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[Official] _DONGHAE LEE DONG WOOK + LEE DA HAE | ChaMo lives on! :)


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Guest CristinaP

I love it, i like all the pictures. They really are a perfect match. You can see in dong wook eyes that he's very much in love with da hae. He can't take his eyes off her, his gestures wow i'm sure she is melting by the attention being given. She is inlove with him as well just look at her smile and her eyes. Wow, two lovebirds. All the best to the both of you .

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Guest MissM


difference between close view and distant view~~~~

Again.. something is fishy

I bet wookie must be whispered something to dahae.. tsk tsk tsk..

Could it be:

Wookie: lets hug till tomorrow.. saranghae.. saranghae.. saranghae..

Dahae: kkkkkkkkkkkk..

Me: muahahaha.. erm.. im gonna miss u both!!!! :(( :((

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Guest hiddenflea

lol agree. why LDH is all smiling like that when she's supposed to be crying :)) there must be some sort of whisperer on her ear :)

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Guest turquoiseblue

Rw5I4QN.jpgthanks @human1981 for posting all the lovely fan arts here :D this one captured my attention...their features and their face look so much alike or they complement each other a lot :D they say couples who look alike are past lovers in an alternate universe or in their past lives. they are drawn to each other and can't resist each other. 

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Guest bunnystr


difference between close view and distant view~~~~

The way Dada pat Wookie's back is just sooooo couple-ish, it's like giving your hubby or BF a hug after a loooong week without him, and I can see Wookie's fingers caressing Dada's body hahaha am I too delutional??? =))

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Guest turquoiseblue

SeGafanlady said: After HK end this weekend with a Spectacular Happy Ending (a MUST!) I sincerely hope Wookie and Cherry will start to walking towards their own happiness as well. Since I knew that he personally chosen her to be his partner in HK, I've always knew that their abruptly cut previous love is about to be given another chance.. It is something that both of them either can't deny nor reject.. because it's their fate. Just like their characters in HK.. their real love is just as beautiful and I wish them to be able to conquer the mean world and successfully step on the altar.. to achieve their goal.. live together happily ever after.... my shipper heart is invested 1000 percent for them both.....

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I am so happy that my 2nd ship has become a reality even though there is no formal announcement yet.  But do we need one?
I have actually watched a lot a lot of drama and this couple has THE strongest chemistry of all in drama and bts.  Every time they are together, there is always these unseen sparkles flying all over.  That's why I ship them right away.  One thing with DH is that when she's really happy or passionate about something, she can't really hide it.  It's all on her face.. LOL... It doesn't help her also when Wookie is such a handsome man.  Especially his profile look and fangirl killing eyes (lashes). The most important thing is that he truly takes care of DH in his unique way.  I will miss them very much after HK ends, but I am also very happy that it's a new beginning for them.  In Chinese ET industry, it's not unheard of to have couples star in the same project and still be popular.  I hope they'll be the first ones to break this silent norm in the K ET industry. 

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Guest JessicaTham



WHEW!!!! *fans self* DEYM!  That's one SIZZZLING HOTTTT fan art, AQ #:-S


it unleashes my pervy side again :-O


sorryyy to quote the pic bt i cant control....i was like oh my GAWD.... [¤_¤] {~_~} ♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♡♡ many kisses n hugs to the fan who created this awesome pic...love u :* :*

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Guest tinsky73

difference between close view and distant view~~~~

Wookie's hug is that soothing huh! It can make Mo Ne's tears disappear in seconds!

Who wouldn't be comforted by a super tight hug from your hunky boyfriend? Just look at how his hands are digging into her ribs. He's basically grabbing her! That's not a cinematic hug, wookie. Behave yourself! :))

And is this from the same scene where the infamous hickey was spotted on wookie? This is what happens when these two are apart for less than 2 days? :))

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Guest JessicaTham

hello chingus....as i hav told tht i will post my first fan fic here...plzzz read it..i dont know how to write fanfic bt i hav tried


Woo hyun held her hand in his hand and as she always did the same smiling

looking at Ah mo ne 's eyes and the same smile .. He was trying to

convince her to go with him to Paris

so the two could spent time together all alone, but Ah mo ne

was undecided , she had her life in

Seoul , she could not let all that she lived with cha jae wan , cha su an and others

and she did not want to leave her great love ,cha jae wan back even though

she thought he saw just like one of her

friend and it was seriously hurting

Ah mo ne who kept the look in her

eyes undecided

" I know woo hyun but I have a life here in

Seoul , and I have my friends my family.. "

Ah mo ne answered was cut by more than woo hyun let out a long sigh and

turned back to the same " I know we that

you have feelings for cha jae wan, because I

really noticed the way you looked at him even

when you are with me

but mo ne in my opinion I think he

just sees you as a friend .. I

know it's hard to believe this and let

the love of your life back , but you

need to raise your head and move on Mo ne

"woo hyun replied looking

into her deep eyes and mo ne looked

into his eyes intently

" I-I do not know .. Can I ask you

something ? " ah mo ne asked looking

at woo hyun and even just nodded dropping

her hand and placing his hands insides of the pockets of his black

pants who was extremely attached to

his body , he was trying to warm up

his hand , that could indeed be a

beautiful night , but she was extremely

cold and all the streets were wearing

coats " Sure mo ne ! " woo hyun said

smiling looking at ah mo ne"I need some time woo hyun just give me some

time , because a part of me wants to go with you, the more the other hand

wants to stay here with cha jae wan

. I ...I'm confused , "the

She answered

" You 'll have time to make the right

choice okay mo ne ? Let your heart

choose .. Well even if you decide to

stay in seoul , we will continue

being friends , but I think cha jae wan and

you remained friends .. " woo hyun replied

in a cold tone , she felt a tremendous pain in

her heart "Thanks woo hyun .. "Ah mo ne

replied rising flock the park in which

the two sat talking and woo hyun smiled

rising also " Everything is in my hour

Ah mo ne . " He smiled looking at his

wristwatch and Ah mo ne smiled corner

" So tomorrow I 'll give you the

answer right .. I'll meet you here at

the same time ? " Ah mo ne asked

looking at woo hyun who nodded as he

adjusted his brown coat and he pulled

away and before Ah mo ne could get a

sweet voice hoarse and called her ,

she recognized the voice and turned

faced with watching cha jae wan " cha jae wan what

are you doing here ? " Ah mo ne asked as he watched her walk down the

same " Well I was returning from work .. it was an important meeting with cha su aan and other staffs , so you say what are you doing here..again you did simething wrong

while watching her smile

which was the best " cha jae wan laughed

making Ah mo ne laugh and adore her cha jae wan gave a beautiful smile

Whenever jae wan tried to talk about his

feelings for her , the words just do not

come out and his tongue was tied ..Both were silent for a few seconds

and Ah mo ne broke the silence staring

at the stars and telling jae wan : "

Beautiful stars right? " Ah mo ne ..cha jae wan

asked looking at " Yes they are

incredibly beautiful, but maybe I'd rather you .. " cha jae wan said blushing

smile while doing Ah mo ne looked at

Jae wan " cha jae wan dont you think its too late to be here at night we should leave before we catch cold " They

laughed at the comment

with beautiful eyes and Cha jae wan smiled " Well

I'll walk you home mo ne.. " cha jae wan said

in a playful tone and Ah mo ne punched

him weak on his right shoulder and smiled .

" Thanks .. " Ah mo ne said, looking at

Jae wan as the two walked together " was

Woo hyun ? " cha jae wan asked in a serious tone

looking at ah mo ne who looked in her eyes that glowed with the light

of the full moon , he looked hurt , but at

the same time so calm with all that "Yes it was .. " Ah mo ne said, looking at cha jae wan ...let out a long sigh , she had

never thought what jae wan had against

Woo hyun , since most of the time he was

irritated to hear his name

" Ah mo ne you're a girl and I need to ask you

something .. Well I'm in love .. " cha jae wan

said ,

and little did he know that

Ah mo ne was about to end in tears , it

had made a hole in his heart " Y-yes .. " Ah mo ne stammered weakly

implying that he continued to tell his

phrase "I want to know tips on girls ..

" cha jae wan said totally embarrassed

" cha jae wan and i were near to my home

. So I need to go .. "

Ah mo ne gave a lame excuse to get out

before letting cha jae wan stopped in the

same place without intender what had

happened so she behaved that way, "

B-but .. " cha jae wan stammered seeing the

same entering in your home that was

extremely large , like a mansion, " I'll

never propose any girl ..its not possible for me i guess "cha jae wan said

putting his hand in his pockets as he

walked back to his house

Ah mo ne had thought very good about

going to Paris with woo hyun and she

already had a serious conversation

with her frnds and she had decided

to go with him .. In her mind she needed to stop thinking about cha jae wan,

by the way she thought he saw her only as a friend .. she finished packing her

bags and walked to the place where she and woo hyun were always spend time , and after

listening a few steps behind it , she turned around seeing woo hyun stopped

with a faint smile on his face " So you've decided on my proposal to you

Ah mo ne ? " woo hyun asked with his hands

in his pockets and Ah mo ne sighed "

Yes , woo hyun I will go with you to Paris ..

" Ah mo ne said and smiled relieved

Woo hyun

" Wow this is great ... I'm sorry cha jae wan , but I think this will be

good for you and Ah mo ne.. " woo hyun smiled

holding her hand " So when we are going to leave

for Paris? Bet you already bought our

passports .. " Ah mo ne said, trying to

cheer up with the idea that she was going to Paris , but in a way she

wanted to stay there in seoul because of

only cha ja wan, but she knew it would hurt him even more " Well our

tickets are scheduled for tomorrow at

9:00 in the morning and well I will

wait for you at the airport with the airline

" woo hyun smiled as he looked at Ah mo ne

who smiled corner over his thoughts

were far away

" Just as fast ? " Ah mo ne asked as he

stared at woo hyun he looked at his watch

again , he looked like he had an appointment " Yes . Those passages I bought yesterday the internet .. Well i

need to go .. I have to help my dad in his company .. " woo hyun said smiling "

Sometimes I think I should not travel with a thief out there .. " Ah mo ne

joked making woo hyun laugh, " You know

enough to know I would never do anything against you .. By the way I decided to drop everything .. " woo hyun

said looking at her

" Oh this is good .. Well I need to go

home to break the news to cha jae wan .. cha su an ..as My other friends

already know about it .. " Ah mo ne replied woo hyun

nodded smiling and looking at her and

kissed her cheek shaped farewell "

So .. Or even more better by

tomorrow .. " woo hyun smiled looking at

Ah mo ne smiled weakly as he went

walking to the home of cha jae wan and

arriving at it, sighed as she rang the

bell and cha su an appeared while talking to her frnd and she looked at her and

smiled for the same and huged her " plz come in to have a drink with us, " cha su an

said making room for Ah mo ne could

enter the door and Ah mo ne smiled

looking at that

" cha jae wan is here too . " cha su an

said turning her attention to the photo frame of jae wan and mo ne ..she said this is my fav photo ... made for eachother

Cha jae wan and Ah mo ne tried to look each other bt they ignore it

" cha jae wan , look I 'm sorry

for leaving you yesterday .. I was just stressed out one thing .. " Ah mo ne

said sitting next to cha jae wan who kept looking at her " okay ..

Ah mo ne said that we are goox friends and

our friendship will never end because

of a silly .... "she said and stopped

" i did not came here for drink

Ah mo ne said, looking at cha jae wan them cha su an said... " Oh no ? Then what

are you doing here Ah mo ne ? Is everything ok " cha jae wan was too thinking about what she was talking about

looking calm Ah mo ne " First of all I want to tell you that I love you

and you will always be my friends .. I just

wanted to say thank you , for the great

times you made me live for our fights

and our moments .. I love you .. It was

great to spend so much time with you

and discover new things .. jae wan i am

going to Paris with

Woo hyun , we will embark tomorrow, "

Ah mo ne said with teary eyes and

looked at cha su an and cha jae wan

At this point , cha jae wan felt as if his heart

had formed a hole , he dropped the cup he held in his hand , shattering into

many pieces of broken glass on the floor ..cha su an qas too shock to hear this ...and ah mo ne looked at cha jae wan , who

had red eyes " you can not do this ..

Ah mo ne Why ? " cha su an asked looking

at Ah mo ne who just watching her cha jae wan

cha su an too started crying.. " ah mo ne said as she

saw that cha jae wan stared at the floor in

silence as tears rolled down his face n he walked away..without saying a word

and stared Ah mo ne and when he reach the main door he wisper to himself

" ah mo ne - you can not do it ..

How will i live without you ? Everything will

be just memories and nothing more ..

" cha jae wan wiped away his tears as he

looked at Ah mo ne...her face was feeling Sorry ,

but not anything that will wake her

change her opnion .. " Ah mo ne replied

" So a hug goodbye ? Even if we will

we say goodbye to you in the airport ..

" cha su an said and she and Ah mo ne

embraced "I 'll miss you .. " cha su an

Smiled, trying not to cry , she knew

what was being very difficult indeed to

Cha jae wan she knew cha jae wan loved ah mo ne"

Cha jae wan ? " Ah mo ne said , and in one

swift motion cha jae wan hugged amid sobs

and cha jae wan sighed looking at them

" Well you will say goodbye at the

airport ..will you not ? " Ah mo ne asked

looking at cha jae wan and cha su an nodded ,

and it was late and she needed to go, "

Y-yes we will be Ah mo ne.. " cha jae wan

said trying not to maintain contact with her eyes..coz she understands him very well...

I need to go .. " Ah mo ne said and walked away ...leaving cha jae wan all alone

crying and cha sun console her brother n she also cried with him...he was like her brother , "You should

have stopped her hyun , and tell her how much u loved her

he loved her jae .. " cha sun an said

consoling her brother who had tears in his eyes...

a tear escape from his face " Yes I need to be alone " cha jae wan said walking

up the stairs

" Well I think that I will .. " cha su an said but she knew that this time he want to be alone so she left him like that

as she walked away .. Meanwhile cha jae wan

was in his room he was crying n blaming himself that he has no courage to speak n tell how much he love his girl..

it had to be that way ? " cha jae wan said as

he looked at his phone which had their selcas

of Ah mo ne n jae wan together and it seems when the

two took together in a filmshoot hotel king....cha su an , ah mo ne and he always

were doing together .. the tears in his eyes.. he wiped

the same .. Meanwhile Ah mo ne cried ,

the more she felt she had to forget

Cha jae wan " We 're just friends and I know

that it is only in this way that cha jae wan

seen me .. " ah mo ne thought as she

hugged the teddy bear on the swing that cha jae wan had

given her on her birthday , it was a

huge pink bear holding a heart that

says ' You're special to me ' , and so

she continued hugging her bear as he

thought and soon after a time she fell

asleep .

The next morning .. Ah mo ne was at the

airport with her friends ,

Cha su an was there, but not cha jae wan ..

Ah mo ne was assuming that cha jae wan

would not come say goodbye to her in

fact it was almost time to embark ..

Meanwhile ,cha jae wan was awake and

looked at the clock , marked 20

minutes so that the flight would leave

Ah mo ne and at the same moment he

despaired and put some clothes and

walked to a drawer , taking the blue

box aveludade where alliances had

committed them .. he would not let his

girl go like this

what woo hyun had become for her...cha jae wan where are you going in

such a hurry ? " his omma asked r

" my girl should not leave without at least

she know that I loved her first .. "cha jae wan said running while picking up

her coat ignored his mothers question when he

yelled her name her omma was soo happy for both of them and cha jae wan continued

running ...bt unfortunately his car didnt start ..he was feeling like he is going to loose the love of his life

A taxi stopped in front of him and he

entered therein, seeing that her flight

was about and down " Please go to the

airport as fast as possible .. " cha jae wan

said as he put his seatbelt and looked

at his phone, seeing that there were

several calls cha su an and Ah mo ne on

your phone .. The traffic was hell , he

would lose to tell Ah mo ne about his

feelings .. He payed the money to the

driver as he ran through the cars ..

Ah mo ne looked on her phone again and again

five minutes for her to embark " He ..will not come? " Ah mo ne asked ,

looking disappointed that cha su an just did not know what to say , Ah mo ne

had been crying all night and that was

why his eyes are red " Well we need

to go Ah mo ne .. " woo hyun said as he

picked up his bags and held passports

while Ah mo ne nodded sad

" Okay .. I think it is .. " Ah mo ne said

saying goodbye to her best friends

with a hug and so with all other

people , the more she wanted to just

hug cha jae wan , woo hyun smiled weakly as the

two walked until she heard a voice

call her name she turned looking at cha jae wan...he ran to her the and huged her tightly as he can

she returned the hug smiling happy

that he had come "I could not let you go .. Hey Ah mo ne I have something to

say ..I ....I 'm in love with you since the day i have seen you

Ah mo ne . I love you

so much that I am not able to do anything

for you .. I love your smile ,nose..eyes.. I love the

way your hair falls right .. I love it

when you look at me and smile , I love

every little thing about you .. " cha jae wan

stopped breathing heavily as a crowd

formed looking at the couple " I almost

freaked when I saw that I might not

have the chance to be here looking at

you and saying about my feelings .. I

remember when we talked for the first

time and you said that their

was something interesting about me ..

I LOVE YOU AH MO NE AH! and not many

words to describe all the good things

that exist in you .. "cha jae wan knelt in front

of Ah mo ne looking at the same he had

his eyes teary " You accept to be my Princess Ah mo ne ? " cha jae wan

asked the showing the mist elegant ring and

Ah mo ne sighed

" Of course I accepted my cha jae wan.. " i tooo loved you like hell but i thought u never loved me ...i thought u always see me as ur friend

Ah mo ne smiled jae wan put the

ring on her finger and commitment WILL YOU MARRY ME??

Woo hyun smiled looking at them " Well be

happy .. " woo hyun smiled clapping with

the others who clapped

Ah mo ne was speechless at that time..she felt that she was dreaming...she was crying ..though it was a happy tear.. as cha jae wan

stood smiling as he pullef Ah mo ne and he

grabbed at her waist feeling the same

put her arms around his neck .. He put

his lips on her lips it was a passionate one, as he felt Ah mo ne playing

with his hairs and she return the kiss ...it was too long

They deepen the kiss , "I love you cha jae wan...i love u a lotttttt

" Amanda smiled "

I love you mo ne ah...

Thay was the best and most memirable moment for them....cha su an was smiling...finally cha jae wan spoken.... the trio huged n they smiled at each other and cha sun an congratulate them for their new begining...they both lived happily.. and after 3 years they have their twins :) :)


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Guest turquoiseblue

credit to owner (from HK thread)
2nd gif, wookie wanted that kiss so bad ahahahaha :)) he really didnt care if hae sook was in the middle, our boy was going in for the kill!but he just missed by a millisecond so hae sook won the trolling again hahaha :))
but wookie doesnt look like he will back down easily... im sure he got his kiss and more after this scene was filmed =P~

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Guest turquoiseblue

another beautiful Chamo MV from @p1n6an2012 :x  thanks girl! you make the best MVs  >:D<
id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); overflow: hidden; font-family: arial, sans-serif; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-size: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-position: initial; background-repeat: initial;"► Jaewan ✕ Mone || "Will you marry me?"

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Guest turquoiseblue

@ranxie ive staring at your gifs for a while now...omg i think im hypnotized @-) @-)
waaaaaaah what is wrong with me... :(( :((tumblr_metjxu0xuy1ro2d43.gif

=)) =))

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Guest turquoiseblue

ldh_ldw_2.gif?w=500&h=430ok this hug is more comforting and less intense...like two close friends with mutual attraction :D

this hug is a bit more endearing...she starts feeling comfortable and even enjoying it :D
another comfort hug...not that close yet but close enough to make each other feel giddy inside :D dahae trying to look cool coz people are looking at them ;)
ok i know this one is part of the drama but I have to include it coz they always put personal touches in all their romantic scenes :D this hug I should say is the beginning of loving welcoming hugs of DongHae...they start to hug tighter and more openly... :x

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Guest turquoiseblue

o wow! what a big difference here :D this hug is like two people in love :x
this is the epic aasdfjsafakfaffh hug! maximum chemistry reached! THIS HUG IS ON FIRE!!  need I say more? *fans self again*
oh my....what can i say? this hug almost killed me! :)) mother of all cuteness hug..grandest display of love and affection from wookie :x

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Guest turquoiseblue

awwww...this sweet hug is taking ownership and telling everyone "he's MINE" \m/

this hug is so special...omg this is like "old couple" hug, like I want us to do this for the rest of our lives kind of hugging :x :x :x
awwwww... AND THEY LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER...THE END :D...did I miss anything? :))

thanks to all the owners of the gifs and pictures ^:)^ ^:)^

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