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Would you date someone online?

Guest bakemonochan

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Guest senatordivine

Hey!i was formally in your situation, but i have gotten over it now as i enjoy my online dating greatly. online dating has rules that must be kept inother to enjoy and appreciate online dating. my answer to your question is that: YOU CAN ACTUALLY DATE ONLINE AND ENJOY ITHERE is a resource that changed my life in the online dating world and really made me to start enjoying online dating again.

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bakemonochan said: Since I talk to people online, some of them ended up liking me, but I couldn't return their feelings because I know how hard it is to date over the distance. And besides, they were in another continent .___. We wouldn't be able to see each other...only like after a few years from now ):
What do you think?

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I'm currently in an online relationship and it's been close to 3 years. He's in another continent and we havent met yet but he's worth every sacrifice ive made. Like many, i hesitated at the start and even avoided the whole dating thing but i realised that if you like the person enough and think theyre worth it then go for it. It was the BEST decision ive made. 
With that being said, online relationships arent for everyone. I don't advise jumping into one quickly. You really have to get to know them for at least a year before making a decision. If youre the jealous type and you have trust issues then just forget about it. Also people can lie about their identity but i was just lucky i came across a good and honest person. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

For me, I've never dated before. But there were countless times I've talked to strangers and some confessed to me. Half of them, I didn't know what they looked like and didnt know if they even told me their real age. In some cases, you'll be dating a person online on a dating site and that person is looking for an unrealistic partner that is perfect. You might date a picky person. So I guess you can date if you think it's worth it. For long distance relationships, I think the best way is to work it out with your boy/girlfriend to see if it's a serious relationship or if you think it's stable enough, then you can plan out your future with them. You wouldn't wanna plan out a future with a fat dude who eats nothing but Dorritos..

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Guest tdang9

Meeting people online is not a bad thing. I met my first girl online through an online friend, and it turned out that she lived 5 min from me. We hang-out and dated a few time before I asked her to become my girlfriend.  So we were bf/gf for 4 more years, then she broke-up with me. We are still friend…on facebook.

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Wouldn't count on it. I don't know what other people did to make it work, but for myself I'll don't think I'll ever take that route again.

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Guest chloe_addict

Sometimes people are too busy with their careers to meet other people. So as you get to a certain age, don't people turn to online dating ie match, e-harmony to look for potential s/o? 

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I'd advise against it. That single yet taken status gets old REAL QUICK. I'm not saying it's impossible... but it's not very probable either

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Guest showoff

I've met many people in real life that I initially "met" online.  Whether it was dating or just friends w/ common interests and hobbies, it originated online, then moved to real life.  There's nothing wrong with making a connection through online means.  It's 2013, the social stigma of "online" is gone for many.

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Unless both of you were too busy training for the upcoming Olympics, it's weird that you've been "dating" for 3 years, and he hasn't met you.  You'd figure he or you could hop a flight from Priceline and meet, over a 3 year timeline.  I know people who've been married after dating for 3 years.  Body language, social acuteness, pheromones are stuff all missed out.  


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speedredefined said: @k0k0black
1.  How do you know he's "good and honest" if you've never actually met him?  So, you've never gotten to see him in person, and everything that goes with it.  For instance, experiencing his pheromones, and readying his body language - 2 things humans are wired to do sexually.  
2.  It's been 3 years, and you haven't met him.  Some people date and get married in 3 years.   
3.  If you're in your twenties, that's 3 years of your prime dating life you've airballed on.  Again, you haven't met him in 3 years.   You don't think that's very odd?  Neither of you could hop a Priceline flight and visit?  I think any sensible person would if they were dating someone for 3 years.

Never understood "online relationships" where neither person has actually met before.  How could you "date" someone for years, you haven't actually met, in 3 years.  Unless both of you are too busy training for the upcoming Olympics, that's weird sista.     

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@speedredefinedI'm going to reply to your unedited version in response to me. 

1. I know he's good and honest because there are lots of signs. We nailed our communication level and just like every relationship, online or not, communication is key. 

I can also see his body language and emotions through the cam. It's not like i'm JUST typing to him through the screen, if that's what youre thinking.

Anyways, we'll always text whenever we get the chance to and we'll never miss a day without skyping. So i know I'm on his mind. He tells me exactly what he's gonna do and then i see proof of it whenever he uploads the pics on instagram, fb etc. He'll even skype me(when he can) when he's at college or at work during breaks. He's proved to care about me whenever im unhappy about whatever he does and then he works on it to fix it. Just like every relationship, we have our typical up and down days but what brings us back on track is his sincerity and passion to talk it through and make up again (vise versa). We've had our emotional talks and ive seen him through anger, embarrassed, in tears, sexually frustrated, just about anything because we are 


comfortable. Also he's introduced me to his friends and family as his gf so it's not like he's kidding around.   

2. Yeh good for those that get married within 3 years! However basing the relationship on a number isnt what it's suppose to be all about. You should get married when you both 

feel ready. Y

ou cant compare those people's situation to me because I'm in an online relationship and i'm not getting married anytime soon. I'm still young. People have other priorities to focus on first. 

3. You're assuming that we're both in our 20's.

 I am going to be in my prime age of dating soon but i dont care. Because to me, ive already found someone im completely happy with. Have you ever considered the fact that I'm 19 and I'm a full time student and have strict parents that won't let me travel? I also currently don't have a job because i wanna focus on my studies first. So money is an issue. And yes he's in his early 20's but he has his reasons to which i dont need to list. We also have a plan of when to meet so it's not like he left me hanging or anything. . 

Of course you don't understand online relationships because you've never been in one. Or if you have, it must have turned out bad. Not everyone has it bad and if they're mature enough and know how to handle it then it's possible. I use to think just like you and was totally against online dating until i "accidentally" fell for him. Now i understand it really well. 

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