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[Drama 2013-14] You Who Came From the Stars / My Love From Another Star ★ 별에서 온 그대


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Guest jcon1208

i have a suggestion, let's not use MJ's or JK's pic/gif (u know what i mean) for someone/something we don't like. hm, it's hurtful to see those.
let's just focus on the drama. 
love, love, love guys.

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Guest kshluvsme

My beloved KSH and JJH family, I came to love this thread because of the infos, amazing, hilarious reactions you guys and gals came to post. The very warm and friendly ambiance you all had created here invites more of us you just lurk around from time to time  to fully  become attached and unlurk when the momentum  is too high for us to handle anymore. I hope that the same friendly atmosphere will be back again soon for this what makes this place truly marvelous and feels like home.

Please let us begin with focusing more on what is positive on this thread and negate whatever doesn't serves us right.
For what we focus on, persist and we only want positive and uplifting energy resides on this thread, so if only we can control and relax our emotions and thoughts, we could turn this place again to a happy and cheerful home for everyone just like before.

I love you all here and I am very much grateful and Thankful for all of your wonderful contributions in whatever form it is. Please continue to do so for I really enjoy every bit of it.  Thank you so much everyone!             Breathe in, Breathe out and relax ... much Love!  mwaahhh!   
:\">    :)>-

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Guest jcon1208

i'm just wondering if SY is famous and an actress since teens, why MJ did not even know her. he might accidentally saw her CF/Ads.
about samsung CFs, i think there will be more than one cf that will be released because they will promote samsung electronics products. possible that there is/are individual and group (they are together).

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what do you guys do when someone put off-topic on your post? do you call out the person/persons who did so? isn't it better to pm and directly ask that person why? i got an off-topic once on this thread when i answered a post asking who are other Filipinos in here. i got annoyed at first but then i checked the post and yes i admit it was indeed off-topic so i just shrugged it off (i could have defended that it's still on topic since it's about Filipinos WHO ARE WATCHING YWCFTS but i'm not unreasonable like that, that will be too childish) so before you call out someone for clicking the off-topic button on you, kindly review your post and be open-minded enough to accept if it is so (we are all grown-ups here)

to sum it up, the gener
al subject that WE ALL agree on about is that we love to read updates and see pictures of our OTP (whether it be old photos, videos, gifs, fan art, anything JJH & KSH related on this page -thank you for all the updates chingus) so let's just stick to them and the drama so we won't have issues about being tagged off-topic.

anyway it seems like it's been forever since JJH & KSH's joint Samsung endorsement deal had been announced. can't hardly wait for it. hope it will have a cute & funny concept or they will play as DMJ & CSY so we can spazz here for a long long time ;))

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Guest crazy4ywcfts

Just to make sure.... could someone enlighten me on what is considered on topic? :-/ :-/ :-/
Up to now, a post that has the name of the drama, the characters, the casts, pics or gifs of the drama seems pretty on topic to me. Even self expressions on how ppl feel for the drama, how the drama affects one's life too seems on topic. Or maybe that's not all there is too it? I'm just asking, in case I get off topic... Okay, in case this post is off topic, I'll insert some pics of Kim Soo Hyun 'cause by my logic, it's on topic. Here, him accidentally breaks his fries and pretends nothing has happened:
tumblr_n17i0rdF8d1r2tp73o1_250.gif  tumblr_n17i0rdF8d1r2tp73o2_250.gif

That aside, this thread is very tense now. Where is the cute, hilarious, byeontae thread I know? This is no fun anymore..... I'm sad..... Can anyone start a public virtual flirting conversation to lighten up the mood? But wait, that's off topic. Oh well, I'll leave this thread for a while till the atmosphere gets back to normal again then... 

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Ups.. so I wasn't supposed to post JJH photos? My bad...I hope I wouldn't do any harm to this thread... I wish this thread will stay for a long time... at least until when everyone can move on and stop lurking here... and please please please keep posting regardless the tension we've got today... I know there's a Line group out there for this show fans...but not everyone can be on Line..
Stay calm and keep loving our OTP, kay? :D

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Today, I feel upset and worry when there are some troubles, and the atmosphere (as far as I feel) is very tense. But I am sure to say that the solidarity of us is good, I am happy to think that it is a trouble like a drama, has some difficult situation, and thanks to this, we will be stronger and love others more. Dear @safiresea unnie: don't be upset, I am always by your side. :)Be on topic again,:DI do love her lips when she talks like that, I laugh to death in this scene, and love the way she talksGianna-Jun-image-gianna-jun-36632562-500


and I think I will be lurker again, I will be back when their CFs appear. Love you all! :x

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Guest maddie

As many people have already said, it is time to move on from this issue. What should be ignored will be ignored and we should continue to focus on our OTP.-------Now, has anyone heard anything about the Samsung commercial? I feel like it's already recorded and done with. One day we'll see it on TV/ YouTube T.T...
I want to rant to KSH and JJH (more to her), why did you make us addicted to you on Wed/ Thurs and now you're hiding?A few pics here and there are not enough after the explosion of awesome from this drama  :(

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misai said: loli said: I'm Remembering when DM decided to act upon his feeling but not answering CY if he love her

You made me go and watch that part all over again :D

Maybe it was just me, but that moment made me feel a bit frustrated, almost angry at DMJ. I mean, he clearly wanted to have her, but when she asked him directly if he liked her, he chose not to answer. At first I thought "oh he can't speak because of the sickness", but he did speak in the car, so he obviously could. In some ways I can relate to CSY, but in situations like this is where our personalities differ. In the exact same situation I would wait for a clear answer. If no answer was given, well then "stay there" *walks away and calls lawyer Jang to pick him up* He would totally deserve that. I love CSY, she is my favourite character, but like Bok Ja said in episode 18 "It seems like you don't have any self-respect/dignity" and it's true xD Poor CSY she really gives in easily, but I guess if she were as stubborn as DMJ, they wouldn't be together now ^_^ <3
lol... I say its because DM just love to torture CY... He tend to show it with action but after showing it with action he then say something different. it gives mixed emotion that could drive you nut!!

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I've been here in this thread since the start..but since YWCFTS ended I'm just only lurking now.. And to be honest I'm disappointed and sad that this thread turn out this way...before this thread only has love for the drama and has a friendly environment but now it became a hate thread...Sorry but I really can't help but to post this... thank's to all mods for calling the attention of everyone here..I know I'm not in the position to say this but don't ignore the rules in soompi guys...pls. Follow it...an individual pics should be post in actor and actresses thread... and if you happen to discuss the couple... pls post it to couple - shippers thread... and can we bring back the peace in this thread because it starts to irritate not only me but other soompiers who are visiting this thread...enough with the arguments...one after another is really tiring to see... So pls. Let's just maintain the friendly environment we have before...thank you!... @loli‌ I forgot to thank you dear ...you're awesome and to other mods too...

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maddie said: As many people have already said, it is time to move on from this issue. What should be ignored will be ignored and we should continue to focus on our OTP.-------Now, has anyone heard anything about the Samsung commercial? I feel like it's already recorded and done with. One day we'll see it on TV/ YouTube T.T...
I want to rant to KSH and JJH (more to her), why did you make us addicted to you on Wed/ Thurs and now you're hiding?A few pics here and there are not enough after the explosion of awesome from this drama  :(

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