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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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@trixie1029: Definitely one's opinion.  Disagree with almost all of the American movies, say what you will, but Hollywood invented the wheel.  Those 10 would not make my list and I've watched tons of American movies, yet even that would just be my opinion. Old Hollywood, pre-1950's really did movies best, imo. 
How can you have a top 10 K-actors list and not have JH??? WOW!!! I have to say, I agree with Lee Man Ki.  When I saw him in Dal Jae's Spring, I could not believe that was the same actor from Shut Up Flower Boy Band! I became his fan quickly.
@ayame: I just appreciate you taking all of your precious time to draft and present these awards to us.  Whatever you decide to do will be fantastic!  :D

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@trixie1029 Wow, I've watched Kdramas before the Hallyu wave, but even I can't call myself an avid kdrama fan since I only choose to remember the good ones that still speak to me today. I think it's safe to say that most of us here come from different Kdrama viewing histories and experiences, we all have different tastes and preferences, but we all have FTLY in common. :) Btw, I don’t see FTLY on that list... :-/ Did she change her mind already?

Either way, I believe that FTLY is the kind of drama that one must go all-in in watching in order to thoroughly feel and appreciate its merits. If you must suspend all reason and logic, do it. I happen to believe in fate (no matter how naive that sounds), so I have no problem with believing in the possibilities of the things that happen in FTLY. And even then, ep1 lays out its plans of absurdity and extremity, so as a viewer, you are responsible to accept it or not. I think that's fair. I can see why people left the show midway; they didn't think of the spectrum of that extremity, that it could also be applied in the other direction (from the heightened personality of Gunnie and post-it Miyoung to the serious conditions of amnesia/HD/miscarriage). Once you put your all into the hands of FTLY, it's almost impossible to dislike the drama in its entirety. Don't know if what I'm trying to say is coming across in writing. It just irks me when people blow off FTLY, and I only say this because I've read negative "reviews" and comments that never convince me the writer actually watched it with sincerity. Even if you have to suspend reality, that doesn't mean you take all else less seriously. Of course that would do a disservice to your drama-watching experience.

Sorry to say, but I have to skip ep11-12 this week. It's been a very gloomy weekend since our family's puppy passed away last night, so I don’t think I will be able to handle those episodes. Instead, to make me feel slightly better at a time when it's hard to move on, I watched ep13 today. More than ever now, I feel closer to Gun and Miyoung. Sorry for my rambling. This place alone is a happy one.

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class="content-title" “Fated to Love You” Drama Withdrawal Syndrome
“Fated to Love You” Drama Withdrawal Syndrome

The sound of silence is heavy and thick in the morning air, its burden a weight on your shoulders, daunting, cold, and lifeless, as you timidly walk into the room. You immediately notice the stark interior and the oddly placed “Fated to Love You” promotional poster on the wall. Panic settles in. You want nothing more than to simply turn and run away.

As if sensing your trepidation, your best friend puts a reassuring hand on your shoulder, giving you a nod of encouragement. You grimace in fear, but still manage to flash her a meek, wavering smile. With a sharp exhale of breath, you take a seat on the leather couch. Your best friend, your pillar of support, follows suit.

In that same intimidating silence, the two of you wait. Finally, he arrives.

His footsteps echo in the stillness as he, too, takes a seat. He clears his throat and places his clipboard on his lap as he leans forward, hands clasped together. “So, what can I do for you today?”

“I have a problem!” you blurt out, unable to hold back any longer. “Something is wrong with me!”

Your best friend bites her trembling bottom lip with tear-filled eyes, her hand reaches for your arm in a physical display of her constant support. “It’s okay,” she whispers. “It’ll be okay.”

“I see. Well, you have certainly come to the right place.” The man nods and gestures with his hand for you to continue.

“I… I’ve become a different person,” you explain. “For the past month, I haven’t been myself. It’s like I’ve been possessed.”

“Possessed?” He asks. “Tell me what you mean.”

You wring your hands together nervously. “The first thing I noticed was my laugh. It’s different.” You try to describe it, but words fail you.

“It’s deep and loud,” your best friend chimes in. “Like a laugh that emerges straight from the belly. She throws her head back wildly with her mouth wide open, and her whole body shakes with the intensity. It’s really manic.”

Lee Geon Laugh

The man frowns thoughtfully, but asks you and your best friend to continue.

“And then… I suddenly developed this intense love for snails. I am not exaggerating when I say that I see them everywhere. I used to be terrified of those things with their sticky trails, strange tentacle eyes, and big round shells, but now I find them so cute and loveable. Doctor, something is wrong with me, isn’t there?” You ask, so eager to unleash your fears that your words come out fast and jumbled.

“I mean, the other day, when I had my picture taken, I even made a snail sign with my fingers.” You hold up your hand to demonstrate. “And when I go out into my garden, I even crouch down and look for them. ‘Uri dalpaengie eodiya?’ I’ll say in a singsong voice. Where is our snail?” You toss your head back and laugh that belly-aching laugh. “Isn’t that weird?”

Fated to Love You Snail

The doctor makes a sound in the back of his throat thoughtfully. “Interesting,” he murmurs as he jots down some notes on his clipboard. “Are there any other symptoms?”

“Yes!” You exclaim. “I am suddenly addicted to rice cakes. I want to eat them all the time and learn how to make them. When I see one, I just giggle uncontrollably.”

Geon & Mi Young Make Rice Cakes

“Do you have any other cravings?” He asks, still writing in his clipboard.

You think for a moment, tapping a finger against your chin. “Ah, barley! And rice! I crave those too!”

Geon & Mi Young Barley Rice Game

“Very interesting,” he says again. “Anything else?”

At this, you turn to look at your best friend with uncertainty. She gives you a mild nod and pats your arm. “Go ahead,” she suggests, trying to reassure you of this decision. With a firm nod of your own, you turn back to face the doctor.

“I mindlessly walk around in a daze sometimes. Like I’m just a shell of a person. I’ve been told that there is a phrase I say every time it happens.”

He looks up at you in response. “What phrase?”

You grimace. “Gae…”

“Gae…?” The doctor repeats questioningly. He is patient as he waits for you to finish your sentence.

“It’s ‘Gae Ddong.’” You finally mutter.

“Gae Ddong?!” He states with mild surprise. “As in… dog… dung?”

You nod. “Gae Ddong-ah. Gae Ddong-ie. I just say it like that in a very nostalgic and whimsical tone. I don’t even have a dog.”

Geon & Mi Young's Gae Ddong

“Doctor, be honest with me.” You lean forward in your seat almost desperately. “Tell me what’s wrong with me. I’ve never experienced these symptoms before but, suddenly, they all appeared at the same time. Is this serious?”

He exhales sharply and sets his clipboard face down on the table. He rubs his forehead with the pads of his fingers as he gathers his thoughts. With a sigh, he finally nods and looks at you grimly. “I believe I know what is wrong.” He takes a deep breath. “You have a disease.”

You gasp and fall back into your chair. Your best friend clings to your arm, the tears in her eyes finally making its way down her cheeks. Your heart stops and you hold your breath.

“It’s called Drama Withdrawal Syndrome. It’s a common disease for those who have experienced the drama, “Fated to Love You.” Since it ended a month ago, you are suffering from the repercussions.”

You release a startled cry of shock. “Is… is there a cure?”

He shakes his head. “At the moment, there is no known cure for DWS. The severity of this disease vary from person to person. Some experience mild symptoms while others experience particularly intense ones.”

Slowly, you put your hand up to your heart, still in disbelief. “What about me? Am I considered mild or severe?”

The doctor pursed his lips thoughtfully. “I would say that you are at an advanced stage of DWS. Your five symptoms: the Lee Gun laugh, the snails, the rice cakes, barley, and rice, and Gae Ddong, these are obvious symptoms of “Fated to Love You” Drama Withdrawal Syndrome.”

“This is unbelievable,” you stutter. “Unbelievable.” You shake your head. “Then… what can I do?”

He leans back in his seat and crosses his legs. “Well, it’s actually quite an enjoyable disease. Everyone so far diagnosed with this disease has loved it. I would suggest re-watching “Fated to Love You” to your heart’s content. We even have it right here in the office.

The doctor turns to your best friend. “Have you seen it?”

She shakes her head. “No, I haven’t.”

He smiles. “Then I recommend you watch it as well and join your friend in experiencing DSW. After all, I’ve been told it’s one of the best drama diseases out there.”

You breathe a sigh of relief, glad to hear that your happy suffering really wasn’t so bad after all. Irony aside, you’re glad to know you’re not alone in this situation. Smiling brightly, you stand and bow.

“I feel calm and relieved now and will continue to enjoy my “Fated to Love You” Drama Withdrawal Syndrome without worries. Thank you so much… Doctor Octopus.”

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Guest SandiRa

The "Angry bird" outfit suits Sera the most, so those who are angry with her let her fly away. ~:>  >>........ >>  :@) (this is not DP even pink suits him)  I see her as cute chicken ...oops swan. The awards will be awesome i have no patience.

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Guest honeybee_1

Me too. Deep inside my heart actually i'm very sad knowing both JNR and JH already on their next project this soon and i'm in denial mode. Having watching FTLY 3 times already (i never expect it could be this additive. It's rare for me to rewatch a drama..) I still can't get over it and I still want LG and KMY to stay 'alive'. The fact that they already with their next projects kinda killing LG and KMY characters for me. It's too sudden for me. Even so, I can understand that for actor/actress it's good to move on quickly for their career sake. Looks like it's me who need to wrap up my feeling quickly TT TT (i did watch 3 dramas after FTLY but they failed to heal me)...nevertheless,  wishing all the best for JNR & JH for their next projects :) **praying for them to attend & to win the end-year awards**

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I brought a happy news guys!!!

Jang Hyuk and Jang Na Ra will be starring a one-episode drama in MBC, titled "Old Goodbye", to be broadcasted in November.

Director Kim, the female director of FTLY, is the director and she offered to those two during wrap up party and they said yes. Which is a big deal cuz it is not common for star actors to do one-episode drama...to think both male and female leads are top actors...! FTLY team work must have been really good...!

Anyways yeah so we r witnessing the fastest reunion in drama history LOL. We have something to look forward to in November.....!!

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gumi said: I brought a happy news guys!!! Jang Hyuk and Jang Na Ra will be starring a one-episode drama in MBC, titled "Old Goodbye", to be broadcasted in November. Director Kim, the female director of FTLY, is the director and she offered to those two during wrap up party and they said yes. Which is a big deal cuz it is not common for star actors to do one-episode drama...to think both male and female leads are top actors...! FTLY team work must have been really good...! Anyways yeah so we r witnessing the fastest reunion in drama history LOL. We have something to look forward to in November.....!!

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gumi said: I brought a happy news guys!!! Jang Hyuk and Jang Na Ra will be starring a one-episode drama in MBC, titled "Old Goodbye", to be broadcasted in November. Director Kim, the female director of FTLY, is the director and she offered to those two during wrap up party and they said yes. Which is a big deal cuz it is not common for star actors to do one-episode drama...to think both male and female leads are top actors...! FTLY team work must have been really good...! Anyways yeah so we r witnessing the fastest reunion in drama history LOL. We have something to look forward to in November.....!! OMG. THAT IS SO AWESOME!! AHHHH~!!

Is there a legitimate source for this information, @gumi, from reliable Korean websites and such? Do we know the plot of this one episode drama? Or a release date in November? If so, I can also write an article for it on Soompi to spread the news for those who are no longer keeping track of this thread.

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Guest aaa1188

gumi said: I brought a happy news guys!!! Jang Hyuk and Jang Na Ra will be starring a one-episode drama in MBC, titled "Old Goodbye", to be broadcasted in November. Director Kim, the female director of FTLY, is the director and she offered to those two during wrap up party and they said yes. Which is a big deal cuz it is not common for star actors to do one-episode drama...to think both male and female leads are top actors...! FTLY team work must have been really good...! Anyways yeah so we r witnessing the fastest reunion in drama history LOL. We have something to look forward to in November.....!!

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honeybee_1 said: Me too. Deep inside my heart actually i'm very sad knowing both JNR and JH already on their next project this soon and i'm in denial mode. Having watching FTLY 3 times already (i never expect it could be this additive. It's rare for me to rewatch a drama..) I still can't get over it and I still want LG and KMY to stay 'alive'. The fact that they already with their next projects kinda killing LG and KMY characters for me. It's too sudden for me. Even so, I can understand that for actor/actress it's good to move on quickly for their career sake. Looks like it's me who need to wrap up my feeling quickly TT TT (i did watch 3 dramas after FTLY but they failed to heal me)...nevertheless,  wishing all the best for JNR & JH for their next projects :) **praying for them to attend & to win the end-year awards**

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akinahana89 said: gumi said: I brought a happy news guys!!! Jang Hyuk and Jang Na Ra will be starring a one-episode drama in MBC, titled "Old Goodbye", to be broadcasted in November. Director Kim, the female director of FTLY, is the director and she offered to those two during wrap up party and they said yes. Which is a big deal cuz it is not common for star actors to do one-episode drama...to think both male and female leads are top actors...! FTLY team work must have been really good...! Anyways yeah so we r witnessing the fastest reunion in drama history LOL. We have something to look forward to in November.....!!

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gumi said: Ehehehehe and just how great is it that their next project is another co-starring drama? albeit that it's one episode....but clearly Director Kim, JH and JNR didn't want to just send away FTLY without doing something...!  :x 

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Guest TinaA1430294419

One thing I noticed and am not sure if it was deliberate or just overlooked, is the way Paris seemed to serve no purpose other than be a place for MY to get away and study art.  That beautiful city full of culture, museums, lovely architecture and so much history just seemed to pass her by; she never spoke one word of French (for that matter, neither did Daniel and I assumed he knew the language so he could interpret for MY.  And I'm curious about that:  there's not much of a problem for someone from London or NY for example to stay in Paris since many people there speak English but how many speak Korean?)  When they got back home, they didn't even say a few French words even to each other, and MY didn't mention any of the places she saw to her family (she must have taken some time off from painting to go sightseeing with Daniel) and they didn't even ask!  Weren't they even curious about the Eiffel Tower at the very least?  At times Paris served as a sanctuary or hiding place, whenever she couldn't handle her feelings for Gun she was ready to run back there, but as soon as they got back together it was as if she had never been there at all, No one mentioned it again, not even about sending for the rest of her paintings and what about the studio he had built for her?  I guess she never had friends there other than Daniel because she never talked about anybody she met either.  It was just a place for her to be without any significance. (If Daniel had decided to skip Paris and climb Mt.Everest she would have studied art in Nepal with the same results.)  And if the writers had checked their facts they would have realized she couldn't have gone to the Ecole des Beaux Arts, she didn't have the qualifications at that time (I know because a friend of mine is an artist and wanted to go there and couldn't, it's NOT easy).

The reason I'm saying all this is I'm wondering if it was just an oversight or deliberate: to emphasize all that MY went through, she was in a fascinating city yet was oblivious to it, she just took art clsses, painted, got recognition as a talented artist.....and the rest didn't matter.

Yes, I'll shut up now!


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@gumi THAT IS THE BEST NEWS EVER! thank you for it! I love it so much that the two stars said yes without hesitating. This shows their joy and comfort at working w each other! Also on healing camp, they showed nara yelling I love you to hyuk on ssobg. Hahaha so much fun! I have to say, nara really looks pretty! Also, I think they were telling her abt how hyuk did the shovel performance when he was on healing camp. Maybe they asked if she could do it? Hahahaha! I love that they played all the ftly instrumental theme songs throughout healing camp! And hahaha nara screamed so loudly when her mom appeared on tv. And what's best: I can see the Gunnie and nara figurines in the rice cake scene behind! 

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