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[OFFICIAL]✩Jang Wooyoung♥Park Se Young✩[THE YY NATION]


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Chapter Twenty Five

I’ve never been so frightened in my life when Seyoung wasn’t answering me on the phone. Hyung droved as fast as he could when he sensed something was wrong. I called 119 . The security opened Seyoung’s apartment and found her collapsed on the couch. I immediately scooped her up and ran towards the elevator, Ambulance just pulled in. She was rushed to the nearest hospital and regained consciousness when we got to the Emergency Room.

“Wooyoung-ah. Our baby, please save our baby!” Seyoung said in tears holding on to me, frightened.

“Shhh. You and our baby will be fine.” I whispered to her. Doctors and Nurses immediately hooked her into a heart monitor, putting intravenous lines and took bloods from her arm. Seyoung wouldn’t let go of my hand so they allowed me to stay next to her while the doctor and his team was examining her. An ultrasound machine and another type of equipment was brought in to monitor the baby’s heartbeat. It was about a couple hours later when we were reassured that all was fine, especially the baby.

“Has your wife been in a lot of stress lately?” The doctor asked me in private when Seyoung was transferred to a room. I told him none that I’m aware of. “Some pregnant women may not take stress very easily. They may not express it in words and don’t realize it passes on to the baby and feels it. She needs to stay here for at least couple of days to monitor and for your wife to rest. Look after your wife and your son.”

“Son?” My eyes grew big when I heard what the doctor said.

“Yes. You are having a boy.” The doctor confirmed. He shook my hand and left.

I went back to the room and sat on the chair next to my wife. Looking at her up close, I noticed how pretty Seyoung is. Her sleeping form similar to that of a princess from a fairy tale. Her beautiful cheek bones, her well shaped lips. She is perfection. I reached and held her hand with mine, and kissed it.

“Wooyoung-ah.” Seyoung said, opening her eyes.

“I’m here.” I moved the chair closer to the bed. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m sorry I scared you.” Seyoung said. A single tear fell from the corner of her eye.

“Not more scared than you must have been for the baby.” I told her, gently wiping away the tear.

“I thought I was going to lose our baby.” Seyoung said now sobbing.

I leaned forward to kiss her on the lips. Then sat on the edge of the bed, but Seyoung moved to make room for me, patting the bed asking me to lie down next to her. I draw Seyoung in my arms and rested her head on my shoulder, holding her really close afraid if I let go, she will break.

“Thank you for being safe. I’m sorry if I wasn’t giving you the attention and just left you to carry the burden.” I said to her. Seyoung moved her hand, laid it on my chest. She looked at me with her tear stained eyes.

Anih. It wasn’t your fault. It was all me.” Seyoung replied. “In that moment of fear, all I could think was you. All I needed was you.”

“I’m glad you called me when you did. I got worried when I couldn’t reach you after you left my office this morning.” I said.

“I’m sorry if I got you worried.” Seyoung replied. “Who was the lady that came to see you the other day.” Seyoung asked.

“Her name is Emily. A daughter of one of Dad’s business associates.” I answered. “I saw you in the elevator. Did you want to see me over something?” Seyoung only shook her head then turned, her back now facing me.

“Did I say something wrong?” I asked. Then I figured it out. “I can explain. I will tell you everything.” Seyoung didn’t move. “Please?” I begged. Seyoung moved again, turning to face me.

“Emily came to see me about a business proposal, which Dad wanted me to personally review. It doesn’t really give us much from a business perspective. The company which Emily’s father own thought her coming to see me personally will cover up for the subtle shortfalls of their proposal. It was business strategy on their part hoping the company would take the bait.” I explained. ”We had dinner a couple of times, but that was it. I was very honest towards Emily that I wasn’t interested. I swear.”

“You rejected the proposal?” Seyoung asked.

“Yes. And for the last time, Emily.” I said. “Are you not tired?” Reaching out to move strands of hair covering her eyes.

“I am.” Seyoung replied.

“Let me get up so you’ll be comfortable.” Seyoung stopped me, holding on to my shirt. “No?”

“Stay.” Seyoung asked. I looked straight to her eyes. Those big beautiful eyes that only sees me at this very moment. I then leaned forward to kiss Seyoung again. I miss the taste of her. When she kissed me back, it felt different. It was pure love.

“Park Seyoung.” I said when the kiss ended, lifting her chin to look at me. “Saranghae.”

“What did you say?” Seyoung asked in surprise, looking back at me.

“I said I love you. I’m sorry if it took me a while to realize it. But I do. I am in love with you.” I said to her again.”Say something.”

“Are you sure?” Seyoung asked.

“You are supposed to say ‘I love you too’ if someone tells you he loves you.” I said, half- laughing.

“You do?” She asked again. Seyoung is beginning to scare me now.

“I am in love with you, Park Seyoung.” I said it again with more conviction.”I’m so stupid. Something like this had to happen for me to realize how much you....”

“I love you too. I really do.” Seyoung put her index finger to my lips to shut me up. I gave out a sigh of relief.

“I thought you were never going to say it.” I told her. Seyoung smiled and snuggled closer to me. “When you leave the hospital, you are going home with me. I am not letting you out of my sight and from my arms again.”

“You’re the boss.” Seyoung replied. I gave her a kiss before drawing her closer to me. Seyoung fell asleep shortly in the safety of my arms.



6 hours ago, Gerry58 said:

The MF fans are complimenting sy on her dressing- she has great taste 

I couldn't fault Seyoung's wardrobe in Money Flower...if it wasn't freezing cold in Seoul at the moment, I wish her skirts are shorter. But hey, the skirts fits her well.

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@Gerry58 Lucky she has great stylist in her company. She dresses really well in all her appearances. 


@standingtallyy I miss those those when she's wearing shorts or skirts hehhee. 


WY's Korean comeback!!!!!!!! 


The song title though " “When We Break Up” (literal translation). 


His Japanese album had a sad/break up theme.  Now it's the same for his Korean album. He can't definitely moved on hehehe. 




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@standingtallyy- thanks for the fanfic. Think this year Korea especially cold so sy got to wear long skirt. Such a pity we can't see her slim legs :D

@chic-chic- wow wy certainly working hard. Another mini album plus concerts. Ya go and make more money so he can get married early. Another sad song? Well if it sells well, should be ok

2pm look cute together esp wy 

Sy's handbag 

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@Gerry58 That may be the case since he will be enlisting soon. The article I saw took the literal translation hehehe. 


Taec's promoting Wy's album even in military hehehe. He tweeted “Please do not step on snow with your bare foot” hahaha. 


Also it's great SY is promoting Oull. Many will buy the products since she has great skin hehehe. 


There is no news if SY will attend any year end awards? 

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Some screencaps for 2PM Season's greetings DVD WY's part


cr taecme, egle0702, ssung_0430


WY brought the sofa/chair from Busan that he had since he was 9yrs old. He was able to fit his body inside but now he became too big for. It was the sofa/chair where he said “I’m going to be the best singer!”




"I don't think I ever thought of showing my home. When I think why I did it...somehow... From fans' perspective, I thought they might be curious about where I stay, where I live, so showing that might also be a small present to them. Hence I did it."























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@chic-chic- thanks. Glad they celebrated Taec's birthday. The cake is cute for a 30 year old guy.

Wow, wy got lots of stuff. Saw he  keeps lots of decorative items incl stuffy toys. Very unusual for a guy. He seems sentimental to keep the sofa too. Wonder who clean his house, very neat. 

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@Gerry58 Jun K selected the cake hehehe. It's possible WY do the cleaning himself since he's the neatest among all of them hehehe. HE loves cleaning hahaha.  If he's busy an Ajumma probably comes to his house like what the rich people do there hehe. 


I want to see his collections of stuffed animals. It's possible he kept one from WGM hehehe.





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4 hours ago, chic-chic said:

@Gerry58 Jun K selected the cake hehehe. It's possible WY do the cleaning himself since he's the neatest among all of them hehehe. HE loves cleaning hahaha.  If he's busy an Ajumma probably comes to his house like what the rich people do there hehe. 


I want to see his collections of stuffed animals. It's possible he kept one from WGM hehehe.





I saw the huge leopard and I am sure he has lots more, maybe from that toy shop. The house is big for a single person. 

Read about Jh nominated, hopefully sy will attend both mbc and sbs awards, at least one

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