation) until a day or two later? Or there wasn't a conversation and he simply did not think of anything to text?

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alphaone said: I can help you analyze this. But for more accuracy, I would like to clarify one thing with you. When you said "... but sometimes he won't say anything for a day or two", in what kind of situations does this happen? As in, did he not reply to your questions (in a middle of a conversation) until a day or two later? Or there wasn't a conversation and he simply did not think of anything to text?

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Guest alphaone


I'm glad to hear that everything is going well now.  When you initially like someone, you may often feel anxious by a lot of his/her actions.  But that's okay because it's normal to feel that way.  When the person replies you late, you may feel anxious and you may wonder why he/she hasn't replied you yet (it feels longer).  Whenever the person does reply to you later on, you may wonder why that person replied you so late.  The best solution is to be patient.  Often, that person could've been very busy that day and he/she couldn't get back to you in time.

I hope everything will continue to improve from now on, and of course, if you run into any issues in the future, feel free to ask us for advices. 
Good luck!

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