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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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Guest Kdrama-lover

At the last session of prenatal class; I really wished LG had a peek of how funny MY was acting out Gae Dong Appa esp the hardly immitated signature laugh..;):))

Uri Dalpaeng-ie was really wishing Gae Dong Appa would suddenly show up at the door and was all-smiles to see LG actually attending!, moreover, in his signature laughing dramatic entrance. :-db :))

During the message writing task, Gae Dong Appa can't help but utter nice words while beholding the beauty of his Dalpaeng-ie 8-> 8-> ., but he needed to snap out of it and come back to his senses; only by looking away from Gae Dong Omma was he able to concentrate with the "lessons in life" he intends to impart to his "junior". :(

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MY is the only parent in that room to write and talk out loud enough for Gun to hear in the hallway ... muuuuuhahahahaha
Guns message to GaeDdongie is quite serious ... more like the letters he told Lawyer Hong to write ... maybe he thought of raising a dried up Lawyer ;)
*me likes MYs blouse*
And back to that fermented snake stuff .... if that smells as Gun act and it sounds, I would not wish to try it ... I tried crocodile, so I had enough snake like stuff
Gun slipped quite often in his comments so it would be so easy to realize earlier that he got his memory back ... also the fact that he tears up BEFORE he tries that icky stuff is a give away, too ;) ...

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Guest lovelyjen

I started late. But the look on Geon's face, he looked so unbelievably happy to remember MY.

Then he goes to Dr. Octopus,  and he just starts getting emotional gets through to my heart.

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Guest aaa1188

MY is so cool and nice and tell Gunnie that he has never hurt her before, this made Gunnie even more regretful I bet.... Gunnie is trying to tell MY that M should be stronger and MY presents Gunnie cup to Gun... 
Look at Gun... he is going to cry anytime now... he is eating the smelly fish to hide his emotions... JH is so good at this scene.... 

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I had to stop it before he gets his Gunnie cup.  JH's acting here is so powerful, I've got to prepare myself for the hurt...And to know in the BTS right in the middle of all of this, he's laughing.  Amazing!
"This is not real.  It's only a drama.  This isn't really happening to them. It's make-believe." Repeat...
Ok, I'll try again...

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Guest lovelyjen

When she writes that letter, she is so funny, even imitating that laugh, huehahahhahahaha.

"Life is very beautiful" that look on Geon's face. OMG

the rest of the letter he dictates is pretty funny, but sad, because he thinks he is going to die.

and when he sees the Geonnie cup, it makes me want to cry seeing him cry. The whole conversation before that, ;_;

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Guest aaa1188

Sec Tek found out Gunnie remembers... pimi pimi silly Gunnie... look at Sec Tek face... he is so so sad too when Gunnie told him the reason to hold the pimi for him and not to tell MY ... 
Gunnie is breaking up with SeRe... Look at SeRe... she is so pitiful here too ... sigh.... there is no winner here....
DP in a nightclub... Happy is playing as the background music and DP bump into Sera .... irony here is both of them are not happy... DP is giving such wise advice.... SeRa is in a destructive mood... 

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Gun looks sorry splitting up with SeRa ... but just sorry ... she is hurt, but his face just betrays the fact that he feels sorry for hurting her, not more
SeRa is drunk and mad at the disco where she meets Daniel .. I think she is the better drunk compared to Daniels being drunk later on ... maybe it's me, but the giggly drunk of Daniel does not float my boat ...
Gun drafts a new agreement or rather a will, he tries to distance himself as much as possible, but one can feel that he thought about all that points a lot and makes it as easy as possible for MY ... alone the fact that he considers his own death, leaving MY behind shows to touch him deeply
SeRa and MY meet at a cafe ... they do meet to much for my taste ... SeRa is so mad and mean, but she is not open mean (my sister is good in that lethal calm talking, too)

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Guest aaa1188

Gunnie tore off the revised divorce paper.. Gunnie give the rights of the child to MY, give a lot of alimony money and give all his money 50/50 to MY and Getongie....
Here is where I wonder the need for MY to meet up with SeRa... hate SeRa and yet pity her... poor girl is in a loose loose situation since the beginning of the show no matter how you dice it and the sad part is she does not know it....
Ok i got to rest for a while here.. I just cannot continue... 

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Guest lovelyjen

I know when I watch this episode I don't cry anymore, but I remember the first time I saw this episode I needed a towel next to me, everyone that was around me during that time thought that there was something wrong, I told them something happened to someone I knew. I felt like I knew these characters, like they were my friends or something.
I don't think I'll come across a drama that made me feel all of these emotions, not even my favorite Korean Drama made me cry this much.

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LG meets SR and says, "Let's break up." I remembered on viewing the second time that LG has already broken up with SR in his heart back in episode 8. He's not very emotional here because she's not in his heart except as a memory.  He's not in pain, but he feels sorry for SR because he cares about how she feels.  So, even though the amnesia is recent and he and SR had some loving times together, now that his memory is back, he's re-telling her what's already taken place in his pretence. 
I don't know if that made sense because I'm typing through tears over the previous scene at the outdoor cafe.

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Splitting up with MY ... much more emotional and touching, than with SeRa, he tries his best to be aloft and distant, but he gets a bit mean twards the end, so it shows his hurting MY is not without a tiny effect in his heart ...MY tries to tell him how she feels and how she hoped life would be for them, and Guns face is still but betrays all .. still he is mean to distance himself ... with SeRa he would stay calm and cut the cord with a pocket knife ... but with MY he has to take an axe and chop real hard to cut the cord ... and still he fails
Did you listen Gunnie, YOU FAILED deaf banana ...

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Guest Kdrama-lover

The scene at the stinking fish resto was so touching!, I really want my arms to reach LG and give him a hug. This is one of the best, most moving acts of JH, maybe second to the scene in the video where he was crying his heart out not to be greedy with MY.

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lovelyjen said: I know when I watch this episode I don't cry anymore, but I remember the first time I saw this episode I needed a towel next to me, everyone that was around me during that time thought that there was something wrong, I told them something happened to someone I knew. I felt like I knew these characters, like they were my friends or something.
I don't think I'll come across a drama that made me feel all of these emotions, not even my favorite Korean Drama made me cry this much.

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No no no ... don't do that MY ... NOOOO
Iiiiiih goosebumps all over my arms, shiver down my spine ... MiiiiiYoung, noooooo
I'd like to say that I do not like JangHyuk for that ability to play it all out in his eyes ... but I appreciate and see that talent of his to much ... looking into his face makes the scene and the hospital scenes even more hard to look, than the knowledge that GaeDdongie is now to go far away

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I remembered when I watched ep 12 for the first time, like most of you here. I was crying like there is no tom.it's my first time I cried so much in my kdrama history..I could really feel how much hurts mi young is..especially when she said to gunnie" you don't to have to be so mean, ..I love JNR's acting in this scene, super jaaaangg

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Guest lovelyjen

The "I was a fool speech", is so sad. and the Background music does not help.

He can't look at her in the eye, when she is saying things about how happy she was ( in the street scene)

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