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[Official] SPARTACE COUPLE KimJongkook-SongJiHyo

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2 hours ago, WanZ said:

I agree too, that the said SA moment from Ep 152 might be a misinterpretation from SA fans like me. Could it be a 'reading-too-much-into-things' case? It probably is, LOL... I remember seeing the discussion about it, re-watching that episode, and realized that it could be JK being the (adorable) nag that he is, and nothing more. It's so easy and lovely to buy that JK is oppose to JH getting the sunscreen as a prize because 'they' will find it to be of no use 'in their life together' or whatnot. I believe the first person to ever find and notice the moment to be a SA moment never intended to be misguiding or over-delusional... thus I have to apologize if my sentences in my post up there about the scene are suggesting both. :)

maybe he was like that because they ask jh and kg to choose first, when kg pick the camara he was like he had one at home if he needs it and then jh pick the sunscreen and he was like he doesn't use sunscreen he like to tan. by the way when it was jk time to do the blob jump you can see jh in the background on top of the hill looking probably she wanted to get a better look of jk in the air as soon as they were finish she when back to her team and also when they were picking the second time around he didn't say anything

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33 minutes ago, WhasianDaddy said:

what i've notice with jk and jh mostly jk its that they do not have a problem doing that kind of game with guess are other member but when it come on to jh and jk it a different matter you can see jk actin all nervious like he has something to hide like fidgeting taking deep breath playing around with his hat which he doesn't do with other when playing that game and you can see jh trying to act cool like she is not affected by if also


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52 minutes ago, WhasianDaddy said:

Going along with this, let's look back at the famous icicle game that we all love and hate. When JK and JH fail, we all know that SJ was really disappointed. However, did you see how JK was pointing his finger at someone? I wonder if he noticed that there were some remarks or some disappointed noises from the staff (like "aww...."). If that were the case, he would smirk at the staff and point his finger at them like "you guys..." The members and the staff all wanted to see it, but disappointed that it didn't work out. JH also looks very disappointed when JS says that it's never going to work out between them. I don't think she was disappointed to hear that but either she was disappointed that the game ended in vain or that they couldn't get closer to each other because she was looking at the end of the icicle as though she couldn't believe that it just ended like that.


I'm not totally sure since we don't have a zoomed out shot to compare the angle in, but I think JK may have been pointing at KG since KG had started singing the chorus of "One Man" a few seconds earlier. 

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4 hours ago, WhasianDaddy said:


Going along with this, let's look back at the famous icicle game that we all love and hate. When JK and JH fail, we all know that SJ was really disappointed. However, did you see how JK was pointing his finger at someone? I wonder if he noticed that there were some remarks or some disappointed noises from the staff (like "aww...."). If that were the case, he would smirk at the staff and point his finger at them like "you guys..." The members and the staff all wanted to see it, but disappointed that it didn't work out. JH also looks very disappointed when JS says that it's never going to work out between them. I don't think she was disappointed to hear that but either she was disappointed that the game ended in vain or that they couldn't get closer to each other because she was looking at the end of the icicle as though she couldn't believe that it just ended like that.

Lastly, it's fun to see all the other members' reactions during this. You can see HaHa watching with much anticipation. You can see KS's face after they failed but he wasn't laughing or smiling but rather disappointed. Perhaps, they wanted something to happen between them as much as SJ.


I have a theory on this episode. If you watch it right before they play the game, you see KJK holding onto the center of the icicle, making it easier to break. That's why it breaks clean through halfway through the game. Either 1) he's nervous to play the game with SJH 2) wants to keep the monday couple "storyline" as it was still so active 3) JSJ seemed really excited for the two of them to do it, he does seem like one of the biggest spartace supporters in the Running man cast at least we catch his actions the most cause he cant act. <3

I also wanted to comment on the new possible RM member and how the episodes have been so far. I think it's very hard to judge the PD atm, like i dont think i seen so many positive comments about recent episodes since he's taken over. the old PD was literally forcing such awkward situations the episode where Gary and JH had to fly to wherever and JH just literally hit her face under the jacket cause she was sick of it (some can say she was sleepy) but honestly i felt the whole episode she was sick of the forced MC moments. Anyway getting off track, i think the new PD has done a lot for us. He's been providing great episodes and one bad episode for the landmark 300th doesnt mean we should all jump in and accuss him of being bad. This landmark moment may have been planned way back, it could contain some ideas that weren't his and were already in place before he was in charge. Before we judge the episode let's watch the second part of the episode. 

On the case of the new RM, i'm really not sure about this. The whole reason why i re watch running man episodes is to watch the bond between the cast. it honestly feels like a family, they been through so much together. Jae Suk, haha and Jong Kook has a bond that goes way back. Ji suk jin is like the old uncle, ji hyo is like the sister who argues with everyone and obviously the girlfriend of JK :P gary and haha are like brother while kwang soo is the rut of the family. He gets made fun of but he's still loved by everyone. Probably loved by everyone a lot more than anyone else. Bringing someone into this cast and trying to pretend their part of the family really goes against this image. They're a family, which makes us love them more. Not even sure if many guests could do what was suggested and be a guest for 5-6 episodes, i can only think of a few guests who fits in well with the RM group. Nickhun, woo bin, Park Ji sung (far fetch) are the 3 that comes to mine. Female wise i can only think of Suzy who really been around for that long and always came back. 

I think we have to let him share his ideas, and ofc offer our own ones to him and maybe be used in the real running man. Still think its too early to judge him. I don't think we had a scary running man episode in a while which is what is being hinted at in the preview. I remember watching Choi Min soo episodes and being honestly scared. So let's give him a chance. 

Not a lot of Spartace moments in the last one. But i think being a landmark episode its understable. More curious to see if anyone got any more pictures of JK and JH on vacation. Or whatever is being posted on social media, Are they back in Korea yet? Anyway its great to see so many people sharing. i been lurking on this forum for awhile before i decided to make a username. So glad i have. Its very refreshing being able to talk about RM and share what we think with each other :)


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Something I was thinking about is that if, let's say, that they decide to discontinue RM. I think I would be very sad to see a beloved show disappear; however, I would be happy at the same time because JK and JH could actually date without worrying about the show.

What are your thoughts on "what if they discontinued RM?"

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@seabear11 Both of them have been back to Korea already.  JH attended an event on 22 May.  JK joined the running man filming right after he's landed yesterday. And from the pic posted in running man official instagram, it seems that a guest, JK, JH, HaHa were in the same team (they were in white while the remainings were in blue).

For today, JK will surely be in a great mood as his dragon brothers  join the filming of his new show (Opt Show). He already posted a photo in instagram this morning.

I reaply miss the time when his dragon brothers came to running man, especially Cha Tae Hyun. Though it is impossible as their shows are broadcasted at the same time and are competing for ratings, I really want Cha Tae Hyun to come again. Remember last time he came, he selected JK and JH to be his team mate and JS was a bit shock about it.  If he join the show, I'm sure we will discover more about JK and JH's relationship.

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Guest athoughtcloud1
14 hours ago, tushe0511 said:

What i'm more worried about lately is JH. She's been the center of RM since the beginning till mid 2013.. and then everything changed. Don't know if it happened since she became more mature but i have a feeling it's because of personal reason, like a nagging (and i know there's someone who can be really a good nagging person) boyfriend. Also, the dinamics between her and the members has changed. SJ doesn't act like a sort of a father for her (or at least those moments are quite rare), JS seems like he doesn't adore her anymore (especially that comment in episode 298 "you should go home" got me disappointed), G is colder than ever (even their MC moment lately were cold) as if he doesn't respect her!!! The other 3 luckly give me a better vibe. The love-hate relationship between her and KS is cool even thought i didn't like when he kicked her in ep. 282 (it wasn't the kick itself but the fact that she was on the ground at the moment so it looked a little too much). As for HH i only have good words to spend for that man, he's so cool, so warm and funny at the same time. You can feel his warmness toward JH in every interaction, he's so delicate with her...  No need to say anything about JK, i'm here in this forum so you can get what i think about his relationship with JH.


I can see why you may feel that way, but I don't quite see it that way. The reason we don't get to see some of the things we used to in the early episodes is also coz the focus has shifted from certain team combinations (like for instance candy alliance or the father-in-law and Monday couple combination). I don't think we should judge JH's relationships with any of the RM guys by a single comment they make since they have relationships with JH that have been going strong for 5-6 years. It was JS who taught JH her first variety lessons, it was he who created the "MongJi" character for her. In the early episodes, when JH used to be shy and would rarely talk, JS would find a way to bring her into the conversation so that she would get screentime. So he is her sunbae and mentor. About the "go home" comment,  I saw several people taking offence at JS in some of the forums because JS made that comment. JS was just joking when he said that. I also read that the English translation made it look like it was a rebuke, when it doesn't sound like that in Korean. Besides, JH has also made fun of him a number of times about the way he dresses and all. So don't read too much into it. In the same episode, when JH wins over JSJ, Jae Suk is the first one to come and congratulate her and he sounds so proud of her.  In the Apology Service episode, if you remember, JS was sneakily trying to show JH the answer "Australopithecus" so that she could escape the punishment. Shows how much he adores her since he did not do that with anyone else. In the Dubai episode again, after Gary got the flag and there was some confusion about who should stay in the desert and who should go to the hotel, JS volunteered to stay in the desert so that JH could go back. That was why JH was hanging around in the desert till the last minute since she felt a bit regretful of the situation. Other than Gary (who perhaps didn't get the memo), all the other guys racing with JH were not trying that hard since they wanted JH to win. JS was again pretty appreciative of JH's writing skills in this episode while she was writing the essay. They go way back and have so much history, so I don't think it is fair to judge Jae Suk just based on a single comment.

As for JSJ, he is not the showy type with his affection. So one can't have the same expectations from him as JS. Besides, he thinks of JH as a man in terms of strength and endurance, so he does not show her the same consideration at times which some of the other guys show thinking she is a woman. But that is fine, he is quite old. Even then, when the winners  had to decide who they should save from the fate of spending the night in the scary amusement park at night, JSJ chose JH instead of JS. There are so many things like these in which the guys show her their consideration, just that only some things get highlighted.

I really don't think Gary has gone cold towards JH. Gary is not basically the intrinsically caring type like KS. Then again, because MC is no longer there, their interactions do not get much focus these days. Besides, they might not want to interact that much in front of the camera since it can get interpreted as 'MC still have feelings for each other or something like that' by some delusional fans. They might also be trying to find a new equation on the show. However, in episode 298, you can see JH leaning on Gary while walking (perhaps she was injured somewhere or feeling tired).

JH has had to let go of her feminine side many a time to become a part of an all male gang. As a woman, she might have had some difficulties which some of the guys couldn't even comprehend at times. However, the guys have also tried their best to make her feel a part of the group and help her out as much as they could. I was recently watching episode 148 where one of the team members had to take a quiz and if he/she got it wrong, his/her team members who were already standing waist-deep in freezing water would get dunked in a blast of cold water. JH was the one answering for her team consisting of Haha and Gary and she was at times purposely getting her answers wrong for variety purposes. But the guys never changed her as their quiz-taker though they were getting dunked continuously. The only other person who got similar treatment was the female guest So Yi Hyun, but she did get some answers right, so her team did not have to suffer as much. Again, in the "king of the animals" episode, the guys again spared her in a similar situation where she had to get dunked. These are just a few instances.  Again, you can see that they almost never write JH's name in all the voting out rounds they have to do, they all have a soft corner for JH. So some of the guys may not be vocal about how much they adore JH, but in their actions, you can see their thoughtfulness and considerateness for her.

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5 hours ago, athoughtcloud1 said:


I can see why you may feel that way, but I don't quite see it that way. The reason we don't get to see some of the things we used to in the early episodes is also coz the focus has shifted from certain team combinations (like for instance candy alliance or the father-in-law and Monday couple combination). I don't think we should judge JH's relationships with any of the RM guys by a single comment they make since they have relationships with JH that have been going strong for 5-6 years. It was JS who taught JH her first variety lessons, it was he who created the "MongJi" character for her. In the early episodes, when JH used to be shy and would rarely talk, JS would find a way to bring her into the conversation so that she would get screentime. So he is her sunbae and mentor. About the "go home" comment,  I saw several people taking offence at JS in some of the forums because JS made that comment. JS was just joking when he said that. I also read that the English translation made it look like it was a rebuke, when it doesn't sound like that in Korean. Besides, JH has also made fun of him a number of times about the way he dresses and all. So don't read too much into it. In the same episode, when JH wins over JSJ, Jae Suk is the first one to come and congratulate her and he sounds so proud of her.  In the Apology Service episode, if you remember, JS was sneakily trying to show JH the answer "Australopithecus" so that she could escape the punishment. Shows how much he adores her since he did not do that with anyone else. In the Dubai episode again, after Gary got the flag and there was some confusion about who should stay in the desert and who should go to the hotel, JS volunteered to stay in the desert so that JH could go back. That was why JH was hanging around in the desert till the last minute since she felt a bit regretful of the situation. Other than Gary (who perhaps didn't get the memo), all the other guys racing with JH were not trying that hard since they wanted JH to win. JS was again pretty appreciative of JH's writing skills in this episode while she was writing the essay. They go way back and have so much history, so I don't think it is fair to judge Jae Suk just based on a single comment.

As for JSJ, he is not the showy type with his affection. So one can't have the same expectations from him as JS. Besides, he thinks of JH as a man in terms of strength and endurance, so he does not show her the same consideration at times which some of the other guys show thinking she is a woman. But that is fine, he is quite old. Even then, when the winners  had to decide who they should save from the fate of spending the night in the scary amusement park at night, JSJ chose JH instead of JS. There are so many things like these in which the guys show her their consideration, just that only some things get highlighted.

I really don't think Gary has gone cold towards JH. Gary is not basically the intrinsically caring type like KS. Then again, because MC is no longer there, their interactions do not get much focus these days. Besides, they might not want to interact that much in front of the camera since it can get interpreted as 'MC still have feelings for each other or something like that' by some delusional fans. They might also be trying to find a new equation on the show. However, in episode 298, you can see JH leaning on Gary while walking (perhaps she was injured somewhere or feeling tired).

JH has had to let go of her feminine side many a time to become a part of an all male gang. As a woman, she might have had some difficulties which some of the guys couldn't even comprehend at times. However, the guys have also tried their best to make her feel a part of the group and help her out as much as they could. I was recently watching episode 148 where one of the team members had to take a quiz and if he/she got it wrong, his/her team members who were already standing waist-deep in freezing water would get dunked in a blast of cold water. JH was the one answering for her team consisting of Haha and Gary and she was at times purposely getting her answers wrong for variety purposes. But the guys never changed her as their quiz-taker though they were getting dunked continuously. The only other person who got similar treatment was the female guest So Yi Hyun, but she did get some answers right, so her team did not have to suffer as much. Again, in the "king of the animals" episode, the guys again spared her in a similar situation where she had to get dunked. These are just a few instances.  Again, you can see that they almost never write JH's name in all the voting out rounds they have to do, they all have a soft corner for JH. So some of the guys may not be vocal about how much they adore JH, but in their actions, you can see their thoughtfulness and considerateness for her.


Probably i wasn't clear enough. What i wanted to say is that RM isn't centered around JH and her interactions with the team. Don't know if it was a natural transition or if it was PD's decision. By decreasing their interactions we can't have the overall idea of what happened (for example, the heart thing with the fingers... i know the story behind it, so i can understand what it really means everytime they're doing it). I know JS adores her but only because i know their "background" interactions... if i watched RM once in a while, in front of that "you should go home", i would think that that's how JS usually treats her. The same goes for the others... I love all RM members and i love their interactions the most (SJ is actually one of the funniest in there... i don't know how some people could find him boring...).

I miss those episodes where guests were sort of appendices for the show... they should invite guests based on the theme of the episode and not the other way around.

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Guest athoughtcloud1
On 25/5/2016 at 3:12 AM, WhasianDaddy said:

Something I was thinking about is that if, let's say, that they decide to discontinue RM. I think I would be very sad to see a beloved show disappear; however, I would be happy at the same time because JK and JH could actually date without worrying about the show.

What are your thoughts on "what if they discontinued RM?"


If I could, I would want RM to end after giving me at least one episode with spartace revealed to be dating each other. I would love to hear some direct teasing comments from the members instead of the indirect ones which we interpret as meant for them like this. :D


cre: SA naver

Can someone explain this properly to me, JK's comment? Do fans assume he meant JH when he made that comment? How do they know it was edited out?


Is there a translation of the essays JH and JK wrote in this episode?

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Hi guys, I'm new here, new in the sense that this is the first time I post here. I used to read through the posts and that does enlinghten me a lot.

Just want to try how to post and share something from the Baidu SA, it is regarding the 300 words essay in EP300. I have translated those written by SJH. Some people find it weird because the first time she mentioned KJK, she left out 'oppa', but maybe because after she had written KJK's name, then LKS reminded her that she could add oppa (in order to increase the number of words). The second time, she mentioned all members' name but KJK's. 

Maybe she was in a hurry, or did that mean anything special? 

Translation of SJH's essay

We have gone through 300 episodes! Yoo Jae Seok, Jee Seok Jin, Kim Jong Kook, Kang Hee Gun oppa, Ha Dong Hun oppa, Lee Kwang Soo dongsaeng, Song Ji Hyo, thanks for your hard work. 
From now onwards, we shall run and run and run, argue and argue and argue, love and love and love. We shall continue doing these, not only till 300 episodes, but till 3000 episodes, even till 300000xxx episodes. 
We shall love each other and run together forever, with the spirit of '7012', continueeeeeeeee doing this, and I'm looking forward for this, LOL. 
No matter how exhausted and hard, we shall encourage each other, help each other, hug each other, comfort each other, caress each other. With that, Yoo Jae Seok oppa, Jee Seok Jin oppa, Kang Gary oppa, Ha Dong Hun oppa, Lee Kwang Soo dongsaeng, Song Ji Hyo shall continue running harmoniously, LOL. 
Even though this is hard, but I feel happy because you guys are always by my side, LOL. 

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1 hour ago, htttt said:

Hi guys, I'm new here, new in the sense that this is the first time I post here. I used to read through the posts and that does enlinghten me a lot.

Just want to try how to post and share something from the Baidu SA, it is regarding the 300 words essay in EP300. I have translated those written by SJH. Some people find it weird because the first time she mentioned KJK, she left out 'oppa', but maybe because after she had written KJK's name, then LKS reminded her that she could add oppa (in order to increase the number of words). The second time, she mentioned all members' name but KJK's. 

Maybe she was in a hurry, or did that mean anything special? 

Translation of SJH's essay

We have gone through 300 episodes! Yoo Jae Seok, Jee Seok Jin, Kim Jong Kook, Kang Hee Gun oppa, Ha Dong Hun oppa, Lee Kwang Soo dongsaeng, Song Ji Hyo, thanks for your hard work. 
From now onwards, we shall run and run and run, argue and argue and argue, love and love and love. We shall continue doing these, not only till 300 episodes, but till 3000 episodes, even till 300000xxx episodes. 
We shall love each other and run together forever, with the spirit of '7012', continueeeeeeeee doing this, and I'm looking forward for this, LOL. 
No matter how exhausted and hard, we shall encourage each other, help each other, hug each other, comfort each other, caress each other. With that, Yoo Jae Seok oppa, Jee Seok Jin oppa, Kang Gary oppa, Ha Dong Hun oppa, Lee Kwang Soo dongsaeng, Song Ji Hyo shall continue running harmoniously, LOL. 
Even though this is hard, but I feel happy because you guys are always by my side, LOL. 


Congrats on your first post, @htttt, and thanks so much for the translation! Regarding JK's name, I think the subbers behind the Chinese translation may have just missed JK's name since it's definitely in there a second time in the Korean text: 


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Guest athoughtcloud1

Thanks a lot @htttt and hope to see you around here more. It is good to get a full sense of JH's writing style and words.

Thanks @pink007for the clarification.

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On 24 May 2016 at 8:29 PM, linzer03 said:

@athoughtcloud1 hahaha It never occurred to me that KJK would rewatch old RM episodes. It seems like the obvious answer. It probably didn't occurred to me because the other members acted like that's impossible, so I figured it was too. But I'd say KJK is the nostalgic type. Turbo reunion, anyone? 

I just don't buy the sunscreen thing as having anything to do with SJH, because KJK was doing the same thing for the other items, saying they're not that big of a deal. I do agree that YJS's reaction was strange (he's usually more talkative) but there could be other reasons for it. But, hey, I could be wrong. The ep 151 limo moment I find interesting. Since YJS was talking about a boyfriend writing a song for his girlfriend, while looking at KJK. A lot of KJK's conversation about boyfriends seemed to be directed at KJK, and (its hard to see because there's something in front of KJK, but he looks a bit uncomfortable with the conversation. It also matches up with spartace fans suspicions in the Love and War episode when SJH says she received a song as a present. KJK looked super comfortable then too even as he played along with YJS's teasing. Also, in the opening of ep 151, SJH is late. In the first intro scene, you just see the six guys (their line up goes LKS, JSJ, YJS, KJK, KG, HH). When SJH appears, she stands between KJK and KG. This is odd because usually SJH stands to the outside of the lineup (since we just had the center-seeker episode). Her choosing that position puts KJK, not YJS, in the middle and puts SJH in the second position. Which isn't somewhere she stands often. It's just a strange choice for her to make, especially since she's arriving late and could have just stood on the end to avoid moving people around. 

@dragonlovers I know KJK was injured during the filming for ep 300, so maybe he wanted to take a break rather than MC right then. KJK hasn't been referred to as The Commander in awhile. That nickname actually ended in the early episodes when nametag games stopped being so team-oriented (like Bells Hide and Seek) and he turned into the Tiger instead. I think KJK hasn't had as many opportunities to be the tiger because the games recently have been less fierce, but he's still Coach Kookie (which the other members complain about, but its urprising how many times he's right) and Mr. Capable (which applies regardless if nametag ripping because he's good at some really random things). KJK's character has a lot of aspects to it - the health nut (which we see in this episode when he has to eat chocolate), the tiger (when he holds down three BTS members and he'll be arm wrestling against the 300 students), coach (when he explains to YJS how he should have gone about answering the questions), etc. I think its not that KJK's character has diminished, its just that we don't get the captions using the nicknames anymore. SJH is still acting like the ace (against BTS and when writing her part of the essay) but we don't get a caption proclaiming her the ace. I was also a little surprised that the opening for JSJ just described him as the "Race Starter", especially since he hasn't been referred to as that in awhile. And, as his VJ pointed out, JSJ comes second a lot nowadays. There's a lot more to JSJ's character than Race Starter, but the staff picked the old nickname rather than highlight a newer aspect of his character. The editors aren't doing much to add to the cast's characters so I think that's why in some cases it feels like their characters have lessened rather than changed. 


Sorry for the misinterpretation. Since JK is refer to "能力者" in Chinese, this is the first time I find that the term is translated into two different nicknames in English, as Commander and Mr. Capable.  But I think you are right that the editors have less emphasis on their characters now and hence we see less on this aspect nowadays.

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I just read a Korean news article and it says that even though being 300th episode of RM, they had the lowest rating during that time frame. They had average of 6.8% which is 2.3% lower than the last episode. Meanwhile, 2 Days 1 Night had 16.3% and Real Men had 12.2%.

Sad day!!!!

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2 hours ago, WhasianDaddy said:

I just read a Korean news article and it says that even though being 300th episode of RM, they had the lowest rating during that time frame. They had average of 6.8% which is 2.3% lower than the last episode. Meanwhile, 2 Days 1 Night had 16.3% and Real Men had 12.2%.

Sad day!!!!


The episode was very sentimental i feel like, next week episode will bring in more views. they're rating will go back up to 9-10%. Don't worry too much about it. 
Re watching old episodes of RM, even in episode 160 where its JH, KJK, KG you see JH clinging onto KJK. I think theres also a shot of her hand in his lap or theyre holding hands. not too sure. 

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@athoughtcloud1 I have the full essay of JK in Chinese, but I cannot tranalate it since my English is not that good...I will post it here and see whether someone can help to translate it.

JK's essay:

呜哇·这像话吗?已经是300期了!oh my god!至今为止度过的每一天就像走马灯一样在眼前浮现,啊··也曾遗憾也曾感激众多的篇章,现在都在眼前一一展开了,池石镇刘在石金钟国Gary哈哈智孝李光洙我们七个人聚到一起克服了尴尬的初期走到了今天,没有大家就不可能有300期··好!接下来3000期30000期我们也像现在一样变成韩国第一亚洲第一世界第一,向着成为宇宙最强节目努力吧!永远地7012!这是我们的约定!故事!能量!友情!现在我们都以崭新的心情尽我们所能加油吧!WE ARE THE ONE!ONE AND ONLY!NEVER FORGET OUR FRIEND SHIP!RUNNING MAN IS THE BEST!好!现在重新(开始)

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Have couple of busy weeks lately, glad to see this thread is full of discussions. And also, welcome all new members! It's good that our couple gain more shippers.


@athoughtcloud1 found it on twitter about members' essays, wish 'em helped. (Put them in spoilers for a shorter post, the text in brackets [ ] are what they wrote in eng)

[JH's essay]












credit: @amsasipa on twitter


Heard that CTH and HKM appeared in Welcome Show, is there any eng sub of the episode? Expecting that Dragon Bros gave us hints about JK's private life.

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@athoughtcloud1 JK's essay:

WOW!What's amazing!It has been 300 episodes!OH MY GOD!Every day lasted since then as if regimes in the eyes, ah... ever regret and also grateful to many chapters, are now in sight of one by one, JSJ,YJS,KJK,GARY,HAHA,JH,LKS,our seven members gathered together and overcome the early embarrassment until today, It is impossible to have 300 episodes without us... Well! The next stage of 3000 30000 we also like now and become the first program of South Korea the first of Asia and the first in the world, making efforts to become the universe strongest program ! 7012 forever! This is our agreement! The story! Energy! Friendship! Now we are filling it with a new mood to do everything we can! WE ARE THE ONE! ONE AND ONLY! NEVER FORGET OUR FRIEND SHIP! RUNNING MAN IS THE BEST! Good! Now back to (start)

I will translate JSJ's essay in the evening,it's no time doing now,I'll go to school.

I see a report today about the reason why JK traveled to LA.It's because he will have some concerts in the  several cities in the western united states from October to November this year.He met local and relevant person in LA on 21st May.And he flew to Las Vegas on 22nd May,having relevant meetings.

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