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♡ JoU Couple ♡ :: Jo Jung Suk ♥ IU [Official Thread]


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Hi all! It seems that days are moving so fast' date=' as far as YTBLSS is concerned..barely 2 weeks more before the curtain falls... :( will definitely miss my perfect two couple and all the friends I made here...[/quote']

Don't fret about it too much anna. Rather, think of it this way. After yatblss ends, then jou can officially begin! And THAT love story is something that hopefully will never end!

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babyviolets said: Haha...that's true. Plus he did it in a joking manner, showing just how ridiculous the scandal was to him! Lol he did that while YJ was flaunting about how he still called her princess and how she cried and didnt want to let go of the role. It was kinda embarrassing and a bit YA-ish if you ask me! (sorry YJ fans, im not anti...I just found the contrast funny! Lol)

And yes, his behaviour towards iu is totally different. Truth is, I didn't know iu before this drama as I was never into kpop (I only knew shinhwa through their variety show--they totally crack me up! Lol). The reason why I decided to watch yatblss was because of jjs, and maybe a bit of yin and lms. I even thought that the initial news released was wrong and that jjs would be paired with yin coz of the age difference. And when I found out that it was indeed him and iu who would be paired off together, I was kinda hesitant but I thought that he was a great actor so he will definitely be able to make it work. I was also never the type to ship fantasy couples. There were only 2 instances where I began to suspect that the otp was dating, or at least had feelings for each other irl, and that was lmh/pmy in ch and yin/jhw in qihm (and you know what happened to them :D ). However, the more I witnessed our couple's interaction in the drama, the more I got that same feeling of attraction between them. I kept on trying to reason with myself coz I felt it was next to impossible and just credited it to jjs's acting talent and good on screen chemistry. Then I saw their ht guesting, and that's where shipping bug hit me hard! Lol LOL! That's pretty funny! I guess he showed her! :)) I don't dislike YJ either. I actually really liked her in Dream High, but I haven't seen her in anything else.

Hahaha. I think the shipping bug has hit a lot of people where JoU is concerned. I actually didn't know anything at all about YTBLSS, not even the synopsis, when I began watching it since I only planned on watching to support IU. I already knew she was a brilliant singer, but her acting debut in Dream High really impressed me to the point where I wanted to concentrate more on her plot than the main plot. So I knew it would be another fabulous performance by her, but from the very first episode, when I saw JJS, I felt like I would become a big fan of his as well. Not to mention, their chemistry, even then, completely blew me away. I knew he was older, but I didn't know by how much until I started researching. LOL. But it feels like there is no age gap there at all - especially with IU's maturity.

And now, true enough, JJS has become my favorite actor with his perfect, beautiful skills. Not to mention, JoU is also my favorite couple, so my hopes and wishes are for them to become a couple in real life since they seem to suit each other so well. I guess it doesn't help that we obsess over JoU as much as we do and judging from all of their BTS and variety show performances, we can tell that there is probably something a little extra going on between them. Kekeke. I don't mind this delusional world I might be living in - I'm going to ship them to the end. Haha.

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Thank you for your post regarding K2H. :D The reason why I'm so hesitant on starting the drama is not from doubt of JJS's ability or the lacking in desire to see JJS in his ESK role. I really want to, more than anything, to be able to watch the drama that, essentially, shot JJS to fame, especially because it's such a different role in comparison to JH... but after knowing for a fact how invested I am, mentally and emotionally, to YTBLSS because of JJS (and IU)... I fear getting this attached to K2H as well. I already cannot imagine how I will cope with the end of YTBLSS so it would be double the heartache to watch K2H and to see it come to an end as well. Not to mention... my previous points about having to witness JJS's character death and having to witness JJS acting with LYJ. (My JoU heart really can't take that right now. LOL.)

I am sure that I will, one day, work up the courage to just watch it because I love JJS and his skills that much... but I fear it'll have to be after I heal from the conclusion of YTBLSS. I have no doubt that my investment in K2H will be similar to YTBLSS because of how brilliantly JJS can perform, so I really have to prepare myself for it first. lol.

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Thank you for your post regarding K2H. :D The reason why I'm so hesitant on starting the drama is not from doubt of JJS's ability or the lacking in desire to see JJS in his ESK role. I really want to, more than anything, to be able to watch the drama that, essentially, shot JJS to fame, especially because it's such a different role in comparison to JH... but after knowing for a fact how invested I am, mentally and emotionally, to YTBLSS because of JJS (and IU)... I fear getting this attached to K2H as well. I already cannot imagine how I will cope with the end of YTBLSS so it would be double the heartache to watch K2H and to see it come to an end as well. Not to mention... my previous points about having to witness JJS's character death and having to witness JJS acting with LYJ. (My JoU heart really can't take that right now. LOL.)

I am sure that I will, one day, work up the courage to just watch it because I love JJS and his skills that much... but I fear it'll have to be after I heal from the conclusion of YTBLSS. I have no doubt that my investment in K2H will be similar to YTBLSS because of how brilliantly JJS can perform, so I really have to prepare myself for it first. lol.

Don't worry about it @akinahana89. The esk character is so totally different from what I know about jjs's personality that you won't have trouble distinguishing between the two, so there's no reason for your jou ship to sink! Lol

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Guest samsooky

akinahana89 said: @samsooky
Thank you for your post regarding K2H. :D The reason why I'm so hesitant on starting the drama is not from doubt of JJS's ability or the lacking in desire to see JJS in his ESK role. I really want to, more than anything, to be able to watch the drama that, essentially, shot JJS to fame, especially because it's such a different role in comparison to JH... but after knowing for a fact how invested I am, mentally and emotionally, to YTBLSS because of JJS (and IU)... I fear getting this attached to K2H as well. I already cannot imagine how I will cope with the end of YTBLSS so it would be double the heartache to watch K2H and to see it come to an end as well. Not to mention... my previous points about having to witness JJS's character death and having to witness JJS acting with LYJ. (My JoU heart really can't take that right now. LOL.)

I am sure that I will, one day, work up the courage to just watch it because I love JJS and his skills that much... but I fear it'll have to be after I heal from the conclusion of YTBLSS. I have no doubt that my investment in K2H will be similar to YTBLSS because of how brilliantly JJS can perform, so I really have to prepare myself for it first. lol.

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Yes, JJS seems more similar to JH than to ESK - from what I know about that role anyway, but if you have seen my post in the YTBLSS thread, I have also begun comparing all OTP's chemistry to JoU chemistry and none even comes close. I really fear that I may never be able to watch another drama and appreciate the OTP again because I can't stop myself from comparing. LOL. (I guess in this case, it would be a good thing since it's JJS and LYJ. I just don't want for it to be painful to watch - in more ways than one. Haha.) Aish... JoU, what have you done to me?!

I agree, JJS draws you in so completely and seemingly effortlessly, we most definitely need that emotional break to put ourselves back together after a drama. lol. That question, about what he and IU have done to us, will have to be directed towards them because I am wondering that myself. What kind of magic have they cast over us? Hahaha. I have never been this way before in the length of time I've been drama watching. JoU is truly something very unique. :))

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akinahana89 said:


Thank you for your post regarding K2H. :D The reason why I'm so hesitant on starting the drama is not from doubt of JJS's ability or the lacking in desire to see JJS in his ESK role. I really want to, more than anything, to be able to watch the drama that, essentially, shot JJS to fame, especially because it's such a different role in comparison to JH... but after knowing for a fact how invested I am, mentally and emotionally, to YTBLSS because of JJS (and IU)... I fear getting this attached to K2H as well. I already cannot imagine how I will cope with the end of YTBLSS so it would be double the heartache to watch K2H and to see it come to an end as well. Not to mention... my previous points about having to witness JJS's character death and having to witness JJS acting with LYJ. (My JoU heart really can't take that right now. LOL.)

I am sure that I will, one day, work up the courage to just watch it because I love JJS and his skills that much... but I fear it'll have to be after I heal from the conclusion of YTBLSS. I have no doubt that my investment in K2H will be similar to YTBLSS because of how brilliantly JJS can perform, so I really have to prepare myself for it first. lol.

@akinahana89, I completely understand and must admit that although I have watched K2H multiple times, the gap between the first and second time was nearly a year. I just couldn't muster up the emotional energy to go through it again, so soon after it ended. As much as I would love to see JJS in more dramas, perhaps as viewers we need an emotional break between his works too? ;)  I am sure, no matter what character he creates, he will draw our attention. So, take your time! One day, when it feels right (just like books that sometimes one buys but can't read until sometime in the future) you can watch and hopefully, enjoy it. I, too, will be taking a break from investing in another drama for a while after YTBLSS ends. Good grief what have JJS/JH and SS/IU done to all us?!  ;;)

PS: I agree with @babyviolets, the characters are so distinct and the relationship between the actors so different, there really is no comparison to it to YTBLSS and JH/SS. In fact, you may not recognize JJS as ESK. JJS in an interview has said that ever since he was young he apparently can use various facial muscle to change his appearance, I really believe he has that ability, every character he creates has their unique physical as well as vocal distinction. The only time I saw a little bit of ESK was in the car scene after the separation scene when he was crying, the camera caught his profile in a similar lighting/angle, other than that JJS as JH is a completely distinct and different person. (Pretty cool ability to do that!)

You're right @samsooky. I too will need to take a break after this drama. No, this is not even my decision...I tried to watch something else but somehow my mind always wanders back to yatblss! Lol

And I guess the difference in his look in k2h was due to his weight (and a bit of make up trick). He purposely lost a lot of weight for his jh role. At first, I didn't understand his need to do it. But later, I realised the lost weight adds to the character's seemingly dorky and vulnerable look. :)

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samsooky said: @meahri66, @akinahana89, I hope it is okay that I also chime in on the question of whether one should watch K2H? I must admit (as I may have in the other thread), I had no idea who JJS was but in the first scene he is in Episode 1 that opens up (literally, the doors to a military airport garage/building rolls up with him standing there in his uniform), he had my attention (he looked like some heroic knight or warrior from another era) and your eyes will not leave him. My sister was watching with me at the time, and both of us wanted to know immediately why this guy was not the lead. I know it is unfair to compare actors, but I came to K2H for Ha Ji Won (and somewhat for LSG) but continued to watch only for JJS (and LYJ). He just has that something that the camera loves and the screen and scenes just sizzle with excitement and anticipation.
Every scene he acts, is, as expected, impeccable, perfect, and consistently on target in every way. He always has a way to surprise the viewer - for example, the guitar/singing around campfire, when if you didn't know like me that he had a voice like he does, I had the same reaction as HJW's character, agape and in awe, which heightens your interest in this heroic figure. When he meets the Princess, definitely both actors carry the unique relationship and chemistry that comes from the differences between a Princess/Royal and the Captain of the Royal Guards (as loyal, idealist soldier and endearing man) very well and the sparks are flying (different than the sparks with IU, as I think the characters are different). Later, you must watch through the middle episodes and definitely 16-19, whereby, you will see different, intense and the tough soldier side of ESK/JJS.  That final stand-off (end of Episode 18) and beginning of Episode 19 is blockbuster worthy. I will warn you though, that there are parts of K2H that really did not appeal to me, namely, I found myself focused on the Captain and the Princess more than the main leads, but that's only my opinion. So...in a roundabout way I am encouraging you to watch all scenes to understand the story, but the second time around, you'll know where to skip to get to the scenes with JJS. His on-screen bromance with LSG's character, is very heart-warming and some of those scenes are really lovely. I think LSG did better later, finally living in the skin of his character about mid-way through the drama. There are also other characters (the King-LSG's brother, etc) that will also be endearing. 
I was convinced the Director loved JJS (the first time I watched), since his character was given more and more screen time (you will notice right away, he can carry an episode by himself, if needed) but also there are scenes (I won't give away) that involve torture, his feeling betrayal, crying (amazingly), and other intense stand-offs with the villain, that are moody, stylish, almost film-like. Just JJS's profile and his cheekbones alone, I think gave the Director range to use moody lighting that just intensified the scene between the actors (he really looks like he should be in a James Bond movie), because of JJS's ability to give you a vast range with his acting. His full body acting will leave you admiring his talents even more - the details, from chapped lips to the muscles on his face and of course, that voice. 

Do I sound like an fan? ;) I am afraid I only have a handful of actors I really like and will try and watch whatever they have performed in - JJS is on that very short list so I must share the enthusiasm and hope that more people (in the industry and audiences globally) will pay attention to this truly praise-worthy talent. I think you, too, will fall in love with ESK and will feel the loss of that character when the time comes, I felt it for a while and still remember it a year later (LOL).  I'll be honest, I became an admiring fan of his work within the first few seconds of his appearing on the screen in Episode 1... As for a comparison with LSG, I won't make it, but I will say that I did not watch Episode 20 until recently, once JJS was not on the screen, I found myself unplugged emotionally from the drama. 
Since JJS will be working with this Director on King's Wrath, my suspicions are confirmed that his work was recognized (the Director probably has something complex and exciting planned for that role) and the assassin he'll be playing will likely be a multi-faceted man (and that range, the unique JJS can handle). I am looking forward to it also since I was already a fan of the Director from Damo and other work him (he has a really sophisticated style, beautiful cinematography, etc), with the stellar cast and JJS, it will definitely be a must watch in 2014 (and huge hit, I am sure). 

Anyway, sorry for the long post...but if you are interested in seeing JJS's future as a film star, K2H probably highlighted just the tip of the iceberg - this multi-talented actor will likely be snatched up by the movie industry in a few years so let's enjoy him in any drama he does!  
Hope you enjoy...let me know if you have questions on K2H, needless to say, I have watched it more than once, and you will likely know why... :)  

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I translated this just now. Sorry if the translation is kind of awkward, I guess the way this article was written (in Japanese) made it harder for me to translate. Enjoy.
Jo Jung Suk Reveals the Secret Formula to Blind Dates?
On Mamma Mia, Jo Jung Suk gives his advice to Lee Ji Hoon, "(Your) reactions is the strength you should go in with".

Jo Jung Suk revealed his secret formula to receive love at a blind date.
On the (August) 11th broadcast of KBS2 Happy Sunday Mamma Mia, with the theme, "The day I meet the person my mom will introduce me to", actor Lee Ji Hoon, was revealed (that he was going) on a blind date with 23 year old college student and dance major, Min Ji Won.
On that day, in order to get advice on blind dates, he went to see his drama co-stars, IU and Jo Jung Suk.
Since in the past, his blind date has only had one experience (of a blind date), he's afraid of how to approach her during the blind date.
Lee Ji Hoon went to Jo Jung Suk's dressing room to seek honest advice (on blind dates).
So then, Jo Jung Suk told Lee Ji Hoon honestly, "I think your reactions are the most important. If you do that (honestly) then a woman's heart will be more open towards you." Jo Jung Suk went on to say, "I heard from my friends it's usually like that." He laughed to clarify that he'd never experienced that himself.
He continued by saying advice, "You can't laugh pointlessly." Lee Ji Hoon listened carefully and laughed to what Jo Jung Suk had said.
Jo Jung Suk then said, "It's good to smile and laugh a little bit." He thought carefully about it, and said to try not to overreact the first time, or else the other person might feel burdened and anxious.
Jo Jung Suk encouraged the nervous looking Lee Ji Hoon by saying, "I think you'll be good if you smile angelically (towards them)."
On the other hand, Lee Ji Hoon said the person who he'll be meeting on the blind date is, "really beautiful" and "I'll give her pork cutlet that I cut". With a positive appeal, and the advice he received from IU and Jo Jung Suk, he'll make sure to pay attention to his reactions and make it a successful blind date.
[source: REVIESTAR] [original jpn source]

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Guest samsooky

@tiendoank, I have to admit that I am running out of words to describe how your posts always bring a smile and laughter, and shaking of the head - how did she come up with that creative turn of phrase and witty expression? Thank you so much again...
I must admit, I too, do not have much experience or expertise in the area of romantic/couple shipping because I usually just get a gut feeling and have no way of knowing if I was on target or not. But even for an amateur like me JoU blurs that fine line between reel and real. Sometimes I am not sure how much of JH is JJS and SS is IU and vice versa, especially with their intimate scenes. I don't really know what I am saying but there is a special 'tension' between these two, even from the very beginning, from the press conference/interviews and every interaction since (on and off camera). Probably those with more experience and expertise will call it as it is - mutual attraction and A LOT of LIKE. Come to think of it, didn't their Director tease them about it during that first encounter in the park when they had to get up close and stare into each other's eyes, that they were making it obvious they like each other by being so nervous? ;))
PS: You were a Rooftop Prince viewer too?! I thought I would say that after 300 years I would think that pairing was one of the best and unique ones with a special chemistry. I am afraid, JJS and IU have inched way above even PYC and HJM pairing. JJS and IU, apparently have particular strengths in excelling in that particular course of "scientific" study - Chemistry! :)

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samsooky said:


said: @samsooky

Thank you for your post regarding K2H.


The reason why I'm so hesitant on starting the drama is not from doubt of JJS's ability or the lacking in desire to see JJS in his ESK role. I really want to, more than anything, to be able to watch the drama that, essentially, shot JJS to fame, especially because it's such a different role in comparison to JH... but after knowing for a fact how invested I am, mentally and emotionally, to YTBLSS


of JJS (and IU)... I fear getting this attached to K2H as well. I already cannot imagine how I will cope with the end of YTBLSS so it would be double the heartache to watch K2H and to see it come to an end as well. Not to mention... my previous points about having to witness JJS's character death and having to witness JJS acting with LYJ. (My JoU heart really can't take that right now. LOL.)

I am sure that I will, one day, work up the courage to just watch it because I love JJS and his skills


much... but I fear it'll have to be after I heal from the conclusion of YTBLSS. I have no doubt that my investment in K2H will be similar to YTBLSS because of how brilliantly JJS can perform, so I really have to prepare myself for it first. lol.

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samsooky said:

Can you please stop, please STOP, S.T.O.P, being awesome with your posts, Sam???? I've been running out of adjectives to describe you!!!! My bulky dictionary doesn't even want to help me!!!! So please.... jeeeebaaaal.... stop being soo good with words. Arasso???? :))

Speaking frankly, I just watched K2H in random, like totally random. I bought the Vids some time after I watched Rooftoop Prince, and at that time I was still totally hooked with Yoochun fever. I refused to watch another show ( especially knowing that K2H and Rooftop were aired at the same time and used to be rating rival). So, all I did was skimming through episodes and even though I was instantly curious with this ESK character, I did not proceed watching it. There were some scenes I loved, and come to think of it, all those scenes had JJS in it. Another reason why I didn't completely watch it is also because I KNOW that special character died in the end.

related to this pairing, after I read @babyviolets report, hahhaha... I started to let myself think that perhaps, just perhaps, JoU does exist. Same like baby, I am a person who draws a firm line between reel and real, and I'm not a type to get delusional to think pairing on TV can be real. Until after some time ago, I only allowed myself to think that this JoU thingy happened all thanks to JJS's magnificent acting skills. Otherwise, why is he always involved in scandal with his co-star???? That must be because of his acting skills, right?? So no matter who was and will be his co-star, his chance of being involved in scandal will always be high.. that's me thinking. .

However, as I'm not so experience also in romance department, I started to look into other people's perspective, especially the ones who are more experienced/older  or those who are not easily convinced or believe in pairing. Reading their description, which I labelled as objective point of view, led me to think that this interaction and constant skinship between JJS and IU might be caused by real attraction. So, I finally give up on myself and let myself be drown further and deeper into JoU realm. Hahha... It sounds like a suicidal act knowing that I will br the one get disappointed if it is not true after all..

Hahaha...I think you might need to think twice before you make a judgement based on my "reports" coz, if you haven't noticed, I'm the most delusional one here...not exactly a reliable source of information! Lol

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