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[Official Thread] ♔ MinShin (Lee Min Ho & Park Shin Hye) ♔ - Thread 1

Guest pluie

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Guest rjuliet

seriously, my baby boy, although he is drop dead gorgeous plus hot as hell, and also adored by million of girls, i believe he is a true gentleman, so he wont do anything that hurt others, especially someone as precious to his heart as uri shinhye...so using shinhye just for covering up the truth is a big no no for him...how could anyone have a theory like that, they disrespect both minho and shinhye feelings..lets hope they realize their mistakes and apologize to both minho and shinhye...

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@stucked .. please tell us about the reaction of your sister, if you are in the high lights.. you know, the very climax.. hahaha... am happy for that :)

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stucked said: OMG. My sister who I've just coerced to watch Heirs earlier is already on episode 4. And all I can hear from her is.. "WTF".. "WTH".. "Who's Lee Min Ho again?".. "Shin Hye is pretty here".. "Who falls in love that quick!!!!" aaaand.. " WTFFFFFFF".. then... "Is it me or they actually look good together? Like for real.".. I am dying of laughter right now. And that's just ep.4. HAHAHA! Oh man. :)) :)) :))

Okay, good night all! *huuuuuuuuuuuuuugs* :-* :-* :-*

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chingu.. watch it, it's not about love story, yes, they have a kiss scene or sweetness but it's scripted, it's really different with psh.. you know when they kissed i am shouting.. ahahahahah (minshin always). believe me.. and please enlighten me about the dating issue, cause i have read a 2 different translations about that issue, the other one says, they're dating (dispatch pix) and the other one say lmh said, he don't know how to stop it that he haven't even started.. ( sorry about my english) .. what i'm trying to say is, he haven't do anything to say that they are dating.. if ever you and your classmate would eat together, it means you are dating already?? heheheh
please tell me about that, or if ever, send me a message :))

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Guest branwen

Re-posting it here. Sorry for the crude quality.

The Kiss that wasn't in the script.

The actual scene is like three meters away from the camera. There's really no need to kiss, they just have pretend to kiss. But LMH apparently doesn't know how to fake a kiss. So...

Now I get why he thanked Eun Sang-ie at the SBS Drama Awards for accepting the impulsive and spontaneous him.  ;;) ;;) :x :D

Really need to work now. Later. :)>-

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sapphire_dreams said: Thank you to everyone who found my post on JGS and PSH insightful. To be honest, I've been a soompi forum lurker for a few years now and it was only when I shipped MinShin that I became brave enough to delurk and share my thoughts. I sound like I'm shy but in real life, I am very outgoing and talkative and not afraid to speak my mind. I guess like Kim Tan, my love for this ship made me go forward and delurk! Hahaha! 
 By the way, I edited my post on page 780 and added a copy of a promotional poster where JGS promotes PSH event through merchandise purchase, just to give you an idea what I mean.
I would also have to agree on this...

minholady said: You really can't help comparing the two becoz JGS is so popular in China and Japan too and he is first to earn the "Hallyu" star fame before LMH. But because of the Heirs I think the star of LMH shines brighter as of present tome. 

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About the whole pleasing SBS president thing. If any part of LMH 's concert was to please anyone, that one person should be LMH himself. A concert is held for mass audience, so there's no need to please a specific person even if that person is big in entertainment biz. I mean, LMH's management company can just invite anyone they wanna please in the industry, to dinner and talk business. That's how people maintain good relationship in entertainment world.

I still insist that there were too many ES parts in his concert. It's unnecessary (from the production and creative point of views), unless they were meant to create some buzz or shown something meaningful to someone. Kekeke~

If I were a shipper on other LMH's ships, I would not be happy seeing so much of PSH (too much!) in the concert. So, I get why people said about pleasing the present. And, I forgave them hehehe~

I am now happily sailing the MinShin ship^^

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Guest twingals

Hi to all! New to this, started to check out about these 2 since they filmed in my hometown of Huntington Beach! Just so sad, I totally missed  the filming, was too late going  downtown after reading  fan's update. I am new to watching K-drama but I've seen almost all of PSH/LMH drama. As I mentioned before, loved LMH's charisma...loved PSH's personality and being an all around talent and she seems to be a really nice and natural girl. And for those who asked , is she "a natural beauty"?? because of brother twitter pic .... Just check out her first drama and pictures when she was younger...she has not changed much! Beautiful little girl and grown up woman. I appreciate how much of a sense of humor you all have as shippers in making "fanfics" GIFs? btw, what does that mean?, comments, etc. I was curious about shippers so I checked them out as well.....I find it funny how reactive these are after seeing what latest news /pictures/etc pertaining to PSH/LMH and making it about theirs. The comments about PSH dress (Miu-miu) totally miffed me....don't see that in this forum about others ....and of course, the latest defensive posts about FM , being "it is to protect" real gf. I know, you and I will love it if PSH/LMH really get together in real life and that is a dream...but you all make it without hurting the other person if in case they read what we post in here since it's a public forum. Just thanking all of you for having that sense of humor and not being mean spirited as I observed in another. JMHO.

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Guest myleisuretime

Hm...nah, it doesn't hurt to post this.


I was like...tumblr_mcpvyawp1h1ruygpco1_500.gif

I don't know where did I find this, but I like Min Ho's hairstyleokmv.jpg

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Guest gingerpeach

I'm always coming into this thread when most are leaving and heading off to bed lol. It's like I arrive when the party's done and dying down..

But it's ok because it's always a delight to back read. I'm always smiling and laughing to myself all silly and giddy. The minshin shippers family here is daebak! Thank you ALL for all your wonderful posts, regulars and new posters alike. I never rly have much to contribute and am always just mooching off everyone... In fact a lot of the time when I do have something to post it's on impulse because I suddenly thought of something and have nowhere else to release it, and it's like me talking to myself. :))

Thank you @sapphire_dreams for that very insightful post on JGS/PSH! They were one of my top fav. pairings around YAB time and I shipped them so hard haha but I never really followed up on them because shipping is such hard work to me. XD I think it's wonderful that they have such a great bond and true friendship, and I love them both a lot but being more of Shinhye's avid fan I must say I'm so glad and thankful that she has someone like JGS supporting her so well. :D It's great.

Anyway getting back on topic.. I understand why one would think the reason Minho included so much of the KT/ES scenes was just because the SBS president (or whoever) was there, but that doesn't quite add up. In that case he would've had more scenes with all the other characters, why just KT/ES? And why so lengthy and excessive.. That would be doing too much for an event thats thrown for his fans. Time is very precious at events like these and I don't think it makes sense that they would play KT/ES scenes for an accumulation of abt 10mins. just because the SBS president attended. And actually, when I read that the SBS president was there I took it more as he was just a guest like his mom or sister attending as guests, to support/admire him. SBS might have produced Heirs but Minho wasn't obligated to do any Heirs promotion at his own concert. As if the drama's not already popular enough lol.. SO, I'm not necessarily saying Minho definitely included those clips because of PSH, I'm just saying I don't think the SBS president is the reason.

I do agree that as shippers we tend to overthink/over-analyze, but I can tell from many posts here that we are all intelligent and can separate delusion from logic/reality if/when we absolutely have to...... But this is a shipping thread and we don't HAVE to do that here hahaha. As long as we are all still sane and logical somewhere at the back of our minds it's fine to spew and spazz and fan-girl and ship our hearts away, especially as long as we're not hurting anybody. :D

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re comparing LHM and JGS.... it's like Twisted Fate..... 2009.... they both did BOF and YB with JGS pairing with PHS and and LHM did a Etude CF with PHS.... 2013 -2014.... LHM did Heirs with PHS and JGS will do a CF with PHS.... it's really weird and spooky.... I blamed Hello Sydney for watching too many horror film ..... >:) 3:-O :(|)

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Guest eppas05

I finally join soompi because of this thread! I am an ahjumma probably the oldest on this thread he he he. Love Park Shin Hye!!! I'm Filipina living here at Los Angeles CA. I have been reading all your comments and very happy for this thread!!! FIGHTING!!! However, I am a fan of CNBlue! Please be nice to me <3<3<3

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Guest rjuliet

and what is more weird is i read somewhere that actually both jgs and shinhye were supposed to be goo jun pyo and geum jan di in bof, cmiw ...jgs refused it first as he chose to do beethoven virus and shinhye refused it coz of school and her last role seemed contradicted to the role in bof...instead both of them collaborate in yab...and after bof minho was replacing jgs for etude cf with shinhye...and now, minho is claiming his leading lady back, not just in a drama but this time is for real :D :x

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Guest Valkyrie

Curious... can somebody enlighten me... as it was only during The Heirs period I saw Shin Hye wearing New Balance sneakers..she's almost always worn Nike..

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Guest itybittykitty

branwen said: @NaezaS

I get that article. It's actually about the rooftop kiss. LMH actually kissed PSH during one of the long shots, so what he said in the article about them (LMH & PSH) not really having to kiss during that scene but he kissed her anyway, was actually true.

And it's frustrating me cause I don't know how to make a gif. It's in episode 9. It can't be noticed immediately at the beginning, but when CES reminisced about the kiss, it was really obvious.

I'll try to make a gif.

~X( ~X( ~X(

ETA: My first gif. Sorry bout the quality. I used an online gif maker. I probably shouldn't have but since I already did, sigh... This felt like forever ago, and maybe there's a better quality gif out there, so if there is, please feel free post your own. We never did get tired of the kisses in the drama anyway.

And because I was trying too hard to watch in on zoom, I noticed that PSH did seem to kiss him back just before the video got blurred. You know, Kang PD and whoever edited all the kisses are really stingy too. They edited so many important parts!  ~X(

I'm re-editing my post to post the gif here cause i felt burdened that my post is on top of the thread. So here's a little gif to enchant the readers.  :D

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