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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest chewy_gurl

Help me plz ......

Does anyone know where can i find more info about Bigbang's concert in Japan next year ! ! ! ? ?

My sister told me that they will hold a concert in Tokyo,Japan on March 27, 2008

I wanna know more infomation ..... :tears:


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Guest Saebin :D

More BB in Thailand piccies

GD always in a call :vicx: ...

%7Boption%7D 2088571887_7ae57b2752_o.jpg[/img

%7Boption%7D 2089363686c2d663d920ocj5.jpg[/img

and..TOP. ........z z Z Z z z z z z :ph34r:

%7Boption%7D 2088575573_628e22ec39_o.jpg[/img

crediz: as on tagged,nun@popcornfor2 and me>>re-uploading

Ooo I wonder who he's talking to, he looks elated!

ohemgeeee i seriously wanna watch good sunday XD

here are some GD caps from bestiz:

sorry its only GD>__< i'll try to find some of seungri ^^


%7Boption%7Dhttp://img217.imageshack.us/img217/8469/25952065zs9.gif[/img "oo W-A-H!"

Hahaha omg cuteness! GD "ooo WAH!!!" haha cute gif, thanks <3

I don't know if this is old or not but, I never saw it x)



credits: bestiz

akljfaljfdaklsjfd. THIS IS FOR SURE <333 His english is so good. <3

Woah.. his English is really good!

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Guest the7REAL.

GAH! I HATE GD! ....... JUST KIDDING. BUT...I found those 'pink show' pics SO INSANELY CUTE that I HAD to have it on my av and sig. :tongue2: :P WTF. I hate myself. lol. B-B-BUT I LOVE U, BOY. -_-; (my fave song from the 2nd minialbum...) I'm pretty sure I'm confusing people with who my favorite member is...LOL.

But YB is #1 #1 #1!!! *waves YB banner*

Just..GD is currently ranking #2 for the second month in my #2-5 Big Bang slots. hahaha. Aaahh, Big Bang...I love all of them..drives me crazy. <3 Which reminds me, I can't wait for YB's solo album WHENEVER that comes out. haha. I'm fine with the waiting as long as it gets here eventually..lol. Cause' then we'll get to hear sooo much YB, and it will just be all kinds of awesome.^^

Thanks Trang for those 'How Gee' set pics. I can't wait for that! It already looks like what I imagined...well...Okay, I didn't imagine the hoochies in bikinis.....can I say hoochie? LOL. I dunno, it's just how I refer to the typical music video girls..who...are wearing not...that...much..clothes..hahahah. (no offense to the girls..just what they represent...im not a fan of rump shaker vids..lol..not that it will be..but juss sayin..haha ) But it's cool, whatever works. I bet the Seunghyuns' were enjoying filming that...cause' you know how them Seunghyuns' like they womenz. ;D And for some reason, I can just imagine YB freaking out on the inside. Some might feel he's over his 'fear of girls' but I just think he's just a real PRO on stage and just everywhere...but he'll prolly make a bigger deal out of it than any of the other members later..LOL. Like...YB: "OMHYGODTHEYRWEARINGBIKINIS!" *whips out bible and english flash cards* XD Okay I seem to talk too much today.... =X

Thanks Melody for all your updates! I'm soooo looking forward to the Seotaiji & Kids VS Deux. I really love those specials. >.<; I'm excited! I don't mind how they split it up, cause either way all of them are gonna be freakin' good~ I would like to see GD/DS vs SRYBTOP though..haha. XD And I really love those praises from all these respected artists. Ahh, Big Bang~~~hwaiting!

Sorry, this post was hyper. :ph34r:

-edit- ooh those new Skoolooks posters...but sad I (or many) never was able to get those old ones..the ones they signed in The Real DVD and it made them have long legs..lol..


credit; bz

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Guest kaylah^18

BIG BANG’s “Lie” was classified by Cyworld, Korea’s premiere social networking site that has 22 million users, as the Top 8 in the List of 10 best pop songs of the 20th and 21st century. “Lie” is the only song released 2007 that became part of the list.

Source: KBS

Credits: krnloop @ wordpress

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omfg...my school has this international music where they put almost every countries popular song and korea was big bang! which was today....

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Guest Yamashi

Hello! Big Bang Fan everyone

I see them comes to at Thai with me glad really ,glad fan club Thai lover very much

at them s give precedence with our country ,

They handsome very much , thank again you choose Thailand ,

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i wasnt really planning on posting here today b-b-b-but i had to post something about the miraculous victory and defeat show. its so friggin cuuuuuuuuute! i didnt understand but still, i laughed so hard throughout! and i dont even know if the show's meant to be funny. jiyong in the beginning! when he danced with the butt slap move at the end! omagaaaaad cuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!!! whoa i just realised i typed jiyong and not gdragon, :P the lil dances they did in the rope game thing, gaaaaaaaaah and seungri's dance to bep's pump it, then jiyong and his backflip. <3 ohmagaaad i typed jiyong again, ive been reading too many fanfics, haha :lol: and and when gd danced to lies, aww <3 seungri tryna get the food thing. this maybe weird but dayyum i love this boy's teeth, okay not really love, i just reaaaaaaaaally like his teeth, not perfect but oh so cuuute with one of his teeth *i believe its his left canine* kinda out there. i just realised how weird that is to like someone's teeth :ph34r: haha, oh oh! the breaking down walls thing! haha! gd's little run, he has this skip to his run. like skip then run. that was so cute. and the second time he attempted to do it, i actually clapped when he managed to knock down all! god i feel like sucha dork cos i actually clapped. haha! everyone's expressions on this show got me laughing! like :o but kinda looking like :huh: but not with the asking eyebrows thing. okay nvm that.

ohmygod thats long :blink: and its all about that one show. and sorry that i used cute too many times. this is definitely worth subbing. and if totally gif-worthy. *hinthinthintwantsgifswantsgifs*

i found that i am loving gd more and more now. i wasnt too fond of him in the beginning, but now, hot dayyyuuuum i cant take my eyes off of him. he's seriously making me drool buckets and buckets. kwon jiyong, i am officially under your i-can-make-you-drool-over-me spell. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. <3

since im already here. how gee mv! check out daesuuuuung! :w00t: but girls in bikinis? why oh why?! whyyyyyyyyyyyyy?! oh oh and those pics showing gd always on the phone, i wonder who he's talking to. he's like so happy talking on the phone. his face is all =DDDDDDDDDDDD

the usual thanks to everyone. oh oh esp to the ones who provided links for the miraculous victory and defeat show. :D that totally made my day! and today i feel like using colour. :)

ohmagad! i topped a page! my first time in this thread. im sorry people, i really have nothing to share. :( but but but! i wanna make this page Zura3.DaeSung&SeungRi&G-Dragon-ified! cos today is like my gdragon day. haha. and out of all the days, it was when i used colour and all. haha.

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OMG.. thanks everyone for the FABULOUS UPDATES!!! i am so EXCITED to watch all the

clips posted.. but SADLY i can't.. but i hope that i can soon.. it looks so interesting. and fun..

i can't use the net at home.. so i'm in a hurry, because i am at school.. but i will be back..

and i can't wait.. THANKS EVERYONE FOR THE UPDATES!!!!! i hope to be back

soon.. ahahaha..



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Guest drarmp1t

I hope these weren't posted before *__* Does anyone know what performance this was?














Please do NOT hotlink!

Credits: On pics + popcornfor2

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Guest krngurl90

if anyone gets the new good sunday and nothing is impossible with bigbang please upload!!!

i want to see them!!!

upload non clubbox...thanks soo much!

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Guest devylann

thanks for them pics..omg...freakin hot!!! and i love how they alwase change up their style!!! they're so colorful now!!! hehehe... jus started back to listening to all their songs... and i totally love always... never paid much to it b4 but i love it now... heheeh... and the thing i love about BB is that they're not afraid to try diff genres u know... like every song i hear it's something different... like i first started off with lies then onto B-I-G-B-A-N-G and then goodbye.. and so on... but they're so different...hehehe... love them!!! :D :D and the thing i love most is that even tho none of them are from eng speaking countries..gotta say their eng skills are great!! then i thought about it and most yg peeps speak pretty good eng ... love their eng.. so sexy... hehehe :D :D

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Guest jiyuhnn

goodness gracious im so proud of Big Bang!! this year has been so good for all of my favorite artists :D

i hope to see them continue their amazing work!

and goodness may i say.. G-dragon was damn sexy during Good Sunday Show ^^ everyone loved him and seungri<3

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The pink sweater! TT_______TT They look so darn good!

TOO DARN GOOD! Too freaken cute! =SPAZZZ=

Especially Seung Ri! I wanna tackle him! =TACKLES=


The first few are from...their Music Core or Music Bank performance?

XD! I don't know! But their outfits look familiar..

They're all starting to look the same to me! AHA~

TOP's ponytail <33 ^^!


taanjank: I love those pictures!

They look great! High quality ^^"

The performance looks like an awesome one!

I wonder where this one was from too...Anyone knows?


THANKS FOR THE GIF! GDRAGON looks so handsome! ^^"

I wonder what song the mv's for...I Don't Understand?

Gah, I don't know! But I'm excited to see it!

tam: The last two GIFs...ARE SO HOT! LOL WHAO-OHHHHH!

DANG, BOYS! Take it off! AHA!~ SEUNG RI's expression XD!

It's almost like he's saying "OH WOW, I'm THAT hot?"

sheerbliss: Wow! Their English is really not that bad :)


His hair <33 and outfit...WHOOT!~

sookyung: The boys look so elegant~

Simply love the picture of Seung Ri in the last one!

He looks gorgeous with the flowers ^^"

melodygreenleaf: Thanks for the translations once again, dear!

Some new facts popped up in the article. Puahah~

PdubbleJ: XD Everyone wants to talk to GD!

Can you imagine his bill at the end of every month...GAH~

And TOP sleeping<3 Poor fella must've been exhausted.

trangtwo: NEH! They're surrounded by pretty girls! >=(



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