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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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Guest butttslappedbylg

anopinion said: butttslappedbylg said:


said: From what I read in db (dramabeans), many people in the comments page are disappointed in the latest episode and in the show as a whole? They wanted a purely comedic show and felt cheated.

Since I don't have any problems with the story (maybe my love for the cast has blinded me), I feel sad reading those comments. But of course everybody is entitled to his/her own opinions.

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Guest 1.21Gigawatts

anopinion said: butttslappedbylg said:


said: From what I read in db (dramabeans), many people in the comments page are disappointed in the latest episode and in the show as a whole? They wanted a purely comedic show and felt cheated.

Since I don't have any problems with the story (maybe my love for the cast has blinded me), I feel sad reading those comments. But of course everybody is entitled to his/her own opinions.

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Guest 1.21Gigawatts

ruzikie said: after watching live streaming yesterday, i cried like a baby
after watching with the sub today.i cried like a baby too.
what the hell with this drama so they can make me like a baby in one night ??? :(( :(( :((

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Sorry for going back to Episode 17 again, I just finished watching it and I am like an idiot crying while on duty .. This JJang Amazes me from Episode 1 up to now and till the end... We cry with them, We laugh with them,.... I am glad I was fated to watch this drama, it is The Best Drama in 2014, and forever.... and ohhhh I am out of words...

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Guest 1.21Gigawatts

booha said: @garrdan75 said:

Hello fellow fans!  :)

I've been reading a wide range of views and opinions regarding Daniel...some positive, some critical, some neutral, and some optimistic about how he will deal with knowing the truth about Gun should Se Ra tell him...and what he'll do with the information... 

I'm on the side of the optimistic & honorable regarding him!  I like him....very much!

Definitely, if he shares the truth with Mi Young, he stands to lose her.  He's aware that she has lingering and residual feelings for Gun...every time she's been in contact with him, her reactions are quite transparent. 

To give MY fair credit, she has been very truthful with Daniel whenever he questions her about Gun...as "truthful" as she feels she's being...

I know...some of you must be thinking about their rainy night together...and "why" she did not mention spending the night with Gun to Daniel??!?...

simple---he didn't ask her!  He did about the hotel room encounter, since he saw Gun coming out of her room... MY did not dodge his query nor waver with explaining---she was honest about meeting Gun and would have explained the situation except that Daniel stopped her from explaining.

Here again, some of you have questioned why he would stop her from explaining?? 

My view...he trusts her!  His character is so clearly defined...candid, assertive, blunt, straightforward, trusting and kind...

We've seen how he values his privacy and anonymity as a famous person, yet with MY, he's stepped out of his "comfort zone & private domain" to help and protect her... several times.  Her sincerity and sweetness touched his heart and he opened up to her... trusts her...period!

He faults  any sad encounter or mishaps she has with Gun---to Gun and not her. True that he's chided her many times for her too trusting, soft heart, yet he is solid with his support...unwavering...

MY knows that Daniel dislikes hearing about Gun being around her, so I'm guessing...to avoid ruffling Daniel's usual genial mood, she avoids mentioning what to her are "unnecessary" Gun-related situations that even to her are puzzling...

Going back to whether Daniel will tell MY the truth...

I believe that he will tell her when he hears it and chance the risk of losing her to Gun.  I believe in his integrity and honesty!

He has yet to disappoint me with how he's handled himself with winning MY's heart...sincerely.  We may question why he's taken more than THREE years to make his romantic intentions more clear to MY...but do remember the enormity of MY's devastation with the loss of Ketongie and Gun's cold rejection...it's been a slow and painful recovery for MY... she's still feeling the remnants of loss and hurt...he doesn't want to push too hard...until recently...

I laud him for his patience and unwavering support of her. Also, Daniel cuts such a dashing and romantic figure---his smile is glorious!! I would like to see him be more aggressive in his "wooing" and courting of her, but I understand why he's been so patient...having been witness to how much hurt she's experienced from the whirlwind that is Gun! 

Don't misunderstand---I absolutely love Gun...love it whenever he says "it's me Gunnie!"...super adorable... am rooting for him and MY, but he's been such a knucklehead with what he believes to be "noble intentions"...arrrughghh!  I bet MY feels that a relationship with Daniel is safer and more stable...she knows "where she stands with him"...with Gun---she's reeling constantly in confusion...it's no wonder she's decided to move on...

We are at the cusp of major storyline developments...so I'm wishing...

1.  Daniel promptly discovers that Se Ra is his younger sis and his happiness with this revelation will ease much of the hurt of losing MY to Gun.

2.  Gun finally coming to realize that MY is his fate and destiny...for the better and whatever challenges lie ahead...let his romantic wooing of her begin!...

3.  Mi Young finally opening her heart and trusting the vibes emanating from Gun that he truly loves her---snail/ post-it/ super glue/Bond femme fatale package complete!

I believe that Daniel will be gracious in defeat when MY reconciles with Gun...an event we all anticipate will happen.  He did say that he will accept her decision, be it love him or "friend him"...regardless...he'll remain her friend forever.  He has yet to disappoint me!!


I love reading each and every posting by fellow fans of this show!  so fun to join in the "fanfest".  Thanks for sharing!  :

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Guest 1.21Gigawatts

food4life said: I was really pissed with Geon at the first 5 mins of the show with him continuing to lie to MY about his real feelings but he made me tear up during his video confessions/reminders(?). At least MY decided for herself to find out what was really up with Geon's contradicting words. And Daniel. What a man and what a way to show his love for MY :x I really hope that he will discover Se Ra as his sister so that he can have the family he's been craving for. And Se Ra redeemed herself in this hour though what she did before still pissed me off. The last 5 mins of the show... JNR slays me! And JH too! The emotions they display especially their facial expressions and their eyes. Also couldn't help notice JNR run. Something so weird about the way she does it lol I really hope that MY will give Geon a piece of her mind for what he did 3 years ago and that she won't let him push her away. I need some Snail couple moments! Please! [-O< Still can't help in noticing the tired state of the actors and I hope both them & the crew stay healthy and take a nice long rest after this. About 11 hrs left! To the live recappers: ty for all your hard work and hope you will have a good streaming tonight. :x

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Guest 1.21Gigawatts

mywebfoot said: Okay, full sentences now. 
Only a couple of things to add to all the previous observations. There were so many phenomenal acting moments, but you guys are doing a great job documenting them. All I want to add is that JH and JN OWNED it in this ep. Forever a fan.
Firstly, from the perspective of someone who writes (fact for a living and fiction for fun), I think the 'slump' episodes were necessary. When I write, I totally fear losing the interest of the reader, so I try to make sure things are happening and developments help keep the reader involved. However, what these writers have taught me is that sometimes you don't need development, you need involvement. I've said this elsewhere before, but the difference 4 extra episodes makes from the usual 16 is that there is time to breathe. Time to breathe equals time to explore. So we didn't get developments in Ep 12 to 16, but we got to understand how the separation has played out for these two. We got to see how they regained balance, but it was merely a handicapped, plastered together existence, more so for LG than MY. We got to see how LG's plan to minimize MY's suffering was actually working, if Fate hadn't thrown them together again via GD's painting. Someone wished earlier that GD would be their guardian angel, and I think, looking back now, that's what Eps 12 -16 were about. That little painting took on a life of its own, staring at us with mischievous good humour. Thanks to GD, we got to listen to Appa's inner thoughts. Thanks to GD, Appa got to love Omma the way he wanted to, even if it was behind a mask. And thanks to GD, Omma finally listened with her heart, and not her head. At the beginning of ep 12 I was in the chorus of NOBLE IDIOT YOU. But by the end of Ep 16 I got it. I got involved in LG's pain. For the first time, I wasn't a spectator, but I was totally involved in experiencing the hard decisions LG made, piece by piece, one by one. I am applauding these writers, for taking yet another kdrama trope and making it @(#*$ real.
Secondly, I think the moment I bought into LG's reasoning and pain was when I decided to take the HD seriously. I know that they haven't conclusively confirmed it, and like many of you, I didn't want to get sucked in only to have a 'gotcha' at the end when they reveal he is miraculously cured/never had it. However, this week I remember telling myself, what IF, just WHAT IF it's real. What if this little romcom that doesn't know it's a romcom has decided to tackle a wasting disease head on? What if they are crazy enough to make a story about Fleeting Happiness instead of Happily Ever After? I don't see that as an open-ended finale, by the way. I see that as Life. Anyway, the point is this: I started putting myself in LG's place this week, and asked myself if I had a wasting disease and a 3-5 year timeline to set my life straight, what would I do? The answer is simple - take care of my loved ones. That's all he is doing. Unfortunately, the moment I got it is the moment LG's @#()*&$@# pain started resonating, hence the tremendous waterworks this episode.
So, if the writers keep going the way they are going, let me tell you this: I am looking forward to the last three episodes and I am DREADING them. On the one hand, I am cheering for this brave writing team. On the other hand, if they pull back at the last minute and make his HD a misdiagnosis, I will swear a blue streak bluer than LG's balls. Ottoke?

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Guest 1.21Gigawatts

selenette said: mywebfoot said: ... But by the end of Ep 16 I got it. I got involved in LG's pain. For the first time, I wasn't a spectator, but I was totally involved in experiencing the hard decisions LG made, piece by piece, one by one. I am applauding these writers, for taking yet another kdrama trope and making it @(#*$ real.

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Guest Maricel Veluz

Hey, I like how this sounds. Tbh I only saw him in IRIS 2 (he was in it, wasn't he?), haven't seen Chuno yet because I can't find a good copy of it (let alone a DVD), would see The Flu one of these days.

His versatility as an actor is superb. I saw him in Thank You, Iris 2, The Flu, Please Teach me English and his provocative movie The Innocent Thing. After Fated to Love You, I'll be watching his other projects. I saw The Innocent Thing while waiting for ep 17 thinking it will lessen the angst and sadness, but the sizzling love scenes made me even more desperate to have uri Snail couple to do the same !


Ok, I'll be out before someone calls me perv :P

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anopinion said: butttslappedbylg said:


said: From what I read in db (dramabeans), many people in the comments page are disappointed in the latest episode and in the show as a whole? They wanted a purely comedic show and felt cheated.

Since I don't have any problems with the story (maybe my love for the cast has blinded me), I feel sad reading those comments. But of course everybody is entitled to his/her own opinions.

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