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[Variety] Happy Sunday -1 Night, 2 Days (1박 2일) S3 :KBS 1N2D S3 MISS ALL MEMBER -STAFF EXCEPT JY :PAGE 447 END MARCH 2019

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@traveljunkie84true lol...place with girls group is like going to heaven for him..if you wanna see him at the peak of his happiness just throw him into room full of girl groups though his wife might wanna high kick him lmao.well Gutaeng hyung is another one i remember he sneak in to be in the team going to Music Bank just to meat the girls same with when he on crutches he willing to go up and down those stairs just to find the girl group..seriously actors sure love idols

Bal-ri ep is awesome and brilliant from beginning till end from that moment the beach guard throw his choco pie lmao..hahaha who can forget the legendary Junho calling his drunk sister, their mom must be facepalming watching that part lol

haha didn't they try to used that genius photoshoot of Jongmin for the chat room dp lol...

seriously Bal-ri trip is pure gold and would be my top recommendation for new fan to watch if they wanna see older ep...well there so many great ep to pick like their 1st anniversary trip, the Seoul special, university special, trip to family even going to KJM dad's grave and so on..even the ep where they get closer and closer to north Korea and they doing the hilarious 10yrs letter where Gutaeng automatically in his 70s forever single such mean dongsaeng and i keep repeating Junho epic letter

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16 minutes ago, traveljunkie84 said:

During the Bal-ri trip, was that the birth of their dolphin swimming?

yes that is the moment of birth for the dolphin swimming..i think last time they did it on Gutaeng last ep at the mud field lol i seriously missed those dorks moment where even staff wondering wth are they doing lol

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On 11/5/2016 at 8:13 PM, salz said:
3 hours ago, traveljunkie84 said:

And the way they keep on bringing Joo Hyuk's name and JJY's sudden presence in the chat room made me so emotional.  I really want to see them again on the show.  Hopefully, they can do a special on their 3rd year anniversary, just like what the TROS did- bringing the old casts just for their anniversary.  And I am crossing my fingers that JJY will appear next month.  Yay!


Yes!!! Hopefully Donggu won't feel a bit out of place :) if Gutaeng Hyung drops by in an episode. Happy to have JJY mentioned in appearing albeit in a chat room in the latest ep! I feel positive he'll be back by Dec or at least in time for the 3rd anniversary shoot. 

Junho bringing up that picture of barechested Jongmin from the photoshoot taken in the Bal-ri episode was hilarious!  

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@salz: Yep also the trip on where they wrote their predictions for other members was so funny! I really laughed out loud when Jun Hoo said that Jong Min was mentally challenged after they hit them with a real hammer.  Hahaha  I wonder what JJY wrote on his letter. ^_^

Let's reminisce it together. Lol


During that episode, it was so awesome that whoever got the prediction right will share the fate of that losing member.  And dang, JJY was smart enough that he wanted to write his own faith.  The wrestling game of Jun Hoo and Joo Hyuk made me out of breath from laughing.


@kkim: I think Dong Gu will not be out of place if ever Joo Hyuk will guest in the show.  The members are known for making people comfortable whenever they are on their show. :D 

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On the topic of rewatching old episodes, I enjoy rewatching the Hongcheon, Gangwon-do trip the most. Here's why:

The first part started off with the 6 members playing games like Footbag, Archery and Elephant spins/Catching your shoe all in the effort to earn pocket money from Hojin PD while at the same time 'gambling' and losing most of Jongmin and Joohyuk's money from addiction and greed. Next, you get the staff giving the members independence by filming themselves and recording the program in their own style. This includes the members being "cowards" when considering whether to play games with Sim Hyejin, going to Taehyun's house to pig out and randomly meeting up with Bomi and Taehyun's older brother. They then have a baseline literature test where the members come up with hilarious wrong answers and Taehyun, Jongmin and Joonyoung end up with "hopeless" badges for doing terrible.

The second part features the members "revising" for a quiz which turns into, arguably, the funniest quiz of the whole season. At the end, because Joohyuk betted on Jongmin he ended up with tied last lol. Joohyuk got angry and said "You and I are through" lol. Later, Hojin announced that they're going to have a "Cabin Blind Date" which got the members so excited (especially the unmarried ones). I've never seen them that happy lol, they were over the moon... This, of course, turned out to be the biggest plot twist ever in the show...

In the third part, the members got annoyed and start teasing Hojin PD saying "He's become weird" and "Is this a hobby of his?" when he wants more bromance from them. They eventually complete all their couple games chosen from the blind date lol. The morning mission features a "morning angel" (I miss them) where they compete to eat Seolhyun's ramen. They then had a special "Cold winter ability evaluation" which was full of absurd, crazy and epic games to finish the episode.

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1 hour ago, traveljunkie84 said:

During that episode, it was so awesome that whoever got the prediction right will share the fate of that losing member.  And dang, JJY was smart enough that he wanted to write his own faith.  The wrestling game of Jun Hoo and Joo Hyuk made me out of breath from laughing.


yeah JJY just made for this show his answers forever unique and really smart like when he chose boat so he can just escape from deserted island while people usually choose item to survived there lol

haha i love that wrestling game with Joohyuk and Junho..this make me miss Junho&Joohyuk dynamic since he such a kid around Joohyuk big hyung aura..everyone making prediction on who that gonna help them survive or losing together what make it funnier while JJY just need to worry about himself :P argh there just too much gold moment to rewatch

yeah disappointed that JJY letter not shown but Junho letter too epic hilarious and im too busy laughing that i don't really mind at the end..poor Jongmin lmao but Junho too funny 

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There are soooo many moments that make us miss JoonYoung more. I can't even mention which ones are the most hilarious, because they all are LOL

Kudos for all the members, for always keeping him in the heart, and PLUS kept mentioning him in the show. They are the best members i know. 

I never, not even once, losing hope for him to return to the show. But sometimes, it is what it is. Whatever his decision is, is the best for everyone. 

For JoonYoung, CHEERS! :blush:

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@salz: Yep Jun Hoo & Jong Min's letters were so funny.  I really like it when they tease each other.  I hope in the incoming episodes there will be more challenges among members.  I hope there will be 3G with Dong Gu as the new member vs. LTE in the future.  It made me miss the competitiveness and the sneakiness of the members.  And also hope they will prank the Ilyong PD just like what they did to Yu PD.  HAHA

One of my favorite 3G vs. LTE contests was the second episode of their spring trip in Yangsan.  It was that time that they played musical haystack, popping of balloons and 3G's sack race, where one of them will be exempted of having no dinner.  I really laughed at the moment when KJH & KJM fought with one another and stacking each other's faces with mud, which made KJY as the winner of the game.  HAHAHA 

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30 minutes ago, traveljunkie84 said:

@salz: Yep Jun Hoo & Jong Min's letters were so funny.  I really like it when they tease each other.  I hope in the incoming episodes there will be more challenges among members.  I hope there will be 3G with Dong Gu as the new member vs. LTE in the future.  It made me miss the competitiveness and the sneakiness of the members.  And also hope they will prank the Ilyong PD just like what they did to Yu PD.  HAHA

One of my favorite 3G vs. LTE contests was the second episode of their spring trip in Yangsan.  It was that time that they played musical haystack, popping of balloons and 3G's sack race, where one of them will be exempted of having no dinner.  I really laughed at the moment when KJH & KJM fought with one another and stacking each other's faces with mud, which made KJY as the winner of the game.  HAHAHA 

yeah their letter is hilarious would be funny if some might turn true like JJY living as gypsy or Soochan get into SNU while bumping at ahjusshi JJY still clubbing or CTH getting 5th/7th child lol..they always so merciless when they tease each other but that just prove how close they are that they can joke around like that..but please let Gutaeng be married before he 70 lol

nah i would prefer if they decide on brand new name team for Donggu if he end up same team with the 2G members like they did when they have named the "Deserted island vs Land" team since personally for me 3G forever mean Gutaeng+Junho+Jongmin only and don't want them to change it ever :P

beside Donggu deserve his own team that make him feel truly belonged im sure they can always find new name with creative members lol

Edited by salz
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46 minutes ago, traveljunkie84 said:

@salz: I want Dong Gu to be corrupted by Jong Min and Joon Ho.  Hahaha The combo of Defconn, CTH and Dong Gu is awkward with the last episode. Or Dong Gu- JJY and JH.  Hahaha For sure, he will learn new tricks to be sly! Hahaha  

i think he already corrupted by Junho long time ago lol since his yaps side just increasing every ep tbh but of course it would be awesome whenever he get paired with Junho/KJM/JJY the most since he most comfortable to them

but tbh i prefer if he get comfortable with all members not just some so that in future whoever he get paired with no longer gonna be awkward on screen lol

so it good chance/practiced whenever he get paired with his most awkward duo Defconn&CTH even we feel awkward watching it now but just remember all the members start super awkward during beginning of season3 and just look at they are now so i wanna see Donggu get at that level too with all members as well :P i just don't like the feeling now that i have he should get with this team only because he more comfortable with them&avoid being paired with another since it a pity for me to think like that so better get through the awkward phase first and it would worth it once their chemistry and friendship grow in future

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^I agree with your thoughts too @salz.   I just wanted Dong Gu to be more relaxed and cunning. :D I know he is improving as I can see it in the recent episodes.  It's just that I can still feel the wall of him being an actor and him being on a variety show.  Although I understand about this because whenever I see CTH on drama or movies, I could not see him as CTH as an actor.  Hahaha All I can see is CTH from 1N2D. Lol I forgot that he is an actor that made my heart swoon during My Sassy Girl movie. 


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20 minutes ago, traveljunkie84 said:

It's just that I can still feel the wall of him being an actor and him being on a variety show.  Although I understand about this because whenever I see CTH on drama or movies, I could not see him as CTH as an actor.  Hahaha All I can see is CTH from 1N2D. Lol I forgot that he is an actor that made my heart swoon during My Sassy Girl movie. 

yeah Donggu is improving and im liking him more now..just hope gonna get more natural, relaxe and more cunning in future hwaiting Donggu

ahhh yeah this is main reason why many actor not willing to stay doing variety for too long when their variety image get stronger than their acting image..but im grateful for CTH he still wanna do this show when his original goal at least 3-4yrs? but he still stay until now i just can't imagine 1N2D without him anymore lol

yeah i love him since My Sassy Girl day and so happy when i know he gonna cameo in JJH new drama since 15yrs reunion ftw ..sorry CTH i avoid watching Sassy Girl 2 because the first movie is too precious for me to ruin it seeing another girl as heroine so i just think there no sequel to ruin the original movie ending lol

Edited by salz
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I think CTH has been in the show for 5 years.  My Sassy Girl introduced me to Kpop and other Korean artists. :D It was one of the famous K-movie in our country. I shy away also from watching the sequel because I have been reading not so positive reviews on that one. 

And I miss seeing JH's colorful and cute undies! HAHAHAHA



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Hi guys...i been lurking this forum a long time ago..i been a fan of this show seen season 2 because of kim seung woo..but now i'm i big fan of cha tae hyun..i watch this because of him.but now i love all the member..i can see thier love to each other and the cemistry that they have..

regarding to joon young i can feel that he can back soon...

here in philippines our politics issue have been all over the news every day..

i hope i'm welcome here..

p.s.. I'm soory for my bad english


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9 hours ago, krisnole29 said:

Hi guys...i been lurking this forum a long time ago..i been a fan of this show seen season 2 because of kim seung woo..but now i'm i big fan of cha tae hyun..i watch this because of him.but now i love all the member..i can see thier love to each other and the cemistry that they have..

regarding to joon young i can feel that he can back soon...

here in philippines our politics issue have been all over the news every day..

i hope i'm welcome here..

p.s.. I'm soory for my bad english


Any 1N2D fan is welcome here. Don't worry about bad English, as long as it's readable it's fine. (I'm British and even I mess up my grammar from time to time) :)

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According to CTH's sched, they have a shoot today. Maybe they are in the deepest mountains as we don't see any fancams compared to their previous trips in the recent months. As we all know, WINTER IS COMING!:fearful::grimace::D


Welcome to new posters! :)

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