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[Official Thread] ♔ MinShin (Lee Min Ho & Park Shin Hye) ♔ - Thread 1

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Guest minshin8

Was he looking at her legs? ;))

- I think he was wondering if they can change CES style and make it a little bit "daring" because he realize how nice SH's legs are!! <3 hahahahahah I can't blame him though ;)

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rikasnail said: minshin8 said: shshs said: minshin8 said:


said: There is planning from KBS that they will produce sageuk drama in june, not sure who is the lead yet, but it come from same production as The Princess Man which a hit....I know it will be hard for uri MinShin to get pair again but i'm rooting for either of them to be in here, but we have PSH and LMH promise that they will act in more drama for 2014, both already confirm movies so maybe we will see their drama rumors/confirmation starting on june

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I recently lurk in a local forum, and came across with FA written by a very loyal Minoz who follows his activities since BOF. It’s not Minshin related but it is very cute in my point of view. :D It might give some insights too regarding couple item thingy and Minho being lost in the airport recently. ;)But it might not benefit everyone since it is written in Malay (there are a number of Malaysians here right?). I don’t dare to translate; afraid I might mistranslate it due to my poor English. Here it is: 

(note: It might kill some delusion thou)

dalam city hunter dan personal taste...baju2 trugen yg sponsor. sekarang dia tak jadi trugen nya duta lagik sbb tuh dia beli sendiri kot. bkn dia yg beli pung. yg jaga style dia cordi noona..sekrg style director kat starhaus. yg ikut dia g shooting heirs nih dia hire spesel make up artist and hairstylist. cordi noona yg beli and cordinate style dia. sbb dia sorang jek actor dlm starhaus...everything from head to toe...even personal things dia pun starhaus yg uruskan. nak beli kete sendiri pun pegi ngan staff starhaus. penah borak kejab dgn cordi noona masa kat shanghai...dia nak g london sbb keje. maybe masa nih la kot g beli baju utk minho. manja sgt dak tinggi nih..

staff kat starhaus yg dok opis ada dlm 2-3 org. yg drebar dia and mgr dia sorang (mmt yg selalu ngan dia dlm bts heirs tuh). big boss mr jang...another mgr yg carik job dia han soo han. dulu2 seblum mgr/drebar yg sekrg jaga dia...nama dia han jae hee. dan sekrg tmbah sorang lagik asst dia kim min jee yg jugak handle twitter 'M' tuh. sume2 nih jaga dia sorang 


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Please, Can you tall us how to post a photo from laptop and how to insert a video not only put the link :( :(i saw this question many times, but no answer, so decide to ask it myself also ...  [-( [-( :-w /:) Thank you in advance :D 

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Here's another one.. 

I separate in two posts.. coz I'm still struggling with my spolier..uhh


minho nih mmg sume orang lain uruskan dia. dia cuma wat keje dia jek...berlakon..nyanyi..menten ensem..bg good fans service 

selalu jek blur2 gituk esp. kat epot. asik ber escort bodyguards mgr keliling bagai so dia tak aware surroundings dia. masa dia dtg mesia tahun 2009..masa dia nak balik...kena go thru immigration nak cop passport kan? yg malaysian leh lalu auto gate. selamba jek dia masuk auto gate tuh...masuk kan passport tp takleh lps...mgr pun sama bengong. siap tolong minho masukkan passport byk2 kali...padahal dia foreigner...kena lalu foreign passport holder nun. we all bantai gelak kan dia dari atas 

2nd incident..kat epot SG. dia fly dr SG direct ke maldives cuti2 ngan mak & kakak dia. mak/kakak dia dh lama masuk kat boarding hall. akak lak tunggu kat gate flight dia jek sbb letih giler berlari..tunggu2 mana mamat nih...dh nak tutup dah gate. sume bodyguards & staff balik korea ....yg balik korea nih takleh masuk departure sbb check in counter lum bukak. dia sorang2 masuk epot lps immigration..rupa2 nya dia sesat dlm epot. yg escort dia ke gate gang2 akak yg pegi carik dia dlm epot tuh 

3rd incident....akak ikut dia balik ke korea dr manila last year. sama2 naik bisnes. dia nmpak we all ber 3 (mmber SG & korean) dlm boarding hall. sengeh2 turun tangga..lambai2 siap 'bye bye see u'..elooo...we all nih kat same boarding hall..sah2 le nak naik katerbang sama dia kan. akak masuk jek..tgk2 seat (2nd row) btl2 belakang seat dia (1st row) kat window. hati masa tuh dup dap dup dap tp menten cool. mgr dia sudah nmpak akak duk belakang minho...gelabah puyuh mamat tuh. tp akak ttp menten cool..dlm hati perghhhh!! hepi giler  relax jek...makan ber ia2 sbb lapo giler/tido (harap2 akak tak dengkur )..pandang2 minho thru cermin tingkap...yg lawak nya dia rendah kan kusi dia. mmg akak leh jek capai rambut dia. dekat giler  
landing jek...mgr dia dah gelabah panggil bodyguard ke bisnes (dorang duk econ)..siap ckp 'pan..pan' ileks aaaa kan 

minho kuar dulu ngan spek gelap dia tuh..we all jln belakang....lps tuh dia g toilet. kuar toilet nmpak we all. we all lambai2...leh dia tnya 'u fly koreaaa?' smbil tgn wat gaya terbang landing ke bwah. elo2 we all nih naik katerbang ngan ko tau tak. blur tul padahal dia tak tido langsung dlm flight..mkn pun tak. minum coke jek. akak jwb 'we follow u' hehe!! salam2...smpai immi..dia lps dulu. lps tuh ikut smpai kat luggage area. dia kuar terus. 

memori2 indah 

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Guest rjuliet

maybe a historical chinese martial arts like zhang ziyi red cliff or japanese gorgeous period movie shinobu would be amazing too for international collaboration project for uri minshin..minho as a warrior prince and shinhye as a brave princess :x

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lunamaisara said:

I recently lurk in a local forum, and came across with FA written by a very loyal Minoz who follows his activities since BOF. It’s not Minshin related but it is very cute in my point of view. :D It might give some insights too regarding couple item thingy and Minho being lost in the airport recently. ;)But it might not benefit everyone since it is written in Malay (there are a number of Malaysians here right?). I don’t dare to translate; afraid I might mistranslate it due to my poor English. Here it is: 

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