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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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Guest labbit

@packmule3 Your above post can be describe in one word AWESOME....thanks for posting the "chick" related post. Two is coincidence but we had so many......what it said and we no need to guess. The chick really plays an important part in okcat life :) By the way You are from another star ep 20 really had many similarities relating to Taecgui..1) Playing games and loser get finger flick on forehead, 2) girl dancing similar to guigui for the guy when she propose to him (he does proposal first like Taecgui) 3) girl said saranghae to the guy and her feelings just like when guigui read letter, the guy also reply saranghae...me strongly think that story writer and director is Taecgui fan :)

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Guest sophora

b8l8 said: korchick said: @sophora said,It's cool how you can post the link like that, I must learn to do that!  I remember helpful advice were previously posted on how to do various things in the forum, however as I did not think I would delurk at the time, I didn't take note of it.  Will go back to look them up 

I have been slowly learning :) I posted the link so you can enjoy the pretty picture & for me to practice the "link" steps ;)I am glad to hear that you delurked... I only did myself in January of this year (my 14yo son took it upon himself that I do) :))Unlike you I was really 'crazy' and read from page 1--> so, like you, I saw the "helpful advices" but skimmed over it.... who knew?? It has been fun & challenging doing the translations... so, glad I have been "useful" on the forum :) 

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OkCat Facebook on Sun, Mar 2 at 2.03pm (KST: 3.03pm)Caption SPRING IS COMING!!!   NICE WEATHER!!! MEOW!!! 
OkCat Twitter on Sun, Mar 2 at 2.02pm (KST: 3.02pm)Caption :  산책나왔다냥! 봄이 온 것 같다능! 기분 좋아서 뛰어다니는중이라냥! 냐냥!냐냥!MEOW!!!! Bhs1jNXCUAAiLSz.png

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@sophora and @packmule3 have inspired me (don't ask me to explain; am like Ariadne Oliver from Poirot novels who follows her own internal logic)..
if you ever studied Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, you will remember "ides of march"... here, we are going to have "micheseo march"!!!

so what are we going to do?
will give you 3 different options. [this post will be followed by the examples]

option 1:
okcat is seriously out of inspiration and needs something new to comment about other than 'meow', 'good night', 'good morning' and pictures of food.....
what to do: post a photo of a cat (just google search) along with a caption. Taec & his design team can maybe get some inspirations from us fans! :P

option 2:
as you know, the bird watchers society here is studying
'migration and courtship patterns among the micheseo family of birds'.
now in order for a successful completion of the study, one or both of the birds need to migrate to a central location. so we would like to highlight other migratory birds that do this every year.
what to do: google bird migration + where ever you are and you will easily find names of birds that migrate through/to your part of the world
make a post with a picture of a bird + a short description

option 3:
silent type like @burger78 or @torreydinh? no worries
what to do: change your profile to a bird. then simply post your display profile bird next to a picture of cat. the caption will be "tweet. meow. hearts"
@korchick already has a bird in her profile pic thanks to her son Jared. if you are especially attached to your profile pic and do not wish to change, you can just a picture of a bird and a picture of cat side by side.

if you are a weekend poster like @tamah, no problems, this is micheseo march week!
you can do all three options or just one. even if you are not a regular poster, do join us for micheseo march week. don't forget to label your post as "micheseo march. happy!" so me and @b8l8 can catalog it easier for the blog.

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"micheseo march. happy!"
option 2:
name: white wagtail
info: Wagtails are terrestrial and freshwater birds found in Europe, Africa and Asia. They are named for their peculiar habits of wagging tails, although not all wagtails wag its tail. Some species such as forest wagtail wags its entire body from side to side. Many are migratory including white wagtail.White wagtails are slender and medium sized birds, 16 cm, and black and white and gray. They winter in the west and east Africa, Middle East, southern Asia to Indian Subcontinent and southeastern China to central Indochina.

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Guest sophora

In one of my recent dipping into the chocolate box that is the family blog, I read the following

repost: 12: highlights: the Aaron Yan effect

quoting @packmule3 "Composing a duet isn’t unusual for WGM couples.  He didn’t have to go out of his way to use the occasion to “prove” himself.  It sufficed that Guigui knew that he composes.  Besides, why did he feel like he had to prove himself?  It wasn’t as if he was in a competition with anybody.  Remember what he said in the previous episode, (Ep 11, 13:49), he was married to her anyway.  

But from the onset of this week’s mission, it was obvious that he was eager to show off, like a peacock displays his feathers in a mating ritual. Let’s enumerate what he did to strut his stuff: 1) He displayed his mini-work station, implying that he had a bigger one elsewhere; 2) He played the songs he already composed; 3) He also bragged about his stage name, TY; 4) He let her listen to the kind of songs he liked [i.e., She, L-O-V-E, and Kiss Me Tonight by Blink]; and 5) Then he proudly showed off the chords he’d prepared for their duet." 
Not having known of Guigui and Aaron's friendship before, I googled 'Gui Gui and Aaron' and found the following on the first results page:
[TALB] Gui Gui wants Aaron Yan to take resposibiity for taking her first onscreen kiss. "Gui Gui was full of surprising remarks, exclaiming that she had given up her first on-screen kiss, and wants Aaron Yan to take responsibility, and marry her in the future."
(Note: although the date on the website was 03/Feb/2012, the Guang Zhou promotion for Pi Li MIT actually took place in 2009.)
I couldn't help but laugh when I imagined Taec googling Guigui and Aaron Yan after the housewarming and coming across that!!!  =)) =)) =)) 
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Guest sophora

Edited to add: Ewww, that was so nauseatingly cheesy...I am curling up with disgust at myself :-O  I didn't know I had it in me, shouldn't really post anything on the spur of the moment; if this is how micheoso I've become, I seriously need a wake-up call!  
Can I just take it off and leave a blank post? Would that be violating any rules?

Lmangla said: hee hee @sophora... there is option to edit your post if you like but am sure taec would prob like this mushy post if he saw it... :) you can post again with a less mushier option or edit your post to include a non-mushier caption..

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hee hee @sophora... there is option to edit your post if you like but am sure taec would prob like this mushy post if he saw it... :) you can post again with a less mushier option or edit your post to include a non-mushier caption..

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Edited to add: Ewww, that was so nauseatingly cheesy...I am curling up with disgust at myself :-O  I didn't know I had it in me, shouldn't really post anything on the spur of the moment; if this is how micheoso I've become, I seriously need a wake-up call!  Can I just take it off and leave a blank post? Would that be violating any rules?Lmangla

said: hee hee @sophora... there is option to edit your post if you like but am sure taec would prob like this mushy post if he saw it...


you can post again with a less mushier option or edit your post to include a non-mushier caption..

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OkCat Facebook on Sun, Mar 2 at 2.03pm (KST: 3.03pm)Caption 

OkCat Twitter on Sun, Mar 2 at 2.02pm (KST: 3.02pm)Caption 


산책나왔다냥! 봄이 온 것 같다능! 기분 좋아서 뛰어다니는중이라냥! 냐냥!냐냥!MEOW!!!!
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@sophora ~ am seconding @biruangel. did like your original post + caption. guess it wasnt clear but what I meant earlier was to edit and include both mushy and non~mushy option together. we do that all the time to include both our rational and delusional ideas in same post. this is a taecgui shipper specialty! so go ahead and and re-post. it was funny and mushy at same time. :)

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Guest chocolateicecreamcupcake

spicystrawberry said: bleached said: Ummmm….nope...all the connections that you ppl have done is mostly based on facts and their actions or reactions...!<i find it TRUE> and i enjoy reading them!…so Carry on!!…keep going…i mean connecting!!…:Don a side note, now that i notice i have used the word ‘really’ quite a few times!!…<pretty nervous and excited to post!> :\">

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c07x said:

Guess who's gonna be the guest in Wooyoung's WGM next episode??? 

I doubt it's Taec. The guest's hands and height don't match   :-?

If it's not .... then ... okayyy :( I'm sorry .... just a lil too excited .....

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angelangie said: bibidep said: I guess when Taec pinched his daughter cheeks he may have a flashback what he did with GuiGui's cheeks in episode 15 of GWGM at the train station.  By the end of his current drama Taec may fall in love with his twin in the drama and want to have his own kids soon too, whoever will be his wife in the future be prepare to have kids for him immediately after marry hahaha.  May be he has to ask GuiGui to do the job for him because her cheeks had more meat so he can pinch easy hahaha.

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