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[Official] Key ღ Yagi Arisa ~ We Got Married Global Couple S2 ~ UGG Couple


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I tried to quickly made gifset of...their bowling game (only Keyrisa parts). :)tumblr_n7hfhgxqT01r5aukuo1_250.gif tumblr_n7hfhgxqT01r5aukuo2_250.gif
tumblr_n7hfhgxqT01r5aukuo3_250.gif tumblr_n7hfhgxqT01r5aukuo4_250.gif

@krismonidaviWow, do you like bowling so much? :D I like it, but in terms of "nice game" - nothing superb for me. =))Actually I was surprised that Key was NOT so bad as I thought that he would be...I remember that he played bowling with Shinee members for Japanese fanzine and his bowling performance was kinda bad. :( So I actually find him quite good. It was clear that Ari would be much better, but Shin also seemed to be surprised by her skills. =)) But poor Min, I hope she didnt hurt herself, when she fell. I felt really sorry for her. My skills are similar to hers. ^^"
Too bad that I didnt see any preview with the gardening segment, because it looks sooo cute. You are right, long white outfit isnt the right choice for gardening...but it is Almighty Key. =)) I also wonder who was the one who came up with the gardening idea. :DI dont why he is "crying", but I thought that it was over the bended tool or that he got hurt. :/ I really wish I could understand Korean...
@PeggyMIt would be really interesting, if they invited them to see. if they would be a good choice for possible future couple. :DIt is just my opinion, but I dont see them as possible next WGM couple... ^^" But may be I will change my opinion after I see them interact more. :)
EDIT - picture update :)tumblr_n7if21408m1r5aukuo1_500.jpg

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Guest krismonidavi

@PeggyMThere is a possibility that they may be trying to see if Min and Shin would work. I, personally, don't think so, but you never know with the people behind WGM. They could pop anyone into the series. lol
@I.K.A.H.Bowling is a great dating activity to me, but thats just because I enjoy the game and its one of the only games I'm good at, haha. But I think its even more fun to play when you're in a double date situation, because you get to go couple vs couple. It gets fun and competitive and really makes you work together (or argue, if you get too serious about it). Key and Ari work together to win and they look like they have fun. They get excited and jump around slapping hands when they knock down pins. It makes you feel good when you look at the other couple like "yeah, my man/girl is cooler than yours" lol.And, yes, I was surprised too that Key wasn't that bad. He had absolutely no technique and rolls the ball like its too heavy and he doesn't care. I love it. lol Then Ari came out of nowhere with that strike. YEAH! She may be lacking at times with skinship, but she makes up for it at being great at recreational things lol.Min, I hope she didn't hurt herself. I think her pride was a bit bruised after that slip. I've taken a spill after stepping over that line...it ain't pretty. She handled it like a pro, though. I want to know how the date went for her, I hope she has fun with Shin. They seem to lose the match a have to spell their names with their butts.  :))  I should start making my friends do that when they lose. I wish I understood Korean, too. It would be great to not need to focus and depend on subtitles all the time. *sigh*

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Guest jazzria

I'm not sure why, but After seeing this little dance, I've started to like Min more. She looks like amiddle schooler. Hahaha. Cute.8SBiX9U.gif

I have no idea why, but I find this SUPER cute! :x0VLX23R.gif

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WGM episode 12 full version: http://dai.ly/x1zyg04
Keyrisa cut: http://dai.ly/x1zynok

WGM episode 13 preview: (0:36-0:46)

Subbed version: (coming later)- dramafever: http://www.dramafever.com/drama/4463/12/We_Got_Married_-_Global_Edition_Season_2/?ap=1- kshowonline: http://dai.ly/x1zz2ka   AND   http://dai.ly/x1zz2ki

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Guest krismonidavi

That preview for 13...why do I feel like I'm probably going to cry over whatever she says to him??? Lol I feel the emotion bubbling up already! I haven't even watched ep 12 yet!

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@krismonidavi‌ My thoughts exactly! :(( I also watched the preview before watching episode 12 (which was kinda "crazy" in good meaning for me) and I thought "damn, it seems that they know that only 3 episodes are left, so it will get serious and intense in these episodes". :(  I am really curious how Key will react, because Ari seemed to be very honest...I wish they wouldnt make the atmosphere so "dark", when her feelings arent negative/bad. >< Sigh, I dont know why they give only 10 seconds to Keyarisa in the previews lately. :((

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Guest krismonidavi


I think it was dark because the lights are off and they are in their house. I think its the house because Ari is hiding behind what looks like the curtains in front of their bedroom. She looks bashful (like Puff when she made her video to Heechul) and Key looks like he's touched by whatever she's saying. I bet he's going to tear up, that big sentimental teddy bear lol.

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@krismonidavi I know that is also partly because of the room which is dark, but still there is something about the font and their choice of scenes for the whole 10second-long-preview, which makes me feel liket they try to emotionally "blackmail" me and make me think that something serious will happen. But in the end I will view it differenly, when I will watch the whole episode. I know, they always exeggarate things in preview - they did also the same thing in past, when they tried to scare/have emotional impact on viewes - but I wished the preview wouldnt leave me with heavy heart...if you understand me? ^^" 
 On the bright note, I hope Key will be so touched that they will hug tightly (for at least 3-5 seconds? XDDD). :) They cut the part really bad, but I GUESS (it is just my guess) that she was saying something like that not much they have left, but she hopes that they will still get along well (in the remaining time). (She said something like "because we/I have xxxxx, date me for a little while more".) 
 Subbed version is out: http://www.dramafever.com/drama/4463/12/We_Got_Married_-_Global_Edition_Season_2/?ap=1I hope to see comments with your favourite moments soon, so I could get from my heartbreak over this episode.... :((

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Hi, guys. I just want to ask... this season of GWGM has 15 episodes as well, right? just like the first season? Because I was wandering around twitter and some crazy people are saying that next week is the last episode, and I felt like my head came off from my body and fell deep into the center of the earth, because I'm not yet ready to see them end.  :(

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@rhanggI didnt hear anything about making this season shorter and I have no clue why some people are saying that the next week is the last episode.But when you watch the conference for season 2, the PD says that season 2 will also have 15 episodes. And I didnt see a site where number of episodes for season 2 would be something different than "15". 
And I am also sure that the preview would have big captions saying that it is the last episode.I dont remember the previews for last season, but I think the preview for last episode of season 1 showed both couples "crying" and it was apparent that they made something special for the last ep. There would also many articles covering the last ep. ;)

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Last season the final episode was actually covered in two episodes....they got the mission card to end in one and then we saw how they spent their last moments together.  Dramafever still shows 15 episodes for this season as well, so I'm sure it won't be ending early.  I really like Key showing some jealousy in this episode...that says a lot to me about how he feels about Ari and it was super cute how he quickly dismissed they close based on their first few seconds of conversation....Inspector Key, LOL  I'm still watching the episode subbed....may be back later with more comments :)

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@PeggyMThank you very much for giving us more information about finale of WGM season 1. :)Yeah, dramafever and all other sites still show that WGMG2 is 15-episode-long show.
I was also glad to see Key show some kind of jealousy. On one hand I know that he feels kinda insecure about his look and qualities and it doesnt him good to be compared, because he tends to be on the losing end, but on the other hand I could also see that there were his genuine feelings for Ari. :)I dont know if it is only me (I didnt try to analyze the episode yet), but Ari seemed to a little bit nervous with her expression and reactions, that for a moment I thought that she and Shin could be really close in past. XD But after I heard Shin´s carefree voice, I also understood that there is really nothing between them. And the phone call gave me expression that they can hardly call each other friends, they were more like co-workers on the phone. When they met each other, there was friendly atmosphere around them, so I could call them friends. XD

Well, I think the most memorable moment for me is their clumsy gardening. :D

I liked the opening moment, when Key gently touched Ari´s shoulder to cheer her up from her sad mood/disappointment over rain. :x I really adore such small affectionate gestures. And then the following moment when he was "dancing" in his red boots was so cute for me - I actually thought that they would play IU´s song called Red Shoes. =)) I know that Key would be hardly fond of such activity like gardening, but I thought that he would put a little bit more effort into planting flowers (although he got a little bit more serious later). It was like watching little child that was forced to do unpleasant work - I mean especially his way, when he tried to dust soil around the first flower that he put in their garden. Poor flowers and lettuce plants. =)) (I am afraid that Keyrisa will not be able to eat lettuce from their garden like J.Olivier. =)) )Ari was like Hercules, when she bended the gardening tool, but my aunt also damaged a few tools this way (actually it isnt so difficult to bend them, when soil is hard). It was also my first time to see someone planting flowers in the grass - I thought that they would prepare garden bed in order to give the best conditions to growth of flowers/plants. I was laughing so hard, when Key got showered by soil because of Ari´s mistake, he gets attacked around her a lot, right? =)) Poor him, I bet soil must stinged in his eyes, but it was sweet when Ari tried to brush it of him.

:)  Another touching moment for me was the meaning of that one flower which translates as "dont forget me". I have weak spot for such little special things about flowers, so hear him say something like that made my heart flutter. :)

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Guest krismonidavi

First off! This episode was a load of unfair! lol It was cute but too much Min and Shin....It leaves you with nothing to really say about them. No improvements and no setbacks, just a whole lot of Min and Shin. Maybe this really was a set up for a new potential couple, it felt like they've just had their first episode. I did enjoy watching it, but I don't have a whole lot to say, but I still have plenty. 
Key and Ari were gardening and looking so cute in their matching boots. and he is bad at it. He thought he was going to be like Jamie Oliver, how wrong he was. Haha! It was too funny when she accidentally got dirt on him, because I know he had to have been annoyed about that but tried to not let it get to him. And I love love loved that Key finally admitted that Ari was good at stuff like this! Finally! And he said she had a nice figure, awwwww. He acknowledged her figure...things like that make me smile. He's said that she's pretty and beautiful before, but he's never said anything about her body. Its nice that he likes it. Was anyone else laughing too hard when he said he goes to the gym and Ari looked at him like...where are the muscles then? HAHAHA! He had to admit that he spends more time talking than exercising. It was cute that he had that little moment of jealousy over her past with Shin, but he dropped it quickly after hearing them on the phone. Hmmm, I think there could have been a little whatever in their past, Ari is good at keeping things to herself, so we'll never know.  I like a jealous Key, Ari should have played around with that more, especially after the "My Eunji" slip up. They didn't have a lot of screen time (to me) in this episode, but when they did have it, they looked closer. Like at the bowling alley where they were big dorks over winning. They held hands and bounced, I wanted a hug so damn bad!!!!!! A real one! :(( I guess I'll settle for him having his arm around her instead.The episode was cute, but it wasn't about them and that let me down. I suppose I can handle any disappointment from this episode, though because I believe the next one is going to show something amazing between them.
The preview.............I get more and more excited every time I watch it. I'm really hoping it won't disappoint me, because it looks so promising! I guess I shouldn't let my expectations rise too much, but I can't help it!

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@krismonidaviPheeeew, I am really glad that I am not the only one who feels disappointed...I am always afraid to post a comment about my disappointment related to WGM in this thread, because this forum was always so optimistic, so I always feel like I am ripping apart positive atmosphere here and make optimistic people loose their balance.:( 
So if you dont mind to read some of my complaints, please, continue. ;)

This episode wasnt

completely bad,  because we could see Keyrisa interact, we could see them to be close and we could compare them to super-awkward Shin-Min couple that was on level 0 and see how Keyrisa relationship changed since beginning, BUT still I think this episode is the weakest one (at least for me) in this season, because they mostly focused on Shin-Min and there werent many Keyrisa moments after all. I felt like this episode was more like a filler for Keyrisa, which makes me disappointed, because there are not many episodes left and after their great chemistry and progress in previous episode (where their activities were super-condensed), I felt like time reserved for this episode 12 was wasted for Keyrisa couple. :( If they were given a chance, they could have great time together again AND after long time and they could develop their feelings from the point, where they parted in the end of the previous shooting. They put such great stepping stone in the previous episode, but they didnt use it for getting into next level of their relationship, which is sad in my eyes. Because where or when will there be another such good chance for them?
Dont take me wrong, Shin-Min couple was cute and the bowling game was much more exciting thanks to the fact that 2 couples joined the game, but when you think about the episode as whole, Arisa was left out most of the time and Key also tried to give some room to the new couple, so in the end highlights went to Min-Shin and we didnt see much progress in Keyrisa relationship. :( I ended up feeling that I was cheated and didnt get my dose of Keyrisa after 1-week-long waiting. And isnt it a little bit weird? Especially 3 episodes before the end?
On one hand I understand that they couldnt edit and cut the blind date much more, because Shin-Min had to get to know each other at first and then they could do something together, but still I wish there was more room for Keyrisa interaction or at least for them try to incorporate Keyrisa in Min-Shin interaction more. :( In this sense, I think that 2nd meeting of couple´s friends was better handeled for Heepuf couple.We can always speculate about what is scripted and what is not - I think they told Ari to say that she wants to meet their friends, but what puzzles me a little bit is that Keyrisa didnt receive any mission card. O.oIt was raining, but they could go shopping, right? I really wonder if I will ever see Keyrisa go for clothes shopping.And how come that stamp still didnt appear (since episode, where they met Ari´s mom)??? -.- What is wrong with you WGM?
@krismonidavi, I can talk about nice moments of this episode, but in the end I also dont have so much to say about this episode.:(Now about your comment. Honestly, I cant imagine Key as Jamie Olivier at all, Key can cook....but I dont see him as a type that would be so engrossed in cooking, that he would make special effort to choose or grow/breed the best "things" that he needs for cooking. =)) I really dont know where he got the idea of being like that famous cook, but I guess he wanted to just appear cool. =))Well, I think nobody would be pleased to get hit by soil, when you try to do "your best" in activity that you are not fond of. :) But I am glad that he swallowed his anger/pride and took it as if nothing much horrible happened. :)
When Key talked about Ari, I was nodding like I would hear him talk about her every day, but when he mentioned her figure, it was waking up call for me. :D Wow, Key - you said something really GOOD this time. :D "Key, tell us more - how often do you check out her figure? Hmmm?" :D It also makes me happy that he praised her sport skills. :D I think she is really precious to him now. :)
I almost fell from a chair, when he mentioned gym and Ari scanned his body. =)) =)) =)) Seriously, that moment was gold! =)) And I think Key felt very shy at that moment, when she looked at his body. He was about to cover his body, right? =)) Haha, I can absolutely imagine him talking more than exercising. =)) But I am actually surprised that he goes running to gym...I thought that he hated running the most, when it comes to sport activities. :/ Anyway, I am glad that he is TRYING to work out...may be we will get nice suprise during next Shinee´s comeback...hmmm, it would be nice. :x
At first when Ari mentioned Shin and they slightly talked about him, I was afraid that he could be her wanna-be-1st-boyfried, but I quickly left this idea, because it wouldnt make sense. But I was also nervous about her relationship/past with Shin.And about his "my Eunji" slip...I wonder if he really just stumbled (because he should have said "to" instead of "no" in Japanese), or if he reffered to his circle of friends (something like "our" Eunji that I know, our Eunji as for people in Korea...), or if he said it because he tried to release last bits of jealousy and make Ari slightly jealous. XDD To be honest, I didnt pay much attention to his slip. ^^"
100% agree with your words, that Keyrisa didnt get much time in this episode, but when camera focused on them, they seemed to be really close. :)I also hoped for them to hug...but I guess, they are still a little bit shy about chest-to-chest contact/touch. :( At least their mini victory dances and celebrations were super cute, I liked the most the last one, when they held arm around shoulders. :)
I really, really want to believe that next episode will be amazing, the preview looked promising...but it doesnt make me happy that they give so short screentime in preview to Keyrisa. :(

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Guest krismonidavi


NEVER hesitate to express how you feel about an episode. We have to all take the good and the bad about them, you can't solely focus on the good and overlook the bad, at least not all the time. I accept the disappointed moments and when I feel it, I have to discuss it. No one should be angry about it because its something they may have thought as well.

I completely agree that this was my least favorite episode of them all. And thats only because they practically weren't in it at all! I felt devastated by that. I was looking forward to this episode so much and it let me down hard. They could have done anything else in this episode other than what they did, hell they could have still had MinShin but put the focus on Key and Ari. It is their show afterall!

I think when she scanned over him, after the gym comment, that he may have gotten a bit self conscious and thought "maybe I'm not her type" or "is she not pleased with me physically?" I didn't mind that though, he needs those little moments so he can keep himself grounded and not big headed about his wife. He may think a lot of the time that it seems Ari is the one lacking but there is a chance that maybe she just isn't into him (everyone knows I think she is though).

And you know what? I think he said the My Eunji thing on purpose. When he feels jealous or that Ari isn't attracted to him, he always always always immediately brings up a female. He's that type, lol.

I think I eventually should make a post in this forum specifically to focus on the not so peppy side of Keyrisa. Not a mean post, just one that allows us to be able to voice concerns and peeves about them for a moment.

lIt will still have a positive feel to it, I could never write something totally negative about them. Its just good to be able to talk about both sides of this couple.

I think it has to be said and I don't want anyone being upset over it, so I've warned you all! Lol

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Hello I'm new! I have been been lurking this thread for awhile. I have been enjoying Key and Ari a lot, but as we are all being honest about this episode I wanted to add some of my thoughts. I totally agree with the no movement within Key/Ari relationship, I was really hoping there would be after how good episode 11 was. I also loved jealous key  ♥As a single women though, I hate! Hate when married couples try to set me up, Please Key and Ari don't be those people! Just because someone seems lonely, it doesn't always mean they need or are ready for a relationship. That irked me! 

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Guest TanyuuA

I like the moment that Ari play with Key's socks hole  @///@And I am happy that Arisa post a "sundae(순대)" picture at her instagram:

I think it means a lot, Ari chan maybe still miss Key oppa. ^^b

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Welcome in Arisa thread! :)
Well, about the thing of not trying to make single people meet other single people and create a couple...I understand that it can be really uncomfortable and annoying for someone, but I got impression that Min was happy/glad to have a blind date - in my opinion she seemed really excited about meeting Shin, when she was in the black room for interview. I think it is also nice to meet new people from time to time and you dont have to become couple in the end of meeting, it is just about getting new information, contact list and enjoying time spent with friends. :) And on top they are idols, so they are not expected to develop serious feelings for each other - people just want to see them interact and I think majority idols is thankful for any extra screentime. 
I dont know how busy Min is, but last time didnt she say that she doesnt have much of schedule? So I thought that she really welcomed this special opportunity. But the thing that I want to say the most is that the bind date wasnt the primary reason for inviting Min. I really cant imagine Keyrisa couple hanging with one "single" shy guy, it would be plainly weird - it would be uncomfortable especially for men and Shin would feel like 3rd wheel. :( And I cant see Ari as the one go-between. They invited Min, because Ari already met her, so she wouldnt be so reserved around her. Yeah, may be they could have invited one more friend, but may be conflict of schedules was the problem. Besides group of 5 people isnt ideal choice for meeting, but things tend to get out of control, when you invited many people... That is just my opinion and view on the situation, but I am sure everybody will see it in a little bit different way. :)

@TanyuuASomeone mentioned on twitter, that she posted sundae picture, which made me really happy, because it showed that sundae will stay with her for long time. :)I dont like avocado, but I am glad that she enjoyed meal that she tried for the first time. :) It would be nice, if she mentioned on her twitter things related to WGM/Key from time to time. :)

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