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[Drama 2014] Fated To Love You, 운명처럼 널 사랑해

Go Seung Ji

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@beamonkr, the thing that drives Gun to MiYoung will be clearance from illness and early death. That's the big issue standing in the way of their happiness. Yes, I think the divorce papers and SR will be addressed, but I don't see Gun pursuing MY without being told he doesn't have HD.  Just my point of view, not being argumentative.  I hope they get back together by episode 18 at the latest.  That gives time for a wedding, pregnancy comedy, baby delivery and scenes of LG/MY and their twins as a family.  I don't know that there will be twins, I'm just hoping for twins.  

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Guest dramaville8

oh and i also find gunnies' house to be not as grand as the other house's of drama chaebols. his bed was even small.
kim tan's house looks grand inside. i also liked of course kim joo won's house in secret garden but that is of another kind, not the house he grew up in. 
i wished they could have made it look grander.

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only1khj said: @beamonkr, the thing that drives Gun to MiYoung will be clearance from illness and early death. That's the big issue standing in the way of their happiness. Yes, I think the divorce papers and SR will be addressed, but I don't see Gun pursuing MY without being told he doesn't have HD.  Just my point of view, not being argumentative.  I hope they get back together by episode 18 at the latest.  That gives time for a wedding, pregnancy comedy, baby delivery and scenes of LG/MY and their twins as a family.  I don't know that there will be twins, I'm just hoping for twins.  

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@only1khj, don't worry I don't see you as being argumentative.  You're expressing a welcome opinion. I guess having seen the original and the closeness in which this drama has followed it with some welcome changes I think the divorce agreement is going to play a role in LG's change.  
As far as we know he has not had an episode since MY left. Even the elder who wants the company talked about how LG has basically become a work-a-holic. But for me I keep going back to when Dr. Octopus said that it was strange that LG's symptoms would show up after he met his wife.  I'm inclined to believe that he passed out due to stress.  He was under a great deal of stress during that time, h married unexpectedly to someone he didn't know or love; he then starts falling in love with her; he still had a long-term girlfriend he had to end it with; he was in the middle of developing a new product; and, he had to deal with the eldr trying to take his position.  LG was apparently going to see Dr. Octopus on a regularly basis and Dr. Octopus did not see any changes in either blood work or brain scans.
My point is that I think LG was ready to go back to MY hen he met her and that was why he was so nervous.  Alo, when they met in the restaurant in 14 I think he would have said something about it but MY stopped that because she was being strong and said to him about not meeting and being strangers.  He covered up his feelings by saying that whole bunch of BS about not wanting to get back with her and for her not to misunderstand.  I also, think he was resolved to tell her who he was when he went to the theater with the picture.  The only thing is he walked in on Daniel's proposal instead.
I may be wrong, just my thoughts.

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Guest chunnogirl33

@honeywell:  Kiss, kiss and more kisses ain't happenin'.  This is K-drama, not the States.  



I began watching the TW-version this morning at episode 15 and it's at the same point in the story as K-version.  That makes me start biting my nails because TW-version has 4 more episodes than K-version to get the story told.  Episode 17 in TW-version is epic. 

SPOILER******* If DP proposal plays out like TWversion, MY/DP begin dating and MY signs on as the designer for the new project at JangIn Chemicals. ********

Happy 500+ pages, everyone! 


I want to believe there will be at least one more kiss and one bed scene. I know kdrama doesn't do this but I want to believe.

@beamonkr, the thing that drives Gun to MiYoung will be clearance from illness and early death. That's the big issue standing in the way of their happiness. Yes, I think the divorce papers and SR will be addressed, but I don't see Gun pursuing MY without being told he doesn't have HD.  Just my point of view, not being argumentative.  I hope they get back together by episode 18 at the latest.  That gives time for a wedding, pregnancy comedy, baby delivery and scenes of LG/MY and their twins as a family.  I don't know that there will be twins, I'm just hoping for twins.  

I also think the illness is the biggest obstacle on the side of Geon, followed by guilt and Daniel. Mi Young won't be able to drop Daniel easily, I think.

Regarding the illness, either Geon doesn't have HD or he comes to term with it and decides to live in the moment.

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Random thoughts about DP's proposal:

What if when MY is about to reject him, he smile n and continue his sentence: "... Be my sister". I don't know, he asked to be a real family, sister is considered family also right? Doesn't have to be wife (probably it's just because of how much I don't want MY to accept that I thought of this but it's not impossible right? Haha). Him backing away at the last minute will definitely make me hurt for him, much more than MY rejecting him (if MY rejects, I'll be like yes! *pops champagne*).

(Ok maybe I should go n sleep and stop thinking so much.. lol)

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Guest hyunjae_veyveh

Hi everyone! :-h

First off congratulations on reaching 500!! I may not have been with you most of the time but i'm so hahahappy i'm here now.

Honestly after episodes 11 and 12, i was planning on letting the drama finsh first before watching all eps. I didnt want to be subjected to their heartaches.. :((

But whosoever could resist this?


And im not talking about his looks ONLY. (Though that's a big 70% factor) i couldn't get away from their amazing acting really. Jang couple are really JJANG!! i can actually feel what they are feeling even without them speaking! JangNara really nailed MY's role. Even small quirks are so Kim Mi Young like adjusting her glasses and squinting. Much like what my nerd friends do.kkk


His laugh was actually annoying at first,, i felt like the writers director were trying hard to make him funny. But as eps passed, i realized that his laugh is a big part of LG and his personality.

Oh, and when LG sang GOD's to mother? I just died! I watched that part more than ten times! So far... LoL. I wish he sings the whole song. Sorry GOD fans but uri lee geon's version is so much better.


I've never been convinced of the romantic nature of D Pitt and MY's relationship.

Daniel is so sweet and so perfect that it's really such a waste that he will always be a dongne oppa to MY. He is ellie kim's kinda pseudo boyfriend but to MY, he is a sincere person whom she is extremely grateful for.

Maybe im thinking too much but her expression at the end of ep 14 could be a trick for us to make us think that she wouldnt accept his proposal but she actually would. After all she confessed to lee young ja that when she thought back to the last 3 years, if she were ever to start a family again, D Pitt seems to be the perfect choice.

Oh and just one question.. their divorce, was it finalized?

With the way their expressions are easily shown on their faces, how come they are so clueless to each other's feelings? Aigoo..

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Guest pinkbunny2014

Hello everyone! I decided to join as a member after reading this thread! This is such a fun and supportive community!! FTLY fans united!! 
Just some random thoughts - what if MY accepts the proposal and prepares to walk down the aisle with DP, only to be stopped by our Gunnie..with his HEUHAHAHAHAH laughter...that'd be fun to watch :D

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Huntington's Disease is the one plot device I wish the writers wouldn't have introduced into the story.  I guess since they decided to do away with the mob/organized crime plot of the original, they substituted the disease trope.  This is a rom-com after all.  A deadly, debilitating disease such as HD is a little too heavy, imo.  That's why I keep hoping LG is misdiagnosed.  
Because SR had to have a separate kind of ice cream from her students and DP's last memory of SR is when he went to buy his little sister some ice cream but she wasn't there when he came back;  I'm thinking DP/SR will reunite over ice cream somehow.
@dramaville8: Don't even get me started on set design for LG's house!  That bedroom is so... what's the word... hmm... dare, I say it? Tacky!  It looks like something you would see when you go shopping for a mobile home.  No offense to anyone who lives in a mobile home.  I grew up in one myself.  It's just not what I expect to see for a chaebol's house.  This is supposed to be the bedroom of a massively rich man. The k-drama, My Princess had a great bedroom! I guess the budget didn't allow it.  Just like we don't get to travel to Paris to see MY's transformation and the island has been completely written out of the story.  The whole family moved to Seoul.  What was the point of saving the soap factory?   
I'm wondering if we'll see the gambling chip LG gave MY again.  I would love to see some dancing between the OTP, especially since I hear the actor Jang Hyuk can really dance. Someone on this board said Secretary Tak can dance also, and then there's WJW, a classically trained ballerina.  Let's see SR in action, please writers.  
Okay, enough griping about what I don't like, over all and above everything....I LOVE THIS DRAMA!!  :D:D :x :x : :x :D

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only1khj said:
@dramaville8: Don't even get me started on set design for LG's house!  That bedroom is so... what's the word... hmm... dare, I say it? Tacky!  It looks like something you would see when you go shopping for a mobile home.  No offense to anyone who lives in a mobile home.  I grew up in one myself.  It's just not what I expect to see for a chaebol's house.  This is supposed to be the bedroom of a massively rich man. The k-drama, My Princess had a great bedroom! I guess the budget didn't allow it.  Just like we don't get to travel to Paris to see MY's transformation and the island has been completely written out of the story.  The whole family moved to Seoul.  What was the point of saving the soap factory?   

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@beamonkr i think this is what makes this version different from the t version... in the t version Anna is the core of the problem with her faking the abortion paper... but here i don't think SR has anymore significant role between the OTP the only role she got right now is to be the long lost sister of DP ... the divorce paper she gave MY is not the cause of MY left... MY left coz Gun push her away... with out the divorce paper SR gave MY if everything is fine (MY doesn't loose her baby) i believe Gun would divorce her as stated is his will... now the problem is only with both of them... whether MY would find out why Gun push her away and whether Gun can stand being jealous with DP and take action to grab MY back...  

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