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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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I'm crying because it seems LG really does have HD.  Why writers?  Now, I will forever wonder if LG lived long enough to enjoy a family and all of the joys and blessings that come with it.  That's if they don't kill him off in the last episode while MY is expecting their twins and we get a voice over of LG's laugh and his hopes of happiness for all of them, while doves are released into the sky.  
I was hoping since episode 11 that HD was a misdiagnosis.  That Dr. Octopus would be the deliverer of the ultimate good news.  Then the writers could have written a hilarious get back with MY scenario many episodes ago and made k-drama history by writing a grand, romantic story without the 15 minute wrap-up in episode 20.  Instead I've watched my romantic hero and heroine be miserable for 6 1/2 episodes now, maybe more tomorrow, and maybe even more next week.  The TW-version turned on the sunshine in the latter half.  Looks like K-FtLY chose the first half to be sunshine and roses.  I like happy endings.  That's one reason I quit watching K-movies because someone always died at the end.  
I am past ready to see the sunshine and brightness return.  I am so weary of tears and dark somber colors and settings.  I miss the joy.  I miss the quick wrap-up within each episode of huge issues.  I am sad that the writers and director chose to give us so many episodes of angst when they began with so much happiness.  I want the larger-than-life, leaping tall buildings in a single bound, stomach-dropping, colorful, wonderful, magical, super thrill ride!  Take me on all the twists, turns, ups and downs you choose, because I'm strapped in until the end, but don't lose the wonder and joy in the midst of it all.  
I love FtLY.  It's my favorite k-drama ever.  Now, the ending will be bittersweet knowing what might have happened to LG after we leave their story next week.   :(( :(( :((

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By far, the saddest part for me was the second video she saw. The tears really came out with that one, especially when they flashed back to the scene that she saw. That video really showed just how hard of a time that Gun was having to deal with all of this. Torn by his heart and his mind. I really cried after seeing that. So many emotions in there.

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Guest kaonamp

Last scene was probably the toughest one to watch by far, watching him cry because he understood what his heart wanted but his mind was telling him he can't do that to her. Aww I bet MY wanted to be right there with him and just hug him and tell him everything will be okay.

I don't think I've cried so much watching a drama except for I'm sorry I love you and that was more towards the end of the drama. FTLY is a fun drama but has alot of heart as well. The writers are such genius in revealing things to us and keeping the same pace.

I knew Daniel was a good person. He knew MY has always loved Gun but he wasn't sure about Gun's feelings for her and the moment that he found out Gun's loved never changed he was ready to help them back together again. He truly is such a wonderful character, so writers please let him find his sister soon :)

I can't wait for episode 18. Now we see MY doing all the pulling and I know Gun will enjoy being loved by her. Looks like happy ending is in sight.

Regarding Gun's illness,sad to say he has it but not sure when it will appear. I will just believe that he has many many happy years with MY and their future kids before it does appear, or maybe it will never appear:)

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Guest chunnogirl33

I think if I wrote anymore it would make the conversations go around in circles. However now that MY knows his feelings, if LG has HD is quite irrelevent because she just can't remain passive after learning the whole truth. I am just wondering what the last three episodes will have in store for us, I kinda miss the "hand-acting".

I agree with the person who compared this to 50 first dates. That was a comedy with a sad aspect too and dealt with memory loss. She wanted to give up because of the pain she was causing her loved ones. But in the end, they found a way to work it out because living apart was not better.

P.S If Geon has a genetic disease he might not want to have kids?

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Guest fiovial

But......what if LG does hv HD.... would it be sad ending?  :-S

Still haven't watched episode 17 yet but just wanna say that the reason Geon is giving up his position as CEO might be because the disease is starting to kick in? *I personally hope that's not it...but if it is I won't be surprised. And I know it might not be relevant but just wanna point out again that many of Jang Hyuk's drama characters end up dead or with terminal diseases. I hope hope hope Geon doesn't fall into this category. ...

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I don't think it's going to be a sad ending. It's a romance comedy and as far as I'm concerned the TW and manga both had happy endings. I don't think the writer will do that to the viewers. I haven't seen the episode yet but it doesn't seem to be clear why Gun is giving up his position.

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only1khj said: I'm crying because it seems LG really does have HD.  Why writers?  Now, I will forever wonder if LG lived long enough to enjoy a family and all of the joys and blessings that come with it.  That's if they don't kill him off in the last episode while MY is expecting their twins and we get a voice over of LG's laugh and his hopes of happiness for all of them, while doves are released into the sky.  
I was hoping since episode 11 that HD was a misdiagnosis.  That Dr. Octopus would be the deliverer of the ultimate good news.  Then the writers could have written a hilarious get back with MY scenario many episodes ago and made k-drama history by writing a grand, romantic story without the 15 minute wrap-up in episode 20.  Instead I've watched my romantic hero and heroine be miserable for 6 1/2 episodes now, maybe more tomorrow, and maybe even more next week.  The TW-version turned on the sunshine in the latter half.  Looks like K-FtLY chose the first half to be sunshine and roses.  I like happy endings.  That's one reason I quit watching K-movies because someone always died at the end.  
I am past ready to see the sunshine and brightness return.  I am so weary of tears and dark somber colors and settings.  I miss the joy.  I miss the quick wrap-up within each episode of huge issues.  I am sad that the writers and director chose to give us so many episodes of angst when they began with so much happiness.  I want the larger-than-life, leaping tall buildings in a single bound, stomach-dropping, colorful, wonderful, magical, super thrill ride!  Take me on all the twists, turns, ups and downs you choose, because I'm strapped in until the end, but don't lose the wonder and joy in the midst of it all.  
I love FtLY.  It's my favorite k-drama ever.  Now, the ending will be bittersweet knowing what might have happened to LG after we leave their story next week.   :(( :(( :((

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@beamonkr: Yes, I am having subtitle issues with viki.  It says they are there @ 40+%, but I can't see them.  Thank you for your encouraging reply about LG's HD.  It's breaking my heart.  LG is too fantastic of a character to be given that dreadful disease! 

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Guest kaonamp

I think viki may be having issues because now its totally offline. Will just have to be patient and wait till everything is up and running okay.

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Recently I start to search about HD. And one of its symptom is depression. So, his behaviour toward MY (keep pushing away) explained everything.

As far you know, people with depression became antisocial and blaming themselves for everything.

So MY has to stick with him like super - glue.

When we throw back to earlier eps,LG said that MY not a post it but a super glue. So be it!

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First, thank you to all you hardworking recappers and all who participated in making episode 17 so real to me. I sat here reading and crying...fully understanding because of you all that MY and Gunnie finally had full disclosure of all that happened 3 years ago. It warmed my heart that Daniel did the right thing by letting MY go...sign that he really loved her because her happiness came before his. And Sera, you almost feel sorry for her but in the end she did the right thing...knowing she could never have Gunnie. Looking forward, I hope that WriterNim will make this a true rom com with a happy ending with HD misdiagnosis! Would love to see a look into the future with Gunnie and MY with their kids grown up and taking over the business. Can you imagine Gunnie 30 years from now? He ages well so..... Can imagine MY still young looking and cute as ever!

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Guest chunnogirl33

But......what if LG does hv HD.... would it be sad ending?  :-S

Still haven't watched episode 17 yet but just wanna say that the reason Geon is giving up his position as CEO might be because the disease is starting to kick in? *I personally hope that's not it...but if it is I won't be surprised. And I know it might not be relevant but just wanna point out again that many of Jang Hyuk's drama characters end up dead or with terminal diseases. I hope hope hope Geon doesn't fall into this category. ...

OMG you said it! Girl! I've been thinking of how Jang Hyuk characters are always doomed!!!!!! I wanted to be in denial but you went and said it! *sigh* lol

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Sigh I've woken up and now have to download the raw episode.

Viki is down if anyone wants to know you have to follow it on Twitter. It's not only this drama whole shows have disappeared. It's been glitchy all day. Think of the poor subbers who have to wait around. I hate it when it happens I used to literally hang around all day waiting for moments when it works. So thinking of the team subbers.

My masochist self this morning- am going to watch the videos again. It was lagging so badly yesterday I couldn't hear what he was saying at the end. And this thread moves so fast it'll take me longer to find the answers scrolling through the posts.

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Guest elainecruz63

Will all the crying that everyone went through.... I was wondering if I am watching a ROM COM or melo drama.... :-/ :-/ Now that  viki is down... where can we watch this episode with sub? I am crying like crazy even though i don't understand anything.... 

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@only1khj, we have to be positive.  He hasn't had any symptoms before the fainting and amnesia and so far he hasn't had any since then.  I really wonder if his hitting his head caused him to lose his memory and not the disease.  I have faith that he won't die because this is based upon the TW version and I don't think that would make MY his destiny only for him to die.  I would like to think that just as in the original, LG breaks the the "curse" and goes on to have many children and live a long healthy life with MY.
@rainavira, I don't think LG is depressed because of the disease. I think LG is depressed because of the choices he made because he might have the disease.  even if he did not have the disease losing his wife and his child would be more than enough to cause depression.  He's even more depressed now because MY is back in Seoul and felt that he had caused her so much pain.  He then continues to cause her pain by rejecting her time and time again which only serves to also cause him pain.  It's like a vicious circle.
I don't know if it is better for us to have the joy in the beginning only to face a great deal of angst now or to do it the TW version in which the angst came first.    All this has done is made us yearn for those sweet times and to feel emotionally drained by all of the heartbreak.

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