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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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Yes let's call him Cupid nim... instead of using his twitter account name.
Those who are reading, please DO NOT follow him if not, all of us will not be able to have anymore tweet from him anymore
kamsa hamnida!!!

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Guest lukleros

RahmaL said: I do not know, but wookie..... like lee kwang so,kekee,

with hair and clothes like that

and ssk..... highly visible young

What kind of press con?

oh da hae please........................................

give us the signal.............................

where you are....................

8-> #-o :((

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If "Mr Cupid" really sent the cake to DH in 2011 while he was away, then I believe that these two have been quietly supporting each other while they couldn't be together. Their timeline might have gone like this:

  • 2006 - 2008: dating and break up towards the end of the year. I guess both remained single for some time, especially him.
  • 2009 - 2011: Wookie left for military service, I guess they stayed friends but DH eventually had something with OJH in the Chuno times (correct me if I'm wrong, I have no idea until this relationship lated). If it was still on after Wookie was released from military, it's normal that he wouldn't try to meddle and to get her back since she was already in a relationship.
  • 2012: DH relationship with her last ex/DH goind to US in this year? Wookie was probably with someone too since in 2013 he said his last relationship ended 6-7 months before? So probably this year was the "worst" for them in terms of being contact with each other even as friends.
  • 2013: DH still with her ex. Like I mentioned above, Wookie was probably with someone for a couple of months of this year. In the interview where he mentions DH "What if DH was my girlfriend", I guess he had already received HK proposal already and had set his mind back on her... mmh. Perhaps they still sent each other texts and he may knew her situation/scandal of that time.
  • 2014: DH had just broken up with the ex, Wookie is also single. I guess this is why he tried to get her back while he had the chance to work with her... and he succeeded.
Somehow, it makes me want to be delulu and think that he and DH waited for a moment like this, but it had to occurr after a couple of years they had let each other go. Like, do your thing and then when you are ready, we can see if fate will bring us together... but if it doesn't, we'll keep living the way we've done so far. Fate definitely brought them together once again. I don't know, I feel that they were both hopeless romantics and like a child waiting for Santa on Christmas, they were waiting for each other to get back to them if they behaved well. The turn of events between 2008-2013 was against them but Wookie still thought about her, sent the cake, probably also did other things while he was in the military, so that DH wouldn't forget about him. He looks so caring, he's so cute. DH might have done something for him too, but being private as she is, perhaps her gestures were not evident as Wookie's (like the rumor that she went to visit him before military service, still didn't get if it's confirmed or not). I guess DH saying he was her type during those 2011 interviews was also a hint to DW that she was grateful for what he was doing to her and that she still thought fondly of him. You know, during the years they were separated they acted like best friends caring for each other. I can't imagine now that they are together how they would act, probably 1000x more romantic and attentive towards their lover. GAAAAAAAH, talking about these two I feel like it's a drama I am speculating about.

Last but not last: I agree with everyone, no sightings of Wookie yesterday can only mean he was busy doing something else more fun with someone he loves... ;)
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LDW should put all new beautiful pictures in wedding dresses of LDH in his wallet! I saw LDW dancing in RM # 17. It's really fun but it looks like he is in love.

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class="titleNews" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px 0px 10px; border-width: 0px 0px 3px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: rgb(80, 80, 80); outline: 0px; font-weight: 400; font-size: 23px; font-family: arial, dotum, Helvetica, AppleGothic, tahoma, verdana, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 28px; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); text-shadow: white 1px 1px 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"Song Ga Yeon to Leave ′Roommates′

Song Ga Yeon will be leaving SBS′ Roommates

On August 27, Park Sang Hyuk PD of Roommates told Newsen, "Song Ga Yeon will be leavingRoommates. She wants to focus on her sport."

Song Ga Yeon to Leave ′Roommates′

With Song Ga Yeon′s exit from the program, which followed 2NE1′s Park Bom and Lee So Ra′s leaving, Room Number One will now be empty. 

Park Sang Hyuk PD continued, "There′s still some footage left, and their stories will air until mid-September."

With all the members of Room Number One out, new roommates will be moving in. Park Sang Hyuk PD stated, "We′ll be casting new female roommates. We haven′t decided anything yet." 

Meanwhile, Song Ga Yeon recently showed her debut as a MMA fighter on Roommates

Photo Credit: SBS


DAHAE!!! Wookie is slowly getting rid of the girls for you!!!!

Actually my wish is for wookie to get out of Room mate.. LOL 

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ok, i got some free time, helping our @Vix digging some more info on that code.

17th April was PC for Wookie's Mandate of Heaven and also the day she served IRIS 2 staff with chicken-and once again the secret code appeared on Mr Cupid

cherry4eva84 ^^ laid encounter yesterday that the staff had enough and split the chicken into delicious dwipulyi heartwarming news. 1004's also pretty ^ ^ * hath maneu positive labor news event ~~~ words today ... I came across late last inning bonbang shooter fan meet and get well! WINDH * ^ - ^ *

why suddenly I'm thinking Mr Cupid is actually Wookie-on his release day from military the tweet was highlighted, bigger in font size than any other tweets.

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•2012: DH relationship with her last ex/DH goind to US in this year? Wookie was probably with someone too since in 2013 he said his last relationship ended 6-7 months before? So probably this year was the "worst" for them in terms of being contact with each other even as friends.

--yes, based on her weibo, starting roughly Sept 2012, she sent many sad love messages.

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@cherry4eva84 ^^ 맑고 화창하지만 간만에 더운날이랍니다 ㅎ 오후에 진행중인 프로젝트 협찬 관련 업체에서 오기로해서 회사가 분주한 날이기도 하답니다 ㅎ 오늘 하루도 알차고 좋은 시간들이 이어지길 바란다죠 화링!!!*^^* So Dahae is still in LA? He mentioned about that place again Saguaro. He also said clear sunny hot day.

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It is all getting very interesting now... Mr Cupid nim is wookie. Wow... We really shouldn't let this news spread around, whether it is true or not, there might be a big jump of his followers. However, if it is wookie, how would he be located in Palm spring. Anyway. Whoever this mr Cupid nim is, we need the info. Just heard the news that the boxer lady will quit, I think roommates should be stopped too. I hope wookie can also quit because it takes too much work and time. He'd better to mc for other variety show. I just feel that he is no longer suitable to be in roommates.

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Regarding SGY's resignation.  I feel sad that the girls are leaving and I hope they won't cut RM.   I want DW to continue to be a host of some variety program, this is the only way that we get to meet and greet him every weekend.

He can reduce his screen time when he gets a drama to do.  

Honestly, I do feel that the show is boring sometimes and I do hope they can come up with a turnaround plan, I value the fact that RM takes us to see different aspects (I know it's scripted) of a teenage idol, and actor, a fighter, a supermodel, etc,  it certainly gives you more insight into you know just playing games... 

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@zeppy, just my sixth sense, feel like the tweet more from him.

but don't take it as real, maybe DH's former manager, or her sister in law, bc she said her sister in law monitors all the emails and other matter on behalf of her.

@human1981, maybe Wookie is in LA, taking a flight on Tuesday and back on Thursday morning to Hawaii and then to Seoul. If he never been to LA, I think more logic if he goes there instead of Dahae goes to Hawaii. There are more things to see in LA.

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samzz said:

@zeppy, just my sixth sense, feel like the tweet more from him.

but don't take it as real, maybe DH's former manager, or her sister in law, bc she said her sister in law monitors all the emails and other matter on behalf of her.

@human1981, maybe Wookie is in LA, taking a flight on Tuesday and back on Thursday morning to Hawaii and then to Seoul. If he never been to LA, I think more logic if he goes there instead of Dahae goes to Hawaii. There are more things to see in LA.

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