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♡ JoU Couple ♡ :: Jo Jung Suk ♥ IU [Official Thread]


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iu93jjang said: anyone ever wonder how JJS friend react after the kiss scene?? i mean he used to say that his phone almost paralyse with all the call that he got when his friend know that he going to act with IU.. imagine his friend react when he kiss IU =))  =)) =))

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babyviolets said:

Truth is, I've read about people saying that too...and I don't quite understand why the lip action was such a big deal. If you consider the circumstance arond our otp, a full on frenchy wouldn't work. Jh knew that ss was inexperienced in love, so why would he--considering his nature and concern for ss--just jump on her like that then? He kissed her coz he felt it was the best way to express what he could never say in words, but he was still afraid his aggressiveness might push her away, and that's why he looked so hesitant after the kiss and search her face for answers, and when ss shyly hid her face on his chest and continued to hug him, that's when he knew that he was safe! Keke thus the relief on his face! Kekeke...

I also read from somewhere about others making fun of JJS's expression during his close up on the kiss--they said that he looked like he was in pain and he didn't act it out well. Well, for me this is partly true. Although I think that he was instructed to show that fierce expression to reflect the frustration and passion he felt at that time, I think he was too...distracted (keke) to focus on the feelings he needed to express on that scene, and that's probably why it came out a bit forced, as compared to his usual natural expressions.

I actually didn't feel that JJS's expression when he kissed IU was forced. Considering the position his character was in, I'd say it was a very natural expression, especially since he's a method actor. To me, JJS chose to act out a natural, realistic reaction rather than one that would have actually been more unnatural, but definitely more beautiful, facially speaking, to look at. At that point, JH was overwhelmed with both his frustrations and his passions because he had been holding himself back for so long. When he finally realized that SS had feelings for him in return, all those suppressed feelings rushed forth at once. He needed an outlet for those escaping emotions and, in a rush, he pulled SS in for a kiss as it was the only way he could convey his feelings. JH has always been a man of action rather than a man of words. You can already see his eyebrows furrowed with intensity as he's asking SS how else does he have to show his feelings in order for her to realize, so it actually shouldn't come as a surprise that the intensity and eyebrow furrowing would follow into the kiss. You can see the tension in how rigid his back is while leaning into SS and in the way that he's really kissing her hard. You can even see a small hint of lip movement. It's a soul searing, breath stealing, pouring every single ounce of love and emotions kind of kiss and his facial expression shows that. In fact, if his expression had been anything less than that, it would have changed the atmosphere of that kiss completely and not for the better.

I actually liked his expression there too.keke even in the actual shot that they were talking about (they were only pointing to one angle shot)...im saying IF it was wrong interpretation on his part, it may be due to certain...ummm distractions! Kekeke

And you're right about the lip movement! Its inevitable really, they were holding that kiss for so long considering the length of their close up shot, and they will need to breath! Kekeke plus their breathing was so rapid its impossible to just breath like that through their nose alone, so they were probably breathing on each other's mouths as well...

why do I feel this is sexier than people trying to eat each other's mouth and surrounding areas?Kekeke

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babyviolets said:

Im so glad you mentioned LSG! He is actually considered as one of the best on screen kissers, but I don't know...when I'm being kissed I don't know how it looks like on a 3rd party, but somehow I feel like his kisses will feel messy?kekeke...onscreen kisses are done to make it look sexy and hot, not for it to feel sexy and hot to the kissers. A perfect example is the upside down kiss in spiderman, it look totally crazy hot, but all the actors said about was complain about how difficult it was to shoot! Kekeke...

Im not saying lsg is a bad kisser. He might have other techniques when he does kiss for real! Keke...but just based on the kissing scenes I saw of him, It will probably feel weird if its done like that irl! Kekeke

As for jjs, I haven't really seen him do a full on french kiss, so I can't judge yet...but somehow, I feel like he might be a good kisser? Because of the way his cheeks caved in during that kiss, it kinda gives me the idea that he might have a habit of sucking...kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

...sorry, I should stop. Kekeke

Giiiiirl, I would faint if I got to see JJS french kissing on screen. Let me just say though... that if he's going to french kiss a woman, it had better be IU and no one else. LOL.

I just would like to say that IF they give our OTP a french kiss scene, I would totally forgive them for every wrong thing they did in this show! Kekeke

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@babyviolets I just had to go back and watch the KISS at ep40 again and again and again. Conclusion: still No.1 PS - I'm thinking of giving hubby an autograph kiss when I send him off to work in the morning.ke ke ke, after 33yrs of marriage a little 'surprise' might be fun, ke ke ke

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@babyviolets I just had to go back and watch the KISS at ep40 again and again and again. Conclusion: still No.1 PS - I'm thinking of giving hubby an autograph kiss when I send him off to work in the morning.ke ke ke' date=' after 33yrs of marriage a little 'surprise' might be fun, ke ke ke[/quote']

Wow! 33 yrs?! My parents didn't last that long! Kekeke

Oh, send us a status report after your little "experiment"! Kekeke

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Girls, all of you discuss about the kiss scene really in different manner. full of feeling, love and considerate. if this scene been discuss in the main thread it will lead.to sometin different, by...ae manner. hahaha. kudos to all kiss detective.

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@mumfu, @babyviolets, @akinahana89, @iu93jjang, @JillJung, @jjsiu, @yoeda

LOL. So glad you all responded. Both threads had been moving so slow today, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to bring up one of my favorite topics in Kdrama...unfortunately because I've seen more bad than good.

And it's ironic that you bring up Gu Family Book, and specifically the LSG and Suzy kiss cause I was actually going to use it for comparison. I have to agree that our OTP's kiss was much more hot, and definitely more heartfeltThere was a lot of lip movement and even open mouth, which I don't see to often, and frankly was surprised since Suzy is at least a couple years younger than IU.

I think if we were to see a similar kiss between IU and JJS, I'd have to agree that JJS would make it so much better. He just kinda strikes me as being a sensual person.

Glad you brought up the autograph kiss too, cause that's my 2nd favorite kiss. Even though it was swift and short, I thought it was hot also because it was a REAL kiss. I was so very proud of IU. And I loved her shy look and JJS' smile afterwards.  :o)





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meahri66 said:

@mumfu, @babyviolets, @akinahana89, @iu93jjang, @JillJung, @jjsiu, @yoeda

LOL. So glad you all responded. Both threads had been moving so slow today, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to bring up one of my favorite topics in Kdrama...unfortunately because I've seen more bad than good.

And it's ironic that you bring up Gu Family Book, and specifically the LSG and Suzy kiss cause I was actually going to use it for comparison. I have to agree that our OTP's kiss was much more hot, and definitely more heartfeltThere was a lot of lip movement and even open mouth, which I don't see to often, and frankly was surprised since Suzy is at least a couple years younger than IU.

I think if we were to see a similar kiss between IU and JJS, I'd have to agree that JJS would make it so much better. He just kinda strikes me as being a sensual person.

Glad you brought up the autograph kiss too, cause that's my 2nd favorite kiss. Even though it was swift and short, I thought it was hot also because it was a REAL kiss. I was so very proud of IU. And I loved her shy look and JJS' smile afterwards.  :o)





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And no offense to @EBIL, but LSG just doesn't do anything for me...and I DO like him.  Enjoyed him in My Girlfriend is a Gumiho...but he still does nothing for me.  I guess I just prefer a guy like JJS. I feel like there are till layers of his personality that we have yet to discover.

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Eng said: meahri66 said:

@mumfu, @babyviolets, @akinahana89, @iu93jjang, @JillJung, @jjsiu, @yoeda

LOL. So glad you all responded. Both threads had been moving so slow today, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to bring up one of my favorite topics in Kdrama...unfortunately because I've seen more bad than good.

And it's ironic that you bring up Gu Family Book, and specifically the LSG and Suzy kiss cause I was actually going to use it for comparison. I have to agree that our OTP's kiss was much more hot, and definitely more heartfeltThere was a lot of lip movement and even open mouth, which I don't see to often, and frankly was surprised since Suzy is at least a couple years younger than IU.

I think if we were to see a similar kiss between IU and JJS, I'd have to agree that JJS would make it so much better. He just kinda strikes me as being a sensual person.

Glad you brought up the autograph kiss too, cause that's my 2nd favorite kiss. Even though it was swift and short, I thought it was hot also because it was a REAL kiss. I was so very proud of IU. And I loved her shy look and JJS' smile afterwards.  :o)





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Guest violet9004

meahri66 said: Eng said: I think we have to see our OTP French kiss then we can compared them better. Probably the last one? I'm not sure if I can see my baby IU doing it. ><

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