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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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Guest marie21000

anopinion said: itzibitzispider said: @anopinion & @lov3lyqueen ... Yes I am based in Europe ;) (a German in Luxembourg)
I share the happiness that we are from so different countries sharing the same interests and our individuel ideas.
I get different points of views from you all, as I guess we do share the interest in this (and maybe other) drama, but still as we are from different cultures, so we do have naturally different views on matters.

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Guest marie21000

genmailjs said: I'm I the only one who feel fine with Amnesia instead of Genetic disease. Since this can lead to happy ending between Lee Gun and Kim Mi Young. I don't want to see Lee Gun died have short life from genetic disease! They support to have happy ending!  :D  :D  :D

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I haven't read all the posts but saw here that the writer will use amnesia. Part of me is disappointed but part of me is looking forward to how the writer and actors will continue to impress me using such an overused plot device because so far this is the best drama I've seen this year. It could probably be #1 on my personal list of best dramas but I need to see how this amnesia thing plays out.

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So sad about the 'amnesia' part. They took several steps forward and now ten steps backwards. But I still think him forgetting MY will be like JooGoon forgetting TaeYang in the Masters Sun. He will soon remeber her, maybe at the end of ep12, and by then it will be too late cuz then that bad thing will happen.

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Guest Kdrama-lover

 @ChelseaS . thanks for the BTS photos.. nice to see JNR so into the script with JH at the background..
@Gumi. Where did you get this text preview?   AMNESIA OFFICIAL.apparently the text preview on MBC today said LG loses memory after Macau, and is confused to see MY related stuffs in his house. 
Ugh if they do go through with an amnesia plot (which I'm not happy about at all) the least they can do is NOT go through with that other horrible storyline from the Taiwanese version. But seriously, Trot Lovers just did this, be a little more original writers!

Though like any other here I also despise the amnesia thing.. I have to agree with you that they won't be too cruel to let us go through that TW version's horrible story line.. For goodness sake, we have invested so much emotion on him/her already, right? And all Gun-i fought for in episode 4 would be all in vain. So I think the writers are going for the A card instead juz for the purpose of creating a turn around in our OTP's current relationship and situations they are facing recently. 
@sunset90Let him just forget SeRa and remember only MiYoung... That would be the awesomest thing in this world

Well, that's my wishful thinking, too.. but from the MBC episode 11 preview shared by our friends here, it's definite LG will have amnesia.. we juz hope that LG would ALSO forget Sera and quickly remember Mi Young (since the text preview states that MY would stay beside him and maybe we'll get to see the hair washing scenes). O:-) :x =)) What an awesome twist it would be.. ;;):)) :-* Writer-nim please take heed of our uproars here and make it a lovely, unforgettable and a one of a kind that changes all our negative views about Amnesia plot lines. [-O< B-) :-*

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After all what happend I think that amnesia is lame part of plot ..theres too many dramas which they used amnesia plot ..
But all we have to do is just trust writer-nim. Maybe he/she will do something amazing with this lame thing like amnesia ..

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Guest marie21000

beamonkr said: At first, I was like NO....... to the amnesia plot, since it's so tried and tired.  But after much screaming and hyper-ventilating, I can see how this might work if the writer is smart about it.  First, the TW event doesn't have to happen.  Second, I see MY returning to the island with mom because she sees this as a new start for LG and Sera (it will ease MY's guilt over the marriage, also she'll think it's best for LG). LG can get back with Sera, but realizes something is missing in his life with Sera as he sees all the newspaper reports about he and MY.  Initially, he'll see the most current which says he wants to divorce her, but the more he looks at the agreement the more his head hurts as he thinks about MY.
Daniel will at this point try to bring a wedge between LG and MY.  He'll tell her he's willing to accept the child and that this is the best scenario since LG doesn't remember her or the baby and didn't love her anyway. Sera will push for the divorce, since she feels that they shouldn't have gotten married for the sake of the baby in the first place.
The head elder uses this opportunity to also separate LG and MY, because he needs LG to be single so he can take over the company. MY becomes stronger and more secure as she feels that this is all her fault and she must help LG regain his life.
So yeah, writer-nim, bring it on!

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Guest Kdrama-lover

MaurienL said: Right now, chingu-deuri, I still am optimistic that the writers will do a 180 degrees on us and completely turn the tables on this amnesia plot device: let them parody amnesia jaebaaaal

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I'm assuming that if we do still get to see the hair washing scene, it's either because Gun doesn't know to wash his hair anymore or he's trying to get some pampering from the wife that he doesn't remember or faking it after he remembers.

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Guest chunnogirl33

@chunnogirl33, I can see them initially keeping LG's illness from the grandmother, she herself is sick too. I think she'll help MY to fight for LG and take care of the baby.  The problem is the divorce decree and LG's illness.  The doctor may tell her not to push LG to get his memory back, but to let it happen naturally.  She will also have that divorce decree in the back of her mind and want to protect LG. 

Yeah. There is also an important piece of the puzzle. The updated divorce papers that Geon's lawyer should have.

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Amnesia! Here we go. And of course, he remembers everything up until Macau. Maybe we'll have lots of great "getting to know you" moments with LG and MY. That would be a double portion in this drama. I'm thinking that would be too good to be true. I did want them to use his genetic illness as comedy, for example faking it to keep MY close to him. I'm still Fated to Love This Drama!

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marie21000 said: In France, some of us do love Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese dramas!!! Right now, in some cities of France, it's even possible to learn Korean..I'm from Dijon and I started going to Korean classes two years ago (the teachers are Korean and there are some people of Korean origins or students from Korea who live in Dijon).
And in some universities, some students can study for a Bachelor's Degree on English/ Korean.. a friend of mine is going to do that in September..I wished I could have done the same  but when I did my studies, this kind of degrees didn't exist. (and I'm too old - mi-thirties -to go and study again!!^^)
So you see, because of or thanks to Asian dramas, some Asian languages and cultures are all the rage right now in France...^^ :)

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