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Yoo Yeon Seok 유연석 (Upcoming Drama 2021 : Hospital Playlist S2)


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Guest kumiko_a

Still at work but I suddenly thought that the only thing that will nurse my broken heart is if - someone mentioned this before - YYS gets paired up with Queen Moon Chae Won in a rom-com or hell, even a melo. Thanks to all these photos of YYS and SJK floating around, I'm looking forward to this possible pairing even more.


And if they get cast as OTP in a drama, may it air preferably during the last quarter of 2014 where we'll get loads of snow scenes so I can forget the pity party the Reply team threw at our faces.

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@mimi26 That was so perfect. You took the words right out of my mouth. If executed properly all of this could have been believable. But by rushing it all into 1 episode it was not even close. Even 1997 had a least a 3 episode resolution. There was no real plot in the end. CB had the hardest life lessons to learn while everyone else learned basically nothing. Not a great message you want to convey to your audience. But remember none of this would happen in real life.

Now that we know we can all move on from this mess. At least none of his upcoming projects will be anything like this.

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Guest jrfam78

Thank you @ftbluepm @lunagal @tiffanyndo for the translations.. I can't imagine how you translated that article because I can't even finish reading it without getting angry.. you gals get my highest respect  ^:)^
Wow, never thought that this was the same PD that I highly praised last year during Reply 1997.. what happened to him? money get into his head? I think that he just should keep quiet.. I remember this quote "if you have nothing good to say, better don't say anything at all". 

style="line-height: 18px;">

I wanted to translate it too but I couldn't cuz I was getting so mad at reading the article that I just couldn't get myself to. So big thanks to the friends that did.


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Guest tiffanyndo

jrfam78 said:

Thank you @ftbluepm @lunagal @tiffanyndo for the translations.. I can't imagine how you translated that article because I can't even finish reading it without getting angry.. you gals get my highest respect  ^:)^Wow, never thought that this was the same PD that I highly praised last year during Reply 1997.. what happened to him? money get into his head? I think that he just should keep quiet.. I remember this quote "if you have nothing good to say, better don't say anything at all". 

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thank you @lunagal, @tifannyndo, and @ftbluepm for the translation!

i accept that the drama production team told the story they wanted to tell in that drama but i can't help but have questions (part 1, part 2, part 3) regarding how they did it.

i am angry about the 2013 clues because those were deliberate manipulation on their part. coming from answer me 1997 where all the clues and the situation were properly explained (both brothers even went to the hospital while shi won was giving birth because one is the husband and one was there to name the baby), i assumed that the clues here also have a logical explanation. but clearly, that's not the case.

okay, i think it is really not possible but i can find it acceptable that joon owns that apartment and rents it out to the couple. what is not acceptable to me is how he acts in that apartment because (1) the drama has established that he is a polite person as part of his characterization, and (2) as a successful baseball player who lived all over the world, he has extensive experience with lease contracts and i'm sure that he knows that once the lease contract is signed, he ceases all 'ownership' of that apartment for the lease duration. i can tolerate him being comfortable in the common areas but to actually go in the private rooms or the bedrooms just negates (1) and (2), hence we're back to square one.

i am frustrated with the resolution of his story not because he was not married to na jung and not because he was married to someone i don't know. i am unhappy because after seeing him suffering for six years or eighteen to nineteen episodes, four minutes (two minutes to see him meet someone else and two minutes to hear that he has a wife) allotted to him moving on and being happy just doesn't seem to cut it. i mean, six years versus four minutes, do the math. even the stupidest person will see something wrong in that terribly inverse proportion.

and since i've already started, i'll just keep going...

i don't buy that episode 20 is about joon finally letting go of his first love because he did that in episode 14 and it was further reiterated in episode 18. "
holding on to a person who is getting married, am i supposed to cry and cling like a stalker? as time passes... as more time passes... i'm sure i'll really be alright."

i acknowledge the sentiment that joon found a surrogate family with the other characters but it seems too late to focus on that by the end of the drama considering that it happened around the start of the drama.
joon found the surrogate family in 1994, not in 2000 or 2002 when he supposedly let go of his first love.
then goodnight, mother... mother." (joon in episode 04) "no, there are a few more kids (who live in the boardinghouse). there's a medical student from goesan, an older guy who's like the owner's real son, and a baseball player who's really popular these days. there's a total of seven of us. " (hai tai in episode 10) joon does not yet officially live at the boardinghouse at this time but hai tai and the others already consider him as one of them.
in addition, all the characters in the boardinghouse, whatever their real family situation is, found a surrogate family with each other. the surrogate family story is not just joon's story, this is everyone's story told through him.

i couldn't care less if they have a specific character in mind as the husband or not, but i think one possible reason they may be saying that they didn't have one is the backlash because it will prove that those 2013 scenes are pure nonsense and deliberate manipulation on their part and shows lack of respect to the viewers' emotions and intelligence.

i can't hate this drama because it has joon!!! but i can't ignore its faults because to do so means i shouldn't think and i shouldn't feel, and that's not possible.

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I want him to "torment" IU. Then it would be a Grand Slam for him to torment all the nation's little sisters: Suzy, Bo Young and IU.   :D

Andwe.. maybe she can be in a nj like relationship. If yys can do trash-like role, then I can ship it. :D

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Thanks for the translation guys!!! You guys are awesome. :)>-

This is me after reading that article.  :-w [-X ~X( :-t :-q X(

Chilbong being the owner of the house does not give him the permission to roam around like that as if he's very comfortable and actually lives there. It's like saying.. I own a house and I rent it to my friends. I have the right to sleep in their bed and steal their cup of coffee. There are limits to everything and the writer/director crossed the line. Like all of you have mentioned, they are just making excuses to justify the horrible and messy ending that they created. Wow. Just when I thought I can move on and keep positive, I read this article and I'm like adsnjfkds. Time does heal but they shove everything in episode 21 so how do they expect us to heal...and most importantly, how do they expect Chilbong to heal..those 2002 scenes.. funny how they are trying to teach us a lesson through the 2nd lead... why don't they use their first lead more efficiently? Because Chilbong was nice, he was ruined. This is so true. Because he's nice enough to shove the past in the corner...he's nice enough to even give the girl who broke his heart a discount for the apt that she's renting from him...and the writer/director took advantage of his nice personality...because CB is nice enough, he can move on as if nothing happened. BS.

But still, because Chilbong was made as a plot device, now YYS is so popular and gained so many fans!! And.. I LOL at the grand slam and IU comment xD

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X-posting here since many have already abandoned the other thread. Warning: it's more ranting :)


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Guest jrfam78

When I saw that infamous baseball in the living room I thought that CB was the hubby. Why, cuz NJ would not be so insensitive to put the ball out during her house warming knowing that CB was going to be there. But if CB was the hubby it would make sense for the ball to be there cuz it is from his childhood. I was thinking why would Oppa tell the meaning of the ball to NJ when he is the one that really is cautious with his words and not the type to spill secrets. How in sensitive on their part. But then that good bye scene happened and I guess it is consistent. I have never in my life have heard a disingenuous selfish and mocking goodbye as the one that she said. Never! Really how was that suppose to leave closer to CB. I was ready to let go but that article really was incredible. How could those words really come out of his mouth. Does he really believe in all that nonsense he spewed? What can we do we will never know the truth. I wonder why the writer has said nothing. I wonder if there was a falling out. I hope there was.

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Guest kimchiflavoredplot

@ftbluepm @lunagal @tiffanyndo Thank you for translating the latest interview about PD's "explanation". ^:)^ 
What I was doing before reading the interview: 


I was in the middle of writing a long(er) post that explained why I couldn't watch the finale yet. Here's the gist: because despite the ending and the narrative missteps, my love for Writer-nim (and to an extent, the PD) goes waaay back to more than 200 episodes of 1N2D +16 episodes of Reply 1997 (and in an attempt to appreciate Reply 1994's entirety, the least I could do was try to watch episode 21 when all my frustrations were already flushed out of my system). 


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PD's explanation does not make sense to me.  I think he is running out of ideas for answers.  I hope he is regretting BIG TME for the mess he/production team made.  Perhaps he did not realize the extent of how much this drama was loved all over the world or just how much Chilbong was loved.  I hope this was a huge learning experience for the PD/writers---to never toy with viewer's emotions and intelligence, to develop fair and sensible arc for love and ending for all the main characters involved.  

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I never understood the importance of the baseball in the first place like CB and T could not meet and talk without giving each other objects. Besides that baseball is actually really special to CB. It's how he became CB. It's a reminder of a life changing moment that means the world to him. I would say that was his most valuable possession. Why take that valuable possession away from him? It's like everything that CB had symbols, metaphors, parents, and even objects are always taken away from him and added to the "love triangle." Why even bother? 
In the end, CB does become like a saint while NJ and T because of insensitivity have to be thrown under the bus further in order to make sense of the ending. I don't really know why they need an apartment that nice or expensive if they have three young kids anyway. There are other places. CB's behavior really doesn't make any sense either. I guess the years of bitterness finally got him to open his eyes anyway. Whatever, I am sure we all could have written a better ending or logical drama. 
Let's not talk about this too much further. I have already wasted too many brain cells thinking about this drama. On to bigger and better things. This was a real life changer for YYS. That I will never deny. It's the opportunity he really needed. CB was a real life miracle to YYS. That is better than anything else. 

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