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Do you have a fetish or a certain 'thing' for specific people?

Guest gisellaaa

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Guest mystified

Guys who have a deep voice and serenade me. <3

But really an optimistic outlook on life and awesome cooking skills would be suffice.
He would make me so fat with all his good food that I won't be able to run away.

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Guest shooting_stars

One particular thing that really attracts me is when a guy has strong forearms...like, I can see the veins on their forearms while they're working or putting something down. I don't know why that gets me every time! ;))
Oh, also guys who can pull of khakis! (Not a lot of the guys I've seen can...)

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Guest foreverlocket

nice muscular arms, but not too bulky. guys who look you in the eyes when they're talking to you ^^ and i def agree with the suit+tie combo  :x

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i wont call it "fetish" lol
but i really find it attractive when a girl or a guy has a beauty mark or mole somewhere in the face or body....

coz it can look really sexy and unique!

like people who have a mole near their eyes at the bottom...or on the side of their neck (is so sexy! lol), or in the chest near the breast...etc.

also, men in suits/tuxedo!!! :D

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Just trying to figure out if the girls on here like guys in suits because they look good in suits, or because of what the suit represents (success in business, a white collar career, money).  So, are they into a guy in a suit or guys who hold professions that require suits?   @Meany-chan
It's like, I'm into girls that can dance.  But if she's hanging around the dance studio, looks like a dancer, but can't dance, it's not the same.  

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