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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest mon5482

What's so great about TOP? I think he's really ugly.

please refrain from bashing any members of BIGBANG...we all have different likes and dislikes, what maybe ugly to you is beautiful to me. if you dont like TOP thats fine but please keep your bashing to yourself.

TOP has TALENT...REAL PURE TALENT, and its what most of us LOVE about him AND THATS WHAT'S GREAT ABOUT HIM.

BIGBANG has always been about TALENT and that's what's GREAT about them. But it just so happens they got both TALENT and GOOD LOOKS in our eyes...if that's not what you see, then that's ok...we all have different tastes. Some of us just have better tastes than others...please take your hate somewhere else! I'd add more to this but i must get back to more important things~~

VIPs please don't bash Luiza, just let it know why we think TOP is GREAT....beyond his image...its his TALENT we find GREAT.

SoFa~ King Craaazzzzzy...how can u say this is ugly? :blink:


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Guest itswinniechu

MONICA ur way too nice. and i agree bigbang is about talents. but no lie they do have the looks too. maybe ur into different type of guys. i dont wanna bash lets go with monica. BIGBANG fans are too mature for this. =)

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Guest getawaycar

TOP: I want to steall all the innocence in him.

I'm wondering, who did TOP pick? Seungri?

Ignoring is the key to a peaceful life. TOP is the best. Period.

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Guest loooser

I'm wondering, who did TOP pick? Seungri?

Ignoring is the key to a peaceful life. TOP is the best. Period.

hahha. no, top picked youngbae. cuz he's never had a girlfriend before. TOO CUTE.

lfdjkeljdfl. TOPPED A PAGE. hmmm then shall i share some pics?



bae-ri. hehe


can't leave out g-ri



this one is toooo cute. look@ TOP.


alright thats it for now. i should be sleeeping i got school tmr. btw, HAPPPY CHINESE NEW YEARS AND SEOLLAL to all !

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Guest the7REAL.

vip_gd: almost forgot to comment on what i was going to comment..lol..but it was about all the GD sticking out his tongue pics/gifs you posted! I admit..I saved it all again in one folder because seeing it all together is too funny..lol...like wtf gd..he seriously always does that..lol. thanks for the laughs~

Sorry guys but this is really really RANDOM!! Is it just me or gd doesn't wear earrings anymore? He still looks hot with or without them. I was just looking through my pics and notice it...

notice the scar on his ear(i think it got infected or something.)

^Nice observation! Yeah, he really hasn't been wearing any earrings anymore. Awww. =/

does anybody have the youtube link of this interview?

^There is no video interview of that questionaire posted..it's a really old questionaire from Daum/Bestiz~

What's so great about TOP? I think he's really ugly.

^ D: Aww. While I do not share the same sentiments that you have about TOP, I think there are actually a lot of great things about TOP...

For one thing, I have never heard such a deep DEEP voice like his..ever in my life..at least from such a young guy and it definitely brings a unique element into his rapping style. His low rapping is a good contrast against GD's more lighter sounding rapping and with those two together, it creates this sort of balance that just 'works' well with the both of them and with the group as a whole. TOP is called the 'power rapper' of the group because his rapping is powerful and hits hard into the songs and not in any kind of overbearing way but in a way that makes you want to listen to him. And to add onto his rapping, he knows how to control it and it flows really well--like his old stage name, he knows how to follow a tempo. To 'top' it off his rapping is just 'on point' and sounds natural. And like I've said..his deep voice brings that extra flavor into his rapping--in plain words--his voice is sexy and that is a real plus into his rapping. Along with that..he can beatbox! Well, I can't beatbox so I'm sure it's counted as a skill to others..lol.

Which brings me to...omg..his singing..his very limited singing..that every time he DOES sing, I know I'm not the only one who savors those few moments..haha. There's only been a few times where he has sang..but when he does..lemme tell ya...HOT. He should definitely sing more..it's kind of raspy but not too much or too little..it's just right. I'm so guilty of replaying the small part he sang in 'HaHa's song in the special stage'.

TOP's personality is another thing that is definitely appealing. At first you would think as the older member that he would be serious or quiet or something but..he's so not. He's so hilarious and loud and FUNNY. I cannot count the times where I have just cracked up about all his silly antics. Seungri and Daesung are the..weird kind of funny things/jokes..TOP is straight up--LOLs. Even the way he acts sometimes...he's just...can't really explain it..you just need to watch them on shows/radio shows/everything to really get the gist of his personality. He definitely has charisma and that is why I think he is such a good MC right now on Music Core and his little hosting thing he does for some music festivals in the past and even how he is on 'Nothing is Impossible' show. I think in the beginning like on Xman or something he came off as a little shy but he was new to being on tv tv..but now I think he's getting into it and doing really well right now. I think he's doing alright with his speaking skills and everything especially since that first time he was on that one show 'come on over(?) and talking about his underground rapping experience..he was very entertaining and knows how to tell a good story and make all these awesome facial expressions.

And that brings me to...his 'budding' career as an actor. Definitely expecting good things out of this part of his career. You can tell from old radio shows and interviews that he has an interest to learn more about acting and to take it seriously. He hasn't had a real big part yet but he did well with his first acting thing on 'I am Sam' ...so he didn't talk ..as much..but hey it was his first time and it's like he's just dipping his toes into it..but for what it was..he played his part well..was believable and made a lot of people wish that he had more more parts in that drama.^^ He did really well in that mini musical drama thing also~

Dancing..haha..is not quite his forte...but in the beginning before he was busy with all these activities he's involved with right now..he proved to himself that he CAN dance if he puts his heart and mind into it. I understand right now that he is just really swamped and it interferes with his dancing these days but he has proved that he CAN dance..even if he's not the best..it's still in him to do it. Even if he sometimes can't do the fancy stuff..the boy has a few good moves up his sleeves as we can see in some clips. And sometimes when he does show off 'his' kind of dancing..its not what you expect..it's so cute what he can think up..ahah.

I can go on...but it's late here..and no one is reading this probably..but I was just trying to say that there is definitely more than meets the eye with TOP and in general--when it comes to Big Bang. If they were just 'good looking' and nothing else, I would not even care..because there would be nothing to back up the looks. Big Bang have always been about the talent before the looks. Honestly, even in the beginning they were not known for their 'looks'..people would say yeah that they were 'ugly' but that's a very superficial thing to say. And even then, people do have their own preferences..ugly/hot...but consider the ones who grow to love each member even with their flaws because everything else about them outshines their looks and adds to it. To some, they aren't the superrr goodlooking group...but there are more attractive things about them, than just what is on the surface. (well, I always thought YB was a cutie from the get-go but that's just my steez, blah blah..can't help it..and boy got talent too..whoo plus plus xP there are the ones I thought were cute from the beginning and the ones I grew to see how hot they really are~ that's when I finally opened my eyes, huh VIP? lol) Anyways, I had a point somewhere...you can't deny that they DO have raw talent and the x factor that adds to why people love them so much. They are all really talented young men who together bring us good quality music, amazing performances, and whose personalities have just caught the hearts of many. So yes, there are ALOT of great things about TOP and Big Bang and I'm sure many of us here would be happy to tell you more things.. =] Whoo~ I wrote alot..haha..didn't mean too...really..I just got into it..haha...I should be writing something else actually..lol =_='

Again, everyone is welcome to posting in here and sharing their thoughts, but please respect the artists of the thread that you choose to post in and the fans who admire them.

-edit- That reminds me of another aspect about TOP..how respectful he is..especially to his elders..when I think of that I remember his Manwon ep and how he was hella like..bowing and was on the floor when the other guy went on the floor..lol..ok that's an extreme example but memorable..xD...btw for the record..I've always thought TOP especially, was strikingly gorgeous...-.-^ didn't think he'd be more than that when I first saw him (he scared/intimidated me initially)..but he proved me wrong..obviously..=X...choiTOP hwaiting~~~ good looking guy but he IS ugly AS A GIRL. (watch the REAL for reference..kind of really scary too...lol) ok ok I'll stop..lol

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Guest itswinniechu


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^ D: Aww. While I do not share the same sentiments that you have about TOP, I think there are actually a lot of great things about TOP...

For one thing, I have never heard such a deep DEEP voice like his..ever in my life...


-edit- That reminds me of another aspect about TOP..how respectful he is..especially to his elders..when I think of that I remember his Manwon ep and how he was hella like..bowing and was on the floor when the other guy went on the floor..lol..ok that's an extreme example but memorable..xD...btw for the record..I've always thought TOP especially, was strikingly gorgeous...-.-^ didn't think he'd be more than that when I first saw him (he scared/intimidated me initially)..but he proved me wrong..obviously..=X...choiTOP hwaiting~~~ good looking guy but he IS ugly AS A GIRL. (watch the REAL for reference..kind of really scary too...lol) ok ok I'll stop..lol

.....LOL. Jerilyn I think that post was rhetorical HAHAh. But I loved how you went off on a tangent about TOP anyway. I bet you just used that as an excuse to praise any of the boys :lol: ~ I'd love to see what you have to say about the rest of the members :P Anyways you are so on point with everything..<3 That's why it makes me so mad when people so quick to judge before they really get to know the under the surface things. There's much more to TOP (and the rest of the members) than meets the eyes.. and it's just other people's loss for being superficial and judgemental before giving them a chance.

I loveeeeeee how TOP's so respectful. That's one of my favorite things about him, haha. I see him bow the most and his straight posture. So cute xD

Yes he IS ugly as a girl. It's so freaking ironic though.. cause he's got the most gorgeous eyes (which are the most feminine looking also, what with the natural smokey eye thing going on and such..) yet....... he just does NOT cut it as a girl lololol. XD

Thanks helennn for sharing the NII backstage pics ^^

GD looks sooooo *__________* !!!!!!!! The mushroom hair REALLYREALLY growing on me hahaaha : ) I think it has to do with the combination with what he's wearing too(: (:


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new BB fan here :D

I was watching a performance(long time ago) with Soshi and BigBang; and suddenly I fell in love with BB..

<3 G-Dragon!! XD

Read the interview.. omg G-dragon sleeps holding Seungri!! *jealous* haha that's uber cuteee!!

and G picks Seungri and vice versa. They totally are for each other xD

TOP is da MAN!! (that pic as a girl.. *goosebumps*) love him just the way he is! :P

lol.. didn't realise G-dragon likes to stick his tongue out.. at awkward times but it's so funny xD

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Guest akfgtenshi

Sorry guys but this is really really RANDOM!! Is it just me or gd doesn't wear earrings anymore? He still looks hot with or without them. I was just looking through my pics and notice it...

notice the scar on his ear(i think it got infected or something.)


random pics wif no earrings



ya.. ^_^


i noticed the same thing! o.o~

but with Seungri instead! he also stopped using his earring~ >o<

What's so great about TOP? I think he's really ugly.

noooo! don't say that! ;_;

i'm not much of a TOP fan... but i still don't think he's ugly! >o<

he's a good rapper too!

she's a singer...

._.~ she sang Kohjidmal pretty well...

sounded weird sometimes, though. o.o"

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Guest kewlnbubbly

What's so great about TOP? I think he's really ugly.

as much as i respect your opinion, i share the same sentiment as of all the iVIPs in this thread...

the operative word here: RESPECT. if you don't like 'em, skip the thread. voila, you're done.

one thing i learned from "fandoms and fangirling" is that, it's never easy...your fave artists can NEVER please anybody and being the "oldest" (i'm betting my entire savings on this) iVIP here, i learned this the hard way. the members of Big bang earned their spot in the Korean music industry by the following merits: TALENT & PROFESSIONALISM

their talents brought them to where they are and their perseverance and hard work will make them stay there. i'm proud that i like big bang. i mean, i'm a filipina, living in the philippines and even if korean dramas are huge here, korean music are not so much of an influence to philippine pop culture but it's getting there. my family, some friends and the people i work with think it's "cute" that i listen to Kpop (and in my age CUTE is a not so good thing,hehe!),Big Bang in particular, but they don't really encourage you or share your enthusiasm and that's okay but they DON"T rain on my parade...and when push comes to shove, i can say WITH PRIDE that these guys are getting accolades left and right from pillars of Korean music, having been here for roughly 2 years only (well technically 2 years,this is without GDYB's training days). that's a mean feat if you ask me.

and with their "looks",like what monica said, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder...but i bet you already know that... well, that's it, i just had to say my piece...

note to self: never check the BB thread while making proposals

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Guest machiskyblade

you know wut... i find VIPs all over forums and blogs the most with good taste and preference... i swear... nuff said~


and can i just share~ i had a drinking session with an oppa this weekend... he's that all braggy, fierce, nonchalant oppa with so much style and i was surprised when he was singing all Big Bang songs like he's a true blue VIP... and i asked him about it.. he told me he watched BB docu since Day 1 and was just impressed on how they dance, sing, and do everything a gasoo has to do very well... plus he said G-Dragon is really cute >.< (he aint gay) coming from a guy with so much sense and cool choices.. it's just so flattering~

Which brings me to...omg..his singing..his very limited singing..that every time he DOES sing, I know I'm not the only one who savors those few moments..haha. There's only been a few times where he has sang..but when he does..lemme tell ya...HOT. He should definitely sing more..it's kind of raspy but not too much or too little..it's just right. I'm so guilty of replaying the small part he sang in 'HaHa's song in the special stage'.

yeah jerilyn.... during the pre-BB days... when i heard him sang No Diggity i already put my trust that he can sing~ i am still wondering why they dont give TOP songs like what Taeyang Seungri and Daesung do...

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Guest kewlnbubbly

you know wut... i find VIPs all over forums and blogs the most with good taste and preference... i swear... nuff said~


and can i just share~ i had a drinking session with a oppa this weekend... he's that all braggy, fierce, nonchalant oppa with so much style and i was surprised when he was singing all Big Bang songs like he's a true blue VIP... and i asked him about it.. he told me he watched BB docu since Day 1 and was just impressed on how they dance, sing, and do everything a gasoo has to do very well... plus he said G-Dragon is really cute >.< (he aint gay) coming from a guy with so much sense and cool choices.. it's just so flattering~

yeah jerrilyn.... during the pre-BB days... when i heard him sang No Diggity i already put my trust that he can sing~ i am still wondering why they dont give TOP songs like what Taeyang Seungri and Daesung do...

amen to that jilly! i am so proud of big bang....they're full of talent and they are adored by men and women alike...i can listen to their songs all day... can't wait for my FOR THE WORLD album copy...

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@loooser: thanks for the pics! ahaha omg, the pic with seungri laying on taeyang makes him look fat- sort of. haha, like some illusion thing.

while i was reading the big bang questionnaire, i was surprised at most of their answers, for example the one where GD described what their fans do .. pretty freaky O___O. Ahem, not to mention .. i was utterly jealous when they mentioned their first kiss. HAHA.

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sorry for posting again but.......

Happy Lunar New Years you guys.




let's meet big bang's family! :D






.................. :lol::ph34r::ph34r:

cred: bbvipz

btww there's an overseas section over there now, yay=)

Big Bang holding a fanmeeting & showcase

I hope sukie doesn't mind me redistributing this 'cause I haven't seen any posts about Big Bang's Japan activities.. and according to newsen, Big Bang's gonna be holding a Fan Meeting & Showcase at Tokyo Shibuya HWM and Shinkuju Tower Recoreds (the 6th and the 7th). I guess the 6th passed already.. lol. I hope it's not a closed media event cause I want to see picssss=) If so.. hopefully some fans will be willing to share ^^ The Japanese fans are so lucky, they get to spend the new year with BB ~ Looks like they went straight to business right when they got there ;O

read translation/article here

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Guest mon5482


omg those PSed pics are so freakn funny!!! ok maybe that one of "TOP's FAMILY" is UGLY, now that I can agree with ahaha!!! thanks!

here's more:



cute cartoons




credit on pic & IVIP @ popcornfor2 forum!

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What's so great about TOP? I think he's really ugly.

haha! i cant' believe someone would place such an irresponsible comment..all i can say is that TOP has more to offer than what meets the eye.....He may not be the MOST handsome man you'll see but there is something about him that warms the heart of many.....I have to say a BIG THANK YOU to JERILYN who somehow became TOP's lawyer...hehe thanks for stating wonderful things about TOP..also to MON(yah..VIPZ handle this maturely)and TOP does make an UGLY girl haha...

....His POWER RAPPING for one is something to be awed for....the MAN has PURE talent that one can't deny....yes...he's not perfect and may have some flaws but he puts on great effort to improve his skill....His ACTING debut was also good and even though his exposure during I AM SAM were limited, he showed a DEEP side of HIM...

I also have to agree with my fellow PINAY VIPZ machiskyblade & kewlnbubbly..It's not easy to be a KPOP fan in our country because some people will think that you're going NUTS listening to songs that you don't understand...but as a VIP, I ignore that.. We all have our preferences and we should all respect each other. That comment was so unsolicited yet it made me realize one thing..I'm so PROUD to be a VIP....



TOP is hot!!!









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some serious big bang love here in this page~~i agree with ya'll..so i just keep it short & sweet..

TOP is not just another artiste or another member of a boyband,he's more than just that.

_Tempo is his closest friend

nOmatter what,he perservere till the end

_People get 'respect' from this guy at all times(so people respect him for that)

kind of lame,i think..but it just popped out,out of the blues when i saw that post~

Poop-Shoop-A-Loop thans for sharing!a fanmeeting & showcase..TODAY at japan..:tears: those lucky people out there who went for this,pls pls share your moments..I wonder what big bang guys will do during this event~BIG BANG..HWAITING!all the best in japan.I guess they will be shocked by what these guys will have in store for them.. :D

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Guest Shizuru

haha! i cant' believe someone would place such an irresponsible comment..all i can say is that TOP has more to offer than what meets the eye.....He may not be the MOST handsome man you'll see but there is something about him that warms the heart of many.....I have to say a BIG THANK YOU to JERILYN who somehow became TOP's lawyer...hehe thanks for stating wonderful things about TOP..also to MON(yah..VIPZ handle this maturely)and TOP does make an UGLY girl haha...

....His POWER RAPPING for one is something to be awed for....the MAN has PURE talent that one can't deny....yes...he's not perfect and may have some flaws but he puts on great effort to improve his skill....His ACTING debut was also good and even though his exposure during I AM SAM were limited, he showed a DEEP side of HIM...

I also have to agree with my fellow PINAY VIPZ machiskyblade & kewlnbubbly..It's not easy to be a KPOP fan in our country because some people will think that you're going NUTS listening to songs that you don't understand...but as a VIP, I ignore that.. We all have our preferences and we should all respect each other. That comment was so unsolicited yet it made me realize one thing..I'm so PROUD to be a VIP....



TOP is hot!!!









Ouch! leslie_lei those pictures are sizzling HOT!!

Seungri in white suit *melts*

and about TOP being ugly. thats just harsh. He might not be as HOT as GD (To my eyes anyways) but he's still ok.

Don't just look at one side of things when clearly he has so many other great qualities.

Its all about preference and respect. Not everyone prefer the same thing as everyone else no..

Keep it simple and keep it clean.

Voicing out your opinion is ok but do it the right way by respecting others feelings ;)

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Guest stardaisy212

omggg new pics of big bang and u can actually see ty hair and may i said he look super fine

i believe they are in japan



LMAO at DS tongue






Random pic of them



two more pic of big bang

look at them cutie pics sleeping lols



big bang cds in japan


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