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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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:-B Just as a book cannot be judged by its cover nor can a drama be judged by its first two episodes....that is exactly what I did....I watched the first two episodes, and although I ENJOYED the first two episodes, I wasn't sure that I cared for Gun's over the top laugh and over the top personality....BUT, with that said...I patiently waited to watch episodes 3 and 4......by the end of these two episodes, I was totally enamored with Lee Gun and his over the top personality and his laugh...Gun's personality makes sense because it is the opposite of KMY's personality. I re-watched all four episodes of FTLY to fully enjoy(again and again) the amazing, memorable characters portrayed by ALL of the actors especially Jang NaRa, Jan Hyuk and Choi Jun Hyuk.....IT HAS BEEN a very long time since I ANXIOUSLY waited for a drama....most of the recent dramas I have watched, I have been able to wait patiently for the next episodes to air. But, after watching today's episode, eps 5, I want eps 6 to air right-this-minute. That is how much I Enjoyed...actually LOVED this episode....the characters, the pace, the sequence of events....PERSONALLY, I feel that the TW FTLY is good and unique in its own right, and the Korean Version of FTLY is an outstanding up-to-date version that can stand on its own without needing reference or comparison to the TW version. I admit I couldn't remember much about TW FTLY version, well, only that it was a drama that was on my like list. I also admit to this past weekend re-watching the TW version to spark my memory. I still liked it.....BUT, I totally Love the first 5 episodes of this K-version. JH and JNR have 100% chemistry....and what's not to LOVE about CJH...aka Danielicious as someone named him. JNR has me teary-eyed every time someone is mean to her...every time she has to convince herself that she needs to be strong....KMY reminds me of 'real people' that are way too nice for their own good.... JNR makes my heart ache every time she tears up....knowing that 'Danielson'...Father Daniel...Danielicious is watching out for her UPLIFTS this k-drama watcher's heart and also. There are so many more observations I can make about why I Love watching this drama....it probably would take a couple of pages to do so. Rather than do that I will just say that Kudos to the K=version FTLY Production Team and the Amazing Actors....today, I laughed harder than I had laughed in a drama because of the memorable Lamaze Class scene....Jang Hyuk and Jang NaRa had me believing these two were really in class of expectant parents.....Tomorrow can't come fast enough.....so, while I wait IMPATIENTLY for eps 6 by re-watching eps 1-5....let's just say, I will am looking forward to the future eps when the meek KMY becomes a confidant woman, and Gun falls hard in love with her. :x :\">

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juju84 said: OMO, Jin Hyuk is so Patrick Swayze here! :x
LOL Dirty Dancing Gangnam style! :)


They are somking hot! Gun you are in danger with such a hot rival! :-SS =)) =)) =))
The dance of the little ducklings won't cut it man [-( upgrade your skills ASAP! =))

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For those who watched the Taiwanese version:

I was mesmerized by Daniel's dog which got me thinking very very far ahead, there isn't any Baby Ji in this drama, I wonder how they will play the revealing scene

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:-B There is no doubt the Korean version is 'Owning'  FTLY drama by making it uniquely different in many subtle and obvious ways. After today, I personally don't find the need to continue to refer to the TW version...I am enjoying this drama on its own merits.....after tomorrow it will be a long wait till next Wednesday....If there was one actor that I was worried about was Park Won Suk- Gun's Grandma. She really is a good actor, but can easily go overboard in her characterizations. Not so, as Gun's grandma. She is high-spirited but not over the top. If you wanted a grandma on your side it definitely would be Gun's grandma....great to watch Kim Mi Young have plenty of people that appreciate and love her.....can't wait to watch Gun realize that he needs KMY in his life....it makes me wonder if Gun's half-brother will also later realize KMY's worth...would be funny if Gun had not only Daniel to be jealous of, but also have Gun a little jealous of a half-brother interested in KMY.....oh, getting so far ahead of myself....good dramas make viewers think of 101 different scenarios....if the future eps. are as good as the first five eps. this may turn out to be one amazingly, enjoyable and memorable drama. Let's hope and   [-O< [-O<

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What can I say.. I thought it would be My (JN) that would give us a good laugh in this episode when she was greeting the in-laws all those Jh's I thought I would die from laughing but we move to the kitchen scene and MY under the table after she has scared the poor man half to death she had the gall to say hello.. It look like something you would see in a horror flick..LOL   :)) I just knew this would be the highlight of the episode until we got to the prenatal class and that one sent me running to the nearest restroom dancing trying to hold it in laughing so hard.. . =))
I have to give to Jh he's doing a bang up job in this drama he keeps the viewers wanting more comedy from him..  Kudos to the writer she must have had him in mind to play this role because I don' think know other actor could play this role better then Jh.. Loving how she has rewrote this drama into her own the similarities are there but Kdrama is coming off better then Tw ..

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xxxchocopie31 said: Even though the drama is just starting I can't wait for the ending scene where in the taiwanese version the Lee Gun and Kim Miyoung get married and eventually makes a lot of babies. every year Kim Miyoung is pregnant in the Taiwanese version I wonder if in the Korean version if they will do that.  :P :\"> :x

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:-B @valsava....I'm with you I thought the kitchen scene was funny and had me giggling, but the prenatal class scene had me laugh out loud ...loud enough to startle my cat.... :-O  <<<that's exactly what he looked like when I was laughing... :-O :-/ :\">

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Rating 16 Jul 14. AGB drop little bit. TnMS state the highest rating for this drama so far.
(nationwide) 8.6% 8.9.% (metropolitan area) AGB Nielsen Media Research 
(National) 9.1% 13.4% (metropolitan area) TNMS 

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Ohh I felt so sorry for the way Gun treated KMY :(  But then he couldn't be angry with KMY for long. I hope there isn't a love triangle in this drama, I was so relieved when Daniel said he saw her as a younger sister. But seriously I totally love Daniel (especially his voice lool) and Gun ( of course especially his laugh :)) ) Even though this is the first drama I watch Jang Hyuk (Lee Gun) in, and it beats me how is that possible!!  
I'm glad that I didn't watch the TW version, though I was tempted to coz everybody kept mentioning it. Because right now I'm really looking forward to watch how things turn out in the end. Btw I find it funny how the grandma keep assuming the baby is a boy lol. 

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EmoA said: Ohh I felt so sorry for the way Gun treated KMY :(  But then he couldn't be angry with KMY for long. I hope there isn't a love triangle in this drama, I was so relieved when Daniel said he saw her as a younger sister. But seriously I totally love Daniel (especially his voice lool) and Gun ( of course especially his laugh :)) ) Even though this is the first drama I watch Jang Hyuk (Lee Gun) in, and it beats me how is that possible!!  
I'm glad that I didn't watch the TW version, though I was tempted to coz everybody kept mentioning it. Because right now I'm really looking forward to watch how things turn out in the end. Btw I find it funny how the grandma keep assuming the baby is a boy lol. 

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FTLY episode 6 video and written preview. it said Geon and Mi Young bump into Sera friend in prenatal class. also something about industrial waste plant and maybe Mi Young knew why Geon mad at her (hope so).hmm, jope uri chingu @Gumi or @fiovial will help us with better translation later. :)

전 아무래도 아기를 포기 못하겠어요

건(장혁)과 미영(장나라)은 태교교실 앞에서 세라 친구와 마주치고, 세라(왕지원)는 뉴욕 공연을 마치고 한국에 들어가기로 결심한다. 한편, 미영은 여울도에 산업폐기물 공장이 지어진다는 소식에 건에 대한 배신감이 커지고, 건은 갑작스레 달라진 미영의 태도가 거슬리는데..

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@yoeda I don't think MY will know why Geon is mad at her. 
the text preview says: Episode 6. I can't give up the baby. (sounds like MiYoung)Geon (Jang Hyuk) and MiYoung (Jang NaRa) runs into Sera's friend in front of prenatal class, and Sera (Wang JiWon) decides to go back to Korea after New York performance. Meanwhile, MiYoung figures out that industrial waste plant will be built in Yeowul island, and feels betrayed by Geon. Geon is bothered by MiYoung's change in attitude...

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cattx said: :-B @valsava....I'm with you I thought the kitchen scene was funny and had me giggling, but the prenatal class scene had me laugh out loud ...loud enough to startle my cat.... :-O  <<<that's exactly what he looked like when I was laughing... :-O :-/ :\">

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FTLY gets better and better!  I was so sad for MY when Gun gave her the divorce settlement.  When he was telling her all of his conditions, all I can think of was that Gun is gonna regret he ever said those things to MY.  I love the grandma and MY's mom - always defending MY.  I love how the writer didn't make Gun too much of a jerk.  You can see why he's acting that way to MY but at the same time, we still saw what we grew to love in the past 4 episodes.  I love supportive Daniel is to MY.  I hope he teaches her to be a stronger person.  It's hard not fall in love with Daniel because CJH is just  :x.  It's obvious that Gun is having a hard time being cold and mean to MY especially when he was concerned for her at the end of the episode.
I'm surprise Se Ra is coming back so early.  I thought she wouldn't come back until halfway through the series or maybe even next week.  In the previews, Daniel is clearly trying to provoke Gun.  He tells MY that he wants to know what kind of husband Gun is and wants to see what he will do after he pulls her into a hug.

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