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♡ JoU Couple ♡ :: Jo Jung Suk ♥ IU [Official Thread]


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Hahaha. It does kind of feel that way, @meahri66! I'm sure our interior designer will do a great job with our new home though. LOL. :P

I need to look for my JoU badge too... I hope I saved a copy of it... or I'll be out of luck. T_T

Awww, let's get you familiar with the JoU feels again, @babyviolets. lol. I still re-watch the JoU scenes a lot in my spare time. Hehe.

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I need to dig up my JoU badge. I feel like I don't have the right uniform on.   

I think I'm feeling this way too @meahri66. It feels like walking out of my apartment in my birthday suit!lol


I wonder what the new thread will look like. I hope it won't be too difficult to navigate. You know what a loser I am with tech stuff!hahaha

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Hahaha. It does kind of feel that way, @meahri66! I'm sure our interior designer will do a great job with our new home though. LOL. :P

I need to look for my JoU badge too... I hope I saved a copy of it... or I'll be out of luck. T_T

Awww, let's get you familiar with the JoU feels again, @babyviolets. lol. I still re-watch the JoU scenes a lot in my spare time. Hehe.

​but but....


rekindling those JoU feels might make me reject JJS' actual relationship even more!hahaha

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@babyviolets I think the new forum won't be so plain and white looking, but I'm not sure what the ultimate design of it is going to be. Still, it should be pretty easy to navigate and won't take long to get used to.

As for rekindling the JoU feels.... Well, I don't know about you, but for me, when I think about JJS, I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that he's in a relationship. lol. It's like I completely forget and then suddenly go, "Oh yeah! Gummy! Oops." LOL

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@babyviolets I think the new forum won't be so plain and white looking, but I'm not sure what the ultimate design of it is going to be. Still, it should be pretty easy to navigate and won't take long to get used to.

As for rekindling the JoU feels.... Well, I don't know about you, but for me, when I think about JJS, I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that he's in a relationship. lol. It's like I completely forget and then suddenly go, "Oh yeah! Gummy! Oops." LOL


@meahri66 and I were just talking about that a few days ago!lol   

There are days where I just forget about Gummy, then there are days where my delulu thoughts go on hyperdrive that I end up thinking up thoughts that only makes me feel guilty afterwards!lol

In all this, I feel most apologetic to Gummy and her fans. They didn't do anything and I'm not even hating on her. I think she's amazing! However, this stupid habit of mine to daydream...ugh!

Lately, I've been thinking about proper shipping etiquette. I know that Jouers are actually very supportive of our man, and am actually quite proud of our group for being so gracious when the news broke out. However, recently I've been battling with those so-called guilty thoughts, and I wonder how far exactly can we take our shipping? I find that as much as I support Oppa with his decision, I am still very much a JoU at heart, so I can't help thinking that he really was in love with her but was just once again concerned about the age difference. I feel like thinking this way is okay. Sometimes though, my mind takes it further and I end up not just portraying Gummy negatively in my mind, but JoU as well. After all, no one wants to think of either IU or Gummy weaseling their way into a relationship, or JJS possibly settling for someone more acceptable to society, because all three people are lovely people and I can't just antagonize someone just to fulfill my own delulu thoughts, no matter how possible these scenarios may be (JoU and Gummy are after all, still real people, so it's not beyond them to have weaknesses and feel negative emotions as well). 

Still, as a shipper, you can't help but be delulu once in a while. In fact, being delulu is what drives shipping. Not imagining the possibilities of them being together makes me feel like I've already given up on my ship, and I'm just not ready for that yet. So, i end up wondering just how far I can take shipping. I want to take it as far as I can, but I don't want to hurt Gummy's fans, or Gummy, coz that will also lead to hurting JJS, and then IU, and that's the last thing I want to do.

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@babyviolets I think you offer really valid points about not being sure when and where the line for shipping should be drawn. I find myself struggling with the same thing since I am absolutely, 100% still JoU at heart. As you all know by now, I do fully support JJS and his relationship with Gummy, but I find that my full support for them doesn't equal or surpass the support I truly feel for JoU and that's a little troubling.

Still, I do think that we are doing okay right now. We are just finding our own methods to cope with the damage to our ship while trying to wrap our minds around Gummy and JJS's relationship since we have yet to see them together. As long as we are not hating on or bashing Gummy and her fans, which I highly doubt we ever would (because we're just awesome like that. lol), then I think the fact that we are still on the JoU ship is acceptable.

At this point, I think we can just support JJS's decision while clinging to the JoU that allowed us all to bond together on Soompi. We can remember the positive emotions we felt during YTBLSS and remember that IU and JJS are still really close friends. Whether or not they had or ever will become something more than that... we will just leave up to fate. For me, I don't think it's disrespectful to hold onto that small glimmer of hope for our JoU while still supporting JJS and Gummy, because I know the difference between delulu/realulu and reality.

If the day ever comes in which their relationship is taken to the next level, then... it's obvious what must be done... but until then, the JoU ship will stay, slowly floating around until the final destination is revealed.

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I love that we are talking about this @akinahana89! hopefully this conversation doesn't get lost once we fully migrate into the new forum, coz it'll be such a waste to not be able to look back to this whenever we feel that familiar confusion tugging at our hearts.

I do agree with you that it's not really disrespectful to hope for JoU while still supporting oppa's relationship. Still, I have to take into account that not everyone in the fandom think like us, and things that we consider harmless might be interpreted as offensive by others. This is not limited to Gummy's fans, but even to Joies and Uaenas. After all, I'm sure there are some who would rather think that IU never had feelings for JJS because they do not want to entertain the idea that IU may have been hurt with all this, and same goes for JJS. Of course, it would be easier if such fans never come across our thread (for their peace of mind!lol) but it's not like we can control them. kkk

And even if we did manage to keep the non-shippers away, that doesn't really assure harmony between us co-shippers. It was easy to agree before because all of us just wanted JoU to be real. However, now that there's another party involved, everyone might have different ideals on how they want to support the ship, and based on an individual's principles,  a full delulu idea might not be accepted by everyone.

So, I was wondering how to best approach future shipping. Should we put sensitive ideas inside spoiler tags? Should we write a disclaimer every time a full delulu idea comes to us? Should we arrive at a consensus now that all ideas that will be thrown in the future are just for our delulu minds and we don't mean to offend anyone? I feel like I need to discuss this with the group because I value everyone here more than the ship itself. After all, JoU won't be JoU without the JoUers. I won't be as delulu as I am now if I didn't have all you guys feeding my imagination!hahaha


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Hahaha. @babyviolets, I think we've been doing a good job so far, since the relationship became public, on ensuring others that our posts since then are just our thoughts, however delulu they may be, and were not said as a way to harm, demean, or offend anyone. I suppose stating a disclaimer in the beginning would be helpful if you feel that it's needed, but I also feel that we've always been really careful about what was said anyway. Both before and after JJS's relationship came into light, because we never wanted to step on anyone's toes to begin with.

I do agree that now a real relationship is known to the public, many will have different thoughts. Some are still unable to move on from JoU and there are some others, I feel, who have chosen to let it go and move on now, which is fine. We all cope, mourn, and move on at different paces, using different methods.

Anyway, if stating a disclaimer makes you feel better about sharing your delulu JoU thoughts, then please put a disclaimer. :D

(By the way, all of the posts here at the temporary thread will get migrated onto the new forum too, so no need to worry about losing these posts.)

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I think I'm feeling this way too @meahri66. It feels like walking out of my apartment in my birthday suit!lol


I wonder what the new thread will look like. I hope it won't be too difficult to navigate. You know what a loser I am with tech stuff!hahaha

​@babyviolets  Loser? You? Not even. You're way better at this stuff than you think. And even if you were, you more than make up for it with your analytical skills. And you have byeonte (it's been so long...did I spell that right?) skills to boot. You're like a triple threat!  hehehe  

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JoUers, we made it to the temporary forums! Woohoo! Let's keep the JoU love going!

​Yes!!!! I found our home!  Gosh, everything looks so unfamiliar! I do not even have a single post to my name, LOL! But i saw that pink badge of yours, Akina!!!! I am so relieved! Hello, @babyviolets and @meahri66!

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@akinahana89 @babyviolets  That was a really deep and lengthy exchange. You both have a point about our JoU family needing to discuss this topic so we can determine what's deemed appropriate shipping given the current status of JJS' relationship.

Our ship has always been respectful of other Soompi clans and their biases, but I think I can see how a misunderstanding might arise if a visitor to our thread interprets our moments of delulu as outright disrespect.  Then again, I believe we're technically within our rights to continue shipping JoU within the confines of our thread...especially if we're not bashing Gummy in any way.

Anyway, for me, my feelings remain ambiguous. My head says I'm fine with JJS' relationship and that I'm sincerely happy for him, however, I'm still feeling a little unanchored and unsettled for some reason. Not sure how long that's going to last, but being able to hang out on our JoU thread and just chatting like we used to is helping me feel more centered. 9_9

@smmr  It's so great to see you!!! Hope you've been well!!  :D

By the way, I think once they finish with the migration, the total number of posts you have should be corrected. At least I think so based on the overview Soompi provided??


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Hi @meahri66! I have been well, thanks! A little quiet since the news but still a shipper! (We can still say that right?) :)  I admit to have been a little saddened but that my admiration for them as actors didn't lessen, not even a little bit! 

Oh wait, how come I can't tag you guys?  your names aren't turning purple? LOL, I am feeling like a newbie! :)


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Hi @meahri66! I have been well, thanks! A little quiet since the news but still a shipper! (We can still say that right?) :)  I admit to have been a little saddened but that my admiration for them as actors didn't lessen, not even a little bit! 

Oh wait, how come I can't tag you guys?  your names aren't turning purple? LOL, I am feeling like a newbie! :)


​Don't worry @smmr it came through. As you type out our names, you should see a member list pop up. If you select the soompier you're looking for, then the hyperlink or tag seems to kick in. LOL...that's my very untechie explanation.  =)

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Sometimes, it doesn't pop up at all if you type too fast. In those situations, you'll have to backspace and retype the username, but slower... and then wait for that pop up menu to come up. lol. Hopefully, we can get it to a point where the wait time for it won't be so long. xD

@smmr Welcome to the temporary JoU thread! It's nice to see you again since you've been MIA for a while. lol. Yes, the post counts and such will be updated with the final merge to portray the accurate count, since all of the posts in the temporary forum will get moved to the official one too.

@meahri66 Yes, I think just being able to post here and surround ourselves with JoUers, actively shipping or not, helps to make us feel more settled. I think the majority of us feel the same - we support JJS and know that he's in a relationship, but emotionally, we're still JoUers and still cling onto some semblance of hope... Haha. We'll be okay though.

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Hi @meahri66! I have been well, thanks! A little quiet since the news but still a shipper! (We can still say that right?) :)  I admit to have been a little saddened but that my admiration for them as actors didn't lessen, not even a little bit! 

Oh wait, how come I can't tag you guys?  your names aren't turning purple? LOL, I am feeling like a newbie! :)


​hi there @smmr! We're all newbies here! lol

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ello guys! ;)


Since we'll be here in the temp thread for a while, I thought this might be a good time as any to think up stuff that we can do to keep the thread up and running again once we've finally settled into our new home. 

So, here's what I was thinking:

-Maybe we can set up themes for each week, such as gif or music week? And it doesn't have to be media themes. We can do mood themes too, or color themes (we can post pics of JoU wearing that color), or whatever theme that comes to our mind. I thought of changing it weekly, so it's not so stressful and we will still have that diversity of posts, but if it's still too tight for everyone, maybe we can set it up on a monthly basis.

-I'm really hoping we can do another JoU TV news segment. We can do it like a promo vid for producer as discussed before.


-Maybe we can do monthly social parties? Set up a date once a month to meet up here and go crazy just like the old times. I know everyone's been busy lately (me included), but I'm hoping everyone can set aside  at least 1 day each month, that way we can catch up with everyone without it interfering too much on our daily lives. And since may IU's month, we can start off with IU's birthday party.


oh well, those are my suggestions. If you guys have something to add, please feel free to post it too!

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@babyviolets  Love the ideas!!

In regard to weekly themes, I like the idea a lot because we'd be generating new content to share.  As far as timing, weekly goals might be too aggressive, but am a little concerned that a monthly frequency might not provide enough stimulation to keep us going. What if we meet somewhere in the middle at the onset, say every two weeks and see how we fare? 

I thought your last JoU news segment was DAEBAK and would love to be a part of the next one. 

Finally, I think having monthly social parties is an excellent idea. There might be a few of our shippers who may not be able to participate in our projects so the social parties would provide them as well as the rest of us, a chance to let our hair down and party like we used to.  :D

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@babyviolets, I'm all up for another JoU news segment since the last one was a real blast. I also agree with @meahri66 about one week being too tight and one month being too few and far between for the theme projects, so I also vote for two week change ups.

I'm not sure if we can do a monthly social party though - not unless we can make it pretty JoU related somehow for the majority of the posts. Shippers' Paradise is much more lax in regards to rules, but it's still part of my responsibility now to make sure that things don't get too carried away. ^^;

Another thing I've been thinking about... I know I was supposed to give the first post a complete make over a while ago to reflect more JoU than ShinShin. With the recent light shed on JJS's relationship, do you guys still think it's a good idea to revamp the first post with a clearer JoU theme... or to keep it as a ShinShin theme for now? I am okay with either one, but along the same lines of the topic discussed yesterday, I don't want to step on any toes or cause any kind of misunderstandings.

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