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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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As for them being ranked No. 1, it is just the mobile ranking segment within the show. Music Core has no chart ranking system since the start of 2006.


either way, the votes are still coming from fans. we KNOW it is coming from mobile phones, that is why there is a picture of the artist in a phone during the boardcast. -__- it doesnt matter where or how they got it, it matters that it is coming from the FANS. I think it is definitely worth celebrating either way. It still makes the artist feel loved. Whether the comment is necessary or not, it is still rude to say while we are celebrating. Your comment is like trying to belittle Big Bang's accomplishment.

anywho, thanks for posting Anaya. I really do want to hear big bang perform a song that Mekggenie wrote. I remember that he was not praise for his lyrical skills back in the Doc. days. but either way, and i am sure that he is working really hard to change that. So I definitely would be looking forward to listening to it. maybe the next album? maybe that is a hint for us fans. ahahaha

Thanks Tiffany for the pictures. They are extremely high quality!!! Now that i see mangnae's shirt ... he really does look like a picnic tablecloth! AHAHA

* removed by mod for inappropriate comments *

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Please stop calling me rude. I am just pointing out a fact. I did not say I am not allowing any celebrating going on. I just don't want people to be misled that they have already hit No. 1. I have no doubt that their song have the potential to hit No. 1. But it has not happened yet. This is only a mobile ranking of one station. I just don't want new readers or non-regulars to be misled.

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Guest mon5482

tiffy thanks for the pictures...mang GD is started to have COUPLE PANDA EYES with Seungri...i can tell the boys are getting tired...BIG BANG HWAITING!!!

We're happy to celebrate that THEY RANKED #1 whether or not its through mobile ranking, MUSIC CORE acknowledged them taking that top rank, so its okay to say that THEY RANKED #1 ON MUSIC CORE.....we're just happy about it, that's why we're celebrating. the WAY it was posted was a lil inappropriate, coz it made it seem like that #1 spot didnt matter because it was only mobile ranking <_< ...FANS VOTED THEM AT THAT #1 SPOT...so it does matter, it matters a lot...to BIG BANG AND TO US FANS.

BIG BANG RANKED #1 ON MUSIC CORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! amongst other charts!!!!

let's all get excited & keep on celebrating!




you can watch from:


THE CHANNEL IS "SBS" so make sure u tune in to SBS.

IT AIRS AT AROUND 11PM (CALIFORNIA/WEST COAST TIME){upto u to figure out time conversions}

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Guest i.said.hi

i think that comment was a little unnecessary. why try to rain on our parade? we know it's a mobile ranking but it's direct votes from the fans which means bb's song is the most popular to get the #1 spot. sounds like cause for a celebration to me! thanks for caps, pics, and translations everyone! i haven't seen any of the latest radio shows from the last 2 days but the mnet interview was bursting with cuteness and the silliness of our boys. lol @ the seunghyun groove/bounce. that was funny when gd was like 'stop it!' and they just kept right on. XD mon your gifs of the interview are awesome! i love your caption on the the yb one. i do believe yb's the most sophisticated of the five don't u? haha. vipbigbang.com has a lot of new articles posted about bb again. most of them are about lie still topping the charts. there's one about seungri's dream to write lyrics. On one part he says like "I will write lots of lyrics and learn alot from G-Dragon hyung" and something about he wants to have his lyrics on the next album. i hope his dream comes true. i wanna hear a song written by our mangnae. he's young and a bit immature at times but he has a certain passion in him as well as a sensitive heart. i think he has it in him to write some lyrics that can touch all of our hearts. any way here's the full article:

I am just pointing out a fact. My comment is not unnecessary. :angry:

Please stop calling me rude. I am just pointing out a fact. I did not say I am not allowing any celebrating going on. I just don't want people to be misled that they have already hit No. 1. I have no doubt that their song have the potential to hit No. 1. But it has not happened yet. This is only a mobile ranking of one station. I just don't want new readers or non-regulars to be misled.

honestly, i have to agree with edward on this. :x

I dont think he was being rude because I actually got misled when i read the poster saying they got number one, thinking that they actually got an award like inkigayo. Edward wasn't being rude, he was just pointing that out so people won't be misled. Also, he NEVER SAID that they couldn't get number one, and also, i think he meant number one as in music stations like mnet and inkigayo. I know this for a fact because edward helps witht he top 10 musics for every week, and bb has been one or in the top 10 for several weeks.

i think he was just trying to help, rather then "ruin the parade of happiness".

besides, we should "cool" down, instead of getting mad at a mod since, i don't see anything wrong he did.

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Guest Burning Chopstick

Yo, just wanted to say I'm a fan of Big Bang's new mini-album. The Lies MV was really neat also; it really captured the pacing of the song.

And in response to the previous posts, yes Edward's blunt comment was a big mood killer, but I gotta admit that the large amount of enthusiasm generated from being number one for a mobile ranking was a bit odd. Compared to a Mutizen or end-of-the-year award it holds less significance in the grand scheme of things, but I'm not saying that fans can't get hyped about it or that Big Bang's potential success stops there. It's just that winning the ranking usually gets a lukewarm response, so it's easy for someone to make the mistake that maybe the members of this board are over-hyping the matter and are not understanding the full context of it all.

You could also argue that the people on this board are taking too much offense from that one comment. Not everyone who comes on an artist's board is a huge fan--maybe just a casual fan like myself.

Besides, those flame-inducing comments were to prevent people from being misled by Music Core's ranking, not any other type of chart/ranking in particular.

Over and all, let's try to understand each other and not bash any other people who don't have the same response as we do.

Just putting in my two cents. *Goes off and listens to 'Lies'*

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Again I am pointing out a fact. If you are celebating at least celebrate for the right thing, being No. 1 on the MOBILE RANKING, not No.1 on the chart coz Music Core doesn't have a chart. Now who is being rude to who?

Moderator bashing is strictly not allowed. I am putting all the unnecessary comments invisble.

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Guest kdsnabi426

Since my articles became invisible: Here's some good news for everyone! Lie has ranked #1 at Melon, Cyword, and Dosirak for the 3rd week in a row! Please translate someone:

빅뱅, 온라인 차트 무서운 질주!


[이피지 스타채널 이동준 기자] 미니앨범 'Always'로 컴백한 빅뱅의 '거짓말'이 온라인 음악 차트에서 거침없는 질주를 보이고 있다.

빅백의 '거짓말'이 온라인 사이트 싸이월드, 멜론, 도시락, 쥬크온에서 1위를 차지한 것.

특히 싸이월드에서 매달 미니홈피 배경음악 판매 순위 1위곡 및 아티스트에게 주는 상인 '송 오브 더 먼스' 에 음원 공개 2주 만에 후보에 올라 관계자들을 깜짝 놀라게 했다.

또한 엠넷, 소리바다, 뮤즈 등에서도 2~3위에 랭크돼 있어 곧 있으면 전 온라인 음악차트 1위라는 진기록을 세울 것으로 보인다.

빅뱅의 멤버인 지드래곤(G-Dragon)이 작사, 작곡해 더욱 화제를 모으고 있는 '거짓말' 은 유로하우스 음악에 트랜스 코드 접목을 시도한 곡으로 중독성 있는 후렴구가 인상적이며 10대뿐만 아니라 2~30대까지 다양한 연령층에서 사랑 받고 있다.

YG엔터테인먼트 정예멤버인 원타임의 테디, 용감한 형제, 페리, 양현석 이사까지 모두 참여, 높은 퀄리티를 자랑하는 미니앨범 'Always'.

특히 앨범에 수록된 총 6곡 중 '인트로'를 제외한 5곡이 모두 싸이월드 배경음악 100위 안에 랭크될 정도로 골고루 사랑 받고 있다.

YG엔터테인먼트 측은 한 관계자는 "대중의 반응이 예상보다 빠르다"며 "음원은 이미 상당액 매출을 기록하고 있으며, 음반도 꾸준한 판매량을 기록하고 있어 정규앨범 못지않은 판매량을 기록할 것으로 예상된다"고 전했다.

한편 지난 16일 M.net <엠 카운트 다운>을 통해 컴백한 빅뱅은 각종 라디오, TV 음악프로그램을 통해 활발한 활동을 이어나갈 예정이다.

빅뱅, '거짓말'같은 1위 싹쓸이 행진


남성그룹 빅뱅의 미니 앨범 타이틀곡 '거짓말'이 온라인과 오프라인 차트에서 1위 '싹쓸이 행진'을 이어가고 있다.

'거짓말'은 지난 17일 온라인을 통해 공개되자마자 국내 최대 음악사이트 멜론 차트, 도시락 핫100, 쥬크온, 소리바다 등 각종 온라인 차트에서 1위에 오른 뒤 3주째 1위 자리를 지키고 있다. 특히 '거짓말'은 싸이월드에서 음원 공개 2주 만에 '이 달의 노래' 후보에 올랐다. '이 달의 노래'는 매달 미니홈페이지 배경음악 판매 순위 1위곡 및 아티스트에게 주는 상이다.

9월1일 현재 엠넷차트와 뮤즈 등에서도 2위에 랭크돼 곧 1위 석권도 무난할 것으로 보인다.

아울러 오프라인 판매도 꾸준해 2주 만에 4만장이나 판매되면서, 음반시장이 불황이라는 말을 무색케 했다.

빅뱅의 이번 미니앨범 'Always'는 국내 대표적인 음반차트인 한터차트에서 1일 오전 6시 현재 실시간 음반차트 및 주간차트에서 1위에 올라 있다. 아울러 같은 시간 교보핫트랙스 종합차트에서도 1위를 기록 중이다.

초등학교 때 YG엔터테인먼트에 연습생으로 들어온 빅뱅의 멤버 지드래곤이 직접 작사, 작곡한 '거짓말' 은 유로하우스에 크랜스 코드를 접목한 곡이다.

빅뱅 소속사 YG엔터테인먼트 측의 한 관계자는 "음원 수익은 이미 상당한 매출을 기록하고 있고, 음반도 꾸준한 판매량을 기록하고 있어 정규앨범 못지 않은 판매량을 기록할 것으로 예상한다"고 밝혔다.


다음뉴스 http://news.media.daum.net/entertain/music.../v17982879.html

네이버뉴스 http://news.naver.com/news/read.php?mode=L...amp;menu_id=106

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Guest delici0usbh


^ translated one of the articles

빅뱅, 온라인 차트 무서운 질주!

Big Bang, Flying up Online Charts so Quickly it's Scary


[이피지 스타채널 이동준 기자] 미니앨범 'Always'로 컴백한 빅뱅의 '거짓말'이 온라인 음악 차트에서 거침없는 질주를 보이고 있다.

[E.P.G. Star Channel Lee Dong Joon Reporter] Big Bang that made their come back with the Mini Album 'Always'. Their hit song 'Lie' is flying up online charts fluently.

빅백의 '거짓말'이 온라인 사이트 싸이월드, 멜론, 도시락, 쥬크온에서 1위를 차지한 것.

Big Bang's song 'Lie' has taken 1st place on a lot of online websites like Cyworld, Melon, DoShiLahk (Lunchbox), JukeOn.

특히 싸이월드에서 매달 미니홈피 배경음악 판매 순위 1위곡 및 아티스트에게 주는 상인 '송 오브 더 먼스' 에 음원 공개 2주 만에 후보에 올라 관계자들을 깜짝 놀라게 했다.

Especially on Cyworld, there's a award that is given every month to an Artist called 'Song Of The Month' and only after 2 weeks of being released 'Lie' has become a candidate and shocked everyone.

또한 엠넷, 소리바다, 뮤즈 등에서도 2~3위에 랭크돼 있어 곧 있으면 전 온라인 음악차트 1위라는 진기록을 세울 것으로 보인다.

Also on M.Net, SohRi BaDa, they're ranked 2-3 place at the moment but pretty soon it looks like they will be taking 1st place on all the online charts and set a record.

빅뱅의 멤버인 지드래곤(G-Dragon)이 작사, 작곡해 더욱 화제를 모으고 있는 '거짓말' 은 유로하우스 음악에 트랜스 코드 접목을 시도한 곡으로 중독성 있는 후렴구가 인상적이며 10대뿐만 아니라 2~30대까지 다양한 연령층에서 사랑 받고 있다.

Big Bang member G-Dragon who wrote and produced 'Lie' attempted to mix Euro House music. <?> The song has an addicting chorus and it is impressive. This song is not only loved by teens but by people from 2-30 years old.

YG엔터테인먼트 정예멤버인 원타임의 테디, 용감한 형제, 페리, 양현석 이사까지 모두 참여, 높은 퀄리티를 자랑하는 미니앨범 'Always'.

Teddy of 1TYM who is also a member of YG Entertaiment along with YongGamHan HyungJeh (Brave Brothers), Perry, and even Yang Hyun Suk helped make this high quality Mini Album 'Always'.

특히 앨범에 수록된 총 6곡 중 '인트로'를 제외한 5곡이 모두 싸이월드 배경음악 100위 안에 랭크될 정도로 골고루 사랑 받고 있다.

Especially 5 out of the 6 songs recorded excluding 'The Intro' has made a ranking on the Top 100 songs on Cyworld.

YG엔터테인먼트 측은 한 관계자는 "대중의 반응이 예상보다 빠르다"며 "음원은 이미 상당액 매출을 기록하고 있으며, 음반도 꾸준한 판매량을 기록하고 있어 정규앨범 못지않은 판매량을 기록할 것으로 예상된다"고 전했다.

A person from YG Entertainment said "The public's reaction was faster than we expected" and "Even though the sales record is prety high, the Mini Album is making records and even though it's just a Mini Album it will make just as man sales as a regular album will.

한편 지난 16일 M.net <엠 카운트 다운>을 통해 컴백한 빅뱅은 각종 라디오, TV 음악프로그램을 통해 활발한 활동을 이어나갈 예정이다.

In the meantime, Last 16th Big Bang made their comback on M.net <M.Countdown> and they will be a lot more activities like radio shows and TV Music Programs in the future.

kitinami thank u for the links!! ^_^

lol i wonder how many pairs of sunglasses big bang has if they put them all together... i bet they could make a rainbow with all of them~ daesung's shirts LOL they're like teasing the fans~ it's cut so u barely see his chest. and yb.. he shouldn't be allowed to wear anything else but a wifebeater hahahah <3

yay big bang won 1st and an award on cyworld lol <3 haha =] awesome!! they're topping everything!! freaking serious! lol. hope they win the mutizen award tonight!! that would totally make everyone crazy lol. :D it's amazing how they debuted with yg's style and everyone loved it now they're doing big bang's style and now people are like flipping out over it~ it just keeps getting better and better!

Lally - you're welcome and you can call me goldie ^_^ and thank you for letting me know where i can find the TenTen radio show!! <3 and i agree with u~ big bang probably does have a lot of fans in korea they're just not as crazy xD

Tiffany thanks for the pics~


ahhh gd looks so cute! lol <3 i like the one in the middle of the 2nd row~ adoreable! haha :P

and everyone who said thank u lol u guys are welcome =] i'm glad u enjoy them even though they're not the best translations :lol:

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Guest little chimpanzee


ohmygosh the place was adorably decorated @______@ I love the colors there. And our boys were freakin' awesome as always :wub: Awwwww look at JiYong's facial expressions, sooooooo adorable :wub:


He looked sooooo cute :wub:

t. yama thanx so much for sharing ^o^


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Guest dankyung

the boys got EVERYTHING. like all the freaking charts they got number ONEEEEE ahahah i was wiggin out. (: hehehe








all kill. im so proud of them <333

credits go to media daum.

btw~~ sorry if these were posted TT rofl. (:

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Guest trangtwo

omg the gifs are sooo cute!! thanks you guys (sorry im in a rush so i cant remember all the names on the last few pages) ahhh i love "the bounce"!!!! hot <3

shinhwa_sarang - thanks so much for all the translations!! i learned so much more about them. ahhh and yes id die if tae yang wanted to play with me at 5AM :wub: ...loved the tounching TY/GD moment. and lol @ SR calling TY cheap. i swear these boys never disappoint. their personalities are like the best, and theyre so frickin adorable and funny. gahhh <3

and yay @ them being #1 in the mobile poll thingy. im so happy their comeback and mini album have been soooo successful.

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thanks for translating the article GOLDIE.. it is GREAT that they

are T.O.P.PING so many charts.. i am so proud of them.. all of this

happened in 1 year.. WAY TO GO!!! it's great that they feel they finally

found their style.. and i love their style... no one will change my mind

on that....

thanks TIFFANY for the pictures.. they are totally ADORABLE.. i want to hug

them... i love all the JIYONG ones.. he's rocking his style... he looks great

and SEXY... ahaha.. i want to pinch his cheeks.. ahaha.. they all look so

cute in RED... and why is T.O.P. wearing a jacket.. isn't it hot.. ahaha..

i think the interview is after the performance right? well is there a link to

it... i think i missed it.. if it was posted...


it looks like you guys have been working hard lately...

we apreciate all the hard work you guys put in.. we

even stay up late just to watch your radio shows, because

of the time difference.... but as long as we see you guys

we can go to sleep... THANKS for ALWAYS doing your

best.. and making your I-V.I.P. fans PROUD..... we LOVE

BIG BANG... because you guys are V.I.P....


i know that they will never see that.. but i wanted

to say thanks anyways...and i LOVE how they always out on a GREAT

show for us...

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Guest SOUL'd to:GD

thanks for the article translation goldie and thanks thina and thanks whoever said thanks to my gifs @_@ *in a hurry*


Wah~ I'm so proud of them ;D

Some pictures~~





YEAH, YOU GOLDIE.. I want you baby

( :lol: ILU~ )





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^^ Look at Seungri before and him now. Dannnngg babyboy got smexie :D


^^ LMFAO to this picture. Ewww GD can you not?!! hands off my baby :P

and CONGRATZ TO BIG BANG! I can't believe that their LIE song was number one on all those charts.

So proud to be I-VIP

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Guest Seraphic_Gin

Woah. I-VIP'S are celebrating like crazy. Well, can't blame you all - we waited months for this. It's understandable!^^

Thanks for the translations, shinhwa_sarang. Very helpful for Non-Koreans, like me? Haha. The boys are just utterly hyper nowadays. Compared to their gangsta-emo type of mood on the last album. I love it how cheery and smiley they are nowadays. Although the eyes are getting tired everyday.

And for the gifs, Monica. Thank you! They are all eye-candy! The boys are just so cute these days! The SeungHyun Bounce is addicting. Wanna see them work that out in the clubs. Haha.

And for the TVSBOX Link, thank you!!!!



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Guest Jasmine<3

ahh oh ma baby!!!

thanks janny !! those pics are awesome! hahah oh top ;)};) whoaaa boy


thanks Goldie for translating that mang! helll yes! big bang is topping errthang fo sho! =DD

thanks dankyung for showing the proof that bigbang has officially shooken the world baby !!


i hope that they continue to flourish like no other, cause i know they will.

bigbang hwaiting

bigbangers hwaiting!!!

side note- doesn't matter if it wasn't officially the music core number 1, in our hearts they will always be number one =) thanks for clarifiying that though, edward =)

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Guest the7REAL.

Thanks for all the translations guys from pages back + all the updates and news..lol. Def appreciate it all.^^

Ahh I know the Mnet Interview spazzery passed already but I can't get over it..lol. I had a lot more to say about each part but everyone else pretty much covered everything I wanted to say before..lol. YB is SO funny when he's not trying to be. The awkwardness and shyness does it for me. Look at the way he sits knees together and proper..ahaha. He sits better than me, and prolly more well-mannered than me as well..lol. He's too cute..must pinch his cheeks. XD And everyone else is....like..to crazy for me to comprehend..ahaha. I lovelovelove the dancing in seats and Seunghyun bounce. I like how Mangnae juss keeps on going at those parts where everyone else has stopped. lol. Those were 'Ughhhh I'm feeelin' it' moments..haha. With music going on in their own heads...

Congratulations to Big Bang for like....everything. haha. Topping charts and what-not all over.^^; so crazy~ they deserve all of this recognition.^^

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