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{yg} Big Bang (빅뱅) Official Thread (THIS THREAD IS CLOSED - see post for current thread #3!)

Guest jess1tym4life

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Guest yma818

HAHAHAHHAHA thanks for the clips monica and jingwen. ahaha

the legs .... ahhahaa 0____0! I want to see the whole parody even more now.

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Guest thina

{FanCam} BIG BANG - Want You Concert - RUN TO YOU

Thina & maknae fans will love this!!! i love it!!! Seriously! Seungri is such a tease for all the VIPnoonas!!! oh mang!!!

(at the end of the clip (2:40ish) i can't tell if seungri jumped off the stage or he kinda fell forward? or maybe fans pulled him down LOL! he seemed so excited!)

the beginning... OH MY, LOOK AT THAT LITTLE BOOTY GO EVERYWHERE! :w00t: total fanservice for the VIPnoonas INDEED, and he KNOWS it too! that's what makes him cuter... hahah- and i think mangnae did somewhat fall, it sure looks like it. i can see how, his hyper butt was hella skipping/running EVERYWHERE hahaha- SO DAMN CUTE, sometimes i don't think i can handle it... ;)

thanks for this and the WONDERBOYS clip! i can't wait to see the full one. DAESUNG AND GD WERE DISGUSTINGLY HOT, and little mangnae in those shorts... HAHAHA GOOD GOSH. and TEMPO AS A GIRL, NOT AGAIN!!! the hair, like SOS, looks HORRIBLE! and YB, once again, is way too manly to be a girl :lol:

this picture SCREAMS "handsome" indeed, damn!!! thanks for it :D

and thanks JANNY for the school attack caps! i can't wait to watch that. tempo looks sooo cute in them, sitting there looking all sweet...

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Guest xforeverwithyou

Ah, I want to go to their concert! lol Thanks everyone for all the pictures, links, gifs, and etc.

Oh, and I promised to make icons on TaeYang and Daesung. Enjoy. [Oh and if the TaeYang's first icon is inappropriate, then, I will take it down. I couldn't help myself but make that icon. It is so smexy. :ph34r: ]

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/xosw...esungicon01.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/xosw...esungicon02.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/xosw...eyangicon01.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/xosw...eyangicon02.jpg

Credits: made by mizzxtiffany[at]soompi

Hello! I'm new to this thread, but I have to say thank you to everyone for sharing your lovely pictures! and mizzxtiffany, I love your icons! Especially YB hahah that's hot!

I'm hoping for Big Bang to come back to LA for another HB show! xD Or do a world tour! Watching the DVD concert isn't enough for me, I want the real action! Hahaha xD

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Guest ..kaleena..

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW those fancams are sooo cute and funny! hahahahahahhahaha, the wonder girls parody.. oh god, hilarous! hahahaha, seung ri in those itty bitty shorts XDDDDDDDD but taeyang did a pretty good job at singing it! puahahaha, but i couldn't really see them cleary, >< and the run to you one, AIYOO, lil seungri was all over the place!!! if i was there, i would be so tempted to just jump on stage and run after him! ahahhaha XDDDDDDDDDDDD

and those caps janny captured are sooo effing cute! haahha, look at daesung!!!! i was just in awe !!! ^________^

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Guest Jasmine<3



i missed a lot


i love all of it ^^ thanks so much!!

greatly appreciated guysss! the updates the pictures the gifs the caps.. the want u pictures! <33

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Guest mon5482

xforeverwithyou - hi! welcome to the thread. I see that your new, please read the rules; we're not allowed to quote pictures or else edward will warn you. just take the :P


I just took my cousins to this store called Premier and its one of those stores where Big Bang would go to shop. Pretty much anything in that store is Big Bangin' from hoodies to hats to shoes. Anyways, they had a sale and I left that store with not one but two 10Deep hoodies :wacko:

one of them is exactly like Seungri's (see pic below) that's the one he had on during HB weekend. I found one that can fit me and i didnt even think twice about it, plus it was only $66 (hella cheap for a 10deep hoodie). i love sale! LMAO!!!! mang BIG BANG is an expensive hobby!

%7Boption%7Dhttp://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s272/mon5411/BIG%20BANG/SeungriYB.jpg' alt='SeungriYB.jpg'>

credit:janny for the pic, i cropped it out of her screencaps.

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Guest KuYA II

mizzxtiffany: AWSOME ICONS! thanks for sharing hehe

MONICA: GAHHH are you serious?!?! i don't think theres a store like that around the area i live...dangit >__< i want that hoodie that seungri has!! gahhh evil world!! thanks for the headsup hehehe everything is indeed on sale heh

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Guest xSuperrAnnx

haven't been to this thread in a long while...

thanks for the pics and fancams from the Want You concert.

all i gotta say is..BIG BANG I WANT YOU!!! <3 haha

big bang needs to come to the US and have a concert yo

i swear i'd go crazy wild if they did! lol

watching the fancams...RAWRRRRRS! Lucky people!!

and 'bout GD's maybe-real tats? ehh real or fake...it's sexyy.

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Guest anecia

I just fell in love with them last week LOL

anyway does anyone has pictures of BigBang's ear piercings??



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Guest the7REAL.

/edit/ New BB Bud YGeshop message



credit: jerilyn@bigbangpop

Mangnae so cute saying "AIGOOO!" XDD And I like TOP's new hair color..lols..we kinda have the same style jacket too I think...woot! Except I want his, he has mickey. ;_; And them smelling the perfume and making big deal out of it makes me want it that much more! Good strategy guys! The clip at the end is from their recent fanmeeting where they gave the perfume to some lucky fans by hand and hugs too..ksjfkjlos

6gojdzb.gif4yz0eao.gif4qx3v68.gif53fewzk.jpg--yes, it is TOP hugging a fan. *_* awwww

credit: daum

[FULL perf] Big Bang - 20070505 MBCA HB2007 concert [shake It,BIGBANG intro,La La La,VIP] YGBB.wmv


credit: mon5482@YGBB


Can someone kindly translate this article please? >_<; or summarize..lol

빅뱅, 티켓판매율 95%..'괴물신인' 입증

[머니투데이 스타뉴스 김원겸 기자]

남성그룹 빅뱅 ⓒ최용민 기자 leebean@

남성그룹 빅뱅이 전국 5개도시 투어의 입장권 판매율 95%를 기록하며 불황 속 가요계의 성공사례 1순위로 꼽히고 있다.

소속사 YG 엔터테인먼트에 따르면 그간 각종 리서치에서 '가장 주목받는 신인' 1위로 꼽힌 빅뱅은 별다른 홍보 없이도 전국 5개 도시를 돌며 벌어지는 투어 콘서트 입장권이 순식간에 95%나 팔려나가며 '괴물신인'의 이름값을 해냈다.

빅뱅의 이번 전국투어 매진 열풍은 이미 지난 연말 서울 올림픽공원 체조경기장에서 열린 단독콘서트에서 시작됐다.

당시 빅뱅은 신인에게는 무모한 모험이었던 1만2000석 규모의 체조경기장 콘서트를 시도했고, 입장권을 사려는 팬들이 한꺼번에 4만 명이 몰려 인터넷 예매사이트가 다운돼 예매시작일자를 뒤로 미루고 예매처도 바꾸는 홍역을 치렀다. 결국 두 번째 예매도 갖가기 해프닝 속에 1만2000석을 순식간에 매진시켰다.

27일 인천을 시작으로, 전국투어 일정에 들어가는 빅뱅은 전국 5개 도시 투어 'Want You' 역시 순식간에 입장권 판매율 95%를 기록했다.

방송보다 인터넷을 택하고, 음악프로그램 보다는 다큐멘터리를 택하는 독특한 데뷔식을 치렀던 빅뱅은 이번 전국투어 공연 지역도 독특한 방식으로 결정했다.

빅뱅의 이번 전국투어 'Want You'는 팬들의 자발적인 투표로 공연 개최지를 결정한 것으로, '관객이 더 많이 원하는 곳에 간다'는 차별화된 진행방식을 취했다. 대부분의 투어 콘서트가 기획사의 일방적인 기준에 따라 대도시 위주로 기획되는 것을 감안한다면 팬들의 의견을 우선 반영하는 방식이 제대로 적중한 셈이다. 이 때문에 공연 이름도 '여러분이 원하는 대로'라는 뜻의 'Want You'라고 정했다.

빅뱅은 팬들의 뜻에 따라 전국투어를 벌이는 도시로 춘천(6월17일ㆍ강원대 백령문화관), 대구(6월30일ㆍ엑스코 컨벤션센터), 창원ㆍ부산(7월15일ㆍ창원KBS홀)을 결정했다.

한 공연 관계자는 "음반시장 불황의 여파로 인해 동반 불황을 겪고 있는 공연업계에서 신인그룹의 전국 투어 콘서트는 쉽게 상상할 수 없는 일"이라며 "빅뱅의 관객 동원력에 놀라지 않을 수 없다"고 밝혔다.

YG 엔터테인먼트 측도 "탄탄한 라이브 실력과 차별화된 전략의 빅뱅에게 가요계의 불황은 그다지 커다란 문제가 되지 않는 듯 하다"며 내심 뿌듯한 마음을 드러냈다.

한편 빅뱅은 전국투어 첫 공연인 인천 공연에서 6000명의 관객에 화려한 무대를 선보이며, 일찍 찾아온 무더위를 날려보냈다.

모바일로 보는 스타뉴스 "342 누르고 NATE/magicⓝ/ez-i"


credit: daum

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Guest lavitadolce

omomg. yb, he's too sexy lol

thanks for sharing all those concert pics!

wish i could go see them aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagain


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Guest t. yama

Thanks for the clip Jerilyn! The boys are so cute. <33 Seungri's "Aigo~"s and them smelling

their BUD makes me want a bottle of BUD for myself. Aw, those lucky fans. I envy them so much. =X

And thanks for the cb link. ;D Can't wait to download and watch again.

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Guest inspired04

{FanCam} BIG BANG - Want You Concert - RUN TO YOU

Thina & maknae fans will love this!!! i love it!!! Seriously! Seungri is such a tease for all the VIPnoonas!!! oh mang!!!

(at the end of the clip (2:40ish) i can't tell if seungri jumped off the stage or he kinda fell forward? or maybe fans pulled him down LOL! he seemed so excited!)

OMG SEUNGRI<3 love that boy. askdajsld gosh all of these pictures/fancams are making me go crazy. i want to go to their concert!!! makes me miss HB:[ is it too late to buy tickets for their july 15th concert? hope not~~ :x

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Guest blessed

AWW MAN, their concert!! the pics.. the fancams,,


&&zzeGIF`s are so effing sexy... xD i love TOP`s hair!! its so shinyy in the light too xD

seungri is a dork.


YAYYY... hahahahaaa im gonna have a very productive evening =)

thanks guys!



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zomg i just watched the iron perf XD

is so flippin cute <333 but i couldnt spot who was who lolz

i think i might this one better than the SES one haha

too cute ^__^

and thanks jerilyn for those caps!!

GD looks so hot when hes in a singlet <333

they're so cute when they were smelling the perfume keke..especiallt TOP and DS

GD like bounces back when he smells it lolz

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Guest yanski


Then of course.

I told you guys, and i got the butterknives out already.


BigBang should know they are killing us.

But then again, then enjoy that dont they?

I can just imagine Daesungs face.

They love dancing to that.





Those dont seems to be the girls from THE REAL concert are they?

The dancers from THEREAL were prettier. O_O

(no idea if thats a good or bad thing)

haha TOP's hair. =p

I used to think he looked like Kangin when i first got into BB.

They have no resemblence whatsoever now. X_X

They both HOT though. :rolleyes:



Wonder Girls= BigBang FAMCAM.


(higher quality than youtube, but loads hella slow x_x)

wait, this wasnt posted right? O_O


haha. so it turns out Taeyang was Sunmi?

but Daesung was wearing the Sunmi dress O_O

ah. =p

hey sorry to bring this up but i dont know if you mistyped the word or i just read it wrong but is it

pron or porn??

i just want to understand your spoiler :)

ok im hating my internet right now, its not working properly..

omg!!this thread is moving fast!! :D seems like big bang is "hot" right now..

somebody kill me.. so many videos and pics TONS of pics and vids!! wee!! im sooo happy right now!! and those fancam vids are awesome.. thank you guys for uploading and contributing those pics and gifs.. :) my hands are shaking right now, i dont know what to do first.. hehehe :lol:

gd's pics will make my friend camp here.. seriously!! those pics of him will make her and my sister drool a bucket!! just a question gd, why do you have to wear those pieces of clothing? you can always take them off, dude they seem not to their job of covering you!! and seung ri, i wonder what the hell are they feeding there you for you to grow more hansdsome by the day no make it sexy and hansdome..damn! *sigh* and taeyang, stop showing off your delicious body!! we already know you work out, it shows!!

(my dl's are finished..ii'll be back..i'll just watch every vid i downloaded :))

thanks again

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