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[Official] Key ღ Yagi Arisa ~ We Got Married Global Couple S2 ~ UGG Couple


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Guest krismonidavi

@PeggyMDon't get me started on Heechul's feelings. I could rant for days over that **** (I am not exactly his biggest fan). I think the two of them will take a lot with them from this program.Just to name a few Key should take away from this show 1) that not all women are the same. What would make one woman swoon may not do anything for another. 2) Just because you believe you can lead a woman, it does not mean she will follow. Ari: 1) It won't kill you to bend a little and stroke a man's ego. Hold a hand, fake a little jealousy. 2) Don't be afraid to TRY. 3) Brag that you were married to a Korean pop star.. :)
My comparison of the two couples is something that I find impossible to not do. I don't compare them on everything, just the big points that they had in common from the beginning. 1) Awkwardness in the beginning. 2)indecipherable feelings. And now there is a 3)how they handle their romance *honeymoon/dates/gifts*. I know a lot of people don't even watch HeePuff but I do, because I wanted to see if I was just trying too hard to fool myself with KeyRisa. I was wondering if I was turning a blind eye and letting myself only see what I wanted. I found out as the season went on, that yes, I was. Do I still do that? Most of the time, yes. Mostly because I can always relate Key and Ari's downsides to realistic relationships. The comparison helps me see them in their best light, I don't do it to find flaws or make them look better than the other couple.
@I.K.A.H.I understand what you mean, that you wanted to be able to say something like "i told you so!" because I want the same, haha. We can still say that. I stand by my view that they make a great couple...now if only Ari would let herself relax more. Then the whole world would see what we see! There is too much potential with them and I can't stand that they aren't using it.DO NOT SKIP THE NEXT EPISODE! I have to rant and someone has to rant back at me! lol
Now that my head is level again...I understand that the end is around the corner. It's actually not even that hard to come to grips with. I'll watch the last episode, heave a heavy sigh, and carry on with my day. lol Its how I handle the end of every good K-show. lol I'll probably be a big baby during the whole episode though. But that is still a while to come! I will enjoy what we have left, which is hopefully going to be an awesome Making Film and final episode.It's not as infuriating now as it was before, watching episode 13. This is who they are. This is how they handle situations. It does not stand as proof that they care or don't care about each other. We won't ever know how they really feel...or we don't know for sure yet.  *Crossing my fingers!!*I can't remember who said it a little while ago on here, but I agree that WGM doesn't show them at their best. I don't know if it is intentional or not but they are misleading in a lot of instances. They cut out scenes that really could have increased the support of this couple and made hearts melt. We know this for a fact now because of the Making Films. So I had to keep that in mind while I was stewing over the episode. Just because that is what we see, it doesn't mean that that is all that happened. I'm buying the DVD and I better see those moments that I know are missing! 

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@Lynn715And did you try to use "ZenMate" plugin in Google Chrome browser? Because that is the way how I am able to watch videos on dramafever, although I live in Europe. ;)Kshowonline already uploaded subbed version of WGM 13http://kshowonline.com/kshow/2177-[engsub]-wgm-global-edition-s2-ep.13I am really curious about your theory. :)
@krismonidaviI really liked your points what Keyrisa should take from this show.I do know that we already talked about the thing that Key expected a little bit too much especially at the begining and sometimes he didnt think about the possibility that his tricks wouldnt work on Ari (that he took it for granted, but it actually wasnt), but I also must give him credit that he also really tried to make many things suit Ari and her little self. :) So I think the lessons that you mentioned he realized and he will keep carrying them. :)
I usually watch only a few parts of Heepuf, because...I know that they would overshadow what good thing Keyrisa could give me to enjoy, because honestly speaking...i like to watch couple that shows a lot chemistry and where partners seem to be comfortable and their interaction makes my heart flutter. For example I really adored Hongki+Mina couple from previous season, although I could watch only a few parts. I also saw such potential in Keyrisa when it comes to their first two episodes, but then there was their darker stage, then it picked up again (episodes 6-11 were amazing), BUT their interaction from ep.1 a 2 that I wanted to and hoped to see so much again...appeared only a few times and only for short time. Of course, Keyrisa have their own charm and had many great moments, but their interaction that attracted me to them the most somehow changed to something different.... I dont know how to explain it, because I see that my words fail me. :/It is amazing that watching Heepuf helps you to see Keyrisa´s best side. :)
I am kinda superconfused with my feelings about Keyrisa after ep.12 and 13. I really hoped to see their interaction to get even better, but last two episode were let-down for me.  On one hand, I know that editing has big impact on the episode, but on the other hand, if they overflowed by feelings and romance/chemistry, WGM staff wouldnt get a chance to edit everything to make it look like that they are a reserved couple.
Btw, did you also find Key to be serious a lot during his interview in black room LATELY? I dont remember him smile much. :(I would like to watch the next episode, but if it is another let-down for me, it will be fatal blow for me and I will end up disappointed about their last days. I dont want to be disappointed, but I cant prevent my corrupted heart from feeling disappointment.It kills me, because I was really scared how they will shoot their last episodes after honeymoon...and what I was worried about is actually hapenning now. :( :( :(
It is just that we know that they have great potential, they can be amazing together, but why WGM didnt show their best sides in last episodes? :/ That is what I mind. And what happened to mission card? They dont need it anymore? I feel like that they are hiding something from us...
Yeah, they are usually super cute in making of video, but I cannot understand why they dont show such moments during broadcasted episodes? Seriously, how many normal viewers would check making of video? Most people will get picture of Keyrisa from what they saw on TV...that is what I mind.

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So on a happy note, I present you gifset of shocking zoo experience for Ari. =))I find it hilarious how the baby monkey peed on her and it makes my heart jump how Key is natural with the baby monkey. :x I couldnt include it in the last gif because of size resttrictions, but when you watch the moment when Key noticed that monkey was peeing on Ari, didnt he try to push the monkey down? Because he moved her hand behind monkey´s back and to me it looked like he wanted to make the monkey go away from Ari. :/
tumblr_n7xa546aVw1r5aukuo5_r1_250.gif tumblr_n7xa546aVw1r5aukuo2_250.gif
tumblr_n7xa546aVw1r5aukuo4_250.gif tumblr_n7xa546aVw1r5aukuo3_250.gif

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And if you missed it, i also did 2 simple gifs of Key, when he was interviewed in the black room. :) You can find them here
@mrsrosan80I didnt pay much attention to her laptop, because I didnt find it imporant, but it could be hers, because it is laptop of Japanese brand...But when I watched the episode for the first time, I thought that it was notebook prepared by staff or something like that.
Did you find something interesting about the notebook?

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Guest krismonidavi


Yes, I have noticed that Key is usually a little more on the serious side of things during his black room interviews now. I, personally, love when he does those interviews now because he's letting his voice drop and it sounds more masculine than his usually louder talking voice.

I don't recall Key pushing away the monkey, I'll have to watch again. I just remember Ari shaking it off like it was a big bug. Hahahahahaaha!!!! I would have started crying immediately.

Also! I never noticed your gifs of Key on the previous page...he's so cute it makes me sad! He looks amazing in both but I have to say my favorite is the top one, with the button down shirt. So handsome.


I never even looked at her laptop. ..what about it?

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@krismonidaviI dont say that it is bad that he seems to be serious about his interviews in a black room, but I kinda miss his super-happy/excited reaction...when he was smiling and talking with passion, I could be sure that he was enjoying it and was satisfied. It is also good to be serious in order to show your sincerity, but I kinda wonder if his way of answering questions doesnt also indicate something else... :( But I gues that is just wrong interpretation of mine. ^^"Btw, I especially love to see him speak in English, because his voice always gets deeper and that is really sexy. He must be serious, when he is speaking in Korean in order to use his masculine/deeper voice. :D
Well, it didnt look exactly like pushing away the monkey, but more like slightly slapping/brushing his fingers against back of the monkey...? I just thought that I saw him doing something with his hand behind the monkey´s back before Ari shook it off. ^^" I made quickie-gif to show what moment I meant:tumblr_n7xtcoCCXH1r5aukuo1_500.gif
If  monkey peed on me, I wouldnt cry, but be angry. >< But did you notice that the zoo keeper was smiling, when it happened? =))
And about the post with my gifs on the previous page...I didnt post the gifs yesterday, but I did it today, when I had to edit the post in order not to have doublepost. >< Ahh, so you also liked the  most the button down shirt. :\"> Me, too. :x Seriously, Key with such shirts is my weakness. :xAnd what do you think about his new hairstyle? :D Seriously, he is such tease! :\">tumblr_n7xro7fFbd1sif032o1_500.png

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Guest krismonidavi


I don't care what tone he uses in the interviews, to be honest. I prefer when he is more animated over things, but I like when he seems serious too. And his English. ...I need a moment. Haha.

I don't think he was trying to push the monkey, but he probably wanted to do something to make it stop. Its crazy because I thought if anyone had an animal pee on them, that it would be Key. He usually has the bad luck. Haha

I just saw his IG update and Ari posted one about an hour before he did. I love that they seem to do it close to the same times now. It makes my imagination run wild!! And he looks so good!!! And i LOVE his hair. Looking at him makes me angry..people like him don't exist where I am, and if they did, I still wouldn't have him! The world is so cruel!!!

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@krismonidaviI didnt mean that I would mind tone what he uses in the interview, it is just that he was kinda reserved/down-to-earth, when he was asked about something... I just hope that he was enjoying his time with Arisa and his mind wasnt occupied by many worries about their relationship.I would welcome to see him excited to answer in last interviews... ^^"
I thought that he wanted to push the monkey down or make her stop peeing. =)) Actually I also thought that it would be Key who could have such bad luck, but I guess the animel sensed Arisa´s nervousness. :(
Instagram updates of both of them are great, but I am completely stunned by Key´s new hairstyle, he slayed the farewell party that he attended. :x Seriously his new hair is WOW. :x Lately he is sporting manlier image. :DYeah, I understand you...such people really dont exist around normal people like us. XDD What pity! 
P.S. Are you going to write the review about Arisa´s good and bad sides this week? I am just curious. ;)

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Guest krismonidavi


He looks like a big kid with that hoop! Its too cute.

Ari was stiff...she was just peed on by a monkey, I'd be wary of the bird too, if I were her. Her face is so funny though. (O_O)

Key's pose in his IG picture was smooth and masculine. I loved that he's sticking with a more manly appearance for now, not that isn't, but I think he's more masculine with dark hair. He's downright beautiful with blonde. And that lavender hair he had!!! My heart couldn't handle it, I wonder if Ari would have been able to stay away if she was with him when he had it. Lol

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@krismonidaviI agree, he looks like a kid that returned to his childhood or that missed a chance to play with hoop. It was really cute to watch him and I was happy that he was enjoying it. Too bad that it didnt seem that Ari would also try it... :( I think she would be also good...
It was interesting, when she saw the pavillon for parrot, she seemed to be excited, while she cried out "Momo-chan", but as they got closer she made face like she is disgusted or hates it...And then when the parrot was sitting on her... =)) I know that parrots can be dangerous sometimes, but I thought she would be fine... In my opinion it is less scary than holding eagle or to be close to a snake. XDDI know that it was raining, but I was really surprised that they chose to see reptile pavilon. Usually people dont like reptiles, so...yeah. ^^"I guess that they wanted to stay inside, but was there no indoor pavilon for bears or giraffes? Because couples usually go to see such animals or cute mammals...Btw, do you think that they would try purikura, if there was a chance?
I also want to confirm one thing, the bento that Ari brought for them to eat...was made by her?It is just Key didnt seem much excited about it, which surprised me.
Key´s decision to go for masculine image this year makes me happy, but it is also killing me in a good way...My poor heart wont be able to handle him for much long time. XDDD I also hope that there will be news about Shinee comeback soon. T.T I actually never got impression that his masculinity would depend on color of his hair - or at least it doesnt work on me. XD I love him with blonde hair and his dark hair is all-kill. XD The only hairstyle that I hated was his Spock hairstyle and his curly orange hairstyle. ^^"Ugh, his lavender hair...and Evil performance... :x :x :x But I am also curious if Ari would find him more atractive with his dark hair from last year. :D Too bad that shooting is over...because I would be curious, if Ari knew that Shinee released Lucky Star...The mv is about camping, right? And Keyrisa also went to camp.... If she watched it, I wonder what memories she thought about...

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Guest krismonidavi


I was happy that they saw the reptiles! I'm a reptile lover, I love snakes and lizards and alligators! They are cool. I was shocked that they even held and posed with the snake, especially considering Key screamed and ran (hiding BEHIND Arisa haha) when he first saw it above them. Its funny that no matter how scared they may be, they will put fear on pause to take a picture smiling. Lol

I have no idea what purikura is. Haha. I'll have to look it up and get back to you.

*Oh! It's a photo booth type of thing?? Aww, that would be so cute for them to do!!! It would be so sweet! A perfect way to sneak a kiss to the cheek....I should really let that dream go -_- lol I can see them doing bunny ears behind each other's heads.

The bento box. I don't know if she made it, I think she did. Key didn't seem disappointed by it, a little bored maybe (but he looks bored a lot of the time anywhere, haha). I think he even appreciated that the one for him had no carrots. Actually, because one had carrots and the other didn't, it makes me think she made them herself. I wonder what else was packed in their picnic basket? Damn the editing!!!!

I'm sure Ari saw Lucky Star. I think she's going to keep up with his muaic and things, maybe not every interview/guest appearance though.

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@krismonidaviThe reason why I was surprised by their choice of animals that they would like to see is that both of them seemed to be scared of reptiles, therefore I found them visiting reptile pavilion unusual. But I felt the same like you when they posed with the snake and took pictures. :) It is really admirable that they are able to get over their fear for a moment...I really admire it, because I wouldnt be able to forget my fear so quickly even for a moment. It is funny that Key always screams or tries to run away, when he sees a snake, but if you get him a moment to compose, he will approach the snake. :) The same thing happened in the show Hello counselor, where the guest brought a snake - Key was scared at first, but then he even touched it. :D It was funny that he tried to hide behind Ari. =))
Ah, sorry, I guess I should have used different word than purikura, but I know only this term. ^^" For example you could see Taemin do purukira in WGM. ;)I think it would be fun for them to try it, I would also like to see how they would pose...because it is still different and a little bit more creative than taking picture by phone, right? :) And for me it is great fun. :)Ahhh, sneak-kiss... :D
Yeah, they bickered, if one bento included carrot or not, but if it was made by Ari, I would expect him to be a little bit more amazed? I know that he was a little bit afraid that she could prepare something like a prank, but still I thought he would give bigger reaction. XD I dont know...he could just try to eat her pasta and cakes before, so this was something new. :) I dont know if Key was bored, but he seemed a little bit moody or peeved/shaken off. :(
I know it is naive wish, but I wished Ari would mention Lucky star somehow... -.- Because I dont see any proof that she would keep up with Shinee´s main projects. :( 

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OK I have watched, and I think my "theory" holds. 
I really really wish the blind date never happened. That is horrible to say, but I (at that point) had invested 11 episodes into a couple, and there was no progress, just a complete standstill.  I really believe Key was bothered by Ari having an oppa friend, then OK with it, but ended up bothered again during the date
He looks ..Not happy herewgm12-vert_zps823e76c0.jpg

Then as someone pointed out before, Key looked like he was claiming Ari..  
After I saw the making videos for episode 12 I was almost certain they would be distant for episode 13.. and I was right! I think Key's message to Ari also kind of gave it away. I mean, "now" we are 2 episodes away from ending the 2nd season and "Now" ?

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Guest krismonidavi

I haven't commented on Key's closing statements for the last episode, because I've been trying to figure them out. I was stuck on when he said "now"...I don't know how to really put into words all the different ideas going through my head right now, but one of the ideas is this: Key accepts their relationship setbacks, her 'faults', and now he wants her to be comfortable and do her best with the time they have left.
Also! I think this is another one of the times that they filmed out of order.
Notice, when they are at the zoo..Key's hair and Arisa's is shorter than when they are at home afterwards scratching things from their Sundae List. That leads me to believe they filmed her cooking segment after they got back from the honeymoon, when his hair was still a little long. That would mean Key saw her video before the MinShin date, which could explain the cute moment with the ice cream..they were more comfortableSo that would also mean that when he says "now", they still had more time to "get along with each other". BUT... If it was filmed out of order, like I believe it was, that means that even though he said for them to get along better now...they didn't. Or we didn't get to see them getting along better all the time. If he said that before the MinShin date, then when Shin came around, he might have been a little on the defensive side against him because he doesn't know Ari's past with him and if she is more affectionate and open to him. During that episode, we didn't see a lot of interaction between them in the episode, which makes it seem like they had no progress. Until we saw the Making Film for the episode, I was bummed out, but they showed that Key and Ari were doing fine. So, maybe things did get better for them after her video was seen.I don't know..I feel like I haven't worded and expressed this opinion well enough. I'm still rolling thoughts around in my head about the episode. Do any of you think something similar?? Am I just losing my mind? lol
It would make more sense to me if it was out of order, but it still ticks me off. I hate when they do that! I get that they might have wanted the episode to end on a touching note, like it did, but for the sake of continuity, they could have flipped those scenes around! My Goodness! They make this couple seem so much more complicated than they probably are. I mean, they are complicated, we all know that, but the way the show is portraying them makes it even more confusing at times. 
Wait, wait, wait....Key was given all of his stamps. It wasn't ever clear to me if her cooking was his prize, and he even asked her to make her cooking his bonus instead of his prize. I don't think her video was his prize either, but it could have been.
Do you guys think he still has a prize coming? I do, I hope he does. 

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