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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Not exactly new to their music but I'd call myself a new fan lolz


I love Dae Sung's new hair, it looks so much better and sexier than his old one. And I agree with most people - since when did YB look so...buff? XD Not digging GD's new look though o_O It's kinda..weird T_T

"Lie" is refreshing. It's nice to see them mix dance/trance/whatever it is I'm not sure with hip hop and not just RnB. GD's English is super good at the end XD

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Guest mon5482

we get to see SKIN.....yups...TOP wears a T-shirt, meaning we get to see 'arm skin'...HEY THATS MORE SKIN THAN WE NORMALLY SEE FROM HIM...its exciting hahaha j/k

{CLIP} I AM SAM - Ep.5 - TOP CUT 01

...still loading....will update link once its up damn it only took forever and a day for it to load...but its a good clip

{CLIP} I AM SAM - Ep.5 - TOP CUT 02

{CLIP} I AM SAM - Ep.5 - TOP CUT 03

i think he's part of a gang...and he gets caught? i dunno...im not sure..this is why i needs subs! haha

I REALLY WANT TO WATCH THIS WITH SUBS BUT I GUESS NO SUBBING TEAM IS DOING THIS ONE (YET)...could we request for this to be subbed at d-addicts or somewhere? anyone know?

hey VIPs! just want to let y'all know the TOP CUT 02 is up...its a good clip...dont forget to check it out! TOP is super hot! he punches his friend with his, scrawny arms...ever noticed his arms are kinda scrawny? well its hard to notice when our MR.TOP keeps hiding them arms...but mang seriously tho i like this drama it has so much TOP in it than i had expected. Ah he plays the bad boy so well and his voice is just oh so sheckshey!

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Guest t. yama

Here's a translated version of the Big Bang interview by KBS after the showcase. ^^

빅뱅 “소년에서 남자로 돌아왔습니다”

Big Bang have come back from Boys to Men

"소년에서 남자로 더 성숙해져 돌아왔습니다."

we have come back from being boy's to now being men, we have matured up

5인조 남성그룹 빅뱅이 19일 오후 6시 서울 잠실체육관에서 미니음반 '올웨이즈(Always)' 쇼케이스를 마친 후 기자회견을 갖고 소감을 밝혔다. 이번 음반에는 타이틀곡 '거짓말' 등 총 6곡이 수록됐다.

On the 19th at 6pm Boy band Big bang had a showcase for their min album always. and afterwards had an interview and revealed their feelings.this album's title song is "lie" and also consists of 6 songs.

데뷔 1년이 된 멤버들은 "지난 1년은 개인적으로도 많이 발전한 시간이었다"며 "자신있다는 말 밖에는 할 말이 없다. 10년 뒤엔 더 커진 빅뱅이 되겠다"는 소망을 전했다.

what the members said about their one year anniversary: "since the previous year we have all personally grown during that time." and "we have confidence and we have nothing else to say" after 10 years we would like to be a more advanced and matured Big Bang"

다음은 빅뱅과의 일문일답.

Next is the answer's to the questions asked

-- 이번 음반에 대한 소개를 해달라.

please introduce the new mini album

▲ 데뷔 초기 한달에 한장씩 싱글 음반을 냈는데 이번엔 빅뱅만의 색깔을 찾았다고 할 수 있다. '거짓말'은 멤버들과 함께 만든 곡인데 우리 색깔을 가장 잘 나타낸 듯하다. 당초 나의 솔로곡으로 만든 노래인데 양현석 사장님이 좋게 평가해줘 타이틀이 됐다.(지-드래곤)

at the start of our debut we released a single each month however, this time we thought of finding our own colours. The song "lie" was created by all members of the group and it shows all of our colours the best. it was first made to be my solo song but YG had said it was so good that it was confrimed to be our title song (GD)

-- 쇼케이스서 특별히 신경 쓴 무대는.

what stage did you particularly have concern on

▲음반 나오기 전 전국투어가 큰 도움이 됐다. 그간 뮤직비디오, 콘서트, 쇼케이스 때마다 주로 무대 내용에만 신경을 썼는데 이번엔 조명, 음향 까지 직접 참여해 많이 배운 시간이었다.(지-드래곤)

before the mini album released the (want you) tours were a lot of help.throughout we usually took a lot of concern on the MV's, showcases and concerts however this time we got to have input on the lighting as well as the volume/sound (GD)

-- '거짓말'에서 내레이션을 특별한 분이 맡았다는데.

the person that did the naration of "lie" was someone special

▲YG 선배인 거미 누나가 내레이션을 맡았다. 맨 처음 녹음한 목소리를 듣고서 깜짝 놀랐다.(태양)

YG sun-bae Gummi did the narration. at first whilst doing the recording i was surprised (YB)

거미 누나에게 직접 부탁했는데 처음엔 '내가 어떻게 예쁜 목소리를 내냐'고 했지만 정말 예쁜 목소리로 완성됐다.(지-드래곤)

i personally asked Gummi noona and she said "how can i do a pretty voice?" but she did really well in creating a pretty voice. (GD)

-- 연기자로 데뷔한 탑은 드라마 '아이 엠 샘'서 양동근에게 많은 걸 배우겠다고 했는데.

now actor TOP is learning a lot of thing from fellow actor Yang Dong Geun

▲오늘도 밤새 촬영하다 왔다. 촬영장서 양동근 선배에게 조심스레 하나씩 여쭈며 배우고 있다. 또 양동근 선배와 촬영 틈틈이 프리스타일 랩을 하며 힙합을 즐기고 있다.(탑)

today i just came from filming over night. At the filming arear i carefully ask YDG and i leanr from it. and with sun-bae Yang Dong geun they do freestyle rap and hip hop (TOP)

-- 태양의 솔로 음반 작업은 진행중인가.

Tae-Yang you are now recording for your solo album

▲9월에 솔로 음반을 내려다가 빅뱅 음반이 먼저 나왔다. 언제라고 확답할 순 없지만 멋진 음악이 실릴 때까지 기다리겠다.(태양)

in september a solo album was supposed to be released but we released the big bang album first. i can confirm when i will release my solo album but until i have recorded to my fullest potential please wait(YB)

-- 활동 1년간 가장 발전한 멤버는.

who has grown the most during the one year

▲승리가 가장 많이 발전한 것 같다. 대성도 처음엔 성대 결절로 고생했는데 완쾌해서 많이 좋아졌다.(지-드래곤) 나 역시 막내 승리라고 생각한다. 본인은 아직 배가 고프다고 한다.(태양)

i think Seung Ri has grown the most. DaeSung has also improved as he had a lot of trouble with his vocal cords, but now he is better and does a good job. (GD) I also think that Seung Ri was improved. He still says he is hungry (a korean saying..??) (YB)

-- 탑이 드라마에 출연 중인데 부럽진 않나.

TOP is filming in a drama anyone jealous?

▲탑이 대본을 연습할때 승리가 몰래 그 대본으로 연습을 하더라. 탑이 외우지 못한 대사까지 외운다. 승리가 말로는 노래, 춤이 좋다지만 연기를 하고 싶어하는 듯하다.(태양)

when TOP is learning his lines Seung Ri secretly leanrs them as well. Even the lines TOP can not learn Seung Ri knows them. Seung Ri says he likes music and dance but i also think he wants to do acting

Credits from kbs.co.kr + =hellie= @ YGBB


HAHAHA, Seungri's so cute!!! Learning the same lines as his Hyung. XD I would love to see Seungri in a drama!! He did so well

in the Big Bang mini drama during KM Idol. ^^

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Guest SOUL'd to:GD


빅뱅 “소년에서 남자로 돌아왔습니다”

Big Bang have come back from Boys to Men

"소년에서 남자로 더 성숙해져 돌아왔습니다."

we have come back from being boy's to now being men, we have matured up

TOTALLY X__X <3333

what the members said about their one year anniversary: "since the previous year we have all personally grown during that time." and "we have confidence and we have nothing else to say" after 10 years we would like to be a more advanced and matured Big Bang"

Awww they plan to be here in another 10 years? YAAYY <3 hearing that makes me happy <3 keke

다음은 빅뱅과의 일문일답.

Next is the answer's to the questions asked

-- 이번 음반에 대한 소개를 해달라.

please introduce the new mini album

▲ 데뷔 초기 한달에 한장씩 싱글 음반을 냈는데 이번엔 빅뱅만의 색깔을 찾았다고 할 수 있다. '거짓말'은 멤버들과 함께 만든 곡인데 우리 색깔을 가장 잘 나타낸 듯하다. 당초 나의 솔로곡으로 만든 노래인데 양현석 사장님이 좋게 평가해줘 타이틀이 됐다.(지-드래곤)

at the start of our debut we released a single each month however, this time we thought of finding our own colours. The song "lie" was created by all members of the group and it shows all of our colours the best. it was first made to be my solo song but YG had said it was so good that it was confrimed to be our title song (GD)

Ah~ I knew it was to be GD'S solo, lol~ it was kinda obvious.

I thought Oh Ma Baby would make a good solo for GD :D <3 "I'm straight fallin' " haha.

-- 쇼케이스서 특별히 신경 쓴 무대는.

what stage did you particularly have concern on

▲음반 나오기 전 전국투어가 큰 도움이 됐다. 그간 뮤직비디오, 콘서트, 쇼케이스 때마다 주로 무대 내용에만 신경을 썼는데 이번엔 조명, 음향 까지 직접 참여해 많이 배운 시간이었다.(지-드래곤)

before the mini album released the (want you) tours were a lot of help.throughout we usually took a lot of concern on the MV's, showcases and concerts however this time we got to have input on the lighting as well as the volume/sound (GD)

-- '거짓말'에서 내레이션을 특별한 분이 맡았다는데.

the person that did the naration of "lie" was someone special

^ was this the question or the answer? because it scared when it said "someone special" and i thought they would reveal who.

So thank for YB answered it LOLOL~ V

▲YG 선배인 거미 누나가 내레이션을 맡았다. 맨 처음 녹음한 목소리를 듣고서 깜짝 놀랐다.(태양)

YG sun-bae Gummi did the narration. at first whilst doing the recording i was surprised (YB)

-- 태양의 솔로 음반 작업은 진행중인가.

Tae-Yang you are now recording for your solo album

▲9월에 솔로 음반을 내려다가 빅뱅 음반이 먼저 나왔다. 언제라고 확답할 순 없지만 멋진 음악이 실릴 때까지 기다리겠다.(태양)

in september a solo album was supposed to be released but we released the big bang album first. i can confirm when i will release my solo album but until i have recorded to my fullest potential please wait(YB)


-- 활동 1년간 가장 발전한 멤버는.

who has grown the most during the one year

seungri :D

▲승리가 가장 많이 발전한 것 같다. 대성도 처음엔 성대 결절로 고생했는데 완쾌해서 많이 좋아졌다.(지-드래곤) 나 역시 막내 승리라고 생각한다. 본인은 아직 배가 고프다고 한다.(태양)

i think Seung Ri has grown the most. DaeSung has also improved as he had a lot of trouble with his vocal cords, but now he is better and does a good job. (GD) I also think that Seung Ri was improved. He still says he is hungry (a korean saying..??) (YB)

harhar of course he did lol since he was so young before.

LOLOL~~ YB's answer about seungri was cute. That's so cute <3 aww yeah Seungri has grown a bunch @_@

and i think he went through puberty too D: ... his voice got deeper that one moment, or maybe it was just me X__X;;

-- 탑이 드라마에 출연 중인데 부럽진 않나.

TOP is filming in a drama anyone jealous?

▲탑이 대본을 연습할때 승리가 몰래 그 대본으로 연습을 하더라. 탑이 외우지 못한 대사까지 외운다. 승리가 말로는 노래, 춤이 좋다지만 연기를 하고 싶어하는 듯하다.(태양)

when TOP is learning his lines Seung Ri secretly learns them as well. Even the lines TOP can not learn Seung Ri knows them. Seung Ri says he likes music and dance but i also think he wants to do acting

I thought it was going to be GD since he wanted to act too, but I think he just wanted a freaking kissing scene -__- lolol. *smacks GD's sexy arms* :x

AWWW, THAT'S SOO ADORABLE XDDD haha~~ Poor Seungrrii~~

I guess Seungri can practice the scripts with TOP or even teach it to TOP since he knows it better XD hahaha~

Credits from kbs.co.kr + =hellie= @ YGBB


HAHAHA, Seungri's so cute!!! Learning the same lines as his Hyung. XD I would love to see Seungri in a drama!! He did so well

in the Big Bang mini drama during KM Idol. ^^

that was so cute :wub:

LOL I know right Tiffany! HE WAS SOO GOOD AT BEING JEALOUS XD plus gay :x LOL.

But it would have been cuter if they made Seungri fall in love with GD instead of YB since we have this thing for "G-RI" haha :lol:

That would be cute, if Seungri was ever the main male lead, HAHA XDDD I think it would be cute if the storyline was like he fell in love with a nuna XD haha

since he loves nunas more anyway, sadly to say it to myself T^T;;

thanks tiffany!

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saw this at arirang ...might as well share it with you guys ^^

credit: pops in seoul/arirang.co.kr.

awwwww... im so proud of them =)

i really really hope they become freaking crazy successfull... and only gain more success... they're so freaking young too!!

wah... im so happy for them =) they must feel good

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THANKS monica for the TOP top cut ep 5. DUDE the part wehre he punches his friends, for the second clip looks so fake. but its still COOOl looking haha.

THANKS once again for the picture spam,a dn YES I was like WTH they vae BIG BANG waterbottles? I WANT ONE! haha and everything else that they had. THE YB and BEAR IS SOA DORABLE!!!!!! i want that<3

OHH thanks TIFFANY for the tranlations, truly, SEUNG RI, to mee did change the most. from kid to man,t hats ONE huge step. but he made it thorugh<3 and yes its soo cute hot he learned tops lines, and i mostDEF agree that he did do a good job int he mini drama on KM IDOL.

i think honestly, all of BIG BANG are potiental actors, they should do a little drama, but longerr then the KM IDOL,about the five of them it'd be niceee. LIKE THIS ONE FANFIC i read in YGBB forum, its called in TERMS OF LOVE. monicaaa YOU KNOW WHAT IM SAYING?!

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Guest ..kaleena..

WAHH, so much stuff! it seriously takes up half my day trying to catch up to this thread O_O lol

thanks for the translations Tiffany!!!

aigoo, Seungri!! so cute how he learns Top's drama lines! hahahaha. and yes yes, he's grown up so much!! his voice got so much deeper! puahaha, 'Boys to Men' true that!!!

- i wonder how all 5 of them are going to look like in another 1-2 years from now.. i mean, they've only debuted for 1 year now and they have already changed so much! haah :D

so Gummy was the girl in the beginning of Lie that was saying 'yoboseyo' or something like that?? oooh, i didn't know!

and i can't wait until YB's solo comes out! he's probably going to stick with an R&B-ish feel, huh? i don't know..

thanks for all the pics and news and everything everyone!!!


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Guest delici0usbh

t.yama thanks for the translation!! ^_^

o0o that's gummy voice? haha cool i didn't know~

gd even makes the best choices for the smallest things XD

good luck to yb <3 hwaiting! haha i know his solo will be great~

he's really talented, they all are so they have really nothing to be really worried about.

i agree with gd daesung and seungri really grew. they're maturing really fast lol. but in a good way of course

haha and its really cute that seungri remembers tempos line before he does~~ tempo should practice his lines with seungri haha xD

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Guest t. yama

Haha, another post from mee~ :o



Wahh, I was so happy when I got them. :D The pictures in the bigger pack are seriously big!! They're really glossy too and printed

on good photopaper. I'm in the giving/ sharing mood today so I took pics of the BIG pics for you guys! :] They're pretty HQ I guess..

(I don't have a scanner, lol)

th_8-3.jpg th_6-5.jpg th_5-5.jpg th_4-5.jpg th_3-4.jpg th_2-7.jpg

please don't hotlink! all taken by me;; don't steal and put your name on them, they're for all you VIPs. ;D

I'll take pics of the smaller set too, so sit tight! :]

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zOHSNAPS, tiffany, thoseeeeee goodies are so prettty. haha i didnt know they'd come that big. HOW COOl. can t wait to see your smaller set.

DUDE the fans in koreaaaa are REALY.REALLY lucky. they get signed ALBUMS?! annd all thee goods are pretty cheap compared tot he stuff that we'd have to buy online. i SWEAR, if YG made there goods INTERNATIONALLY, they'd make a WHOLLEEE BUNCH of moneey like freaaals. cos i think like yesasia sells them for twice what tehre worth. but i guesss?

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Guest SOUL'd to:GD

DUDE the fans in koreaaaa are REALY.REALLY lucky. they get signed ALBUMS?! annd all thee goods are pretty cheap compared tot he stuff that we'd have to buy online. i SWEAR, if YG made there goods INTERNATIONALLY, they'd make a WHOLLEEE BUNCH of moneey like freaaals. cos i think like yesasia sells them for twice what tehre worth. but i guesss?

Uhm, the signed albums are probably from the showcase/fanmeeting.

I don't think they were the ones for sale generally in shops and stuff.

If there were signed albums like that for sale, it would probably be only available in the ygeshop,

with a limited of number or something. Kind of like the 747 DVD, where as the first 77 buyers will get the autographed ones. lol yeah~

Kinda sucks though cause we can't get it in time anyway :(

but anyways, yeah.. i mentioned that before, they would make extra loads of money from us D: lol~~

but i guess they're not ready to spread as wide, cause then they're probably also scared that if they put

too much in stock for International, MAYBE not enough people will buy their merchandises, and that would

only lead them to LOSING money instead. But that's what I THINK, into THEIR POV.

We know there's loads of us, maybe YG isn't sure of that yet.

but due to high demands on their items and all the email requests we made to those sites, there have been concert items they start selling now ^_^

and also, I think YESASIA sells them twice that they're worth because of the shipping and handling from Korea to them.

Ya know? If you noticed, the CDs here are more expensive than the CDs in Korea.. all because of shipping and handling.

And even if ygeshop opened up to international, even if the price of the items are low and stuff, but then shipping from them to us is a PAIN.

Like DVDheaven, dvdheaven is in Korea too and their item's prices are the same as the ones in ygeshop, but when you actually order it, the shipping is hella expensive because it's from Korea.

Like let's say, they sell the big bang chemical light thing the same price, $9.17USD.. and when you add to card, they have a list for you to choose from shipping prices.

THE LOWEST shipping price in a small package that will get to you within 7-15 days is already $8.58 ...

that's why. lol~ either way, it's the same thing, still costs a lot.

I answered your question about ufotown through pm btw :)

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Guest sockrahtease

So, hey ladies . . . I was looking at Tempo's sunglasses, y'knoe, cuhz he appears to be so attached to them - wearing them at all recent performances and whatnot. :P Being the fashionably-alert female that I am (LOL), I did some research and finally figured out why he luhvs them so much.


Tempo's sunglasses are designed by Pharrell and Nigo, launched by Louis Vuitton. They come in that turqouise color up there, purple, and black. And guess how much they cost? $1,770. My eyes was literally like O__________O when I found out; NO WONDER THE BOY LUHVS THEM SO MUCH! He better had, being so expensive and all. Damn homie, haha.

(pics of the glasses on Tempo)






credits to this thread for the pics.

Well... that's my contribution for the day. xP ^^

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Guest romanesque_

Thanks Tiffany for the translated interview.

I also think that Seung Ri was improved. He still says he is hungry (a korean saying..??) (YB)

It's not a Korean saying. It just basically means that he is still determined to do his best. He's not satisfied with just saying, "Oh, Big Bang is doing so well. I can slack off now and not produce my best quality."

TOP's glasses are so sexy.

ARG! I KNEW they'd be super expensive, I don't know why but when I saw the LIES MV I was like, "Those would look so nice on Pharell..." Figures, huh? :lol:

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So, hey ladies . . . I was looking at Tempo's sunglasses, y'knoe, cuhz he appears to be so attached to them - wearing them at all recent performances and whatnot. :P Being the fashionably-alert female that I am (LOL), I did some research and finally figured out why he luhvs them so much.


Tempo's sunglasses are designed by Pharrell and Nigo, launced by Lousi Vuitton. They come in that turqouise color up there, purple, and black. And guess how much they cost? $1,770. My eyes was literally like O__________O when I found out; NO WONDER THE BOY LUHVS THEM SO MUCH! He better had, being so expensive and all. Damn homie, haha.

(pics of the glasses on Tempo)






credits to this thread for the pics.

Well... that's my contribution for the day. xP ^^

DAMNN. Baller status forreal haha. I knew they had to be on expensive but not that expensive. He's worn the turquoise and black. He should rock the purple ones too ;X

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OH snaps, thanks JANNY, i never thought of it that way i guess? theeen yeaa thats pretty coool. and thanks of so mch for answering my oh so many questions. haha.

sockrahtease= DANNNNNNNG. his stunaaaSHADE ARE TAT MCH?! thats heckka craazy, so i agreee,he'd better be weraing them. but those shades. to me only some people can rock them so HE OBVIOUSLY does. and they have the,m in purp?! NICE.

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Guest t. yama

Oh snaps! Thanks for the info sockrahtease!! Dang, $1,000+ for those shades?? OMO!

I wanted pair, but the only way I'm gonna get it is if I find a fake one...lol. No wonder TOP wears them all them time

and guards him with his scary stare. Maybe when TOP took of his shades during the inkigayo performance, it was his

warning: "DON'T MESS'!! :lol:B)

Yayy! New picture!! I love the BLACK AND WHITE jerseys!!


Here's the original article if one of you guys would like to translate ^^: http://www.mydaily.co.kr/news/read.html?ne...708210905051130

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Guest SOUL'd to:GD

If I were him, I would cry if I dropped those shades D: lol.

thanks tiffany for the pic and article! <3 lol i was about to post that X__X;;

BIG BANG is oh-so-flyyyy.


does this mean if they come out with the other members, then they will look like in that pic too? D: *excited* X__X;;

lol TOP's not wearing his shades there LOL. Tiffany, remember how I was saying that he stood out so much cause everyone wore that outfit at the showcase and he was the only one with the teal shades? LOL <3 cute.

and your welcome lilmisstammy :)


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Guest sungieluv


i got my Big Bang stuff!! WANT YOU!! *happy* im wearing the shirt rit now & the head scarf. im so mad tho b.c the bag i got, the tape that closes the bag got onto the bag so the bottom of the bag is kinda retarted :angry:<_< oh well. Im still waiting for my Seung Ri charm&& my MINI ALBUM :rolleyes:




i like the bag. the front& back have different designss :P

omo im so excited for YB's solo albuM!

omgohs TOP's shades?! so much money T________________T

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Guest sweetddalki

Thanks Nai.

WOAH $1,770 O_O


TOP is one spoiled beezy.

My Chanel's weren't even that much...

Big ups to Nigo and Pharell I guess... LOL

This brings a whole new meaning to C.R.E.A.M.


Thanks to everyone for the pics, videos and translations :)

I can't get over the glasses now... I wanted a pair too... haha

Maybe when I get famous ;D Or get out of med school lol

I'm looking forward to YB's album :D

I hope he doesn't go off on his own for too long

They have to keep BB alive~

Before the have to split for military time (not to be a down-er)

Sucks that it takes so long for the goods to get here if ever

I'll have to stock up when I go to Korea

If anything I bet they will be released here when I touch down... :\


Does anyone know if the intro is the only thing Perry did on the mini album?

I haven't gotten mine yet so I can't check the credits.

And did TOP write his solo?

That "This song is for my ex-girlfriend, aight~" kills me everytime

And (I hope I'm wrong but the beat sounds HELLA familiar)


(P.S: Good luck to all those back in school <3 :D)


Thanks t.yama :D

The jerseys remind me of old school YG YMCA days!

(Previous comments deleted... haha. I won't have time now that I think of it :|)

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