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[Drama 2014] Beyond the Clouds / 태양은 가득히


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Guys.... This is my second MV.  I initially had no plans to make another MV but too many beautiful scenes in the last two episodes. Missing SR and YW already. I still do not want to let them lost and be forgotten.
This mv is for all of you guys. Please enjoy..

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Guest weirdHarmony

This drama was just soooo hauntingly beautiful! the storyline was cliche YET on another level! and the leading actor's and actress' ( especially yoon kye sang's) acting can only be described as exellent! no more words to say..honestly , i'm so speechless

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Guest melissa0

I marathoned this drama in just two days. One word, AMAZING. I've watched dozens of melodramas before, revenge in particular and I can't say this one had a unique or different plot but everything together from the acting, writing, directing and the spectacular chemistry between the leads pulled it all together and produced a great piece of work. Nice to see them all happy at the wrap up party.

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Guest amyR055

Thanks @rome_jyap for the wrap up party video. Luckily the drama is only 16 episode if it was longer I think our Sero/Yoon Kye Sang will really fall in love with our beautiful and cheerful Han Ji Hye. I really love her smile and the way she laughs really brighten the room. Her husband must be the envy of lots and lots of men out there. She looks like a fun girl to hang around with. And her looks is really the best at this moment.

This is the article as promise but I'm really sorry because I agreed to do something that really out of my ability. Hopefully you guys can make sense of my translation.

[드라마리포트] ‘태양은가득히’ 아쉬운 종영, 왜 시청자 사로잡지 못했나

[Drama Report] 'The Full Sun' unfortunate rating, why it cannot capture national TV viewers?

[TV리포트 = 이혜미의 드라마리포트] 드라마 ‘태양은 가득히’가 애국가 시청률이라는 시련에도 완주에 성공했다.

[TV Report= Drama TV Report I Hye Miu]
2~3%의 시청률. 역대 최저 시청률 3위라는 기록으로 일찌감치 이 드라마가 지향한 건 반등이 아닌 완주였다고 봐도 과언이 아니다. 하지만 ‘태양은 가득히’는 묵묵한 항해로 결승선을 통과했다.
Rating between 2-3% is the lowest rating recorded among the 3 earlier drama broadcasted however the drama quietly navigated into the finish line.

나름의 공은 들였다. 현 제왕 ‘기황후’가 결방한 틈을 타 이 드라마는 2회 연속 편성이라는 승부수를 던졌다. 검은 권력에 의해 한 청년의 인생이 바뀌는 과정을 2회에 걸쳐 빠른 터치로 전개, 올림픽 특수를 극대화하려 했다.
This paragraph about Empress Ki the leading drama. _ I'm not going to elaborate since it's about an organization SeungBu Su something.
Not sure about this too. It's something about black power ( I assumed the corrupt power) and  a young man life changes 2 times and something about to maximize the Olympic. - maybe about drama special.
* I don't think I make sense here .  Sorry

그러나 역효과였다. 전작 ‘총리와 나’의 시청률도 흡수하지 못했으며 그렇다 해서 주 타깃 층인 3·40대에게 강렬한 인상을 남겼느냐 하면 그것도 ‘아니올시다’였다. 결국 ‘태양은 가득히’는 애국가 시청률이 버거울 정도로 가라앉았고 나아가 경쟁작들에게 날개를 달아준 셈이 됐다.
However even the followers for Drama' Prime Minister and I' could not be absorbed even there is no doubt it left a strong impression. Finally.the full sun rating was about to take seat along the competition to 'shem dalajun wings'.  - Korean Idiom maybe?

그렇다면 부진의 이유는 과연 뭘까. 드라마와 함께 완주한 시청자의 공통된 감상이라면 ‘태양은 가득히’가 2%의 시청률이 무색하게 꽤나 짜임새 있는 전개를 선보였다는 것이다.
Guess what is the reason for the poor rating?
TV viewers with a common appreciation would complete the Full Sun drama. The 2% rating really overshadowed the creative juice developed that was showcased.

결국 골자는 청년의 복수다. 암투와 비극적 로맨스를 더한 정석 정통극이 바로 ‘태양은 가득히’다. 여기에 드라마는 하나를 더했다. 두 주인공이 일그러진 부정에 휘둘렸다는 결론에 다다르며 선악구도를 일부 붕괴시키고 깜짝 반전을 줬다. 이는 강재(조진웅)의 변심에 설득력을 부여하며 그를 한층 입체적인 캐릭터로 거듭나게 했다.
This drama was eventually about a youth revenge and a tragic romance. Added about two head  of family twisted fate  and the composition of good and evil concluded in surprising way. Then Gang Jae's infidelity/change of mind character giving him a 3 dimensional character.

그러나 그게 전부였다. 이 과정에서 ‘태양은 가득히’가 노출한 건 타이밍의 문제였다. 누가 뭐래도 정통극의 매력은 선악구도에서 오는 갈등과 마지막 카타르시스에 있다. 그런데 이 드라마엔 갈등만 남았을 뿐 강한 한방이 없었다. 초반부 세로(윤계상)로 하여금 영원(한지혜)에 대한 오해를 풀고 로맨스를 진전시킨 파격적인 선택이 결국 독이 됐다. 여기에 한방이 터졌어야 할 시점에서 뜬금없이 그려진 강재의 배신은 일순 대립구도를 바꾸며 이제껏 끌고 왔던 긴장감을 물거품으로 만들었다.
However this drama has timing problem for the exposure. Who apparently has conflicts in the composition of good and evil.
The emotional outpouring of the characters. However, this drama only conflict remain without strong medicine(or conclusion?).
In the beginning, Sero caused YW to misunderstand and the misunderstanding can undone the romance that was progressing exceptionally and becoming toxic. Gang Jae's betrayal escalates the tension.

상황이 이렇다 보니 애틋하게 묘사되어야 할 강재와 재인(김유리)의 로맨스 역시 힘을 얻지 못한 바. 암투극의 핵심인물로 양면성을 지닌 영준(손호준)의 캐릭터까지도 애매해졌다. 세로와 영원의 로맨스가 공감을 사지 못한 상황에서 영준이 반전카드가 되어야 했지만 또 다른 갈등구도의 난립으로 역할 자체가 축소됐다. 결국 남은 건 절정 없이 반복되는 갈등과 진전 없는 스토리 뿐. 또 아쉬움이 남았다.
This one later - haven't finish yet.
이혜미 기자 gpai@tvreport.co.kr/사진 = KBS2 ‘태양은 가득히’ 화면 캡처

Copyright ⓒ TV리포트(tvreport.co.kr), 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지

[TV리포트 뉴스스탠드 바로가기] [TV리포트 모바일 웹 바로가기]

Hopefully it makes sense.

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emily71 said: Thanks @rome_jyap for the wrap up party video. Luckily the drama is only 16 episode if it was longer I think our Sero/Yoon Kye Sang will really fall in love with our beautiful and cheerful Han Ji Hye. I really love her smile and the way she laughs really brighten the room. Her husband must be the envy of lots and lots of men out there. She looks like a fun girl to hang around with. And her looks is really the best at this moment.

This is the article as promise but I'm really sorry because I agreed to do something that really out of my ability. Hopefully you guys can make sense of my translation.

[드라마리포트] ‘태양은가득히’ 아쉬운 종영, 왜 시청자 사로잡지 못했나

[Drama Report] 'The Full Sun' unfortunate rating, why it cannot capture national TV viewers?

[TV리포트 = 이혜미의 드라마리포트] 드라마 ‘태양은 가득히’가 애국가 시청률이라는 시련에도 완주에 성공했다.

[TV Report= Drama TV Report I Hye Miu]
2~3%의 시청률. 역대 최저 시청률 3위라는 기록으로 일찌감치 이 드라마가 지향한 건 반등이 아닌 완주였다고 봐도 과언이 아니다. 하지만 ‘태양은 가득히’는 묵묵한 항해로 결승선을 통과했다.
Rating between 2-3% is the lowest rating recorded among the 3 earlier drama broadcasted however the drama quietly navigated into the finish line.

나름의 공은 들였다. 현 제왕 ‘기황후’가 결방한 틈을 타 이 드라마는 2회 연속 편성이라는 승부수를 던졌다. 검은 권력에 의해 한 청년의 인생이 바뀌는 과정을 2회에 걸쳐 빠른 터치로 전개, 올림픽 특수를 극대화하려 했다.
This paragraph about Empress Ki the leading drama. _ I'm not going to elaborate since it's about an organization SeungBu Su something.
Not sure about this too. It's something about black power ( I assumed the corrupt power) and  a young man life changes 2 times and something about to maximize the Olympic. - maybe about drama special.
* I don't think I make sense here .  Sorry

그러나 역효과였다. 전작 ‘총리와 나’의 시청률도 흡수하지 못했으며 그렇다 해서 주 타깃 층인 3·40대에게 강렬한 인상을 남겼느냐 하면 그것도 ‘아니올시다’였다. 결국 ‘태양은 가득히’는 애국가 시청률이 버거울 정도로 가라앉았고 나아가 경쟁작들에게 날개를 달아준 셈이 됐다.
However even the followers for Drama' Prime Minister and I' could not be absorbed even there is no doubt it left a strong impression. Finally.the full sun rating was about to take seat along the competition to 'shem dalajun wings'.  - Korean Idiom maybe?

그렇다면 부진의 이유는 과연 뭘까. 드라마와 함께 완주한 시청자의 공통된 감상이라면 ‘태양은 가득히’가 2%의 시청률이 무색하게 꽤나 짜임새 있는 전개를 선보였다는 것이다.
Guess what is the reason for the poor rating?
TV viewers with a common appreciation would complete the Full Sun drama. The 2% rating really overshadowed the creative juice developed that was showcased.

결국 골자는 청년의 복수다. 암투와 비극적 로맨스를 더한 정석 정통극이 바로 ‘태양은 가득히’다. 여기에 드라마는 하나를 더했다. 두 주인공이 일그러진 부정에 휘둘렸다는 결론에 다다르며 선악구도를 일부 붕괴시키고 깜짝 반전을 줬다. 이는 강재(조진웅)의 변심에 설득력을 부여하며 그를 한층 입체적인 캐릭터로 거듭나게 했다.
This drama was eventually about a youth revenge and a tragic romance. Added about two head  of family twisted fate  and the composition of good and evil concluded in surprising way. Then Gang Jae's infidelity/change of mind character giving him a 3 dimensional character.

그러나 그게 전부였다. 이 과정에서 ‘태양은 가득히’가 노출한 건 타이밍의 문제였다. 누가 뭐래도 정통극의 매력은 선악구도에서 오는 갈등과 마지막 카타르시스에 있다. 그런데 이 드라마엔 갈등만 남았을 뿐 강한 한방이 없었다. 초반부 세로(윤계상)로 하여금 영원(한지혜)에 대한 오해를 풀고 로맨스를 진전시킨 파격적인 선택이 결국 독이 됐다. 여기에 한방이 터졌어야 할 시점에서 뜬금없이 그려진 강재의 배신은 일순 대립구도를 바꾸며 이제껏 끌고 왔던 긴장감을 물거품으로 만들었다.
However this drama has timing problem for the exposure. Who apparently has conflicts in the composition of good and evil.
The emotional outpouring of the characters. However, this drama only conflict remain without strong medicine(or conclusion?).
In the beginning, Sero caused YW to misunderstand and the misunderstanding can undone the romance that was progressing exceptionally and becoming toxic. Gang Jae's betrayal escalates the tension.

상황이 이렇다 보니 애틋하게 묘사되어야 할 강재와 재인(김유리)의 로맨스 역시 힘을 얻지 못한 바. 암투극의 핵심인물로 양면성을 지닌 영준(손호준)의 캐릭터까지도 애매해졌다. 세로와 영원의 로맨스가 공감을 사지 못한 상황에서 영준이 반전카드가 되어야 했지만 또 다른 갈등구도의 난립으로 역할 자체가 축소됐다. 결국 남은 건 절정 없이 반복되는 갈등과 진전 없는 스토리 뿐. 또 아쉬움이 남았다.
This one later - haven't finish yet.
이혜미 기자 gpai@tvreport.co.kr/사진 = KBS2 ‘태양은 가득히’ 화면 캡처

Copyright ⓒ TV리포트(tvreport.co.kr), 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지

[TV리포트 뉴스스탠드 바로가기] [TV리포트 모바일 웹 바로가기]

Hopefully it makes sense.

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Guest amyR055

I was re watching  all the episodes and realized that in this drama all the things that they tried really hard to avoid such as in Han Taeo's case. He would rather kill Ujin than letting him get married to his daughter and exposed the paper company but then in the end his daughter YW still ended in love with a guy who destroyed his company - Sero. It's must be  Han Taeo's destiny to be destroyed by the man that loved by his daughter. Because in a twisted way he is betrayed by the only person that he really cares - his daughter.

In Sero's case. He wanted to avoid using YW to destroyed Han Taeo but in the end YW really did everything he tried so hard to avoid. Life is kind of funny in that way

It was quite depressing reading  articles about rating for this drama. I normally didn't care about ratings coz I chose what drama I wanted to watch not because of its popularity. But for this drama, I felt it deserved much more attention from the Korean  viewers - I believe the international viewers appreciated the drama better.

But looking at the wrap up party, I was so happy to see that all of them laughing joking and having so much fun. I believed all of them gave all their best for this drama and by doing that they were happy and satisfied with the drama minus the ratings.

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emily71 said:

I was re watching the all episodes and realized that in this drama all the things that they tried really hard to avoid such as in Han Taeo's case. He would rather kill Ujin than letting him get married to his daughter and exposed the paper company but then in the end his daughter YW still ended in love with a guy who destroyed his company - Sero. It's must be  Han Taeo's destiny to be destroyed by the man that loved by his daughter. Because in a twisted way he is betrayed by the only person that he really cares - her daughter.

In Sero's case. He wanted to avoid using YW to destroyed Han Taeo but in the end YW really did everything he tried so hard to avoid. Life is kind of funny in that way

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Guest amyR055


Agreed. I really hate the cliche ending of the bad person after destroying so many life become this smiling figure and everybody being so understanding with his/her evilness. Everything is forgiven and implying it's ok you can be as bad as you want, destroyed as many life as you need for your own greed coz in the end everything will be alright. Life must go on.

This drama is very eye opening because we have a daughter who said and did the right things just like YW said if she wanted to be a good daughter then she had to be a bad person. How many drama we have people tried to bury the truth just because the one that doing bad things is person close to them. It's like it is ok for you to do bad things because I know you - deep inside you're a good person. IMO they are just encouraging the bad person to continue to the bad things.
Ohh I watched Hotel King ep 4. YW and Lee Dae Hae wore the same outfit complete with the same handbag. The dress/ coat  with the flowers detail YW wore when Sero took her to his hideout. Look really nice on both of them.

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Guest eeldeerlove

Hello sunners! Today is Monday and I'm not yet over with BTC. I miss that feeling of excitement during Mon-Tue because you're anticipating for the teasers of BTC. and of course, I miss our OTP. They deserve a break after months of hectic filming schedule. :)

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Guest ismalindaishak

Hello sunners! Today is Monday and I'm not yet over with BTC. I miss that feeling of excitement during Mon-Tue because you're anticipating for the teasers of BTC. and of course, I miss our OTP. They deserve a break after months of hectic filming schedule.


Me too...Sero & Young Won love just too great i still can't get over it...So much LOVE!!Hmmmmm......

:x :x :x :x :x

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Guest amyR055

I was bored and then found this story One Perfect Day starring our Sero and Park Shin Hye. I was laughing hard while watching it because KSY character really looked like  Sero the flower delivery boy  pre Thai tragedy before meeting our YW. The goofy look, the naivety and everything. You could imagine and had a glimpse of Sero  before the tragedy started.

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Guest united06

Episode 15 graphics ~



CREDIT: DarkSmurfSub GFX team

English subtitles are now available at DarkSmurfSubs~! ♥

Full Sun English Subtitles is a Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/8122-full-sun-2014/
Please visit the link above for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!
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Guest united06

Episode 16 END graphics ~



CREDIT: DarkSmurfSub GFX team

English subtitles are now available at DarkSmurfSubs~! ♥

Full Sun English Subtitles is a Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

URL: http://www.darksmurfsub.com/forum/index.php?/topic/8122-full-sun-2014/
Please visit the link above for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!
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Guest ismalindaishak

This is such a good drama. It is just sad that it is so underrated.


Same here...but we still loved this drama so much...Maybe they'll watch it later..U know what..This Empress Ki is unbeatable...even the drama i'm eagerly wait.Doctor Stranger.. postponed to 5 May...i just loved the leading male...he played the lead roles in I Hear Your Voice...Super love him...

:x :x :x

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